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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Countries visited. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Countries visited. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2020

213 Countries Visited - Welcome Sint Maarten and my Pinterest + Yucca Lily

On April 15, my humble blog got visited by the 113th country - Sint Maarten
According to the World Factbook, Sint Maarten is situated in Central America.
It has been Dutch but in a 2000 referendum, the citizens of Sint Maarten voted to become a self-governing country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
During this LOCKDOWN, it is obvious that a lot of people are reading more...
Not that I'm very active on my Pinterest but there are a LOT of viewers every month.
Another rise...
Our Variegated Yucca Lily is blooming again!
A dreary, cloudy day...
Last time it bloomed in the rain, see link below.
Our big Magnolias are also blooming...
Such exotic beauties!
Glad husband Pieter captured these photos on May 8.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related link:
212 Countries Visited - Welcome American Samoa + UPDATE Fairmont Château Lake Louise | previous post by me
Variegated Yucca Lily Blooming | previous post by me

Friday, November 16, 2018

212 Countries Visited - Welcome American Samoa + UPDATE Fairmont Château Lake Louise

On November 9, my humble blog got visited by the 212th Country - American Samoa! 

According to the World Factbook, American Samoa is situated in Australia-Oceania.
 As for our renovation, bathroom is almost done, we are waiting on the glass shower door which had to be custom ordered. The threshold and safety bar need to be put in and DONE!
Bedroom painting is done also.
Office will get some painting done next.

AND a late reply from Fairmont Château Lake Louise in regard to the error about H.R.H. Princess Louise...
 From Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise via Banff to Calgary click the above link and scroll down as I've put it in.

Again an update was received on December 28, please click the above link to see the added 'corrected text's' photo!

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related link:
211 Countries Visited - Welcome Marshall Islands  & Hurricane Michael visited us... | previous post by me

Friday, October 12, 2018

211 Countries Visited - Welcome Marshall Islands & Hurricane Michael visited us...

On October 5, my humble blog got visited by the 211th Country - Welcome Marshall Islands! 
According to the World Factbook, Marshall Islands are situated in Australia-Oceania.
Yep, from the Panhandle of Florida, Hurricane Michael traveled through South Georgia right over our area.
This we got in the morning...
This was the Hurricane Warning on October 10 with strong SouthEast wind of 77 km/h or 47.8 mi/h
A 4-fold warning...
By midnight it turned into a five-fold warning!
It was just past midnight on October 11 at 12:16 AM when I read the above and especially the EastSouthEast wind of 85 km/h or 52.8 mi/h looked scary so I decided to stay awake till it would pass over.
Temperatures are in C, it was quite a bit cooler than the previous days.
Dublin is right in the darkest area...
Husband Pieter was sound asleep and I could hear the wind all around the house and heard some big noises, of a tree that came down. 
Turned out several big pine trees from a back neighbor's property had come down.
By 12:30 AM the power went off... and it was pitch dark!
Winds still were beating up anything that came in its patch.
We were only 19 hours without power and a couple of hours today...
Lineworkers are still working hard for restoring power back as soon as possible.
Even lineworkers from neighboring states have come to the South for helping out!
The above map gives you the dates or having power back on: October 12, Midnight, October 13, and October 14, October 15 and October 16...
We cannot complain! 
Our 6-year old Drake Elm - Ulmus parvifolia had snapped off...
It looked so dreary and gray next morning! 
Our Pecan tree had come out...
Our Pussy willow snapped off...
Of course, our bridges took a brutal beating as well, you can see some damage to the right at one of our three bridges.
TONS of green leaves have been snatched off and little branches are everywhere...
This is on the edge of the lawn and on our driveway... so many green leaves are off!
Also our Leyland Cypress is leaning over the fence towards the street and needs to be cut down... 
At the end of our property line in the corner with the neighbors...
This needs to be cut down!
But NO damage to our home, not even to our greenhouse!
Lucky, compared to so many others in the Florida Panhandle; our prayers are with those people!
Proud of our community that is feeding 375 linemen (lineworkers) for lunch tomorrow!

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Related links:
210 Countries Visited - Welcome Sierra Leone | previous post by me
{Pussy Willow from Cuttings} | previous post by me
{Our Drake Elm - Ulmus parvifolia} | previous post by me
{2004 Hurricane Francis - Our Garden Before and After} | previous post by me
{Our Damage from Tornado spin off of Hurricane Earl, 2003} | previous post by me

Thursday, May 18, 2017

210 Countries Visited - Welcome Sierra Leone

On May 15, my humble blog got visited by the 210th Country - Welcome Sierra Leone! 

According to the World Factbook, Sierra Leone is situated in West Africa.

Thanks for your visit!

Related link:
{209 Countries Visited - Welcome Tonga} | previous post by me

Sunday, December 11, 2016

{209 Countries Visited - Welcome Tonga}

Already on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, the 209th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Tonga! 

According to The World Factbook it is located in Australia-Oceania.

Wishing you a Happy Weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2016

{208 Countries Visited - Welcome Samoa}

Already on October 26, the 208th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Solomon Islands! 

According to The World Factbook it is located in Australia-Oceania.

Wishing you a Happy Weekend!

Monday, October 24, 2016

{207 Countries Visited - Welcome Solomon Islands}

Already on October 14, the 207th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Solomon Islands!
Always interesting to learn more about each new country:
The World Factbook shows where it is located.

Oceania in the South Pacific Ocean, East of Papua New Guinea...
Area - comparative:
slightly smaller than Maryland, USA.

Guess that most of you do also know about The Judgment of Solomon from the King Solomon Legend

Wishing you a Happy Weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

{206 Countries Visited - Welcome The Gambia}

Already on March 9, the 206th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome The Gambia!

Republic of The Gambia
The Gambia is a tiny country in western Africa.

Wishing you all a great week and I'm still very, very busy.

Related link:
{205 Countries Visited - Welcome Mayotte & Message to Incognito Relatives} | previous post by me


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

{205 Countries Visited - Welcome Mayotte & Message to Incognito Relatives}

Already on September 13, the 205th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Mayotte!
Mayotte is a little Island, West of Madagascar and belongs to FRANCE.

My Dutch relatives, that visit me Incognito, I do wish PEACE!
Mom is in heaven... please find solace by her last words: 'Oh wàt zijn ze lief allemaal!' or 'Oh what are they all sweet!' 
Such a blessing to have this on video...
No, we were not crazy for toting cans with dinosaur soup & cast iron muffin pans for our nephews. We loved them and still do!

Related link:
{Mom Lived 16 Days Short of Her 91st Birthday} | Previous post by me with added message to my relatives...
{Airline Baggage Weight and Campbell Dinosaur Soup} | Previous post by me about carrying cans of dinosaur soup and heavy cast iron gifts for our nephews.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

{204 Countries Visited - Welcome Dominica}

Already on July 21, the 204th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Dominica!
Dominica is a tiny island in the Caribbean.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

{203 Countries Visited - Welcome Timor-Leste}

Already on February 23, the 203rd Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Timor-Leste!
Timor-Leste is located in Southeast Asia.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

{202 Countries Visited - Welcome Saint Lucia}

Already on January 20, the 202nd Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Saint Lucia!
Saint Lucia is another, small Caribbean, island.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

{201 Countries Visited - Welcome Saint Barthelemy}

Already on December 9, the 201th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome to Saint Barthelemy!
This tiny island in the Caribbean, was discovered in 1493 by Christopher COLUMBUS who named it for his brother Bartolomeo, Saint Barthelemy was first settled by the French in 1648. In 1784, the French sold the island to Sweden. France repurchased the island in 1877...

Friday, October 31, 2014

{200 Countries Visited and link Back to Grand Canyon South Rim Motorcoach Tour}

Only 21 days after 199 Countries Visited, the newest country flag of Vanuatu showed up on October 30...
 Somehow I messed up my previous post while I was on the road yesterday; releasing the newer post too soon. SORRY about that! When you are off to the funeral of a good friend who left to heaven at just the age of 65... it takes your mind off a bit.
Here is the link to click on, for going right back to it again: {Grand Canyon South Rim Motorcoach Tour} ←click it!
Welcome Vanuatu as my 200th different country!
Location: Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to Australia
Thanks to all of my humble readers, all over the world!

Related links:
{Riding the Grand Canyon Railway} | previous post by me

Monday, October 13, 2014

{199 Countries Visited - Welcome Sao Tome and Principe + Update}

Well, I missed my 198th country; no clue which one it was but JUST by chance I noticed there was a difference and yes, we're now to 199 total. 
Welcome Sao Tome and Principe!
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE and info of this small island nation in central Africa.
The smallest country in Africa, just north of the Equator. Click the above link to find out more.
Once more: thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for all your comments!
October so far is lovely, even with its unexpected cooler start during the first weekend.
Temperatures of 32°C for the entire weekend.
Nice weather for Columbus Day on October 12 and celebrated on the 13th.
You will also be able to start reading about our Arizona trip on October 23rd.
Wishing everyone in the USA a happy Columbus weekend and all else a happy new week!

Related link:
{197 Countries Visited - Welcome  Somalia + Update} | previous post by me

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

{197 Countries Visited - Welcome Somalia + Update}

Once more: thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for all your comments!

Again a new flag got added on September 14, Country # 197 visited; welcome Somalia!
We did enjoy our 7-day vacation in Arizona and you will see more about it later...
Soon there will be an interesting GIVEAWAY for the English speaking, on September 23, so please stay tuned!

Related link:
{196 Countries Visited  - Welcome Liberia} | previous post

Friday, July 25, 2014

{196 Countries Visited - Welcome Liberia}

Once more: thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for all your comments!

Again a new flag got added on July 24, Country # 196 visited; welcome Liberia!

On July 21, it was Country # 195 visited; welcome Papua New Guinea!
That goes quick because on July 9, Country # 194 visited...

Comments are still off as I don't want to bore you with this.
Since lots of bloggers are on vacation, this is maybe not a bad idea.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

{195 Countries Visited - Welcome Papua New Guinea}

Thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for leaving comments! 
On July 21, Country # 195 visited; welcome Papua New Guinea!
That is quick because on July 9, Country # 194 visited...

Comments are off.

For the Dutch Wednesday is a National Day of Mourning for all the victims of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and we of course are very much with our birth country in thoughts and prayer...
Also very proud of the way they handled this with respect and dignity with the King and Queen being present in TOGETHERNESS.
Repeat ceremony for today and tomorrow as the other remains will arrive.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

{194 Countries Visited - Welcome Benin}

Thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for leaving comments! 
On July 09, Country # 194 visited; welcome Benin!
Benin, officially the Republic of Benin, is a country in West Africa.
That took a while since October 19, of 2013 for gaining but 1 more country! 
Wonder how many more countries are out there...?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

{193 Countries Visited - Welcome Caribbean Netherlands}

Thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for leaving comments! On October 19, Country # 193 visited; Welcome Caribbean Netherlands!
The Caribbean Netherlands refers to a group of three special municipalities of the Kingdom of The Netherlands that are located in the Caribbean Sea: the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, which are also known as the BES islands.
We have only been to Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten...
Wish we could be back in the Caribbean! 

How many total Countries are there?

Related links:

{# 148 and my blog is 1 year old today!} previous post where I explain WHY I changed to Mariette
{# 484 and my blog is 2 years old today!} previous post about post # 484
{Romancing the Home} my very 1st blog post... November 23, 2009


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

213 Countries visited with 277 flags since:

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