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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Rose silverware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rose silverware. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Our Autumn Garden Blooms & HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

 The 2022 Autumn has been very brief...
On October 9, our Hydrangea paniculata, Limelight still blooming like it would not end!
More in detail with perfect sunlight.
This was already blooming on September 8—the longest lasting blooms we've ever seen!
Check post below about 'Our Garden Blooms in Summer
On October 21, Pieter did bring in a giant red Hibiscus bloom.
Placed it in our Repoussé Silver Rose vase...
Showing here its proportion a little better...
On October 30 when we left for North Carolina and Tennessee it was very dark and drizzling so I could not capture our Sugar Maple.
Photo got taken on November 4, day after our return and as you see—most leaves are already down and not even turned completely golden yet.
Pieter's open hand gives you a good idea about the size of yet another red Hibiscus bloom on November 7.
Love this red Hibiscus with its very special center.
A detail of its fabulous center—too bad our hummingbirds are already gone to the Caribbean.
Not the best photo taken on November 13—that late into the season.
But what I wanted to show here is that these petunias, the Blanket® Double Chardonnay in our Fiberglass Window Boxes remained like miniature plants...
Very disappointing!
GrowJoy claims that one plant grows to mature size of 10–inches tall x 24–inches wide or 
25 cm x 60 cm.
Our plants sure did NOT do that, they remained very miniature as you can see by my hand as comparison.
In post below you can see them also
On November 19, our Hydrangea paniculata Limelight had turned pinkish from some near frost nights...
There were more buds but they did not turn out the way the first two did!
On our patio the summer blooming azalea still performs well as a pot plant!
Another great performer on the patio as a pot plant is the Rosemary—they bloom year round!
On Sunday, November 20 I captured our regal Camellia Japonica Debutante.
You can clearly see the now raised wooden walkway that Pieter finished in June while I was in Europe solo...
Holding one regal Camellia Japonica Debutante in my hand...
Mariette's Back to Basics wishes you and your loved ones a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING
And all those that reside outside of the USA, THANKS for your VISITS over the years!
Black Friday is always on with FREE SHIPPING at Spectrenoir on line ←click link.

Related link:
Our Garden Blooms in Summer | previous post by me
{Camellia Debutante & Chocolate} | previous post by me
{Let It Be A Happy New Year} | previous post by me
{Our Camellia Japonica Debutante} | previous post by me
Espresso with French Macarons | previous post by me

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Spicy Coconut Split Pea Soup

 When the evenings are getting cooler, it is wholesome to have a spicy, hot soup.
This time I share with you a Spicy Coconut Split Pea Soup
Easy to make and so yummy when served with corn tortilla chips on the side...
Served in our Pillivuyt from France ←(click link) soup bowl and eaten with a silver Alvin Bridal Rose soup spoon.
I've also used our linen with roses French Le Jacquard Français placemats.
This one I made with Trader Joe's Coconut Cream instead of Coconut Milk

454 g dried split peas
3 cloves garlic, chopped
5 cups light tasting vegetable broth (used the low sodium from Trader Joe's)
2 teaspoons of spicy curry powder
½ teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning (will also mention how to make your own!)
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 14–oz can coconut milk or cream if you desire
About 6 jalapeño peppers chopped


Place the rinsed split peas in a heavy bottom soup pot and just cover them with boiling water.
Let them soak for one hour, on the lowest setting—drain.
Place the soaked peas back into the soup pot and add the chopped garlic, broth, curry, Old Bay Seasoning and cayenne pepper. 
Bring the liquid to a gentle simmer and cook till the peas are soft—about one hour.
Stir in the coconut milk or cream and gently heat through and also add the jalapeños.
Serve in a shallow heated bowl and ENJOY

1 tablespoon Celery Salt
2 teaspoons Ground Bay Leaves
2 teaspoons Smoked Paprika
1½ teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1 teaspoon Ground Mustard
¼ teaspoon Allspice
¼ teaspoon Cayenne
1 pinch of Ground Cinnamon
1 pinch Ground Nutmeg
1 pinch Ground Ginger

Actually I've made my own and keep it in a little container—handy and ready to be used.


Monday, August 29, 2022

Healthy 98% Lean Turkey Meatball Soup

 As stated before, for both of us, Pieter due to his heart condition and for me due to my Chronic Kidney Disease, preparing our own meals is important to avoid high sodium intake.
ALL prepared foods from the supermarket (for baking or finishing at home!) are loaded with high sodium.
Any processed food is also way too high in sodium.
Another issue is the high cholesterol and for me, avoiding to eat high–protein foods, like: red meat, dairy products and eggs makes it often challenging.
Healthy 98% Lean Turkey Meatball Soup for Supper...
Served in Pillivuyt plate and eaten with Bridal Rose (Sterling, 1903 ) by Alvin soup spoon.
At Whole Foods Market I got this 98% lean ground turkey breast—454 g or 1 pound
Adding one egg to the ground turkey breast meat, spices such as dried celery or no salt seasoning and then bread crumps or Panko. 
With your hands you kneed it through and you will notice when it becomes perfect, when it all is adhering well.
Next you roll balls and set aside.
The ONLY real low sodium (5%) soup we use is from Trader Joe's
For this soup, to serve 8 portions, I use two packs of 1 quart or almost 1 liter each.
Also love to grab Trader Joe's MIREPOIX chopped vegetable mix, a blend of carrots, onions & celery.
Also about 1 pound total and of course, you can make your own!
Then I add two hand–fulls of Italian Pearled Farro
Farro is a hearty whole wheat grain with a firm texture and delicious nutty flavor.
I've been using it for years now, instead of any pasta type things.
Make sure to stir the bottom of your soup pan as it LOVES to stick to the bottom...
When it boils, you add the meat balls and cook till they are done.
You have a quick and easy supper this way and it serves 8.
Did roll 23 balls out of my pound of ground turkey breast and this is my two–ball portion and Pieter gets his three–ball portion since he's not restricted in high–protein.
With ONLY one egg used for 23 balls, I'm not worried about my high–protein intake there.
We never can cut out something entirely from our diet.

Do you love to eat soup for supper?

Related link:

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


 For both of us it is a MUST to prepare our own meals.
So here I love to share with you a Healthy Heart Recipe.
Also for Chronic Kidney Disease where Low Sodium Food is KEY!
Any time I see some great quality mushrooms at Costco, I grab them for using in our kitchen.
These were Baby Bella, 680 g or 24 oz.
For Mushroom Quality Criteria:
Pieter had found at Walmart Supercenter, Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Low Sodium Soup and than it disappeared...
So we contacted Campbell's Soup.
It was already on April 19, of this year, that we got a courteous email reply from Mr. Alex Jablokov, Manager, Sales Operations—Campbell's Foodservice.
24 oz of fresh baby bella, cleaned and sliced
1 bunch of chopped green onions
4–7.25 oz cans of low sodium cream of mushroom 
1–14 oz can of coconut milk
3 teaspoons of spicy curry
2 teaspoons of turmeric
pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of butter
Sauté green onions in 2 tablespoons of butter, add sliced ​​mushrooms and spices
Simmer for 5 minutes. Add coconut milk and 4 cans of Cream of Mushroom Low Sodium Soup, let heat through and SERVE...
Made this soup on June 30, after coming back from my solo trip to Europe and I used the double yellow Kalanchoe plant as a quick accent.
The yellow goes well with the soup due to the use of Spicy Curry powder and Turmeric.
Served in our French Pillivuyt soup cups with the Bridal Rose (Sterling, 1903 ) by Alvin soup spoon.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk Recipe

 Already a favorite recipe for both of us is the Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk
Love to serve the soup hot in pre-heated soup plates from our French Pillivuyt china. It is even oven proof.
Here we ate it with bread but we also like the no salt added blue corn chips from Whole Foods Market Place.
It makes for a healthy meal and tastes best on a cooler day 😉

1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, diced
2 stalks of celery, diced
2 teaspoons of curry powder
1 teaspoon of Thai red curry paste
4 cups diced butternut squash
1 package of low sodium vegetable broth (Trader Joe's)
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste 
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup or raw agave nectar, to taste
1 13.5 oz can of coconut milk

Heat the olive oil i na soup pot, over medium heat. Add the onion, celery and curry powder + paste; stir and cook until the onion softens. Add the squash and broth. Cover the pot and bring to a simmer till the squash is soft and fork tender, about 30 minutes.
I've not pureed my soup with an immersion blender but you can do so if you wish, till smooth.
Stir in the maple syrup and coconut milk and season with sea salt and pepper to taste.
Only warm through, don't boil again, and serve.


Monday, April 2, 2018


Already for quite a while I had the photos...
So, here I will use them for wishing all my readers a HAPPY EASTER 2018!
Yes, one of my sewing creations, quilted and padded place mats with matching napkins.
Photo got made on Sunday, March 20 of 2005
Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet silverware and for dessert the Bridal Rose by Alvin in sterling silver.
Fragrant daffodils...
Used here in a table setting for a dear friend on her birthday in 2007
Same as the 1st photo but now with flash light.
Those picture frames are always lovely for individual use at table.
Round silver napkin rings we had made in Indonesia.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Verbena Lanai Blush White

On May 13, our trailing Verbena Lanai Blush White were looking their best!
Our little silver rose vase filled with them. 
And on June 1, we had this in our Fiberglass Window Boxes alongside the driveway.
They are not quite as happy in the extreme heat.
As of today, they almost are getting drowned with severe thunderstorms and torrential rains.
That's the outlook for the coming days...
We got ours from whiteflowerfarm.com
Hope you have a lovely new week coming your way.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Table Setting With Picture Frame Vases and Place Cards

Still regret for not having kept more than 6 of those Delft White Picture Frame Vases... They sold like hot cakes! BUT, I sure love to use them with my Table Setting, together with our silver Place Cards.
It was once again Pieter's turn for hosting a 3–course dinner at our home for his Monday Night Club.
We happened to have still some of our white azaleas and together with a sprig of Rosemary, they worked perfect.
Also my French Christofle silver knife rests were put to use.
I've almost sold out on my Spectrenoir... (click the hyperlink).
My extra long French Le Jacquard damask tablecloth with napkins work fine with the additional small oak table added on in the back.
Chargers are French Pillivuyt Sancerre, also available at Replacements.
Our dining room set is solid French oak and also the floor is solid oak planks.
But instead of the Delft White Picture Frame Vase I used a little perfume bottle with silver embellishment, a dear gift from our boss in Italy.
The soup spoons, as well as the dessert spoon are Alvin Bridal Rose (Sterling, 1903) and by now you all know that I love ROSES. Clicking the link you find more pieces by Replacements Ltd.
Our solid silver napkin rings we had made in Indonesia while we lived and worked there.
This Picture Frame Vase is holding 2 Ice Wing Narcissus.

Hope you enjoyed my Table Setting and thanks for your visit.

Related links:
{Large Delft White Picture Frame Vase} | previous post by me
{Delft White Picture Frame Vase} | previous post by me
{Cooking Dinner for Twelve at Our Home} | previous post by me
{Tuesday May 4, dinner with friends} | previous post by me
{Table Setting for Friends} | previous post by me
{Mother-in-law's 1930s Société Céramique Blue Boerenhoeve Transferware} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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