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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Citizen Journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citizen Journalism. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024


 Sure, I did read during the power outage caused by. Hurricane Helene. Using my Mighty Bright clip on LED Light, I finished two historical books in Dutch. One about Joan of Arc and the next about Love and Betrayel around Lucrecia Borgia.
It was fun as it brought me back to those Old World places I've been before.
#1 Best Seller
Ordered the book MELANIA and it arrived on Friday, October 11. A very elegant black cover with only her name on the center front and on its spine. Just as our First Lady Melania is—elegant and classy. On Sunday, I started reading in it.

On Monday, October 14, I finished it...
While living and working in Italy over 1989, I've worked with lots of Yugoslavian women. Those that fled the country before the war.
Living under a Communist regime was already tough enough.

So for that, I can understand MELANIA, as she dared to venture out on her own to Milan, Italy. Not easy for leaving your family and culture behind and to start in another language—but she DID.
Her Slovenian name: Melanija Knavs super model

From there she went to Paris and was quite successful as a supermodel.

Her next, brave move, was the flight to New York City for modeling in the United States.
For Melania, the former supermodel...

And the rest is history...
For me, having studied three years of Fashion and only been on the runway to model some self created outfits and finally showing my bridal gown, there is enough admiration for Melania.
On the runway in my bridal gown—my sewing creation. This was at the end of each year at Fashion School after I'd graduated already as they had no bride for that year. My youngest cousin was my brides maid.
Showing train of my bridal gown and damsel sleeves in April, 1973

It was touching how Melania described her arrival to the New World and also her courtship with Donald.
She is 24 years younger, so I could identify with that, as my Pieter was almost 22 years my senior.

It was so to the point how she wrote—about Donald, it was as if our souls had always known each other! 
Surely can identify with that...
Guess due to the age difference, the foundation of a blissful relationship is quite different and far more intensive. I've always lived to the fullest of every day and feeling grateful for that.

Her language use is incredible and knowing that she speaks several languages! 

She further described how she got warned that Muslim countries might not shake hands with women... She went to Saudi Arabia and I got warned before going to the world's biggest Muslim country of Indonesia—so I certainly could identify with that.
But Melania got welcomed in a very special way!
That is due to her poise and elegance.

Former Press Secretary Dana Perino said it best:
'She lights up the room, and I think she can light up the country.' —Dana Perino
Dana Perino was the 24th White House Press Secretary and is now an American political commentator and author.

Melania Wearing Her Escada Blazer at the White House, September 2017
Escada is also my favorite couture brand because of great fit and quality.

There is a lot of envy because of her exceptional beauty, her strong family ties (a cultural thing of her region!), her Faith, her intelligence, success as an individual and her natural grace and elegance.

The media never gave Melania the credit she deserves!

Well, I do—with my humble citizen journalism...
Lots of views...

Related links:
Our Historic Christmas in Italy - END of Romania's Communist Dictator | previous post by me also about Slovenia and Melania

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Columbus discovered America; we are glad he did—Presentation by Pieter J.C. Vedder for Monday Night Club

Pieter J.C. Vedder presented this on March 26, 2007 to the Monday Night Club. One member hosted a 3–course dinner and another member made a presentation...
Next month I will celebrate my 14th anniversary as an American Citizen. Born and raised in the Kingdom of The Netherlands  it is quite understandable that we have a perhaps more than normal interest in the history of our new homeland, and also because of the long–lasting relationship between The Netherlands and the United States.

As you perhaps already knew; the Dutch were actually the very first to recognize the new American Republic in 1776 when they saluted to the flag of the US warship the Andrew Doria from the Dutch island of St. Eustatius in the Caribbean.

We are proud to be an American, with an accent, but we are also proud of our Dutch ancestry. Although The Netherlands is a small country, actually ⅕ of the size of the State of Georgia, with some 16.5 million inhabitants, it has had a big influence in this nation. The Netherlands has the longest, un–interrupted friendly relationship with the United States and Mariette and I like to keep it that way. The bond between the US and The Netherlands is deep and strong and centuries long. As our Minister of Foreign Affairs once said: 'We are old friends, the kind of relationship that works well. We have a lot in common and also just enough differences to keep things interesting. Those are usually the best kind of relationships there are.''

I can assure you that in their heart most Dutch people, especially those from our generation, are very grateful to the US, not having forgotten the sacrifices Americans have made to give us our freedom back, the most important thing in life. At the same time however, I must admit that a number of Europeans, especially in the media and from the young generation, seem to have a short memory. 

You must understand that most Europeans have a completely wrong picture of the US. Every time we had visitors over from that part of the world, we experienced that. Also that part of the reason that Europe is often criticizing the US, based on envy and rivalry. Some European countries, especially France and Germany, also like to be the world power. If the European countries would come together as the United States of Europe, it could perhaps be the world power but in my opinion, there is too much nationalism and animosity between the biggest players—that I don't see that happen anytime soon. Besides that, experts claim that the shrinking population, mainly caused by a very low birthrate, will set Europe even more back against the United States.

In my opinion, nowadays too many people from both sides are opinionated without knowing the facts and taking the time and effort to study history. Here is a task for un–biased historians and responsible teachers.

Although for sure not always easy, they should write and teach about the facts only and it is not their task to pass judgement on the past. This however seems to be almost impossible for people of our time, who have lived through periods when such great moral conflicts have determined history.

A striking example of an interesting discussion about what happened in the past, concerning the US, was the 1992 commemoration of the arrival of Columbus in America; a good example of the bias with which we often look at the past. The big question: was Columbus a hero, did he do the world a great favor or is he responsible for a dark page in human history?

Let me give you a few examples of the many extreme opinions that activists vented on the occasion of the aforementioned commemoration The battle cry of the American Indian leader Russell Means, who asserted that Columbus makes Hitler look like a juvenile delinquent, was quoted in European newspapers everywhere. The conclusion of Hans Koning, a writer (of Dutch descent) of popular history, became almost equally well known: 'It is almost obscene to celebrate Columbus because it's an un–mitigated history of horror We don't have to celebrate a man who was really—from an Indian point of view—worse than Attila,'

Also, the Churches, keepers of God's moral message, of course did not hod back. The National council of the Churches of Christ in the US issued a solemn resolution, protesting against such a celebration of 1492. 'For the descendents of the survivors of the subsequent invasion, genocide, slavery, ecocide and exploitation of the wealth of the land, a celebration is for sure not appropriate.'

All these protests were accompanied by the idealization of the victims of the European expansion. History has been re–written and popularized accordingly. Movies like Roots and Dancing with Wolves are good examples of that tendency; glorifying innocent blacks and Indians who lived a good life in complete harmony with each other and with nature. What a distortion of history!

The myth of the Noble Savage is one of the first and most cherished inventions of the time where the New World was discovered. 

In the 18th century Jean Jacques Rousseau would carry on the myth of the Noble Savage who still seemed to live in a golden age. Their state of happiness was 'the least subject to revolutions and the best condition for man, but it was unfortunately destroyed by man's desire for progress, which manifested itself in e.g. agriculture and mining. These were the two arts whose invention produced that great revolution that led to private property and hence, in a process of inevitable degeneration, to division, envy, ambition, government and tyranny.'

Another French scholar of natural history; Count de Buffon, proclaimed that the New World would never be able to develop a real civilization because 'It had a wrong proportion of temperature and humidity' He stated that natives were not at all innocent inhabitants of a kind of paradise but instead 'the most primitive and backward people that had ever existed.' 

Adriaen Van der Donck, a Dutch historian, wrote in 1655 about the Indians; 'Although nature has not given them abundant wisdom, still they exercise their talents with discretion. No lunatics or fools are found amongst them; nor any mad or raving person of either sex.'

It is refreshing to notice that Father Leonid Kishkovsky of hte American Orthodox Church, who chaired the 1991 meeting of the National Council of Churches at which the highly controversial revolution on the quincentennial commemoration of Columbus was debated, made precisely this point. Kishkovsky had the courage to question the notion that evil was something imported from Europe. 'In a certain sense he said this is patronizing; it is as if native indigenous people don't have a history which includes civilization, warfare, empires and cruelties, long before white people ever arrived.'

Of course, the first years, and even decennia, of colonization were a time of chaos and sometimes cruel exploitations and it would make no sense to condone the crimes committed by the conquistadores. It took more than half a century before a somewhat orderly regime in the endless wilderness of the New World could be established. At that time much had been destroyed—in lives, culture and traditions—that could never be restored again. However, the enormous mortality's rate in the isles and on the continent itself was for the greatest part not caused by murder and oppression but by the terrible diseases which the white people brought with them from Europe and against which the inhabitants of the New World proved to have no immunity.

Moral ideas have determined the view of the European discovery of America from the beginning. That special approach had its roots in European wonders and disbelief about the miracle of a new continent, which remained a misunderstanding even nowadays and an obstacle long after its overwhelming reality had become clear. But when, despite the gloomy predictions, in that New World new states and new cultures began to flourish, the American response transformed the negative perceptions into highly positive ones. Especially in the proud nation of the US a new consciousness gave the tragic past a mythical glamour. A new nations needs new myths!

I fully agree with what the famous German philosopher Heinrich Heine once had said about Columbus: 'Many people gave us great gifts, but this hero gave the word another complete new world, which is called: America.'

Right or wrong, Columbus discovered America in 1492. As the European powers of that time, the Spanish, the Dutch and the British, sent off their navies and adventure–businessmen to roam the seas, the new discovered world would become a factor in the international power struggle. Kings and generals plotted for control of this piece of property.

'It was for the biggest parts a band of explorers, entrepreneurs, pirates, prostitutes and assorted scalawags from different parts of Europe who sought riches in this wilderness', wrote a Dutch scholar, a wilderness that was a hunting ground for Indians 'and populated mainly by wolves and bears.'

In school we're taught that America begins with 13 English colonies but that is not true, and I like to tell you tonight why I can make that statement.

A description of the New Netherlands, written by Adriaen Van der Donck, first published in 1655, is actually one of America's oldest literary treasures. It has been translated into English and French.

In the late 1960's an archivist in the New York State Library, made an astounding discovery; 12,000 pages of centuries old correspondence, court cases, legal contracts and reports from a forgotten society; the Dutch colony, centered on Manhattan which pre–dated the thirteen original American colonies. Over the past 30 years, scholar Charles T. Gehring has been translating this trove. The Dutch colony was founded only 3 years after the Pilgrims landed. They arrived in 1609 with the lowland ship 'The Half Moon' under Hudson, a British captian, hired by the Dutch West Indian Company. History however was forgotten, mainly because the English and the Dutch,  the two European superpowers of the 17th century, were bitter enemies. Once the English took over the Dutch territory and changed New Amsterdam into New York, they decided that was when the real history of the region began. We also must realize that ⅞ of our historical writings about this new republic has come from authors that have been Englishmen or descendants from Englishmen, living in New England. Naturally, those men have written wholly or largely from an English standpoint and in the English language. England, and the rest of the world, has merely accepted what those historians have chosen to lay at their doorstep. These historians have also told us that the settlement that predated New York was not really worth mention but those 12,000 charred, mold riddled documents, which recently were declared a national treasure, paint a very different picture that I like to share with you tonight. These documents show that the Dutch build a vital North American territory, and that the port of Manhattan was plugged into the global Dutch trading empire, for a big part by the West Indian Trading Company. It is known that within 20 years of the first landing, the Governor of what was then called New Netherlands, would make the ultimate business deal; the legendary purchase of Manhattan Island for 24 dollars. New Amsterdam, now New York City, was founded.

As a matter of fact, the reading world of America has yet to learn the real extend of the strong Dutch influence which underlies the American institutions and have shaped American life.

For years we have written in our history books and taught in our schools that this nation is a transplanted England; that the institution which ahs made this country distinctively great were derived either from England itself or brought to us from England by the Puritans when they settled in New England. Douglas Campbell was perhaps among the first of the American writers to point out that the men who founded New York however were not English men but largely Hollanders; that the Puritans who settled Plymouth had lived 12 years in Holland; that the Puritans who settled elsewhere in Massachusetts had all their lives been exposed to a Dutch influence; that New Jersey as well as New York, was settled by the Dutch West Indian Trading Company; that Connecticut was given life by Thomas Hooker, who came from a long residence in Holland; that Roger Williams, who founded Rhode Island, was a Dutch scholar and that William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, came from a Dutch mother.

Also, take what may be truly designated as the four vital institutions upon which America not only rests but which have caused it to be regarded as one of the most distinctive nations in the world. I'm talking about the freedom of religious worship; our freedom of the press; our freedom of suffrage as represented by the secret ballot and our public school system of free education. Not one of these came from England, since not one of them existed there when they were established in America; in fact, only one of them existed in England earlier than 50 years after they existed in America and the other three did not exit in England until nearly 100 years after they existed in America. Each and all of these four institutions came to America directly from The Low Countries. Further and even more important, take the two documents upon which the whole fabric of the establishment and maintenance of America rests; the Declaration of Independence and the most important document at all; the Federal Constitution of the United States.

The Declaration is based almost entirely upon the Declaration of Independence of the United Republic of The Netherlands; while all through the Constitution its salient points are based upon, and some of them literally copied, from the Dutch Constitution. This document in the Dutch language named The Plakaat van Verlatinge, was published in 1658. Similarity of wording is not the only clue to the lineage of texts. Although Jefferson appears not to have drawn upon the Dutch Plakaat for phraseology, there is a good reason to believe that he may well have drawn upon it as a paradigm for the argumentative structure of the Declaration. Of the different models available to Jefferson and the Continental Congress none provided as precise a template for the Declaration of Independence as did the aforementioned Plakaat. None were anti colonial justifications of independence; none were cast in syllogistic form and none of them contained a section comparable to the preamble of the Declaration in which the right of the people to replace a tyrannical monarch was explicitly warranted. No doubt that Jefferson and his colleagues were familiar with the parallels between their struggle against England and the Low Countries' battle against Spain. The Dutch Revolution provided and inspiring example of successful resistance to colonial domination and Whig leaders often pointed to it as evidence that America could maintain its freedom, even in the face of the British military superiority. In his 1774 Essay on the Constitutional power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America, John Dickinson observed that the British measures against the Colonies correspond exactly with the measures pursued by Philip II of Spain against the Low Countries. Even though England was a mighty power, Dickinson warned, it should be remembered that the Dutch Provinces, inspired by one generous resolution to die free rather than to live slaves, not only baffled but brought down into dust that enormous power that had contended for universal empire and was the terror of the world for half a century.

William Henry Drayton sounded the same theme in October 1776 when he noted that Americans could force George III to treat with them as a free and independent people, just as the Dutch had compelled Philip II, the most powerful prince in the Old World to give up his dominion over the Low Countries.

Although the seven Dutch Provinces constituted 'but a speck upon the globe' and faced the best troops and the most formidable navy in the universe, they resolved to oppose the tyrants' whole force and at least deserved to be free. Americans, Drayton exulted, were no less in love with liberty than the Hollanders were. Shall we not in this, in a similar cause, dare those perils that they successfully combated?

When John Adams wrote the Dutch government in April 1781, requesting that he be received as a Minister, he reported that the history of Holland, and the great characters it exhibits, have been studied, admired and imitated in every American State. Not only had America long regarded The Netherlands as its friend in Europe, said Adams, but the originals of the two Republics are so much alike that the history of the one seems but a transcript from that of the other.

So strong is the Dutch influence upon our American form of government tha the Senate of the US, as a body, derives most of the peculiarities of its organization from The Netherlands, Staten Generaal, a similar body, and its predecessor by nearly a century. Even in the American flag we find the colors from the Dutch 'driekleur'.

I like to present you with a few more facts. The common modern practice of the State allowing a prisoner the free services of a lawyer for his defense and the office of a district attorney for each County, are so familiar for us that we regard them as American inventions. Both institutions have been credited to England, whereas, as a matter of fact it is impossible to find in England, even today, any official corresponding to our district attorney. Both of these institutions existed in Holland three centuries before they were brought to America.

The equal distribution of property among the children of a person dying intestate, that is, without a will, was brought to America direct from Holland by the Puritans. It never existed in England. 

The record of all deeds and mortgages in a public office, a custom which affects every man and woman who owns or buys property, came to America direct from The Netherlands. It could not have come from England, since it did not exist there even 200 years later.

The township system, by which each town has local self government, with its natural sequence of local self government in County and State, came from Holland. The practice of making prisoners work and in fac our whole modern American management of free prisons, was brought from Holland by William Penn.

The Dutch taught the world commerce and merchandise when it ranked at that time as the only great commercial nation on the globe. It taught the broadest lines of finance to the world by the establishment, in 1609, of its great Bank of Amsterdam, with 180,000,000 of dollars deposits, preceding the establishment of the Bank of England by nearly 100 years. When the fledgling British Colonies sought its independence, it should be no surprise that the Dutch were more than happy to help the colonial government with financing. Ultimately, the Dutch seem to be better businessmen than soldiers. The Dutch provided the Continental Congress with its first loan; the then whopping amount of 30,000,000 guilders and continued to provide a significant source of funding to the young nation for many more years. Amazingly for such a small country today The Netherland is the second or third largest foreign investor in the US.

If you are still not convinced that the Dutch have had a tremendous impact on America, let me group these astonishing facts together, if you will.

The Federal Constitution; the Declaration of Independence; the whole organization of the Senate, our State Constitutions, our freedom of religion, our free public schools, our free press, our written ballot, our town, county and state systems of self government, the system of recording deeds and mortgages, the giving of every criminal just a chance for his life, a public prosecutor of crime in every county, our prison system, we could go on and on.

The foregoing has nothing to do with glorification or arrogance from the Dutch part but is meant as a justification of written history, based on facts. I think it must be apparent to anyone who knows these facts in the newer and more enlightened history of America that most of our previous historical knowledge of our country must be adjusted. Just as Washington Irving, in his later life, was compelled to admit himself wrong in burlesquing the Dutch founders of New York City, and class his own writing as a course coarse caricature.

So, I hope and believe that some more enlightened historians will set aside much that has been written about the influence that shaped America and substitute facts for theories.


● A Description of The New Netherlands by Adriaen Van der Donck – Syracuse Univesity Press
● The Island of the Center of the World by Russell Shorto – ISBN 0-385-50349-0
● Connecting Cultures — The Netherlands in Five Centuries of Transatlantic Exchange by VU University Press Amsterdam by several aouthors – ISBN 90-5383-344-7
● The Americanization of Edward Bok – by Edward Bok – Lakeside Press
● Article by Edward Bok in The Ladies Home Journal, October 1903

Related links;
LEGAL IMMIGRANTS | previous post by me
PIETER'S OATH OF ALLEGIANCE | previous post by me
Husband Pieter's 1994, 4th of July Speech | previous post by me with VIDEO
{Cooking Dinner for Twelve at Our Home} | Monday Night Club 3–course dinner hosted
Table Setting With Picture Frame Vases and Place Cards | 3–course dinner hosted once again

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


With all that is going on in the United States of America right now—open borders where millions have crossed, one often wonders WHY?!
When we came here, we got checked out thoroughly—checking if we had paid our Dutch taxes and we had to show our diplomas in person to a lawyer that came to our home. No copies!

We only had our B–1 Visa at that time...
You must never have been in any trouble by the law.

So, in November of 1983 going to the town hall in Duiven, Gelderland. 
Yep, another trip across the Atlantic
On to the municipality in Bergen and Arcen for a certificate of good conduct for Pieter's stay there. All this for the U.S. Consulate to get our Green Card... our first step towards United States Citizenship later in 1993.
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct over the years 1946 through April 12, 1955 
Pieter's paper for immigration from Ministry of Defense
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Bergen in Limburg
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Arcen in Limburg
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Horst in Limburg
My Certificate of good conduct from Horst in Limburg
Letter of CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES for the appointment on April 24, 1984.
April 24, 1984 again back in The Netherlands. 
Early rising at 5:00 AM and with the 5:50 AM train to Rotterdam, where we arrived at 8:30 AM at the American Consulate. 
New building, opposite the eye hospital... (Where Pieter had his surgery for implant lens early July, 1982—reccommended by Dr. Tan Kok Kheng from Singapore. → see previous post at very top: Visiting Dr Tan Kok Kheng in Singapore. Who would have dreamed that?!

 First to the GGD for X-rays. Waiting for the results. Taking the subway to some doctor for medical– and blood tests. At 1:00 PM with this result back to the Consulate. And ready at 4:30 PM after questions; fingerprints and taking the oath that we had filled in the truth. Our long day got rewarded with a heavy, sealed parcel for our permanent visa for the sum of F 800.00 (Florin = Dutch Guilder)
Pieter's x–rays
That is me...
LOTS OF DOCUMENTS and we had to pay a total of F 800 and as you can see here US $ 100 was equivalent to F 310 so it was US $ 258 for April 24 of 1984
Pieter's finger prints... 

Yes, like a criminal we got thoroughly checked out!
Views on March 14, 2024...

Related link:
PIETER'S OATH OF ALLEGIANCE | previous post by me

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31 With Pieter J.C. Vedder Visiting Sitanala Leprosy Hospital in Indonesia

 Just wanting to take you back to Indonesia during the time we did still consulting, after having lived and worked there for about 3 years.
So you get to see how we spent New Year's Eve...
December 31, 1998
Grateful for Gil Gillis from TV 35 (at that time) for putting this together for us to show to the Rotarians and others.
En route to our work, on December 31, 1998, we visited Sitanala to deliver a donation from the Dublin, Georgia Rotary Club and Friends. 
Hand delivering the cash US Dollars to Father S. Binzler, a Jesuit, who worked with the leprosy patients on their designated compound.
On November 04, 1989 Princess Diana visited the very same Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.

On the following video you also will see shocking images of the damaged and burned buildings of the Chinese Christians, who ran the businesses for the majority.
In May and November of 1998, those 'rioters' damaged some 6,000 buildings and tortured, raped and killed some 1,200...
It was for me personally the closest I've ever come to a war zone.
Pieter starts out with his finger on the map showing our route of flight for reaching our 'work' destiny:
Atlanta, Georgia/USA on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, then on to Singapore and finally reaching Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Happy New Year to ALL!

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Already on September 19 of 2020, husband Pieter did write this and send it to our local Laurens Now Magazine.
Figure 1. (from page 419 in our book) Three different types of virus particles (see arrows) have been found in mushrooms, suffering from dieback (see arrows). This picture was taken by electron microscope, enlargement 80,000 x.
Photograph, TFDL—IPO, (Task Dataflow Language at the Institute for Phytopathological Research WUR, Wageningen University, The Netherlands).



Together with my wife Mariette, I have spent almost my entire life in the mushroom world. We both have gained a very specialized knowledge and experience in that field, and because of that, we have done consulting work, training sessions and lecturing all over the globe.
We just have published our latest edition of the book 'modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting', in which we have written down that scientific and practical knowledge, gained in our lifetime, on 448 pages, including over 200 color images.
To become an expert in the mushroom business, one has to study of course, what is going on in that special world of moulds, mushrooms and all kind of microorganisms, including viruses. You have to know that one of the most disastrous diseases in mushroom production is caused by a virus infection. Because of that, we know a little bit more about a virus than the average person. The COVID-19 virus is of course not the same as the virus causing the problem in the mushroom business, but there are enough identical characteristics, worthwhile for keeping in mind.
To avoid a virus problem on a mushroom farm, first we have to follow a very strict hygiene program; almost at a hospital level.
Secondly, we have to filter all incoming air for the growing rooms. Most modern mushroom farms have a sophisticated air handling system, controlling temperature, relative humidity, CO₂ concentration etc., including air filtration. By filtering the incoming air, we try to keep harmful organisms, like little insects, spores from competitor moulds and virus particles out of the growing rooms. And here comes the point. It is relatively easy to catch flies, butterflies, midges etc.; for that we are using a so–called pre–filter, more or less like a normal fly screen. Catching spores from competitor moulds and virus particles, however, is another story, because of the small size of those organisms. Such a filter, we call that an 'absolute' filter, has to catch particles, the size of three to five micron, with an airspeed through the filter of approximately 4 to 6 feet per second. The problem here is, that the virus particles are so minuscule, only 0.003 till 0.05 micron.
Figure 2. This figure gives a good insight in the size of virus particles, in comparison with other airborne particles, (Source Paul Stamets).


In the image you can see that the average virus particles are even smaller than substances in tobacco smoke, and also much smaller than bacteria and spores from moulds and mushrooms.
Therefore, a filter able to catch virus particles in the air would have to be so dense that hardly any air could pass under normal pressure and air speed.
But here comes some relief. A virus does not possess an independent metabolism; it can only 'grow' and multiply the metabolism of more developed cells. It cannot live that long on its own; it has to be attached to other living cells like bacteria, spores or even small droplets of human saliva. That's why we are advised to cover our face with a piece of fabric.
From the foregoing, you can figure out, that such a piece of fabric cannot catch virus particles; it can only catch particles attached to a bigger sized object, like bacteria, spores or a little droplet of moisture, coming out of your, or other person's mouth. Hopefully that piece of fabric fits tightly, so there are no 'leaks'. Some even are using a plastic shield. Does such a shield give you any protection; being open at several sides?
Another problem I see, is that if the mouth cover indeed has caught some virus, attached to whatever, what are you doing with that cover, coming back from e.g., shopping, putting it down somewhere and wearing it again?
Once a virus has invaded a host, it starts changing their metabolism in such a way that it multiplies the virus, instead of their own cells. As soon as a virus enters the host, a healthy host, immediately starts fighting off the intruder. By doing so, building an even stronger immune system. That is the reason that a little blood from a person who has overcome a virus attack, can help somebody, who is struggling, to fight the disease. Two things are important here; first, we are mentioning a 'healthy' host, with therefore a strong immune system.
Secondly, very important is the level of infection. A little infection to a healthy person is not a problem because that gives the immune system the time to build up the resistance. The problem is a high infection pressure upon an 'older' somewhat unhealthy individual, with a weak immune system. That gives the virus the opportunity to multiply, and so creating the problems, especially attacking the respiratory system.
Over the years, we have learned that a strong antagonism is often the key to fight off an invader; think e.g. about the penicillium mould, fighting infections 'extract penicillium'. 
I don't come up with conclusions; after reading these facts it is up to you, using common sense.
Because of politics there is already enough confusing information around.
We always have made our decisions, based on facts and by using common sense.

Pieter J. C. Vedder
September 19, 2020

Pieter mailed the file out on Saturday, September 19, 2020 but it never got published in Laurens Now Magazine...

Reading now Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, which we purchased on November 24, 2021 we decided to as yet publish the above.

On February 16, it also is available in Germany and in our opinion in a better print (on 900 pages instead of 480!) for easier reading. 
Already ranking very high in Germany!
Our book is of course not a bestseller ranking #1 but together with Paul Stamets (Figure 2, used here above) whom we mentioned in our book, we are listed under University Textbooks.

Both of us have no PAY MASTER, but we publish the truth, not anything unfounded in science. 

Related link:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | previous post by me about our publication
P.J.C. Vedder's 1987 Design for NEW COMPOSTING SYSTEM (Phase I) | previous post by me about the WUR Wageningen University and Pieter's exceptional grades

Thursday, January 6, 2022

EXCELLENT WAY for spreading germs and what not AT A HOSPITAL!

 For our work, we always had to emphasize that strict HYGIENE is a must for avoiding the spread of all kind of diseases.
And I am talking about the mushroom business!
It ought to be treated like a hospital because we also can be dealing with a virus outbreak; called die-back.
Virus particles easily can attach themselves to spores.

Long hair has to be pulled back.
No long fingernails.
No baggy tops, but tucked in.
No wide/long clothes (skirts, dresses or very baggy pants) sweeping the surface and contaminating other areas with diseases.
We have seen hundred or even thousand times personnel at a hospital, clinic or doctor's office with TOO LONG PANTS.
Sure, most young(er) generations would not know how to decently hem up their pants.
But aside from doing it yourself or having it done, WHY is management not mentioning this?!
THINK about it, an entire workday sweeping up things from the floor, wherever they go.
And mind you, they WILL go a few times to the TOILET as well, using their PANTS like a nice 'dry' mopping rag.
Spreading germs and virus particles, attached to dust or water particles, all around and even taking them HOME.

Have you also noticed this in the medical world?

Related link:
Wearing a Saree for ONE Day and Lending my Jeans | previous post by me about strict hygiene rules like in a hospital...

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Our Historic Christmas in Italy - END of Romania's Communist Dictator

As most of you know, we lived and worked about one year in Italy.
That also included one Christmas...
Watching TV on Christmas day, in Italian and also in Romanian, which I understand for about 60% since it is one of the Roman languages.
 old Romanian: 'NIMIC FARA DUMNEDEU'

On December 22, 1989 the Romanian Revolution had started.
On December 25, 1989 the communist dictator from Romania got executed together with his wife...
Execution of Romanian Dictator Ceausescu and his wife Elena on Christmas day 1989 click on link.
Quite shocking to see this unfold on TV on Christmas Day! 
Still former Communists dominated the country till 1996...
The place where both got executed is now a national museum.
We've never been to Romania yet... Well, in 2019 we did!

We didn't study politics, but traveling and working almost all over the globe, we have seen too much of the negative impact on the population as a result of communism and socialism. 
Almost all over the globe and including our then neighboring countries close to Italy, like Slovenia where our First Lady Melania is born.
In my work in Italy, I've trained several women from Slovenia who fled before the breakup of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

We both lived in the Province of Treviso, near Venice, Italy.
Our cars did arrive per container from the USA, in the harbor of Trieste, which is right on the border with Slovenia.
We had to go there, to pick them up and driving both cars home.
Our First Lady Melania Trump is born in Novo Mesto, not far from Trieste.
Melania did grow up in Sevnica, which is only 2 hours and 15 minutes away from Trieste!

San Lorenzo in Raka, Slovenia where First Lady Melania got baptized
Melania Trump was baptized Catholic, confirms Slovenian Cardinal Franc Rodé click on link.
In an interview by Larry King in 2005 Melania is saying that she left Slovenia 15 years ago, so that means she left in 1990. We left Italy in January of 1990,
Click here and go to minute 12:37 where she starts saying this.
Husband Pieter and I can only admire our First Lady Melania Trump, for having come from such a difficult, communist environment and yet, having made it to Milan, Italy and later to Paris, France before coming to New York, USA while being a super model.
Now she is our classy and elegant First Lady!

On Thursday, August 3 of 1995, we had a Slovenian and Romanian Wrestling Team practice in our town of Dublin, Georgia/USA for the Olympics that were held in Atlanta.
Our local Chamber of Commerce called me to ask if I knew Slovenian or Romanian. No I said but I sure can understand Romanian and if I speak slowly Italian, we can communicate. That's what we did over supper and those men had an entire wish list for their girlfriends that I could translate into English and also point them to the right store for obtaining... They were very happy and we felt good as well.

Both of us also have visited another communist country, Hungary and we have seen with our own eyes the impoverished people's suffering.
As a matter of fact in 2019 we visited most of the previous Eastern European countries while on the Viking Danube cruise.

We only pray that more and more people in this world, still under communist rule, will get to experience their FREEDOM.
God forbid that our own USA is going the Socialist route...
We both have come a long way for escaping its vicinity and at times it looks like we're heading right into it!

Related links:

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dutch PVV must WIN because Rutte is STEALING Money from 34,000+ ELDERLY in USA and Canada

On March 15, the Dutch people will vote again. Maybe this time they will vote smart and do away with the present, corrupt leaders!
AOW-uitkeringen; gekort (see the blue marking top right)
Dutch Social Security; cut
For USA and Canada alone it is for more than 34,000 elderly living abroad!
My husband commented on a post: Dutch election 2017 odds: WillGeert Wilders win in the Netherlands?
The Dutch election 2017 is set to be closely-fought battle between the far-right Geert Wilders and incumbent Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Here are the latest odds on the upcoming Netherlands vote (click on pink hyperlink above).
Expatriates are being FORCED to file their taxes as a ONE Person income, regardless if they are married or not! 
That is discrimination in the worst way possible.
The top figure shows you the taxes to be paid, versus two-person income at the bottom.

Are you a foreign taxable person? No tax partner and Not entitled to tax credits and deductions...

Over 2015, 2016 and 2017 this has already been the DISCRIMINATING TREATMENT for all foreign taxable persons.

When asked: 'Why suddenly such unfair treatment?'
The response was: 'For this question I have no answer, this has been a political decision.'
PM Rutte already started his preparations in 2012, when he cut all the funds for the Dutch World Radio.
That was the ONLY reliable information for expatriates, living all over the world.
Maar terwijl het internet de wereld veroverd, raakt de rol van de Wereldomroep op sommige vlakken uitgespeeld. In juni 2011 maakte het inmiddels gevallen kabinet-Rutte bekend dat het budget van de Wereldomroep met ingang van 1 januari 2013 zal worden verlaagd van 46 miljoen naar 14 miljoen per jaar: een budgetverlaging van 70 procent. Het maakt drastische keuzes onafwendbaar.

But while the internet conquered the world, the role of the world radio gets played off against some areas. In June 2011, the fallen Cabinet Rutte announced that the budget of the World Radio from January 2013 on, will be reduced from 46 million to 14 million a year: a budget reduction of 70 percent. It makes drastic choices unavoidable.

The Dutch World Radio always stood up for the Dutch living and/or working abroad. 
For several years, husband Pieter's Dutch Social Security (AOW) got deducted by witholding medical insurance, even with the fact that he could not make any use of it.
There was a lot of protest and World Radio let people from all over the world speak up!
The government finally gave in and took that deduction off.
BUT World Radio has paid the price for it and they were shortened on funds and then they finally had to disappear from the air... Sad fact!
They really were looking out for us.
What can we do as little people?
Especially because money from the elderly is being taken to fund migrants! - Maybe Citizen Journalism does have a little impact?!
They obviously removed my Tweet...
Hoping for the BEST results on March 15, for The Netherlands!
Socialism is not what the people want...

It took more than 6½ years but in the end the people elected Geert Wilders from the PVV and he won in a landslide: Dutch election winner Geert Wilders is an anti–Islam firebrand known as the Dutch Donald Trump ←click link.

Related links:
"Zestig procent van mensen in de bijstand is allochtoon" by binnenland.eenvandaag.nl 60% of welfare recipients are immigrants
What you need to know about the Dutch election by dw.com 


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