It is about time for showing you some photos, taken on September 8...
Things blooming in our garden.
On September 8, I walked around and captured some of our summer blooms.
This is a beautiful summer Azalea, in a pot on our patio, right below the kitchen bay window.
Hummingbirds LOVE it!
Crocosmia blooming abundantly!
Showing you the actual size of a Crocosmia flower...
Our hummingbirds love them!
On September 8, our Hydrangea paniculata, Limelight a late–summer and autumn blooming variety that starts indeed out a bit 'greenish'.
Kwekkie still checking IF there is one more kernel left from her breakfast...
She is on our driveway in the morning—together with the kitties, waiting for breakfast!
A happy duck!
Our Liriope muscari variegata, near the driveway are blooming...
A Moonflower Ipomoea alba, around breakfast time—after blooming at night.
An insect is inside.
New Moonflower Ipomoea alba buds—ready to unfold during the night at our Rose Arbor.
September 8, I spotted the first Spider lilies in bloom and more buds to open soon.
Our Spunky girl—inside the garden hose near the driveway...
On September 12, showing you the HUGE size of our Moonflower's leaves!
Yep, they LOVED all that August rain...
On the trellis against the storage room underneath our balcony... Moonflower Ipomoea alba vine. 
That trellis photo did NOT show the Moonflower Ipomoea alba's actual size!
This was early morning, during a darker day so they thought it still was not yet DAYTIME...
Our Oxalis are blooming again!
They got all whacked off with a weed eater—by our over–active garden crew!
But since those are bulbs, they did come back.
Our Hydrangea paniculata, Limelight on September 22 in the sunlight.
And on the fence, the Potato Vine or Solanum laxum 'Album'.
Hoping you enjoyed our summer bloomers!
Do you have anything blooming in summer?
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