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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Our Life in Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Life in Indonesia. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31 With Pieter J.C. Vedder Visiting Sitanala Leprosy Hospital in Indonesia

 Just wanting to take you back to Indonesia during the time we did still consulting, after having lived and worked there for about 3 years.
So you get to see how we spent New Year's Eve...
December 31, 1998
Grateful for Gil Gillis from TV 35 (at that time) for putting this together for us to show to the Rotarians and others.
En route to our work, on December 31, 1998, we visited Sitanala to deliver a donation from the Dublin, Georgia Rotary Club and Friends. 
Hand delivering the cash US Dollars to Father S. Binzler, a Jesuit, who worked with the leprosy patients on their designated compound.
On November 04, 1989 Princess Diana visited the very same Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.

On the following video you also will see shocking images of the damaged and burned buildings of the Chinese Christians, who ran the businesses for the majority.
In May and November of 1998, those 'rioters' damaged some 6,000 buildings and tortured, raped and killed some 1,200...
It was for me personally the closest I've ever come to a war zone.
Pieter starts out with his finger on the map showing our route of flight for reaching our 'work' destiny:
Atlanta, Georgia/USA on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, then on to Singapore and finally reaching Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Happy New Year to ALL!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Long Lost Friend Rita FOUND!

Yay—we found RITA after 30 years!
In this regard, social media can be a great help for finding long lost friends.
Just like with our previous lost person from our Life in Italy...
Read below post.
Rita Ruzwan...
It was her husband who first found my post on FB Page and he reacted.
What a joy to find such a comment...!
Rita sure has not aged since we met in 1991.


Related link:

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Pieter's Outfit from Khazana at Taj Palace New Delhi Hotel

 On February 29 of 1991 we were at the Taj Palace New Delhi hotel after our two–week consulting work for Pond's India. This before flying to Indonesia where we worked and lived at the time.
With a guide from Pond's we did go to the State Emporia where we found a whale for Uncle Bo Whaley, and for us a sandalwood carving with balls inside. 
Also a bird painting on rice paper. 
Back at our hotel we found for Pieter a very nice fitting greenish cotton pair of trousers and a striped shirt.
This was on our patio in Wonosobo, Indonesia where Pieter put on the entire set.
Perfect fit!
Admiring our orchids that just hang on wood wool planks against the wall.
Happy times during our life in Indonesia!
The climate was so perfect for our hair...
We also found a perfect pure silk black tie at the Taj Palace New Delhi Khazana Shop.
India has so much!
It is real black, the shine of the silk made it look a bit different... 😉
Pieter wearing his Khazana trousers on his 69th Birthday in our front porch.
The same guy, same trousers only 31 years later... 
And yes, those comfy eco friendly Loints sandals are still alive as well!
Notice the Moonflower vine, to the left of Pieter's knee?
Home grown by Pieter from seeds and it is opening its very first flower!
They too are HUGE and bloom at night mainly; hence its name Moonflower — Ipomoea alba.
Photos taken around 9:00 so it was closing.
Pieter on the back step of our gazebo. The white gingerbread from Vintage Woodworks looks so nice after it got painted again.
From inside of gazebo facing the pond area.

Related link:
COME Cross the Tengger Sand Sea to Volcano Mount Bromo, Indonesia | previous post by me both wearing our Loints sandals
True Indigo Indigofera Tinctoria in Pieter's Favorite Color | previous post by me with Loints sandals
Blissful Relationship in the Tropics of Indonesia | previous post by me with Loints sandals
P.J.C. Vedder on Mushroom Cultivation during Technology Transfer Seminar part 2 | previous post where Pieter is wearing his Khazana trousers...

Friday, January 28, 2022


 On January 30, it will be the annual WORLD LEPROSY DAY
In 1989 this lady received a prosthesis from Princess Diana and then in 1997 from the Dublin, Georgia, USA Rotary Club.
As you quite well know, while working and living in Indonesia we got involved with the Leprosy project.

Even back in my birth country The Netherlands we had a leper colony...
The Windmill Herald was a bi-weekly Dutch-English Newspaper printed by Vanderheide Publishing Co Ltd. Langley, BC Canada.

Comments are off here, only via above link...

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Dieng Plateau area spent mushroom compost being carried up to terraces

 So very often have we seen the hard work by the men working those horticultural terraces in Java, Indonesia.
Also the thousands of tons of spent mushroom compost carried up, after having being dumped alongside the main road.

Best viewed on YouTube for being able to use the clickable points with written info below.
Also shown are the stone breakers at work.
We saw them numerous times, on different roads... Such hard work!
The terraces yielded tobacco, corn, cabbage, potatoes and so on.
In the tropics things can be grown year round.

Related links:
Oversight of Dieng Plateau area in Indonesia with mushroom growing sheds and doing training | previous post by me
Karangbakal, Indonesia Exemplary Compost Ricks | previous post by me
The Stonebreaker in Indonesia and Pieter's Paternal Grandmother's Name | previous post by me
Mount Merapi 2,911 meters or 9,551 feet and Rice Fields of Central Java, Indonesia | previous post by me
{Dieng Plateau Indonesia - Where We Worked} | previous post by me

Monday, October 11, 2021

Oversight of Dieng Plateau area in Indonesia with mushroom growing sheds and doing training

 Just wanted to share with you this short video from our time of living and working in Indonesia in the mushroom business.

Pieter did climb up the mountain very high at one of the locations for giving you this overview.
The video can best be viewed on YouTube, so you can read the text below, where I've better explained with clickable points.
Yes, that was me speaking in my 7th language of Bahasa Indonesia.

Related link:
Dieng Plateau area spent mushroom compost being carried up to terraces | post showing the use of spent mushroom compost in horticulture

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Karangbakal, Indonesia Exemplary Compost Ricks

Just by using simple machinery and some hand work, already on June 14, 1994 at the Karangbakal location, high on the Dieng Plateau in Indonesia.
Just want to show you:

Short video showing the storage of the Sugar Cane Bagasse; Pre-Wet and then the perfect ricking.

One really has to comb the world for finding such perfect compost ricks!

Related links:
Dieng Plateau Indonesia - Where We Worked | previous post by me
Oversight of Dieng Plateau area in Indonesia with mushroom growing sheds and doing training | post by me
Dieng Plateau area spent mushroom compost being carried up to terraces | post by me

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Come Visit us in Indonesia and meet my skilled Couture Seamstress Ms. Yati

In June of  1994, when we were over a 3-week period back in Indonesia, for consulting at the mushroom farm, we arrived from Jakarta in Yogyakarta and then some two hours driving up into the mountains.
At the Guest Bungalow in Kalianget we stayed and were enjoying a leisurely Sunday.

Before dark, we did go to nearby Wonosobo for bringing my sueded silk from Hong Kong to Ms Yati.
She was an excellent couture seamstress from Jakarta and she also knew English.
Due to her aging Mother having dementia, she'd come to rural Central Java as a caregiver...
So that's what we did, dropping off the material, sewing pattern and explaining to her how and such.
That gave her the time for finishing my dress, before we would depart back to the USA.
That's the dress!
Wearing it on a Sunday to Mass and then changing, before heading to the airport for our flight to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, visiting my Parents and Family.
Pieter on the wood trail in our garden in his Burberry summer suit.
Always hard for leaving a perfectly blooming summer garden behind.
Here, Pieter is indulging in the perfume from the Ginger lilies...
Ms. Yati did an excellent job on this sueded silk dress with silk lining from Britex Fabrics in San Francisco, with zipper and silk thread from Britex Notions.
Pieter happy for soon being able to visit with his two brothers and family...
We always looked forward to those trips to The Netherlands; did that 66 times!
Loved the fabric when I touched it in Hong Kong, and loved my choice of dress!

Related link:
{Raw Silk Purchased in Hong Kong for Sewing THIS} | previous post by me about my sewing creation
{Silk Velvet Dress from Hong Kong Trip Fabric} | previous post by me with other creation by Ms. Yati

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pieter Plays Organ in Bandung Indonesia

On Sunday, June 24 in 1995 while doing consulting work in Indonesia we went with one of the staff people to visit Retreat House Pratista, Cimahi, near Bandung, Indonesia.
There was a Dutch speaking pastor at this Crosier Monastery or Monastery of the Order of the Holy Cross (Kruisheren in Dutch).
When Pieter spotted the organ, he just started playing... without any music, just by heart!
Hope you enjoy this 1:37 minute video.
Starting video with the different Cross they use, not one of the suffering Christ!

The staff member seen in this video became our house guest end of August, the day after my sister and significant other left, after staying four weeks with us.
On Saturday August 26, 1995 he flew with us together to San Francisco. 
On Sunday we got picked up, for going to Santa Cruz where Pieter did a Phase I and Phase II seminar for Campbell Soup for 54 participants. 
Those were tough one-man shows for Pieter doing it solo for two days and half a day a farm tour towards the end.
Pieter did wear a Batik shirt, my sewing creation. The late Pastor Vermuilen was looking on...

Related link:
{My Batik Creations} | previous post where I show Pieter's batik shirt as my sewing creation

Thursday, July 29, 2021

The FIGHT of Growing Grass in Subtropical Georgia/USA

 As most of you know, both husband Pieter and I got born with dirt under our fingernails... being the son and/or daughter of a professional market gardener. Growing fruits and vegetables, delivering to the auction for supplying grocery stores.
So... that made us knowledgeable for starting a GARDEN; right?
We had moved into our newly built home in November of 1990... 
Here I am on August 11, 1991, looking in horror at all the soil that got washed out from heavy rain, such as often in summer in subtropical Georgia.
We just got back on August 9, from work and living in Indonesia...
So after pulling weeds for one day and Pieter working with his weed eater, it was me on the shovel to fill wheelbarrows. Yes, we had two of them!
Pieter in turn wheeled them to the spot for filling it in.
Where did I shovel all that dirt?
Under the newly built house, where after opening the metal door in our staircase area I screamed because we were looking at a mountain of dirt. 
Yes, our 'not–so–great-contractor' left it all there and just built the foundation around.
We dug out a big section as we needed it desperately here and later in 1995 we dug out more. 
In 2004, husband Pieter dug out the remaining 60 tons (!) for filling in on the left side of our garden and constructing the Rose Suite. See posts below.
Oh, life can be so very glamorous!
Did wear my new bikini while at the shovel beneath the hot/humid home in the basement... 
Bikini had arrived in the mail.
This was it, a Gottex bikini with a silk cover up...
Haha, nice and glamorous work uniform don't you think so?
Easy for jumping right under the shower after the day is over and rinsing it all off.
Pieter did the heavy pushing of the wheelbarrow and filling in of the dirt, while having his implant lens out of place... As got diagnosed in the morning. He went next day, after this big job, for the re–positioning of his lens under a light anesthesia.
Rest of the day relaxing... (Pieter!).
On August 20, we put a mixture of spent compost with peat moss between our azaleas as each tropical rain shower washed out the dirt. Hoping they will grow and spread out faster and hold on to the soil!
Oh, on May 16, the previous time off from our work/living in Indonesia (we were there two months at the time...) we both had laid these cross tires in the spots we wanted.
A company that took care of our garden, had laid them and not to our liking.
Yes, those suckers are heavy but we managed!!!
That lantern now was in the wrong spot and Pieter moved that at another later time ...
So much to handle in the four weeks we got off from work in Indonesia!
On August 28, we went again to a certain low spot near a larger creek behind the street where we used to live. We dug up nice patches of grass to fill in the bare spots where everything got washed out from heavy rains...
Our heavy duty wheelbarrow ready for a ride!
Pieter with his heavy duty spade!
Yes, we used our Mercury Sable wagon very intense, after bringing it back home from working/living in Italy...
It got cleaned up well for carrying our suitcases again on September 1, when we would fly back to work and living in Indonesia... 😉
The wagon could then rest for two months at the parking lot of Atlanta Airport... 
Grabbing those sods by their sprites and helping unload.
We always worked as a team!
Unloading some right at the trouble spot...
HOPING they will stand their ground this time!
Yes, the lawn is still covered with straw in order to avoid further erosion...
Living on such a steep slope for sure was not easy to start growing grass!
But with perseverance we managed.

Related links:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | previous post with video from Middle Georgia Magazine showing a NICE garden
{The Construction of Our Rose Suite - Part I} | previous post about digging out the entire basement and using those 60 tons of dirt to fill in low areas in our garden
Then and Now | previous post where I wear the very jeans skirt from 1987 and in 2020...

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Delivering Funds to Dena Upakara in Wonosobo, Indonesia where Foster Daughter Anita hails from

 On June 17 of 1995, we did hand deliver the donations from our local Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia, USA
Delivering the Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia, USA money to the Dena Upakara boarding school for girls with a hearing impediment.
Pieter handing the US $ 500.00 that we both hand carried to Indonesia when traveling for our consulting work.
A sure way for having 100% of the funds being delivered, and used for the cause!
Happy smiles!
We again delivered the US $ 500 from Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia, USA on July 2, 1996.
Sister Antonie was very pleased with this gift!
Several of the girls from the boarding school were present as we came to deliver the funds.
Remember, that we used to have about 16 of these girls, come to our home while living and working in Indonesia.
We became their substitute Papa & Mama, as they only ONCE got to see their real Parents during their vacation, as most did not have the means for coming to Central Java to visit them.
On December 15, 1990, when living in Wonosobo we visited Dena Upakara and got to talk to Sister Henricia van Vijfeijke in Dutch! 
Sister Henricia was from the Congregation Daughters of Mary and Joseph, who have a commitment to the deaf, blind and disabled. Founded in 1820 and they went to Brazil, Congo, China and Indonesia.
Surprise to us that she also happened to be a first cousin of Padre Juan Janssen who married us, in Chile; he sure blessed our blissful relationship!
We did present her after our work on December 18, with an article about her first cousin in Chile.
Small world! 
Things happen for a reason...

We have our foster daughter Anita from this very boarding school!

Related link:
{Double Tragedy...} | previous post by me

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Delivering Funds to Brother Petrus Hendriks at Don Bosco in Wonosobo, Indonesia

 Already on December 14 in 1986, did I join Pieter for a visit to Don Bosco as the boarding school was called, where several Catholic Brothers of Charity taught boys with a hearing impediment. 
While living and working in Indonesia, we also frequently borrowed Dutch books from their extensive library.
Here on June 2, 1996,  husband Pieter hands the US $ 500.00 from our local Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia, USA.
Brother Hendriks of course was very happy and grateful for receiving this help!
Two of the boarding school's boys are in this photo.
This boarding school is following the Dutch concept of the institute for the deaf, in St.-Michielsgestel, the Netherlands. Meaning, they are being taught the oral method and not sign language. That way they are not being singled out from society, due to the restriction of only sign language and its therefore very limited access to communication.
Reading lips and having had intensive training for speech articulation, using a mirror and by placing the index and middle finger on the throat, of both toddler and teacher, they learn to mimic the vowels and feel its special vibration in the throat.
Children's 'remaining hearing' is used to its maximum, and that often requires such hearing aids!
Another photo as proof of delivery...
On the left, in the boy's ear you clearly can see the hearing device they used at the boarding school.
Brother Petrus (Piet) Hendriks smiling happily on June 17, 1995 when we hand delivered the previous US $ 500.00
It meant a lot for them, being able to purchase some hearing aids for helping the children with a hearing impediment at this special boarding school.
Now back to the very first time that I joined Pieter to visit Don Bosco in Wonosobo, Indonesia. Pieter had been there previously and knew there were Dutch Brothers of Charity.
So here we are, seated around the table with a coffee or tea and Brother Piet Hendriks asked where I hailed from.
From Horst in Limburg, I said, mentioning my town and province... in the Netherlands.
Oh, he said from where in Horst?
Then I replied from the Afhang... and he shifted to the edge of his seat and said, oh then we can continue in your dialect as my Parents came from Horst as well!
My Uncle Antoon Hendriks lived there he said, and yes, I do recall the age old home where he lived, only two homes away from where I got born!
UNREAL for being able to speak in your own dialect, when traveling from the USA to Indonesia... and meeting someone that knows.
Upon mentioning that my Dad will never believe this incredible story, Brother Hendriks scribbled down this note for my Dad to read:
Brother Piet Hendriks
Uncle Antoon (Toon) Hendriks
Opa (Grandfather): Derix
Used to be baker, later petroleum seller.
Mother: Marie van den Oliezoes (a dialect nickname, as often was the case back then).
We learned that in Horst, there is a street named after that Uncle from Brother Piet Hendriks:
Toon Hendriksstraat (Toon Hendriksstreet).
Thanks to hometown blogger Wim Moorman (nephew of my high school friend Julia) from Horst sweet Horst I got some information via another mutual historiography/writer friend Jan Janssen.
Turned out that in 1965, a written request was made for having a street named after Toon Hendriks:
On behalf of the board, I would like to draw your attention to what we consider to be a very deserving Horstenaar.
This is: "Antoon Hendriks, born March 22, 1888 in Horst, died August 5, 1961". This Antoon Hendriks is a pioneer of the workers' movement in Horst. He has been a member for more than 40 years and a member of the board of construction workers for more than 35 years. In the beginning of the workers' movement in Horst, he was fired several times for his membership. Much incomprehension and poverty was his part, but nevertheless Toon persevered.
He was an example and inspiration to other board members,  by personally working with all his strengths for his fellow workers.
The community of Horst, and especially the workers, owe a lot to him, although Toon never wanted to know about thanks.
He preferred to work behind the scenes, without noting he toiled for his fellow humans. Antoon Hendriks has been dead for 3.5 years, so occasionally his name is still mentioned at board meetings. It would be a nice posthumous gift if this name could be preserved for posterity.
On behalf of the board N.K.V. Horst-centrum
So glad that this posthumous honor has been bestowed by naming a street after him!

Just received another piece of information via writer and historical researcher Dr. Jan Janssen;
published in the local Echo on January 23, 1981.
8. Toon Hendriksstraat for the connecting road between Waterstraat and Schoolstraat in the extension of Weltersweide.
The person concerned, lived in Horst from 1888 to 1961, until 1957 on the Schoolstraat and then on the Afhangweg. He did a lot of pioneering work for the workers and was one of the leaders of the trade union movement. Mayor & Aldermen believe that here too they can certainly speak of a deserving Horstenaar, although his field of work was not only in Horst.
The nephew from above Toon Hendriks, Brother Piet (Petrus) Hendriks passed away suddenly on January 26, 2010
Brother Petrus Hendriks was a member of the Congregation Brothers of Charity who are active in care and education.
After his education and study at the institute for the deaf, in St.-Michielsgestel, the Netherlands, he went to Indonesia in 1964. His place of employment was Wonosobo, (where we also lived for about three years while working in Indonesia).

Provincial Councillor of the Indonesian Region of Rama Sandjaja. 
In Wonosobo he showed unlimited commitment in the service of the deaf child. Day and night, around the clock, he was always ready during class hours and in the boarding school. He is remembered as one of the institute's best principals. He did his job with full commitment. 
His spiritual life was an example to his fellow brothers. He was committed to everyone and brought religious life into daily practice. His picture is still in the school of Wonosobo. The Rama Sandjaja Region is still grateful to him and the memory of him lives on. 
In 1998 he was asked to work in Tanzania at the Brothers of Charity's hearing impediment school... He didn't stay there long because he got sick. He returned to the Netherlands and, after a rest period, went to Roermond, where he was appointed Superior. He was also appointed Provincial Councillor.
In 2001 he became the first Superior in the newly built Monastery Eikenburg. He lived there for nine years, with great pleasure. His health slowly deteriorated, but he was committed as a coster in the chapel of the Monastery and as an altar boy in the great chapel. 
Brother Petrus was a modest man, he had enough on his puzzle books and his cigarette. 
During his life as a Brother of Charity, Brother Petrus has done a lot of work, for which we are very grateful to him. More than thirty years in Indonesia, briefly in Tanzania, several years in the Provincial Administration and the years in Roermond and at Eikenburg.
Brother Petrus died suddenly, in Eindhoven at Monastery Eikenburg. He was buried after a solemn Eucharist celebration on January 29, at the monastery cemetery there.
We thank the care at Monastery Eikenburg for their efforts during the last years.
May he rest in peace.
He chose the text of the poem on the next page, by Elly Nieman and Rikkert Zuiderveld.
I'm traveling, even though I don't know where. 
But somewhere it was written that I had to go this way, 
And even if I sometimes hesitate along that endless track,
Yet I know:
Someone preceded me, and that's why I'm moving on.
I have no money, no map and no compass.
But I see the signs, and they tell me enough; 
and even if no one answers
on the things I asked,
Yet I know:
At the end, I find hearing, and that's why I'm going to keep going.
I am a bird that spreads its wings;
So I always want to fly beyond the sun.
I am a horse that rides without reins;
But there is someone who leads me and he says, "Come!
Sure, Brother Piet Hendriks, just like his Uncle Toon Hendriks, loved being fully committed to the wellbeing of others!
Both were of a very humble nature and that is why they were great at deeds!
A true example for many, that were fortunate, having known them.

Related link:

Wednesday, May 26, 2021



Rita with one of her twin girls with me at the then Hyatt Aryaduta, Jakarta...
This was the name and situation on September 11, 1991
At the Borobudur in Yogyakarta
Rita with the twin girls Lola and Loly (3) and son Lauren who was 5 at that time and husband Aboel.
On April 27, 1991 we met Rita and all three cute and talented, singing and dancing children at the Yogyakarta airport.
We had a long wait and delay for our departure to Jakarta, due to President Suharto who was coming for the opening of part of the restored Prambanan temple.
Finally we are boarding and upon arrival in Jakarta, Pieter discovered that he had left his The Bridge bag in the seat of the waiting room in Yogyakarta...!
Excerpt from Pieter's diary:
At such a moment you would like to be all sorts of things at once, almighty, you would also like to sink into the ground and you should be a little less sloppy and... None of it helps. We get a lot of help from Rita, which is especially important when calling Yogya and making it clear to the people there what it is about. Minutes seem like hours, but the redemptive word comes; the bag has been found and is safe in the office of Bouraq Airlines with Mr. Ulun. 
However, they refuse to give it to anyone (due to the amount of cash inside!), we will have to pick it up in person. Is there another flight on this chaotic day? With Rita's help, I get an open ticket for Rupiah 199,700 (Rita paid Rupiah 50,000) and run to the plane... leaving Mariette behind.
In Yogya, Ulun already knew who I was and the manager was proud that his people had handled this so well. They happened to have a Pieter Ve(rmeulen) on their passenger list so they had not thought about the simultaneously departing Garuda flight. And of course we in Jakarta did not inform Bouraq Airlines!
The flight back is packed but with an additional payment of Rupiah 25,000 and some help from the Bouraq manager I manage to be on board in the nick of time. 
It's a good feeling to have the bag next to you again complete with a full Rupiah 8,000,000! We got all our travel expenses paid out in cash...
Mariette in the meantime had already arranged everything in Jakarta, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines cancelled, arranged for the Garuda flight from 21:00. She typed a neat thank you note on her portable wordprocessor for the helpful Garuda staff. Yes, speaking Bahasa Indonesia was VERY fruitful that afternoon!!!
At least 25 times we tried to call Rita, no success as the line is constantly busy or gets broken off.
Called my Parents to inform them about our later arrival due to a much later flight...
And so we flew from Jakarta to Abu Dhabi, with its fairytale airport (mosaic mushroom). We even found Mariette's favorite eye makeup but turned out later, that the wrong one was inside that Yves Saint Laurent box... of course; how could it be otherwise on this fateful April 27...!
On our way to Rome and then Amsterdam...
Pieter celebrated his Birthday on the 29th in The Netherlands with family and we flew back to Atlanta, USA on May 4.
Rita's brother came with her and her kids to the Aryaduta Hotel where we handed her the money back and a Makkum tile... This was on September 11 of 1991.
For our earlier work period in Indonesia, Rita was in Medina... so we could not meet her.
Rita with the twin girls Lola and Loly (3) and her sisters...
We were so happy to see each other again!
Rita was such a wonderful woman, very firm and helpful for us to obtain for Pieter a ticket...
Would so LOVE to find her via Internet as we lost contact.
Through the robberies in Wonosobo, her letters with address got lost...
ANY HELP will be appreciated!

Related post:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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