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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Our Pond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Pond. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2023

YES we have had SNOW here in the Heart of Georgia!

Just want to share with you two memories of a WHITE world here in the Heart of Georgia.
It does happen once in a while...

This was on January 7 in 1988 and I was home by myself and captured this sight.
Pieter had left on January 5 for Michigan and got stuck in Chicago on January 7 as they could not fly in to Atlanta as the airport was iced over...
On January 8, Pieter called me from Atlanta around noon where he finally had landed.
Now the painstakingly slow journey home via Interstate 75 as it took him 4 hours!
Here in the South they have NO equipment for clearing snow...

Closed Caption (CC) available in Dutch—remember we always did create videos for Mom & Dad in The Netherlands!
But if you watch on YouTube you will find Clickable points below video with English information and also links to matching blogposts with more insight info.

Thanks for watching! 
Hoping you all stay warm and cozy through winter.

Related links:
{Our Home in the SNOW  --  January 2002} | previous post by me with photos
{Our Felines - Sweet Spooky I...} | previous post by me
{Daylily Hemerocallis WHITE TUXEDO + SAD Feline & Canine Love Story} | previous post by me
{Our Clematis lanuginosa 'Candida'} | previous post by me where the wrens were feasting off its seedpods
{Phlox Subulata - Creeping Phlox} | previous post by me showing the blooming Phlox along pond
Acting like a CAT for Retrieving Pieter's Glasses | previous post by me—where Spooky climbed in the video... that pile!
{Our Damage from Tornado spin off of Hurricane Earl, 2003} | previous post by me showing the Phlox that we planted next to bridge
LET IT SNOW! – THE GREAT SNOWFALL OF 1973 | post written by a Dubliner

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Our 3 Bridges got Severely Whacked by Flooding

Of course, right before going on a long 11–day trip something happens...
Click in center to view 16 second video:
Sure enough on July 8, we had severe weather with quite a downpour and of course ALL our bridges + pond + greenhouse flooded...
It broke my heart to see Pieter's hard work partly being destroyed!
Wearing my rubber clogs, I went outside and look at the center bridge's first pole being whacked out!
Debris all over the bridge...
Even an entire pole that came through the pipe under the road—one wonders HOW...
The force of water is strong.
Lots of sand also comes in the roaring stream; from elsewhere of course.
Here you can see how it got whacked out.
Also the soil below the start of the bridge got washed away...
The debris is hanging in the shrubs...
This is the final bridge, our third one... There was even more debris that whacked agains it full force.
So much sand left behind on the lawn.
Zooming in to all that wood and debris from whatever and wherever...
When I walked over to the greenhouse, there was water inside as well!
Our pond is constantly being fed by an underground spring and there is an overflow by means of a drain pipe that leads excessive water away to the creek.
But now it all got flooded and Pieter had to poke the pipe open, as it got clogged up from debris, like leaves.
Did walk closer to our first bridge, near the road.
An entire pole rammed into it.
Our Moonflower Ipomoea alba was happy with all that excessive rain!
Of course, Pieter managed to repair the bridges once more, just before we departed on July 16.
While we were gone, we had again some damage to the center bridge due to yet again severe rain!

Related links:
NOW or NEVER — Travel WEST with us | previous post by me about our 11–day journey
Building a Bridge in Two Days | previous post by me about how it all started
{IMPACT and AFTERMATH of TROPICAL THUNDERSTORMS} | previous post by me with short videos for getting an idea how severe it looks...

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Pieter Capturing his Progress on the Wood Trail while I was in Limburg

 While I was in Limburg, Pieter got determined to finish our Wood Trail, adjacent to the gazebo, till the greenhouse in the back.
A short 2:26 minute video of his progress on this Mega Task.
Taken with Pieter's limited iPhone on June 5, around 15:50.
I'd gone to bed and was asleep when I woke up shortly past midnight and used my iPhone for another video–call via WhatsApp, to tell Pieter that he better uses his iPadPro instead, as that is unlimited.
This is the immediate result, captured at 18:30 after supper, in this short 1:30 minute video.
Quite a challenge for getting past our HUGE laurel oak tree Quercus hemisphaerica.
It made me feel very proud of my 93–year old Pieter who is tech–savvy and also very clever in conducting this final task!
The grass looked rather lush and you can see Kwekkie standing near the pond.
Greenhouse in the back and gazebo to the left.
Speckie, our youngest kitty–girl, is watching over the wooden poles that Pieter hauled back home for placing under the Wood Trail, for elevating it out of the ground so it won't rot that easily.
Thus we stayed in touch over 8,000 km away from each other but still maintaining a Blissful Relationship and Pieter also had the kitties as companions...

Related links:
This section got last done when Mom was in her final days | previous post by me
Husband Pieter Finished Restoration Work on our Bridges on Wood Trail | previous post by me

Monday, July 18, 2022

Pieter's NEW Love—While I was in Limburg

 One never knows how life is moving forward...
Pieter worked very hard on the Wood Trail, while I was in Limburg, solo.
Short 3 second movie with Kwekkie the white duck that befriended Pieter.
AND, Pieter got enamored; who would NOT?!
She worked almost side–by–side with him on the Wood Trail repair and replacement...
Observe her left foot here carefully as something dramatic happened to her while I was back home.
Kwekkie is a friendly white duck and she is especially fond of Pieter.
Pieter's hand, full with potting soil as he just has potted several plants.
Watch her left foot...
She obviously got attacked by a Snapping Turtle!
For several days she could not walk and Pieter had to bring her food + water.
She then went again inside the pond and it seems her foot did heal but those two webs between her toes will never be like before!
She seems to be happy though.
Zoomed in on her foot...
Our pond is her favorite area
Yes, she adopted Pieter and is getting used to me as well.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Oh we TRIED HARD to have Jacarandas and Roses

 For several years we tried so hard to grow Jacarandas from seeds...
They did grow well but then once in a while a bad frost came and killed them.

In this short video from October 31, 1994 you can see our attempt in growing Jacarandas...
That dream never came true in our garden!
Still LOVE their blossoms and wherever we encountered them, we admired and loved them.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Protecting Ducklings & Dinner for Uncle Bo Whaley

Having  your own property with Backyard Wildlife is at times complicated...
It is heartbreaking to see some 40 ducklings vanish within days, from a long row of 13 to 3 and then 0...
Kwekkie the Mama duck, never gave up and started all over.
We have raccoons, hawks, owls, snapping turtles, foxes...
We both speak Dutch in video, but you can use the YouTube version and find the clickable points written below, with English text. 
We always sent my Parents this kind of written letters home, so they could see and hear us.
Kwekkie happily on our pond with 7 of her ducklings... I've seen that the big Eastern River Cooter did pull down one of the tiny ducklings while they were eating cracked corn near the pond's edge.
Yes, they occasionally eat other things then just aquatic plants.
Sure, they ate all our water lilies and lotus flowers too.
The species P. concinna is highly omnivorous and will eat anything, plant or animal, dead or alive. Diet seems to be determined by available food items. While some writers feel that this species of turtle will not eat meat, predatory behavior has been observed.
Yep, I've seen it with my own eyes!
Let's forget the nasty killing... No fun to do and while patrolling early morning at 6:00 AM that was not a happy start of the day for me.
But in the evening I cooked us a good dinner and dessert I still had plenty left from our High Tea two days earlier.
Uncle Bo Whaley and Delores viewing some of our photos in the veranda, after dinner.
Fond memories!
Miss my Uncle Bo and he's already 15 years in heaven...
The Polka Dot cotton pique skirt pants I'm wearing is one of my own sewing creations.
This was an empty whole milk plain yogurt container with cream on top...
Pieter's brother Toon, the ex Marine, shot through and next his brother Pieter (my husband) an ex Military guy shot through the very same hole!!!
Vedders are sharp shooters and don't mess with their wife either... 😏
Several years later, Pieter shot a huge snapping turtle that constantly knocked down the rocks from the island, that Pieter had built for placing the fountain inside.
On the video from Middle Georgia Magazine you could see it in working.

Related links:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | video showing fountain on rock island on our pond
{TURTLE} | Showing the big mama turtle
{Ducks in Our Pond} | previous post by me
{Our TURTLE KINDERGARTEN} | previous post by me
High Tea Prepared and Baked by Me | previous post by me and from which we had dessert left over...
Cleaning Our Pond and Fountain | previous post by me 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Cleaning Our Pond and Fountain

 Not an easy task for keeping the fountain on the rock island in our pond running smoothly, as seen in the Middle Georgia Magazine Video that starts with our fountain.
Also for cleaning up the pond...
Pieter used our inflatable rubber boat to get the job done, using a special foot pump.
Another dirty job...!
Trying to dredge all the unwanted things out of the pond's edge and putting them on the lawn for gathering up later in the wheelbarrow.
This is also the way how Pieter had to peddle up to the island that he'd build where the fountain was placed.
Hoisting treated wooden poles into the bottom for building the platform.
On top of the platform natural rocks got placed, that we found on our property. In the center the fountain got placed.
The filter of that fountain often got clogged up... so he had to go there and take it out for cleaning.
Our pond is BIG, in this photo you can still see on the left the rock island.
SEVERAL times, his boating adventure went wrong...
Pieter also used to tie a rope on the oak tree for holding onto.
And another rope onto the willow tree that we had in the back of the pond.
By working on the fountain's filter and fastening it again in the center of the rocks, Pieter pushed the boat away and ended up in the pond.
This happened after lunch, as I still was cleaning up dishes before joining Pieter in the garden for weeding...
When I came downstairs, his jeans were hanging over the retainer wall alongside our driveway... all wet.
What happened?!
Oh, I fell into the pond... was Pieter's reply.
And you did that without me being there, seeing it and laughing my head off?!
Pieter quickly did hose down himself and his jeans, on the driveway and changed into dry clothes for the next attempt.
Oh, by doing this, he also lost several of his tools, they're at the bottom of the pond...
When the snapping turtle started knocking off the big rocks by climbing onto the fountain's platform, Pieter gave up going there for straightening the fountain and for cleaning it up.
He finally removed the entire platform.
Also because mice had chewed holes into the no-longer-inflatable boat!
Oh, keeping up with a nice and romantic pond can be so much fun.

Do you have a pond?

Related link:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | video showing our pond's fountain at beginning...

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Non Glamorous Wheelbarrow Job for Filling and Raising Swampy Parts

On May 1 of 1992 we had come back home following our Exodus from Indonesia after being robbed and we thus quit instead of going back a few more times for 2 months. See links below post.
That meant that here on May 23 of 1992, we both started developing our Estate.
Me in my SWAMP UNIFORM... Haha!
Dumping load after load, that got dug up by husband Pieter. To fill in this really SWAMPY PART around the gazebo where you would sink into before.
There seem to be several underground springs that caused these excessive wet spots.
Also keep in mind that both of us were the very first human beings ever cultivating this lot. Nobody ever had lived there and we never found any native American artifacts either...
So we really did some land reclamation!!!
Pieter was digging up some dirt here, where the pipe from the pond overflow would end into the creek.
All I had to do is wheel the wheelbarrow uphill and dump it around the gazebo.
Lucky Pieter, for being able to work in the shade but I got exposed to the sun and hence my SWAMP UNIFORM
Ready to go uphill again.
Wearing the hand knitted socks done by my Mother–in-–aw! 
Putting them to very good use.
Wearing my Campbell cap...
As you can see on the table in the gazebo, we did stop for a break in–between our hard labor!
On May 27, a pallet with square exposed aggregate concrete step stones lay already waiting to be worked in...
First on May 29, Pieter had to build a little patio at the end of the stairs from our veranda for starting the walk towards our gazebo...
Yes, he also was digging in all the piping for the lawn and garden for being able to use with hose and portable sprinklers. Since we live on a slope, fixed sprinklers would not work.
A short break after I did bring him some refreshments to enjoy...
Hard work and mostly back breaking!
Working in the square exposed aggregate concrete step stones...
And making sure they were all level!
Now on May 31, it was my turn for getting on my knees and washing them in with sand...
Step by step we accomplished all the heavy jobs!
July 17, 1992 Pieter started painting the ginger bread from Vintage Woodworks, high on a ladder on the driveway side...
Fighting the elements in a subtropical climate is not easy.
Here you see that our pond is too high, as the overflow into the creek is not working with the flooded creek, visible in the back.
Later, with the 60 tons of dirt dug up from under the house for creating the Rose Suite, we did fill in that low area behind the pond, for avoiding flooding.
😉Oh, those glamour jobs before you turn your land into an estate as shown on the video below in link...

Related links:
{Pieter’s Tanner Krolle Attaché - Royal Gift purchased at Harrods by English Friend} | previous post after we quit work in Indonesia because we got robbed three times...
Floriade 1992 on a Cold and Windy Day after Earthquake in Limburg | previous post about stop in The Netherlands after our Exodus from Indonesia, before flying back to Atlanta, GA on May 1st
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | previous post with video where we mention the Vedder Estate
The FIGHT of Growing Grass in Subtropical Georgia/USA | one year before; fighting to grow grass...

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Husband Pieter became SUPERMAN - When Push Came to Shove

Having your own home and a huge garden to take care of is quite a challenge at times!

Well, one day I was lucky enough for standing on our balcony to videotape husband Pieter's ACTION.

He'd rented a heavy chain saw for cutting some more trees.

It started also raining and suddenly his 'rented' saw got stuck!

This short 2:39 minute video shows the action.
Cutting out a wedge, while it rained heavily...
If you watch this on YouTube on your PC, you can see the text below with clickable time where it happens.
Pieter had already changed into dry clothes ones!
Now he came home after he literally PUSHED that stubborn sucker to the side...
So proud for having it TAPED... no one would believe it.
Pieter gathered his once stuck chain saw, and walked home to yet again take a shower and change into dry clothes and return the rental chain saw.

Friday, February 26, 2016

{We at least got SOME Magnolia Blossoms}

So pleased with the turnout of SOME Magnolia Blossoms on our Magnolia x soulangeana!
Tuesday, February 23, was such a lovely and even warm day when we got these photos made.
Don't you love to see an almost blue sky and such huge magnolia blossoms?!
The previous days were rather dark, not good for photos.
On Monday, February 22, Pieter took this photo where we still had more blossoms on this tree but no sunshine, just a dreary day...
Luckily, this 2nd Magnolia tree was not blooming yet on December 30, so it had a lot less frost damage later in January.
You can find the links below this post from December 30, and also from spring 2011, when we had PERFECT MAGNOLIA BLOSSOMS!
Love the house when the sun is out; things look so happy even with the dead winter grass.
Yes, Centipede grass dies completely back during winter!
Do you notice that the shadow of our live oak tree on the wall looks like another tree?
Sadly our Italian cypress trees are brown...
Not looking too happy and we lost already one of the total three.
Again, looking like two live oak trees with the strong shadow on the wall!
Also in the photo below, that shadow remains.
Husband Pieter took those last three photos.
Taken from behind the pond with the gazebo visible too.
One of our kitties is walking past the wall.
The sunshine makes that wall look almost white; which is not the case as you see in the above photo.
Love the reflection in the water.
Spring is in the air and I'm happy because of it!

Related links:
{Magnolia Blossoms on December 30} | previous post by me
{SPRING 2011 IS GRADUATING!} | previous post by me showing PERFECT MAGNOLIA BLOSSOMS

Monday, November 24, 2014

{Happy Weekend from Our Pond Area}

Wishing you all a cozy and happy weekend! 
Photo is taken on August 12, from our Pond Area.
This shows still the low hanging branches of the huge oak tree, hanging deep over the pond...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

{Dad Told us Stories About Bunnies on Bikes & Mopeds}

As little children we loved to listen to Dad's stories, during lunch time (our hot meal of the day) after coming home from school. Dad had worked on the field and he always fashioned exciting stories about bunnies on bikes and mopeds as they tore through the corn- and pole beans... Dad told these stories with such a vigor that we really BELIEVED him! Too bad, we all had to walk back to school as Dad again could encounter his furry friends once he returned to the fields. These stories are forever in my memory and low and behold, this year's Easter Catalog from Gump's, did show Mr. & Mrs Bunny on their Penny Farthings or High Wheeler. I just could not resist ordering them...
Here they are, cycling in our garden amongst the mosses and the white violets...
Are those not lovely?!
Now on top of our picnic table with bench near the pond with the Japanese Somei Yoshino cherry as backdrop.
Don't worry, they will not drive into each other's wheels. Mrs. Bunny just tries to avoid some bird poop on the table...
This couple of fun bunnies did bring back to life those exciting stories told by Dad!
Even though we in our garden have no rows of corn, nor pole beans...
This is cute enough for reliving my childhood imagination! 
Mrs Bunny already did get her bike straight so she will not clash with Mr. Bunny.
Gump's San Francisco offered them.
Easter 2014 will get celebrated different with those fond childhood memories!
Hope you enjoy a lovely Easter Season.
Time is moving so fast...

Related links:
{Daffodils Bunnies & Hearts} | previous post by me
{Happy Second Easter Day} | previous post by me showing my handmade Easter Egg Ribbons
{HAPPY EASTER to all my readers in 190 countries!} | previous post by me with our Pelargonium
{Easter Table Setting} | previous post by me with another cute Bunny with Baby-Bunny
{CIRCLE Vase with Candles for Easter} | previous post by me
{Hand Made Easter Egg Gift by Friend Ellie} | previous post by me
{Daffodils in CIRCLE Vase & Leonardo Figurine Bunny SPEEDY} | previous post by me
{Challenge Accepted + Easter Photos} | previous post by me
{HAPPY EASTER to all my readers in 163 countries!} | previous post by me with more info about the Chateauhotels/Kruisherenhotel
{Our Organdy Beribboned, Porcelain and Brass Easter Eggs} | previous post by me showing the hand made ribbons by me
{Happy Easter with Our Pelargonium 'Rosebud'} | previous post by me with more Pelargonium info
{Who can locate these EASTER EGGS for me?} | previous post by me
{¡HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND!} | previous post by me
{Easter Season} | previous post by me showing the brass window decorations with link


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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