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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Our Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Garden. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

My Pieter Captured Spring 2024

 On March 25, Pieter made his rounds for capturing spring 2024
Our azaleas behind gazebo
Azaleas in the South East can put on quite a show!
Carolina Jasmine
Hyacinthoides Hispanica Excelsior - Spanish Blue Bell or Wood Hyacinth
Again Azaleas
Native Georgia Azaleas
Our Somei Yoshino Cherry 
Azalea detail
Azalea detail
Azalea detail
Spiraea Cantoniensis
Always loved shrubs with golden green leaves...

Friday, March 17, 2023

SPRING in Our Garden Continued

Some more Spring Garden images taken by husband Pieter to show me how it looks outside...
On March 3, Our Prunus triloba or Flowering Almond
Our still young Spiraea Cantoniensis or double Bridal Wreath Spirea.
See my header photo—that is one in full bloom!
Our Mazus Reptans alba is a loyal creeper that we have for decades now.
It lovely grows between the Dichondra repens or kidney weed that I love.
White azaleas near gazebo with Wood Trail visible on the left.
Better view of Spiraea Cantoniensis or double Bridal Wreath Spirea
On March 7, again our now fuller blossoms of Prunus triloba or Flowering Almond
Now looking towards our gazebo and behind it at the top, you also see the wood trail
Rose Arbor is visible in center and part of gazebo
On March 9, Prunus triloba or Flowering Almond
Our Gelsemium sempervirens or Carolina Jessamine
Our flower bulbs Hyacinthoides Hispanica Excelsior — Spanish Blue Bell or Wood Hyacinth putting on its yearly show.
White and pink azaleas near gazebo on March 9
Pink azaleas on March 9
Bouquet of fresh flowers from dear friends on March 13
Detail of flower bouquet...

Related links:

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

SPRING in Our Garden — Post Accident

 This year's beautiful spring happens without me being IN it...
Can't walk, cannot go outside so Pieter captured it for me on my iPhone.
Hard to imagine what a driver without LOOKING can cause to another human being's life!
Our entire household is affected.
An elderly husband becomes the care taker...
Our kitties are unsettled...
Needing assistance with laundry and making the bed and on and on.
A very painful and also costly thing.
Needing a private driver to go to places where I used to drive.
On and on.
For missing the spring flowers, dear friend sent these on February 23, for enjoying indoors...
From my bed, I could see through the balcony door our Red bud Cercis Canadensis blooming on February 25.
Sending Pieter with my iPhone to capture them for me...
BUT my Pieter does NOT see the pink flowers due to being color blind!
This photo shows the wood trail below, that Pieter did newly built while I was in Limburg, The Netherlands one final time...
In front of our garage is this stunning Azalea pot plant, also on February 25.
Heavenly Azaleas...
Those stamens are so pretty!
Also on February 25th a sweet bouquet delivered by some kids from our Church and one street down from us.
You also see our pansies in our fiberglass window boxes happily blooming and more pot plants on the patio that bloom.

At least for me SOME spring flowers that I can enjoy without being outdoors...
My ugly rash and itch has subsided, a nasty side affect from the Medrol Dosepak, to reduce the swelling.
The swelling has gone down and cuts are healing with scabs formed.
My left leg hurts most around knee and ankle, where it is so severely cut and bruised aside from the Proxima fibula being fractured.
My calf is extremely tender and painful to the touch—hard to get any decent sleep with it and my right leg with the knee fracture and knee immobilizer.
BUT my nasty night sweats are also gone it seems—making progress!
Short legged and chunky Speckie girl on February 27, 2022...

Yesterday, our youngest senior kitty of 13, Speckie came home from the Animal Clinic after 3 nights, where Pieter brought her on Friday morning.
She was very sick.
Turned out after some blood work that her kidneys are not shutting down but in bad shape — just like mine. She also had a bacterial infection and got antibiotics and fluids.
Let's hope her Chronic Kidney Disease does not progress too fast...

Thanks for all your comments and prayers.

Friday, January 6, 2023

YES we have had SNOW here in the Heart of Georgia!

Just want to share with you two memories of a WHITE world here in the Heart of Georgia.
It does happen once in a while...

This was on January 7 in 1988 and I was home by myself and captured this sight.
Pieter had left on January 5 for Michigan and got stuck in Chicago on January 7 as they could not fly in to Atlanta as the airport was iced over...
On January 8, Pieter called me from Atlanta around noon where he finally had landed.
Now the painstakingly slow journey home via Interstate 75 as it took him 4 hours!
Here in the South they have NO equipment for clearing snow...

Closed Caption (CC) available in Dutch—remember we always did create videos for Mom & Dad in The Netherlands!
But if you watch on YouTube you will find Clickable points below video with English information and also links to matching blogposts with more insight info.

Thanks for watching! 
Hoping you all stay warm and cozy through winter.

Related links:
{Our Home in the SNOW  --  January 2002} | previous post by me with photos
{Our Felines - Sweet Spooky I...} | previous post by me
{Daylily Hemerocallis WHITE TUXEDO + SAD Feline & Canine Love Story} | previous post by me
{Our Clematis lanuginosa 'Candida'} | previous post by me where the wrens were feasting off its seedpods
{Phlox Subulata - Creeping Phlox} | previous post by me showing the blooming Phlox along pond
Acting like a CAT for Retrieving Pieter's Glasses | previous post by me—where Spooky climbed in the video... that pile!
{Our Damage from Tornado spin off of Hurricane Earl, 2003} | previous post by me showing the Phlox that we planted next to bridge
LET IT SNOW! – THE GREAT SNOWFALL OF 1973 | post written by a Dubliner

Friday, September 30, 2022

Our Garden Blooms in Summer

 It is about time for showing you some photos, taken on September 8...
Things blooming in our garden.
On September 8, I walked around and captured some of our summer blooms.
This is a beautiful summer Azalea, in a pot on our patio, right below the kitchen bay window.
Hummingbirds LOVE it!
Crocosmia blooming abundantly!
Showing you the actual size of a Crocosmia flower...
Our hummingbirds love them!
On September 8, our Hydrangea paniculata, Limelight a late–summer and autumn blooming variety that starts indeed out a bit 'greenish'.
Kwekkie still checking IF there is one more kernel left from her breakfast...
She is on our driveway in the morning—together with the kitties, waiting for breakfast!
A happy duck!
Our Liriope muscari variegata, near the driveway are blooming...
A Moonflower Ipomoea alba, around breakfast time—after blooming at night.
An insect is inside.
New Moonflower Ipomoea alba buds—ready to unfold during the night at our Rose Arbor.
September 8, I spotted the first Spider lilies in bloom and more buds to open soon.
Our Spunky girl—inside the garden hose near the driveway...
On September 12, showing you the HUGE size of our Moonflower's leaves!
Yep, they LOVED all that August rain...
On the trellis against the storage room underneath our balcony... Moonflower Ipomoea alba vine. 
That trellis photo did NOT show the Moonflower Ipomoea alba's actual size!
This was early morning, during a darker day so they thought it still was not yet DAYTIME...
Our Oxalis are blooming again!
They got all whacked off with a weed eater—by our over–active garden crew!
But since those are bulbs, they did come back.
Our Hydrangea paniculata, Limelight on September 22 in the sunlight.
And on the fence, the Potato Vine or Solanum laxum 'Album'.
Hoping you enjoyed our summer bloomers!

Do you have anything blooming in summer?

Related links:
Azalea Society of America | Late Blooming Azaleas at bottom
{Crocosmia} | previous post by me
{OXALIS in Our Garden} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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