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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label P.J.C. Vedder's Memoirs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P.J.C. Vedder's Memoirs. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2024

Pieter wrote: Our Weapon—A Powerful Gesture together with Prayer

 At times we find messages that really stand out! This I found on August 17...
In Dutch, Pieter wrote: Ons Wapen = Our Weapon
It was glued to a kind of diary that Pieter kept.
A cross with the four letter word: INRI = Latin for King of the Jews
Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum
Latin uses the I instead of the English J
It actually is a Cursillo Cross and on its back it reads: CHRIST IS COUNTING ON YOU
Also a Crucifix Rosary Ring from Italy hails from Pieter's Cursillo...
On Thursday, May 4 of 1995, my Pieter left by 2:00 PM for Savannah. His friend Hank Basedow let him know last minute that he was not going. Pieter had agreed to join because of him, for being one more time together with a special friend...
But he left now with Church friend Pat Roche.
Pieter came home from Savannah on Sunday, May 7 by 8:00 PM.
A nice letter from Walt Kessel, the organizer, who passed away on January 23, 2021
Hank passed away in February of 1997 and Pat on August 8, 2005.

Fond memories of brothers in Christ.

Our nation has very strongly used its weapon of the cross and prayer over the past months.
God has listened to His People and things seem to be changing!

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the USA

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Pieter and I Consulted for Gourmet's Delight in Eden Wisconsin

One very pleasant consulting job for both of us stands out from April 4, 1993
A special Monday as we got up early for driving to Atlanta at 6:00 AM where Pieter had his I.N.S. interview for becoming a US Citizen on April 23!
We flew via Detroit to Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Northwest Airlines at 4:00 PM.
Upon arrival we had to drive one hour to Fond du Lac where we stayed at the Holiday Inn, now Holiday Inn Express.
Tuesday morning we had to drive about 20 minutes to the mushroom farm of the Floyd brothers John and Richard.
Pleasant work for both of us and we had lunch at John's place, nice and homely cozy.
Wednesday we checked out from our hotel and went to the farm. Another pleasant day with lunch at Richard's home.
 For a chance, we were amongst Catholics.
By 5:45 PM we flew back via Detroit to Atlanta on Northwest Airlines and for this trip we both got an upgrade into first class.
Home on Thursday by 2:30 AM.
From Barb I received a written note:
Yes, the address is Mushroom Rd in Eden, Wisconsin.
Very unique!

It sure was a nice upgrade from tourist class to first class and our first experience together. 
Atlanta–Detroit–Milwaukee with one change at Detroit

Related link:
LEGAL IMMIGRANTS | previous post by me

Friday, November 1, 2024

FOUND a Pieter treasure from November 2018

 When I made a sale on eBay and had to prepare the Giovanni Raspini 925 silver Angel charms for shipping, I reached inside the TOP drawer of my Raphael Angel box...
Had this box made by an Atlanta Holland Club member; Paul Van Witteveen from Gainesville, GA from Italian Florentine wrapping paper.
Three drawers and I kept those silver charms in the bottom drawer but for whatever reason I reached for the top drawer...
Open Raphael Angel box...
But what I found in the top drawer was an emotional treasure!
My beloved Pieter's handwriting...
Dear Mariet
35+ years together!!
What is it that brings 2 people so inseparable together?
I don't know the answer exactly; in my opinion, it is one of those mysterious, complicated, possibly supernatural influences. 
Whatever it may be; we have found each other; two people with different personalities, ideas (and age) but also with many similarities. Some traits sometimes clashed with each other, but the love between the two of us always turned out to be stronger. 
With this in mind, I've always loved you, and that hasn't diminished over the years. 
We lived together for over 13,000 days; in general, sunny days with the occasional rain shower to keep things fresh. 
I still love you very much girl. Both of us are not such overly 'sweeties', not exactly such soft romantic types; we are too level–headed and too rational for that. We may not say often enough that we can't miss each other, nor do we kiss enough, but when we say something like that, it comes not only from our lips but from our hearts. 
I hope to be able to live with you for many more days; Our life together was, and still is, the result of the 'something' that brought us together. There will come a time when we will have to say goodbye to each other, but even then this 'something' will continue to exist.
Beyond doubt!!!

November 2018
your Pieter

Had to sit down and tears rolled freely as this was such an unexpected treasure!

Related link:

Sorry Antónia, accidentally deleted it.. but rewrote it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 This photo speaks volumes...
This was an appropriate door prize at one of our Chamber of Commerce member meetings...
Pieter wore it while biking.
Both of us used still the regular bikes with 7 gears on August 28, 2017.
No doubt, Pieter has followed a Healthy Heart lifestyle during his entire life!
Grateful that God let him stay with me through his 95th Birthday + 1 day...
November 24, 2022 on Pieter's solo E-Bike ride.
Our local airport...
September 3, 2023 and exactly 13 years past Pieter's quadruple bypass + stent in neck
A 15.57 km or 9.66 mi trip.
We started out with our 3–gear Dutch Batavus Cambridge bikes
Then the 7–speed Schwinn Wayfarer
followed by all Trek bikes the 9–speed FX and the Trek Verve+ 3 was a male E–bike that we replaced with the easy stagger frame version of TREK Vale Go! 9D EQ S
Pieter had searched on his iPadPro for an Electra and for me as well. Even with me sputtering at first as I had no heart problems. Pieter insisted in saying: "Listen, we always have done things TOGETHER!" 
So I gave in...
Quite an impressive all time distance biked by my Pieter: 10,167.7 km or 6,317,9 miles!
On april 2, this year, he biked to Kroger for shopping
10.53 km or 6.6 mi
April 5, he biked to Walmart for shopping
10.77 km or 6.69 mi
Sunday April 7, Pieter's final bike ride with a coffee break at Country Club 14.6 km or 9 mi
Pieter's biking over 2024—11 hours, 187.1 km or 116.2 mi and 18 activities

Related link:
Bike Rack on Murano Platinum | previous post by me
{Fly with us to Jakarta, Indonesia} | Pieter did more than 1,500,000 miles in the air... FOR WORK!
Our Year on WHEELS | also showing our longest ride ever

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Spooky Boy Remained with his Papi till the very END

Kitties are SO LOYAL! 
Our Spooky boy remained with his Papi till the very END...
And YES, they mourn!!!
April 21, around 2:00 PM Spooky looking so worried as he stayed near his Papi during his nap on the sofa...
Kitties sense what is going on and of course the oxygen machine added to that.
Like a magnet next to his Papi
April 25, at 5:52 AM looking at me very worried when the ambulance took his Papi away a 2nd time...
On May1, at 11:00 PM on the mattress topper of the hospital bed... Spooky stayed with his Papi till the very end!
They were supposed to remove the hospital bed next day but they did NOT.
It was a painful reminder to me and to the kitties...
Spooky very sad...
Mami, I want to sleep here a 2nd night...
On May 3, Spooky reading the sweet notes with fresh flowers from friends and family...
July 23, Spooky in the kitchen looking at me...
July 28, inside scratch box
Enjoying things to play again!
Mami's loyal boy!
On July 30, at 6:57 AM Spooky looking sad as I have to depart for Podology of Georgia and spend the night in Atlanta...

Will miss my kitty body guard for that time!
Such loyal and loving souls...

Related link:

Views of blog on Sep 18 and Sep 17...

{Our Felines are 8 Today!} | previous post by me

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds at Feeder

 On March 22, Pieter purchased this new copper hummingbird feeder and hung it.
Female hummingbird on August 6, during a tropical storm—they sure are WET! 
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird showing its long tongue at the very end! 

Related link:
Severe Weather with Bridge Destruction | last photo shows this copper hummingbird feeder that Pieter got for them

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kitty Tiggy Tiger brings her Writer Papi a PEN

 On February 23, Tiggy–Tiger managed to find a pen for her writer Papi... Yep, she jumps on Papi's secretary desk and looks for one!
Searching on her Papi's secretary desk...
She did this all the time, even when we were in bed, loudly she came with her pen for Papi...
Since her Papi's passing she has not done this anymore!
May 14 Tiggy–Tiger batting her big mouse around...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Giant Bovist as a HUGE BUTT

True story and we actually ATE it.
September 27 of 1995, back in Limburg, The Netherlands, Mom did spoil my Pieter by having rice pudding and at clickable 0:42 (view it on YouTube!) Mom proudly shows one of Dad's cauliflowers and...
A huge BUTT!
That happens when you have a son–in–law who is involved in mushroom growing, they even show up on your own land.

On August 3, blogger friend Darla showed an Agaricus bisporus in the form of a butt...
Seriously Silly & Silly Seriousness ←click link
But this one is even more pronounced!

{Papa is 90 today!} | photo of Dad's cauliflower as he was called the Cauliflower King for his superior quality product...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pieter was my Casper the Friendly Ghost

 Yes, my always smiling and friendly looking Pieter reminded me of Casper
August 27, 2002 our German son Andreas took this photo of us...
Happy times and fond memories forever!
Casper the Friendly Ghost...

On June 7, Pieter and another friend Judge Helen got honored at Rotary. A memorial votive candle got lit by the assistent governor Candace and she said: Pieter, smart and always smiling. 

Yes, that was my Pieter throughout his life... 

Related link:
{Tuesday May 4, dinner with friends} | Judge Helen at our home

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

On July 30 I stayed at the Grand Hyatt Corner Room where I stayed with Pieter on December 9, 2023

 Having access to a free room, I tried to book for room 2003, the very corner room that together with Pieter I've stayed on December 9, 2023
just click on above link...
Had completed my appointment with Podology of Georgia and via Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe's and Cobbler for retrieving my shoes with new heels, I ended here.
This particular room was not yet ready...
So while waiting on my room, they offered me a complimentary lunch at ONYX AT THE GRAND 
Did thoroughly enjoy my SPRING WELLNESS BOWL!
Never had seen, nor tasted those yummy red Peruvian pearl peppers.
View from room 2003 where you clearly can see in the distance Stone Mountain.
Fond memories with Pieter in this area...
The weather was very nice!
32°C or 89.6°F at 17:37 when I strolled through the Zen Garden to the pool area.
It has been the former Japanese Nikko Hotel.
Adjacent toilet and it is a corner room so lots of windows
Bathroom view with the special shelves that we did build into our Rose Suite as well.
click above link
Took this photo after I'd used the shower... shampooed my hair with the Balmain products.
My breakfast on the 31st as I was craving for smoked salmon
Opted for the Whole Wheat Bagel and it sure was yummy, though salty for my CKD...
It was a very special and also highly emotional stay for me!

Related link:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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