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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Original Content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Original Content. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

4,500,000 Pageviews on my Humble Blog

 Just earlier today, while I was napping, I missed the actual 4,500,000 Pageviews but never mind.
Yep, there are 90 views over...
This month is not even half over but last month was high 
LOTS of visitors and also in regard to my Blissful Relationship with Pieter J.C. Vedder
THANK you ever so much for your support! 

Related links:
4,000,000 Pageviews on my Humble Blog | previous post by me on December 26, 2023
{999,999 Pageviews on my Humble Blog} | previous post by me on July 3, 2014
{2,000,002 Pageviews on my Humble Blog} | previous post by me on January 5, 2017
{3,333,333 Pageviews on my Humble Blog} | previous post by me on August 26, 2021

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

4,000,000 Pageviews on my Humble Blog

 It just so happened on December 23 that I was getting close to 4,000,000 Pageviews on my Humble Blog...
What an impressive figure of 3,999,999 around 21:00 o'clock!
Six minutes later it showed this 4,000,000
For whatever reason, my Pageviews for November and December were HIGH...
Not being tracked from my own browser!

For other bloggers that want to track their Pageviews—this Blogger Tip:
In Layout click on Add a Gadget
In Add a Gadget click on Blog's stats.
Mine is showing 'vague print' meaning it is already in use!

Thank You Visitors for Reading my Writing and Viewing here.

It also shows that original content is being appreciated!

Related links:
{999,999 Pageviews on my Humble Blog} | previous post by me on July 3, 2014
{2,000,002 Pageviews on my Humble Blog| previous post by me on January 5, 2017
{3,333,333 Pageviews on my Humble Blog} | previous post by me on August 26, 2021

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Big Doors which allow for the Head–End Filling Machine and Mechanical Emptying on a Mushroom Plant

 Last post I mentioned the Head–End Filling Machine so let us explain that a bit more to the readers.
Fig. 58.  The growing rooms at this farm are also equipped with the special made big doors that allows for the use of the head–end filling machine and also makes mechanical emptying of the rooms much easier.
These doors are at the head–end (in Dutch kopeinde) of a growing room!
Hence the word: head–end filling machine...
Some other Dutch/English examples

The work corridor includes the entire width in front of the growing rooms and is covered by the same roof. On the other side of the work corridor, there are separate rooms containing a hot water and steam boiler, water supply, cold store, washrooms, shower rooms, etc. 
For ease of transportation, etc., the work corridor should not be too narrow; the minimum width required is 4 m. In the work corridor itself, tables for weighing, hand washing basins etc. can be placed. 
Page 140 of our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting ←click for link

As in the case of walls and ceilings, the doors should be insulated properly. These doors should seal to the floor with a rubber strip, without a threshold. The doors in the back wass of the rooms should be at least 2.5 m high to facilitate the filling with slanted conveyor belts, etc.
Nowadays, however, as most shelf bed farms are using the so–called, head–end filling machine, the back doors have to be even bigger, e.g. 4.5 m wide and 3 m high. These doors hang in a special frame on rails, so that they can be lifted somewhat and then moved to the left or to the right. There are specialized companies that are making these large, insulated doors. 
Fig. 124.  Principle of the head–end filling machine, developed by THILOT (now GTL Europe) in the Netherlands, to fill full–grown compost and case simultaneously by using nylon nets in shelf beds. When this kind of equipment is used, the growing rooms need to have big or double doors. Drawing done by author (P.J.C. Vedder).

Fig. 125.  Head–end filling machine for filling modern shelf bed rooms with a layer of full–grown compost on a nylon net and put on a layer of casing soil simultaneously. The machine will be fed by 2 conveyor belts with hopper; one for casing material (left) and one for compost. DOUBLE T EQUIPMENT

Te koop wegens inruil: 1 kopvulmachine t.b.v. doorgroeide compost, tevens mogelijkheid tot gelijktijdig afdekken met dekaarde, 2 transportbanden. Thilot Holland BV Lottum.
For sale due to trade–in: 1 head–end filling machine for full–grown compost, also possibility of simultaneous covering with casing soil, 2 conveyor belts. THILOT Holland BV Lottum.

Kopvulmachine or Head–End Filling Machines

THILOT now is GTL Europe and they still produce kopvulmachines or head–end filling machines

Hoping this did clarify one more profound mushroom language word...
But it sure does prove how any error does spread worldwide as one copies from each other with the use of Scraped Content...

Related links:

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 It is indeed a special subject Mushroom Cultivation or Mushroom Growing with its very own PROFOUND MUSHROOM GROWING TERMINOLOGY!
Since over the years numerous so–called consultants and other mushroom gurus have surfaced, it is interesting to see their use of the English language.
Showing you some BLOOPERS:
Guess this one got created by someonw with cramped fingers while typing...
fung ic lim ate soultions including
Was it that hard to type including fungi climatic solutions?
Yep, if you don't date nor label your photos—those image numbers DO SHOW...
At the beginning of flash one...
A flash light might have been used when creating this photo but correctly we say:
First Break.
Flushing is done for the transition from vegetative to generative development.
See link below post for indepth information and explanation.

Just like the use of blow–down instead of cool–down or flushing.
Pinheading should be pinning
Spraying should be watering as spraying indicates the use of pesticides.

supplement, to boost, (impregnated compost)
synthetics, synthetic compost, artificial manure
Guess with impregnated compost they just mean at the moment of spawning or after that — full–grown compost...
synthetics is used for fibers but not in here
artificial manure? Really?!
Synthetic compost means compost made without horse manure but other natural ingredients.

Head fillers kept rolling off the production lines... 
Mushroom Business is an interesting magazine!
Check out our new head filling machine
All they in fact try to convey is — the head end filling machine!

Interested in mushroom and plactic eating fungus
Interested in mushroom and plastic eating fungus
Do microorganisms really EAT?

Director Fresh food group/Bio Europe
Handel in Biologische en conveniolnele paddestoelen
Handel in Biologische en conventionele paddestoelen or Trade in Organic and Conventional Mushrooms

Trouble shouting and maintenance on Poultry, Pigs controllers, (national)
Guess he meant trouble shooting?! 

Well, if all else fails you can always get this growing assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The problem often is, that it is mainly based on 'borrowed' intelligence... and mostly from just scraped content.

One thing I found on my Pieter's obituary as a reaction on his tribute wall.
A so–called teacher/consultant John Peeters, who listed on LinkedIn his education
CCO from 1984 – 1987
When posting on Pieter's Tribute wall, he did not quite remember when he studied and he claims to have received his diploma one year prior...
The biggest lie however is, that he received it from Mr. Vedder in person, although he was not his teacher!
What a FAKE person this is! 
While my dear Pieter was Vice President for Campbell's Fresh in the USA, from August 1983 till March of 1989 he NEVER went to The Netherlands for handing out diplomas there.

By the way, the CCO changed from being under Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries into IPC Plant and later C Point.

Related link:

Thursday, March 23, 2023

5th North American Mushroom Conference Pieter J.C. Vedder FROM CASE HOLD TO FIRST BREAK

 On March 10, 1985 after getting back from Tijuana, México we got ready for the reception of the 5th North American Mushroom Conference in San Diego, California
See below post about previous posts.
Reception where we met Pieter's Campbell Soup colleague Aron Kinrus (l) and his wife Shyfra (r).
The couple where both of us stayed for a couple of weeks before our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA...
See post below.
Aron took this picture from the three of us...
On March 12 lectures about CROP MANAGEMENT
Pieter presented at 11:10 till 11:30—CROP MANAGEMENT FROM CASE HOLD TO FIRST BREAK
Pieter did very well and got lots of applaus and there were many in the audience.
Pieter to the left before being introduced as the next speaker by Jim Yeatman.
Jim Yeatman did visit us in Dublin, Georgia on August 10 the next year, with someone from South Africa, see post below.
Always a very interesting schedule...
On March 12 we woud end the day with DINNER AND DANCE in the Grand Ballroom
Feeling relaxed after Pieter's presentation and enjoying the Dinner–Dance
Lots of glare and even Pieter's suit got totally affected...
Again lots of glare...
But Pieter sure felt happy and relaxed after having given his presentation in the morning...
Grateful to Chairman Geoff Price for providing us with this Mushroom News September 1985 publication!
Thank you letter to Pieter:
Your presentation, "Crop Management From Case Hold to First Break," was well received and certainly contributed to the success of the conference. Your personal time and effort in preparing your talk were evident and appreciated by the committee.
Again, thank you for your contribution.
Edward A. Leo
Vice Chairman, 5th NAMC
Casing to First Break
Pieter J.C. Vedder, Camsco (Campbell Soup) Produce Co., Dudley, Georgia
Presented at the 5th N.A.M.C. in San Diego.
In a short time I just can give you some ideas about what I think is important to reach the goal (not an easy goal) of a high yield with a good quality. Whatever growing system you have, what we all need first at the moment of casing is a good full grown compost with a moisture content of 63–66%, a pH of around 6.5 and a total nitrogen of let's say 2.2%. Because of the variation in ash content we maybe better talk about a C/N ratio of about 16 at spawning.
The plastic which was protecting the surface of the compost during spawn run from drying out and from contamination, has to be removed one or two days prior to casing to give the condensation water the opportunity to disappear.
Green molds on the surface are a sign that the compost is not selective enough, they show us that there are more easily degradable carbohydrates available because of an improper Phase I and/or Phase II, or we brought them in with the spawn grains or supplement. For that reason I don't like a heavy surface spawning; that means more as 10%. In spite of the development of different so–called slow release supplements, I prefer supplementing at spawning (if possible, of course). It is also much easier to manage the compost temperature if there is a wet casing layer on top, because we can create evaporation, which means cooling. We know that the best protection against competitor molds is a strong antagonism, buit up by the mushroom mycelium during a vigorous spawn run. I suppose that for the same reason we will have less problems with nematodes, molds, etc. and the yield will be higher after a 14 day spawn run as compared with e.g. 10 or 11 days.
I prefer a not too fluffy, somewhat heavy, casing material with a certain "body," because that has, in my opinion, a positive effect on the quality of the mushrooms. Very important also is that the material has a good water holding capacity. A mixture of not too fine peat moss and e.g. 20–25% spent lime, a by–product of the sugar industry, gives nice casing material. We prefer a pH in the 7.2–7.3 range for our casing material. It is much easier to maintain the right, high moisture content if the casing layer has a depth of at least 1 ½ inch (3.8 cm) or even better 1 ¾ of an inch (4.5 cm).
To produce a good quality mushroom with a better shelf life and also to avoid blotch, etc., we don't like to water the beds for a certain period of time prior to harvesting. That means that we need a moisture reserve in the casing layer, especially for a heavy first break. Growers often talk about the need for material with a better water holding capacity. The easiest way to increase the water holding capacity is to make the casing layer somewhat thicker. (This will change maybe with the new synthetic polymers recently available on the market).
Although it is known that the mushrooms take most of the water out of the compost, a firm casing layer with a good water holding capacity is very important.

In my opinion, in most of the cases the disadvantages of steaming the casing material are still bigger than the advantages. Steaming makes the casing material more sensitive for a new contamination; is affecting the water holding capacity and structure negatively and cost a lot of money on top of that. If the casing material is heavily contaminated with bubble, nematodes, or something like that, we should search for another source or revise the farm hygiene. With a good sanitation program and a vigorous spawn run there is most times no need for this costly technique.
The consequence of filling the trays or beds with fully grown compost or supplementing at casing is that we disturb and damage the mycelium in the compost. We have to give the mycelium some time to recover and re–colonize the compost surface, so better we don't water heavily just after casing. I prefer therefore a casing material with a moisture content of at east 75% or even more. (Of course if we are able to handle such a wet material).
The objective for the first couple of days after casing is to get a good inter–connecting mycelial growth between the compost and casing. As long as the casing material is not really saturated we have to water the beds several times in the days after casing. It is very important however that excessive water is not added which will run through the casing and rest on top of the compost, thereby causing a delay in mycelial growth and creating a somewhat greasy layer ideal for e.g. nematodes. This is possibly the main reason for a well wetted material at the time of application to the beds.
A somewhat sealed surface the first week after casing seems to be preferable. A high level of metabolics, produced by the growing mycelium, seems to stimulate the micro–organisms in the casing layer, which have a positive effect on fructification. After casing, we should manage the air temperature that way that the main part of the compost and casing material is in the 76–80°F (24.4–26.6°C) area. For the vegetative stage, we prefer a high relative humidity and also a high carbon dioxide concentration; high means above 3000–4000 PPM or even higher. Ventilation, that means supplying fresh air, is therefore only necessary if the compost temperature is rising too high. 
This sometimes creates a problem. If the temperature, for whatever reason, is rising too high 6–7 days after casing, one has to open the vents to bring the bed temperature in line. This however often is initiating fructification rather deep in the casing layer. If we flush again, then we initiate a second layer of pins over the deeper formed first layer, thus the so–called double pinning. To avoid this problem we should have the opportunity for internal cooling without using fresh air. What we can do if we do not have that possibility is cool down the beds till e.g. 70°F (21°C) at day 5–6 so that we have some extra time to keep the room closed prior to flushing.
Very important in relation to this problem is a good selective compost and spawn run of at least 14–15 days. For this reason, it possibly will be better to stay away from supplementing during the summer. High temperature spots are normally not the result of the growth of the mushroom mycelium but are most times showing the activity of competitor molds, indicating a lack of selectivity as the result of an improper Phase I and Phase II.
We all are looking for a good first break, say around 2.5–3.0 lbs per square foot, and at the same time, a good quality mushroom.  You can only have this if the mushrooms are spread very even over the bed surface; no clumps, or heavy clusters and no bare spots. With traditional casing methods, the arrival of the mycelium at the surface 6–7 days after casing tends to be uneven, and a compromise between advanced and backward parts must be reached. Shallow patches will show mycelium at the surface well in advance of deep areas.
In relation to this problem, we have good experience with the deep scratching or ruffling technique. As soon as the mycelium has developed about three quarters of the way into the casing layer, which is most times the case 5–7 days after casing, we mix in the mycelium and by doing so, simultaneously break up the surface compaction. An equal distribution of mycelium throughout the casing layer ensures that all mycelium at the bed surface is at the same stage of development. As a result, competition among mushroom initials is equalized, allowing even development without clumping or under pinning.
We have to realize that deep scratching or ruffling cannot compensate for an uneven compost and/or casing layer. Lack of evenness at the bed surface is most times created at filling or spawning. Patching or dust–covering is in my opinion not a good solution for this problem.
The modern shelf beds with metal side boards give of course the best opportunity for leveling and deep scratching and as the result of that, an even break. Even watering can be mechanized then.
After scratching, we have to give the mycelium the opportunity to restore and come up to the surface of the casing layer. To reach that goal, we maintain the optimum climate for the vegetative growth, so high CO₂ level, high relative humidity, and temperature in the mid 70's (24°C) for another 24 or more hours.
Fructification is the result of a combination of different factors as there are; temperature, CO₂–concentration, relative humidity (that means evaporation rate), micro–organisms, etc.

To ensure the occurrence of clean mushrooms, initiating of fruit bodies should occur on or near the surface of the casing layer. The flushing technique depends not only on the strain, but also on the ability to control the environment. With the strain we grow, we prefer a somewhat soft flush.
We don't like over pinning, 66 pieces per pound instead of 30, but on the other hand, to get the necessary quantity in the first break, let's say between 2.5 and 3.0 lbs., we need a certain number of fruit bodies. As a rule of thumb, we can say that lower temperatures and lower CO₂ concentrations give more fruit bodies. Stroma is most times the result of high CO₂ concentrations, high relative humidity, and too late flushing.

Related links:
Part III - Highveld Mushrooms in Bryanston, South Africa | previous post by me with photo of Jim Yeatman visiting us at our home...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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