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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label The Netherlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Netherlands. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2022

NS Train of 5:40 to Schiphol Airport and Flight HOME

 It is not easy when the final hours are slipping through your fingers...
Here we are, rising around 4:00 AM in order to be at the Train Station by 5:30 to catch the train from 5:40 to Schiphol Airport.
At 5:35 with friend Sissy next to my suitcases.
Bringing home some of Mom & Dad's treasures and sentimental things...
I'd come to The Netherlands with my Delsey suitcase inside the big pink one. 
My one way NS Horst–Sevenum to Schiphol Airport train ticket...
In one hour and 58 minutes we would be arriving by 07:41 at Schiphol Airport.
A Happy WeFie...
Ellie and I...
And one inside the train...
At Schiphol Airport there was NO COURTESY!
Dutchnews.nl wrote the above that Schiphol has been grappling with the problem since the May school holidays. Hundreds of flights have been scrapped... due to staff shortages!
Dutchreview.com wrote the above...
Staff shortage and also strikes
It felt great for finally having made it to the accelerated check–in (they did not let me pass at first; very rude...).
Schiphol Airport was a FAR CRY from the courtesy received in Savannah and also in New York!
My seat turned out to be the FIRST row with added space
Once my suitcases got labeled, and I had my boarding pass, we all three went to have a FINAL cup of cappuccino or whatever...
At 8:11 AM, I paid this for some bread and croissant for Sissy as they had to once again travel the two hours by rail back home...
By 8:26 I got the message via my Delta App on KPN server in NL, that my bag was now onboard, of course also received the same message for my 2nd bag!
Now the FINAL GOODBYE arrived and it was very emotional.
I waved till I no longer could see them...
Security check went fine, no shoes needed to be removed and all went swift.
Then I had to get in line for Passport Check... that was the longest line I've ever seen!!!
Wish I'd used my Strava App, as I walked a lot!
At the gate, again I awaited very rude treatment; ZERO COURTESY!
Felt awful for two elderly couples, using a wheelchair and they had it already folded up.
Then we got ushered through the so–called pre–boarding...
NOPE—we ended up in a holding area with NO CHAIRS!
Okay, we all made it to the plane eventually, but what a far cry from the once great service and courtesy!
Bye–bye Netherlands...
My ADJUSTABLE FOOTREST was working this time!
Also received my TUMI AMENITY KIT not on my way over...
AMS – JFK total time 7 hours and 29 minutes
Past Ireland...
Now more than halfway...
As said, Premium Select seat 20D was right behind the wall, with extra space, easy to get up for using the restroom.
The blanket felt cozy and warm and I did wear my down puffer jacket, once in my seat, had stuffed it inside my Delsey back pack.
Wrapped up cozy...
The extended leg and foot rest was great and I never even used my plump pillow, it stayed in the front of my seat in its plastic cover.
Emotional goodbyes over the last few days but I was going HOME to my Pieter!
Arriving in New York and again lots of walking!
On my Delta App, I got the Gate Change, even farther walking...
The final stretch of this emotional journey now to Savannah...
Seated in 7C in Comfort
Bye–bye New York...
More steps for Savannah but the BIG SURPRISE was that we landed 35 minutes ahead of schedule.
So I used the restroom, then grabbed my two bags and went outside, on the Delta curb and called Pieter with his private driver Mike.
They were surprised, they'd just walked inside for using the bathroom and now learned that I already  was outside with my suitcases.
In no time we were in the car and heading HOME.

Feeling a lot of GRATITUDE for so many that made this an unforgettable time!
My final time going to my country of birth...
Dear friends and family will remain forever inside my heart and I treasure the many fond moments.
May God keep us all healthy!

Related links:

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Limburg — The Emotional Part

 My second brother Piet, came to pick me up for going to the spot where Mom & Dad first met when they both were in servitude.
Also the spot where my eldest brother Martin suggested to disperse Mom & Dad's ashes.
Of course in 2020 when five of my six siblings came together on Holy Saturday, for dispersing the ashes, I was not present.
See post below about that: Dad is One Year in Heaven Now...
My brother Piet and me...
Arriving at this historical spot with huge oak 't Struukske.
Oh how I indulged in all the wild flowers and wild grasses!
Even the long absent Adderwortel, Persicaria bistorta L., that we used to call 'toothbrush or tandenborstel' in Dutch as children.
Common poppy or Papaver rhoeas with bee inside...
Korenbloem or Kornflower in English — Centaurea cyanus that we used to weave into flower wreaths, when children.
Brother Piet's hand and one common poppy is visible here and lots of Margrieten in English Marguerite or Oxe–eye daisies Leucanthemum vulgare.
Brother and sister at this historic spot...
Now approaching the almost sacred area...
In 1915 the cross had been placed out of devotion and in the hope of being spared from natural disasters... see more info in my previous post below.
Close to my left foot, the ashes of Mom & Dad got dispersed of.
Now overgrown by nettles...
An emotional but very special visit!
Brother Piet searched for his long–time friend Ton Hoeijmakers who with his wife Fien have run Landgoed de Gortmeule.
Here I talk with Sandra Cuijpers-Rijs, half of the new manager couple of the campsite.
Ton and Fien continue living on the homestead from 1600 but are only limited involved.
Piet wanted to take me to the Lollebeek, a project where he was involved with, shortly before his retirement...
A beautiful nature area, near the Castenray fens.
The Lollebeek
Me standing near the Lollebeek... captured by Piet Van den Munckhof
Piet later sent me this picture from October 24, 1965 when we together were for the last time at the Lollebeek in 'De Pes'...
Piet on the left, Mom, youngest sister Gerd, Me, youngest brother Jan and younger sister Diny with Dachshund Wally.
Jan still has bad memories of a horse we had to pass on this narrow walking path...
Well, I was 14.5 then... 
Next we went together to Restaurant De Turfhoeve, a restaurant that was very close to where Mom was born.
To the left bottom part you see STRUIKEN... that's where she got born.
Fond memories with Mom & Dad, as we often took them there for dinner or for eating a yummy pancake.
Piet and I opted for an apple pancake.
The present owners have only a very limited listing of pancakes, compared to the days when we went with Mom & Dad... Nostalgia!
It was a very special but emotional day.
Took me days upon arriving home for digesting it all.
Never could be in The Netherlands for my Parents' cremation service but this kind of rounded it off for me.
And we did go for seeing Dad one final time; proved to be very well chosen as Dad died only two weeks after our departure back to the USA.
We both said our farewell and did a LOT of talking; felt good.
For Mom it was different, I saw her last about one year before and I knew then, that I never would see her again...
Souls never die and one day we will meet again!
Angels we know by name.

To be continued...

Related link:
Dad is One Year in Heaven Now | previous post by me with link to video about De Gortmeule
{Our Dining Room} | previous post by me with mention of oak 't Struukske
In Limburg with Friends | previous post by me

Friday, June 24, 2022

In Limburg with Friends

From Schiphol Airport, I traveled South to Limburg with two Friends that had come with the 5:43 NS Intercity to pick me up...
End station Horst–Sevenum and we're in the South of The Netherlands!
In less than two hours from Schiphol Airport to Horst–Sevenum by Intercity.
Travel by Rail is so relaxed!
Comparing to the hectic traffic and especially on a Monday.
Sure, my original plan was to arrive on Sunday... but some 3,000 flights got cancelled over that weekend.
My happy friend Ellie (friends for 57 years) and her daughter Elvira...
See links below post for reading about our very special relation with her.
This was on May 31 with 17°C or 62.6°F in Sevenum with a maximum of 18°C or 64°F
Yes, that was quite a cool–down for me; coming from Georgia/USA...
Elvira made us a yummy lunch on Wednesday, June 1.
She's a great Lady Chef
After our lunch at about 14:00, we did video WhatsApp with Pieter in Georgia/USA, who had just had breakfast at 8:00 in the morning.
Always great to see, and hear each other over the 8,000 km distance or 4,970 miles!
Pieter enjoyed talking with Elvira's boys.
The youngest, to the right of me, told Pieter that he had to carefully read all the notes...
They'd just overheard me reply to Elvira about her question what Pieter is eating all those days.
I told them that I'd hung sticky notes from the cabinets in the kitchen for each day for getting the meals together from the freezer and such.
Yes, I'd prepared a lot of food ahead of time!
Ellie's granddaughter Famke is into aerial fabric dancing!
Got to see her doing this LIVE.
Quite impressive and don't know if I could do that?!
Weather for the coming days would be lovely with on Saturday as high as 26°C or 78.8°F but on Sunday all rain...
Friend Sissy in her Tesla electric car, took Ellie and me around my home town and we even sat on a terrace in the sun, enjoying a cappuccino or tea. 
Also ice cream with some fruit.
Indulging in those things from the past; for me at least, as I'm out of The Netherlands for 39 years.
Next day we met again with Sissy and Ellie + spouses...
Time for dinner at Restaurant De Kraal in Venlo.
My selection was Heilbot or Halibut in English
And for me also white asperges soup... It still is in season and in the USA we never find them.
My Halibut served over a bed of pasta with a lemon sauce and spinach.
Topped with a fresh Coriandrum sativum.
Edible flowers look beautiful... and yes, I ate them!
Sissy captured this photo of Ellie and me...
So grateful for happy time with friends!

To be continued...

By the way; my humble blog reached 3,500,000 pageviews!

Related links:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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