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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Our Final Easter Together

 On March 31, I did sing in the Chancel Choir and we had a little Orchestra accompanying us.
So we had to practice all together at 10:00 AM and since we have only one car, Pieter came along.
After Mass, around 1:00 PM we took some pictures and as always the case—Pieter already had hung his Jacket and released himself of his tie...!
Pieter looks rather frail, his weight went down.
Pieter captured me next to our Easter bouquet from sweet friend
Feeling very happy!
Wearing my Escada leather skirt and shoes.
There are not many clothes I can wear, as at present I am only 96 pounds (43 kg) instead of my usual 116 (52 kg)...
Try to do my very best but it is not sticking!
During Mass at 11:30 AM I suddenly became very emotional and tears were welling up.
Did manage to not let them roll down my cheeks but twice I had to blow my nose...
Later I learned that exactly at that time my most favorite brother–in–law had passed away. He suffered from bone cancer.
My ESP was once again kicking in and I felt it.
On April 1, I wrote this letter to my Pieter...

Dublin, April 1, 2024

Dearest Pieter,

During Easter Mass, tears came to me when I saw you sitting there—how much longer? You get so out of breath from climbing stairs. It's frightening to think that you're slipping away like that. My Pieter, my rock and great help for the past year after accident.

Because of the enormous pain, I was certainly not the nicest conversation partner! My humor appeared to have dried up and the pain was unbearable. You felt powerless... But you kept me alive by feeding me what you prepared.

Suddenly the roles reversed! It hurts so much to see your elderly sweetheart struggling and I couldn't change it. Praying, a lot of praying, for strength and to be able to spend some more time together. Cycling together if I can still manage that... At least I want to take care of the laundry again. You're already doing too much outside! In bed you breathe very difficult—frightening.

Both of us are still too often exhausted. Reading makes me calmer, but the pressure of many things causes stress. Glad we have the trust almost complete! Before it is too late, I want to tell you that I still love you dearly and am proud of you. I have emphasized that pride often enough in my blog! A rare great love and it hurts to have ended up in the rag basket like that. Neither of us wanted this! Someday we will be together again without physical discomfort—our souls. It's going to be hard to ever having to live without you... 

I will fight for our cats, but I want to be with you again as soon as possible!

Your eternally loving L.L.

Pieter has read this letter several times and he said one thing to me in regard to this:

You have exceptionally keen senses. Nothing escapes you and in terms of hearing you never miss anything. 
You have a memory like an elephant and you are as sharp as a tack—mentally acute. 
In combination with your other characteristics, that is very special and that's why I loved you so dearly...

Indeed a Blissful Relationship!

Bring Flowers of the Fairest to Mary in the month of May | mention by Father Seán of Dublin, Ireland and Pieter worshipped Mary whole his life...

Friday, April 7, 2023

Happy Easter

 Wishing you all a Happy Easter!
Love those Easter lambs and also the 'Rosebud' Pelargonium
Lovely 'Appleblossom' Rosebud Pelargonium
Polished and lacquered brass ornaments...
Polished and lacquered laser cut brass window decorations from Ulm, Germany.
My hand made organdy beribboned eggs
Villeroy & Boch porcelain egg vases that my sister Diny did carry in her carry on luggage, September 12, 2007 when they stayed with us for a full month.
More Easter window decorations
Circle Vase with Leonardo figurine bunny from Germany
A very special vase for displaying your daffodils...
Easter Table Setting...
Easter lamb place card holder and Villeroy & Boch porcelain egg vases.
More Easter bunnies...
My favorite Easter bunnies on bicycle!

ENJOY this special time of the year!  

Monday, November 22, 2021

Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia

 Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Musicians

Above video from Easter Saturday, April 6, 1996 is a nice musical medley with Mom & Dad and Pieter first playing the keyboard and later playing the organ.
Keep in mind, this is just IMPROMPTU...
The video can best be viewed on YouTube, so you can read the text below, where I've better explained with clickable points.

Songs being partly sung are: Thank You Lord (Dad) with Pieter playing the organ.
Dad with Mom and our friend singing 'Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe', a German song 'I pray to the power of love' by Russian composter Dmitri Bortniansky (1751 - 1825) and text by Gerhard Tersteegen (1697 - 1825).
Next is Guten Abend, Gute nacht (Good evening, good night – Brahms lullaby (1868).
German – Strophe 1:  
Guten Abend, gut' Nacht,
mit Rosen bedacht,
mit Näglein besteckt,
schlupf unter die Deck':
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will,
wirst du wieder geweckt.

Strophe 2:
Guten Abend, gut' Nacht,
von Englein bewacht,
die zeigen im Traum
dir Christkindleins Baum.
Schlaf nun selig und süß,
schau im Traum 's Paradies.

English – Stanza 1:
Good evening, and good night,
With roses adorned,
With carnations covered,
Slip under the covers.
Early tomorrow, so God willing,
you will wake once again.

Stanza 2:
Good evening, and good night.
By angels watched,
Who show you in your dream
the Christ-child's tree.
Sleep now peacefully and sweetly,
see the paradise in your dream.                            
Pieter also gets summoned by our friend to play How Great Thou Art (which Dad never had heard...).
Video is ending on Easter Sunday at home and it shows that Pieter could not refrain from pulling some weeds!!! 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Buying Property in Cornuda, Italy below Madonna di Rocca

One more solo flight for me, from Atlanta to Amsterdam in May of 1988.
With an Audi rental car from my hometown, I drove to the north of Germany.
Doing my two weeks of mushroom consulting.
Husband Pieter also flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam and joined me after that.
Together we went to the Dutch Mushroom Days and next we flew via Düsseldorf, Germany to Venice in Italy...
We arrived okay but only 1 of our 3 luggage pieces got there...
So after lunch, Pieter went with our friend Tommaso back to Venice and retrieved the luggage pieces!
Later in the afternoon, we looked at property for building a house.
At the top to the left you can see Madonna di Rocca, a Sanctuary in Cornuda, Treviso - Italy.
Below is the street going to the building site...
Not the best photo but a beautiful area!
Now Madonna di Rocca is not visible to the left...
This was the corner where our house would get build.
This is it!
To the right you see some kind of guard rail, that is where the romantic Runero was running, a little creek.
A different angle and Madonna di Rocca is to the left, again not in sight here...
Stepping back from that corner you see that also behind the lots there was another hill.
A rather natural setting and peaceful.
Back to the view towards the main road (where the taller houses are).
It was a rather steep climb, if you preferred to go on foot, as we've later done several times.
Santuario della Madonna della Rocca (Cornuda) TV, Italia just click through for viewing a short drone video.
On top of a military observation fortress stands the sanctuary of the Madonna della Rocca, a place of pilgrimage from the surrounding parishes and spiritual point for many people.
It dates back to 1245 and got damaged and destroyed several times during wars and battles.
Yes, due to this being in an earthquake region, the Church's bell tower is always built separate from the Sanctuary...
Husband Pieter was requested to give a lecture on June 8, 1988, at the beautiful Natural History and Archeology Museum of Montebelluna, Treviso Province in Italy.
An interesting conference is being organized for tonight.
The theme: "The advancing technology in mushroom cultivation and marketing"
Yes, Pieter was still working for Campbell International then!
But we both were preparing our move to Italy and starting to work there for the largest Italian Mushroom plant.
Sergio Venzo, chairman of the ecology and agriculture department whom we met upon arrival in April, a previous trip in 1988.
That was a trip to The Netherlands for Pieter's Mom's 93rd Birthday and we flew to Italy from Amsterdam to Venice. We talked with the deputy mayor Sergio Venzo for two hours in French! Yes, both of us did not speak nor understand Italian yet...
Sergio planned to offer something to Pieter in June, on behalf of the city of Montebelluna... so here we were.
Museo di Storia Naturale e Archologia di Montebelluna, TV Italia click through for more.
It was a great turnout of some 80 mushroom growers in attendance.
We later had dinner together with our friend Tommaso Sartor and his friend Sergio Venzo, where Pieter also got presented a couple of his Italian books.
King Spawn was the Sartor family's own mushroom spawn plant, they'd sponsored this edition of P.J.C. Vedder's publication in Italian.
LA MODERNA FUNGICOLTURA (Modern Mushroom Growing)
The mayor also visited us at our table in the restaurant...
The preparation for our new job and everything around that, was in the process!
On June 9, after some work at the mushroom plant, we went again to the location of the property and to see an architect. Pieter planned to use his design from our home in Georgia, adapted somewhat.
We did buy the property that day, around 18:00 and went out for dinner with Tommaso but that proved to be a disaster as our steak with green peppercorn sauce was 'green' inside!
Good grief - our only restaurant disaster ever, within Italy...
Friday, June 10, we did have a general meeting at the mushroom plant and in the afternoon we went shopping in Treviso with Rosella & Tommaso Sartor.
We found a beautiful gold-plated shaving set for Uncle Bo as a gift...
Saturday, June 11 we got up at 5:00 and Tommaso came to pick us up for the flight from Venice at 7:15 and via Milan we flew to Amsterdam and with a phone call home we left for Atlanta, USA...

We now also had our own property in Italy...

Preparing for the next chapter!

But on June 17 we both flew to Sydney, Australia with Quantas from San Francisco... My 1st trip to down under!
Hectic lifestyle!

Related links:

Monday, April 2, 2018


Already for quite a while I had the photos...
So, here I will use them for wishing all my readers a HAPPY EASTER 2018!
Yes, one of my sewing creations, quilted and padded place mats with matching napkins.
Photo got made on Sunday, March 20 of 2005
Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet silverware and for dessert the Bridal Rose by Alvin in sterling silver.
Fragrant daffodils...
Used here in a table setting for a dear friend on her birthday in 2007
Same as the 1st photo but now with flash light.
Those picture frames are always lovely for individual use at table.
Round silver napkin rings we had made in Indonesia.


Sunday, March 27, 2016


Wishing all my readers, worldwide, a Happy Easter weekend!
May the sun shine in your part of the world.

My handmade Organdy Ribbons for decorating Easter Eggs... 
Egg warmers made by my sister-in-law Elly Van den Munckhof.
She and my brother Harry, are one of my most loyal blog readers!

Lazy chick from our German son and his family...

Fond memories all together!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

{My Escada & RED Valentino Score}

With my European size 34, or US size 4, I often do find incredible bargains at Outlets or on line. 
Let me show you what I wore on Easter Sunday...
Happy on Easter Sunday in my new outfit...
Lambsnappa skirt from Escada with also Escada low heeled pumps.
RED Valentino sweater and my Ferragamo bag that I received as a gift from my boss in Indonesia.
The canvas with leather Ferragamo bag goes very well with this outfit.
Skirt from behind with blind zipper, darts and walking slit.
Yes, both of us have always received precious gifts from people we did consulting for and I do treasure this Salvatore Ferragamo bag!
The skirt was brandnew, never worn with tags still on and spare button in bag as usual with Escada.
European size 34 or US size 4...
Found on eBay under items listed NWT (New With Tag). Nobody bid on it so I snatched this away for only $ 49.99!
Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5th took care of the perfect sweater!
On December 23, they offered the already 41% marked off RED Valentino sweater, for an extra 40% off!
That's how one can own a couture top from RED Valentino that was $ 495.00 for $ 173.99...
Saving $ 321.01
For the entire outfit a good score; considering the leather skirt was such a steal!
Got this sweater in a Medium as I do not like to wear it tight fitting.
On such a bright, sunny day it was rather hard to capture its true color...
Detail from the front pockets...
You also can see the gilded thread in this RED Valentino sweater.
Very happy with this new set!
Pantyhose are from the Wolford boutique at The Colonnade Outlets at Sawgrass Mills in South Florida.
Our yellow Carolina jasmines blooming so pretty!
Yellow + Sunshine makes one HAPPY!
Those yellow heart earrings I have for decades already...
Did wear this outfit when I last visited Harry, my 3rd brother, in The Netherlands.
Our Barty boy loves rolling in the dry leaves and catkins and he wants to be near me all the time!

Hope you also enjoyed a sunny Easter Sunday!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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