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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Biking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biking. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 This photo speaks volumes...
This was an appropriate door prize at one of our Chamber of Commerce member meetings...
Pieter wore it while biking.
Both of us used still the regular bikes with 7 gears on August 28, 2017.
No doubt, Pieter has followed a Healthy Heart lifestyle during his entire life!
Grateful that God let him stay with me through his 95th Birthday + 1 day...
November 24, 2022 on Pieter's solo E-Bike ride.
Our local airport...
September 3, 2023 and exactly 13 years past Pieter's quadruple bypass + stent in neck
A 15.57 km or 9.66 mi trip.
We started out with our 3–gear Dutch Batavus Cambridge bikes
Then the 7–speed Schwinn Wayfarer
followed by all Trek bikes the 9–speed FX and the Trek Verve+ 3 was a male E–bike that we replaced with the easy stagger frame version of TREK Vale Go! 9D EQ S
Pieter had searched on his iPadPro for an Electra and for me as well. Even with me sputtering at first as I had no heart problems. Pieter insisted in saying: "Listen, we always have done things TOGETHER!" 
So I gave in...
Quite an impressive all time distance biked by my Pieter: 10,167.7 km or 6,317,9 miles!
On april 2, this year, he biked to Kroger for shopping
10.53 km or 6.6 mi
April 5, he biked to Walmart for shopping
10.77 km or 6.69 mi
Sunday April 7, Pieter's final bike ride with a coffee break at Country Club 14.6 km or 9 mi
Pieter's biking over 2024—11 hours, 187.1 km or 116.2 mi and 18 activities

Related link:
Bike Rack on Murano Platinum | previous post by me
{Fly with us to Jakarta, Indonesia} | Pieter did more than 1,500,000 miles in the air... FOR WORK!
Our Year on WHEELS | also showing our longest ride ever

Thursday, March 9, 2023

POEM Gift from BEST Friend Ellie

 In June when I came back from my final trip to Limburg...
This was a very special gift that I carried home in my suitcase.
From BEST Friend Ellie, yes we're friends for 58 year already!
HOW did she have the ESP (Extrasensory Perception) for selecting this? 
It hangs in our bathroom and after my horrible accident while biking, I read it again and could not believe the Dutch words:

Lieve vriendin
Als je me nodig hebt,
Dan roep je me maar.
Als je verdriet hebt, 
Sta ik altijd voor je klaar.
Als je pijn hebt,
Zal ik je troosten.
Als je geen zin hebt,
Zal ik je overhalen.
Samen lachen, samen pijn,
Ik zal er altijd voor je zijn.


Dear friend
If you need me,
Then you call me.
If you are grieving, 
I'm always there for you.
If you are in pain,
I will comfort you.
If you don't feel like it,
I'll persuade you.
Laughing together, hurting together,
I will always be there for you.

Ellie over the decades has been a beacon and will always remain so—for as long as we live.
Too bad we live some 8,000 km away from each other...

Related link:

Friday, March 3, 2023

Update After my Biking Accident and Our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA to Start Our Life in Italy

On the day of my accident, I'd planned to launch this video from our departure back to Europe, on February 23, 1989

But on the 21st of February when I got T–boned by that woman, there was no chance for managing that...
Planned to bake my Amaretti cookies and had already zested 2 large Costco lemons, they're the best for zesting as well as for taste and juice.
I needed eggs, so Pieter said, I ride my bike to Walmart...
NO, I said WE ride our bike to Walmart, the sun is shining it was warm and I felt so happy for having caught up entirely with laundry and my housekeeper Nasha had just cleaned the house—perfect!
Feeling so grateful, for her starting on February 1st.
My life was getting more routine and relaxed with time for biking available.
But it didn't work that way...
I ended up in the ambulance after being thrown off my bike onto the highway—this happened all in front of Pieter's eyes!
My Roam Road Bike Helmet (from Amazon.com) bounced so nicely when I hit the asphalt—felt so grateful for always wearing it and in a soft neon green color for safety, just as my jacket.
Did not wear the magnetic goggles... only the adjustable visor...

Wearing my black biker shorts and Asos shoes.
X–rays showed two leg fractures, right knee cap and top of left Proxima fibula and cuts and bruises...
Landed on my right shoulder and right thigh where I got a huge hematoma.
Shoulder hurt like hell... Had an MRI done on Wednesday at Ortho Georgia in Macon and my Big Sis drove us.
Her lawyer husband graciously insisted she take his brand new Cadillac as it would be more convenient for me. Forever grateful for his gracious offer to give me this royal ride in the utmost comfort!
After my MRI and some check up due to my extremely swollen left leg, painfully red and almost ready to burst...
The NP at Ortho Georgia sent me to our local ER for having ultrasounds done, in order to rule out any deep vein thrombosis.
So they checked my left leg's vein and artery and no problem!
Our own car that we used yesterday, for a follow up with my primary care doctor after those ultrasounds, was rather hard to get into. 
Long legs and having to wear that stupid knee immobilizer does not allow you much flexibility.
Getting into our Infinity QX50 I sat sideways on the passenger seat, left leg in and right leg straight up to get it past the door, then down in the open pivoting area...
My primary care doctor noticed my rather shallow breathing and some sore spots that he found when touching my ribs. I told him that by breathing normal—it hurt like hell.
So, he sent us to the Imaging Center for having lots of x–rays taken of my chest to rule out any problems or risks for pneumonia.
I was on my walker and got so exhausted for being on my wounded legs for the entire session! 
Collapsed in bed with legs up by 5:30 PM but slept sound.
This morning my doctor called, no fractures and nowhere any trapped air!
So it must be just painful superficial bruises...
Oh, he prescribed me some over the counter meds for getting rid of that nasty, itchy rash I got as a side affect of the Medrol Dosepak to reduce the swelling in my body.
That are by now, 11 days in excruciating pain and otherwise. Due to my CKD stage with only 25% kidney function (at least that was December!) I cannot take painkillers.

On March 22nd I will hear the results from my MRI for the right shoulder, on which I landed...
Just have been praying for strength!
Got another sweet lady from our Church helping me out with ordening things and doing laundry.
ANGELS and I must accept this as I'm really floored—literally!

And now this video and our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA to Italy
Don't forget to click on closed caption...
One of Pieter's Campbell colleagues was so gracious for taking us into his home for a couple of weeks while our furniture and cars were on the Ocean, headed for the Port of Genua, Italy.
See post below about: Dog Shit and POLICE
We also flew to Miami, using our Delta Airlines miles and visiting sweet friend Natacha. 
You can read about that adventure below from a previous post.
We also returned our rental car and flew via Chicago to San Diego on United Airlines frequent flyer miles. Visiting another sweet friend who is born in Vietnam.
Pieter was flying most of the time for Campbell and he then took the shuttle to the airport, no rental car needed.
On February 17, we had a farewell dinner from Campbell's with the staff.
On the 22nd we went together to the Italian Consulate.
On February 23, 1989 Aron took this photo as we were about to depart for the airport...
Pieter took this from our host couple with me...
And on the 23rd our Exodus from the USA.
Sadly the REASON that we HAD to move—or else—to be closer to the Division Office was a farce.
In all of four months, Pieter went 26 times to the Division Office either from our home in Shillington, Pennsylvania or from Wilmington Delaware—didn't make ANY sense.
But here comes the most INCREDIBLE PART:
Boscov's Business Travel arranged our tickets—round trip! As that is far cheaper than one–way.
With TWA from Philadelphia to New York City
From New York City with Sabena Airlines to Brussels in Belgium which was only a good hour away from my Parents'
So there we left, checking in 5 pieces of luggage.
Mom & Dad would have their 40th Wedding Anniversary on the 25th and that was our reason—nobody knew we'd already shipped everything across the ocean for starting a job in Italy...
Little did we know that the containers would be stuck in the Port of Genua, Italy—due to strike!
Read that story here below—our life never has been boring...
Looking so forward for having this Bed–Backrest for use on the bed, delivered tomorrow...
It is HARD to work on my MacBook without!

Related links:
{Our EVERGLADES ADVENTURE with friend NATACHA} | previous post by me
Dog Shit and POLICE | previous about our cars being loaded into a container
Living out of our Suitcases - BUT we LIVED near Venice, Italy! | previous post by me

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Spring in our Garden

 This was a lovely week with sunshine!
Spring is unfolding beautifully!
February 9, I walked over onto the neighbor's property to capture our blooming Japanese magnolia from there.
Just showing the bay window area from our home and the blind wall where the dining room is, no windows on that side.
Now from our side towards our home...
LOVE those perfect flower buds and there were already some petals on the ground.
Wanted to capture them because it would rain in the later afternoon and night.
A pine warbler is enjoying lunch on the tray from our previous Sharp microwave, set on the oak stump.
Happy daffodils near the Japanese Magnolia as you can see by its petals on the ground...
Our Fiberglass Window Boxes are filled with yellow pansies.
Tiggy–Tiger girl is head butting one of the planters...
That's the one where that poor friend cat often lies in for looking at us.
Our Renewal by Andersen bay windows look nice from outside!
A closer look at the yellow pansies.
Also the Vintage Woodworks parts on veranda door and under gable.
Pieter bought the pansies early at our local Home Depot just to make sure we had enough for all window boxes.
On the veranda side they got planted mid January but the bay windows after the Andersen windows were place on January 17.
I've hung the crocheted curtains back after Pieter drilled tiny holes into the fibrex of the new windows.
That worked perfect and after laundering the curtains and then stretching them out while still wet, we hung them on their 925 sterling rings (thin ones!). See post below this one...
Yesterday's photo—dark due to a dreary and rainy day...
The hand crocheted curtains hang perfectly on the new windows.
Detail of screws that Pieter pre–drilled into the fibrex material from Renewal by Andersen windows.
And my 925 silver rings.
Our 2nd Japanese Magnolia is near the flowering Camellia Sinensis Tea Plant.
Now I'm standing on the wood trail for capturing some flowers from our 2nd Japanese Magnolia.
They look perfect against our veranda.
Tiggy Tiger girl came to smell our Narcissus...
She's a tiny but cute kitty!
Senior—just like her Mami...
On Tuesday it was 21°C or 69.8°F...
So we both rolled our bikes...
On Tuesday it was 24°C or 75.2°F
Followed by rain again...

Related link:
Kitchen Bay Window New Crocheted ROSE Curtains & IKEA Roller Blind | previous post with the 925 sterling rings

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Our Biking over 2022

 An overview of our biking in 2022
A very sunny Sunday in November, 2022
It was 21°C or 69.8°F
This was earlier in November. Sunny but chilly...
Wearing gloves and our skull cap under the helmet to protect the ears from the wind as we can go at a rather high speed on those E-bikes when going down hill.
On December 4, was my final E-bike ride for the year!
Pieter more often did run some errands and has biked far more frequently.
Pieter's E-bike rides over 2022:
1,550.5 km or 963 miles
A total of 93 rides... one for each year in age!
My E-bike rides over 2022 was 891.4 km or 554 miles
A total of 34 rides...

A bit more for both of us with the July bike rides at Jenny Lake in Wyoming and also recently in December Biking Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort ←(click link for Relive video) in Orlando, Florida .
And also a few short walks.
Planning to roll my bike again in 2023—did so far twice this month and Pieter five times.

Related link:

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Our Stay at Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando, Florida

On December 26, I drove with my Pieter South on Interstate 75, towards Orlando, Florida...
Feeling good for having managed to get in the car after having been so sick for almost one week.
Even had to vomit after drinking more than 3 sips of water.
The traffic was horrible—standing still and the final stretch took us 2 hours more and arriving in the dark.
From the car I had to call and change our dinner reservation at the Four Flamingos Restaurant.
Not so good for arriving in the dark and driving full 8 hours instead of the calculated 6 but we were there!
Checking in and leaving our luggage still in the car, we went to the restaurant.
We opted for one Florida Seafood "Moqueca" with 
Jerk Spiced Cauliflower and it came with Coconut Steamed Rice
For me it is difficult to find some low potassium, low protein, low phosphorus food...
The small potato halves, inside the "Moqueca" I left for Pieter to eat.
But it was delicious!
Now we had our valet guy bring the car so we could unload and go to our room 1804 at the top floor. But this time we had no pool view like in 2003 on exact the same day—December 26 when we were there for 2 nights!
We were back again with Daughter Anita and her then fiancée on December 18, 19 and 20 of 2004 while visiting Kennedy Space Center, Epcot and Seaworld with them.
From there we went to Coconut Point, another Hyatt Resort in Bonita Springs, Florida towards Naples, FL.
And both of us once again for two free nights on April 26 and 27 in 2005.
It sure felt great for having this confirmation from October 20, 2022—otherwise no chance to find a room during the Christmas season.
We used Pieter's Hyatt points for free nights this time.
Our room with King Bed had a sunny balcony and view toward Orlando...
On December 24 it was very cold in Dublin, Georgia –10°C or 14°F and still several days of frost coming.
Here it was cool as well but we went to the pool on December 27, and it was a lovely heated pool!
What we both LOVED about this Hyatt Resort that you really are on vacation—no rush!
Other Hyatt Place and such, at times have breakfast till maximum 9:00 AM.
Here it is from 7:00–11:30 AM so we could make it leisurely into a kind of brunch.
Breakfast was at the Lakehouse Restaurant each morning and this is the view through one of its windows.
This I took from another window and it actually shows the huge lake.
You can canoe, sailboat, hydrobike and cayak.
From our brunch we walked to the area where they keep the bikes so we knew what they got and after Pieter took his nap, we would go biking. 
Look at that blue sky and Pieter is seen in his Royal Stewart tartan plaid shirt.
Just snapped this photo of the Hotel, from the Lake side—where the bikes were...
Water fowl standing right next to you...
And yes, that hydrobike would have been a fun activity as well!
We walked past the pool on this sunny day—where we swam the afternoon before...
When I'd gotten out of the water I noticed that my 22 karat gold toe ring was gone—after having worn it for 30 years!
I peered at the bottom and said to Pieter, one never finds that back!
Then Pieter spotted two Hyatt employees, and he talked to the gentlemen.
They said, well for that we got our vacuum cleaner and we will find it!
I'd swam into that cave the afternoon before (even though it was a lot colder in there!) and as we walked past this enormous lagoon–style pool around 11:40 AM we went back to our room.
Walking on our 18th floor and center right you can see one of the elevators going up.
The Christmas tree dwarfed...
A very interesting center part with metal pipes and glass roof top.
The Christmas tree with lots of Poinsettias...
Than at 12:26 Pieter took this photo of me—holding my 22 karat gold toe ring in my hand!
It just got delivered by two men that had indeed vacuumed it up in less than an hour since Pieter talked to them—WOW! 
What great courtesy in true Hyatt style!
Close to 2:00 PM from our balcony showing you our view.
And a photo from the balcony, showing you the lake...
We soon would be biking there, within the boundary of the Grand Cypress 535...
Pieter on his bike and the contrasts are far too strong with that sunshine and shade.
I just walked out of the shade for taking a picture of the Hyatt Regency from here.
Palm trees and lots of live oaks.
Pieter captured me and his own shade...
Hard to avoid in such weather!
My Campbell Soup cap shielded me from the sunshine.
Here we biked at the entrance side of the Hyatt Regency at the front of this huge 779 room hotel.
Beautiful grounds—so well kept!
Our 3rd and final dinner had come...
Time in Paradise passes fast!
We again went to the Four Flamingoes Restaurant.
This time we both shared a Surf & Turf
Half Lobster but we did have some very special high quality Filet without the Bacon with the Coconut Au Poivre and we went again for the Coconut Steamed Rice.
Walking past this fire pit on our way back from the Four Flamingos Restaurant, to the lobby...
A closeup view of the Christmas tree and the poinsettias.
And our final brunch...
My waffle with maple syrup and fresh berries and Pieter went for the continental (cold) buffet each morning.
We had received a one hour extension till noon and now we had to check out and also were able to cash in our anniversary Hyatt eGift Card of $ 100.
EVERYTHING here during this stay was just GRAND.
Now, I drove off to the Hyatt Regency in Sarasota...
Stay tuned.


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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