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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Heart Attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart Attack. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2023


 Not being able to be present at the funeral of Mom due to Pieter having had another heart attack and I myself having still therapy for my left hand—felt devastating.
But my BEST Friend Ellie went to the funeral with her daughter Elvira (our Goddaughter) and Elvira's husband had asked his boss permission for using the professional video camera—so he could capture Mom's Solemn Gregorian Requiem Mass

No words can describe what this meant to both of us for being able to watch it on my Mac just over an hour later...
Below this video on YouTube you find clickable links with explanation in English and way below also in Dutch.
Dad did select the special Kyrie Eleison deliberately as Mom sang it as a 1st soprano with the elderly choir for more than 25 years and for some 18 years with Dad together in the same choir.
Both of us were in The Netherlands on October 11, 1997 and went to Mass where Mom & Dad for the FIRST time ever—sang together in the elderly choir. Quite a historical fact.

Related links:
My Angel Sister who Died TWICE | previous post by me about the denial by my sister to give Dad an equally solemn Gregorian Requiem Mass... Just now I can finally post Mom's Requiem Mass and for the rest we can only PRAY for those that denied this to my Dad
Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia | previous post by me where Mom & Dad sing: I Pray To the Power of Love and what the choir also sang at Mom's Requiem Mass at clickable link 46:55
{February 21, 2014 Tornado in our Subdivision} | previous post by me—Tornado while we went to Mom & Dad's Wedding Anniversary...

Thursday, January 26, 2023

International Calling as it WAS

 Both, Pieter and I had a lot to deal with those old fashioned calling cards for making a phone call...
Do you recall any of those?
This MULTIFON was one that we used in México for calling and also for getting on the Internet with our laptop!
A confidential number needed to get 'scratched off', see below on the right of that red arrow.
Any way you used it—phone calls or on the Internet—you had to be FAST as it also did click away FAST... 📞  💻
We also have used for years a special AT&T calling card for which you had to use different numbers in different countries—before dialing the number you wanted to reach. That way it got billed to our personal AT&T account here in the USA. 
Mom often used to say—our phone bill was not any higher than usual when using their phone...
Of course not—we paid for it!
And then in 2003 came this...
Calling the 1010 987 prior to the number you had to call!
ONLY for 3 US Dollar cents a minute all day, every day!
For the U.S., to Canada and to Western Europe!!!
That was quite a break through.
This was still way before we had our first Blackberry at the time Pieter had his open heart surgery done.
We've also made phone calls using our AmericanExpress card—very expensive rate but in case of an emergency we have done so.
Calling our sweet Sister–In–Love in The Netherlands from Mexico on our American Express card for a rip off of US $ 49.00—while on vacation in Acapulco, México.
We just had to call her—as she was going home from the hospital to be comfortable in her own surroundings during her final weeks with pancreatic cancer...
Over the years we have used our phone a lot and paid our share for communication with Parents and loved ones.
HOW things have changed since!
Now we can do video calls for free from one smart phone to another.
Guess there are at present no hotels that don't offer Free WiFi...
WISH we'd had that when we were first immigrants—for being able to talk with Mom more than our limited calls on Birthdays and special holidays.
It was the weekly letter writing that we kept up.
And oh, how I always saved those Dutch guilders for pushing into the slot for making phone calls at Schiphol airport... calling Mom especially and Pieter his brothers and some more.
On our lay–over on the way to India or Indonesia...

Related link:
Husband Pieter's DANGEROUS Trip back from India | SCARY time when Pieter on his solo trip could not reach the USA so he informed Dad who in turn called me here in the USA...

Monday, September 12, 2022

Notre Dame Basilica of Montréal and Moccaccino at Second Cup Café

 Monday, August 17 of 1998 we continued our walk in Montréal...
Montréal Basilica Notre Dame
Lots of blue inside, very seldom seen
It looks like looking into heaven...
There was noise going on outside as they had scaffolds with nets around, for restoration work.
Impossible for making any outside photos or video.
Wish we could have been there: Luciano Pavarotti – Ave Maria 1978 ←click link for heavenly acoustics from this otherworldly Basilica.
An aromatic and robust blend,
featuring the deep rich flavours of chocolate and espresso.
Served with whipped cream.
And now it was time for a MOCCACCINO at Second Cup; as is shown in the final part of our video.
It sure was delicious with that chocolate coconut pie.
Those were the days before being diabetic type 2 or having CKD or for Pieter having open heart surgery...
But precious memories!
Hope you enjoyed this and...

Have any of you been there?
Or drank a MOCCACCINO?

Related links:

Friday, August 19, 2022

Driving from Tennessee through Mississippi and Alabama home to Georgia

Our final stretch home, from this 11–day journey by car to the West.
On Interstate 22 East Byhalia, Mississippi and look at the perfect weather!
We veer off towards Holly Springs and Tupelo, Mississippi
Rolling Truck Stop & Cafe near Flatwood and Carbon Hill, Alabama on Interstate 22
Chevron in Nauvoo, Alabama
Pieter napping in Cordova, Alabama
Interstate 20 East Birmingham – Fountain Heights
Center right is the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Birmingham and made me think of Uncle Bo Whaley who worked as an FBI agent for 20 years...
We pretty soon got to change our watches again, one hour later!
Around 16:30 I was in Atlanta, Georgia veering off of Interstate 20 onto Interstate 75 South...
We both needed a human pit stop and with that we always filled up our car.
This was at Shell Oil in Jackson, Georgia
Just have to rave about these healthy snacks from Costco.
Pains au Chocolat
Product of France
No artificial colors
No artificial flavors
No high fructose corn syrup
European bakery items are by far not as sweet as American and this is so important for me with diabetes type 2 and CKD stage 4.
Felt great during the entire trip and we both didn't change weight.
Often the high sugar level goes hand in hand with high sodium; a no–no for both of us, also for Pieter since his heart attack and open–heart surgery on September 3, 2010.
On July 16, I started driving with the mileage on 13,633 
Home by 19:17 and the total mileage was now 18,602
My total mileage 4,969 mi or 7,996.83 km
Fuel Economy for our Infiniti QX50 was 28.9 MPG 
28.9 U.S. Mile Per Gallon =
12.29 Kilometers per Liter
Total trip and 8 dots for where we spent the night(s)—4,969 mi or 7,996.83 km.
We passed through 16 states:
  1. Georgia
  2. Tennessee
  3. Kentucky
  4. Illinois
  5. Missouri
  6. Iowa
  7. Nebraska
  8. South Dakota
  9. Wyoming
  10. Colorado
  11. New Mexico
  12. Texas
  13. Oklahoma
  14. Arkansas
  15. Mississippi
  16. Alabama
Our car had its oil change and rotating of wheels done a couple of days later.
Having the appointment with Infiniti, we opted for a stay at Hyatt Regency Suites in Marietta and enjoy a swim... 
But our good luck with perfect weather seemed to be OVER with, as it RAINED!
This was next morning from our room, Atlanta skyline in the distance.
To the left is our loyal Infiniti QX50 parked, after the check up.
LOVED driving this car, perfect in the mountains and not a single issue with it. 

Hope you enjoyed traveling along and maybe learned something for not putting off things, before you will regret it.
Shared memories with your spouse are always double joy!

Enjoy one final 2 minute Relive video:

Saturday, August 13, 2022


This would turn into a very special day; in different ways—not all GOOD...
At 7:35 we enjoyed our breakfast at Hyatt Place Colorado Springs/Downtown ←after a very good nightsleep in room 218.
Those bagels we spread with cream cheese for lunch snack.
Oatmeal with almonds...
Around 8:15 a final photo of part of the hotel and off we were, since today would be a very busy day!
On May 16 of 2015, I'd saved some information and link about Royal Gorge Bridge in Cañon City, Colorado.
I'd planned to fly one year to Denver, renting a car and driving down with Pieter...
But as so often with our own planning, other things got in the way.
Next year we went to Europe and I drove around 4,000 km or 2,485 miles to the South of France for attending the wedding of our friends' daughter... AND always we combined such trips with visiting Dad.
In 2017 we went on a Mississippi Cruise, also a longtime dream.
In 2018 we went on the Rocky Mountaineer through Canada... One of our BEST vacations ever!
In 2019 we went on the Danube Cruise with Viking and visited Dad a final time...
In 2020 we self published our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting ←
We stayed near home for the remainder and went to the Smokey Mountains, Cabin Stay in Tennessee and toured Charleston, South Carolina.
By 9:43 we were on road 3A near Royal Gorge Bridge, overlooking the Cañon City area where we'd grabbed us a bag of mandarins for consumption in the car, at a Walmart Supercenter.
Their blue shields are easily recognized and it got done in no time!
Another view and Colorado is such a beautiful state.
Weather as usual was perfect!
Yay, around 10:03 we were almost there at the Royal Gorge Bridge & Park.
Do you see the bridge over the gorge?
An old locomotive 499 Rio Grande.
As a matter of fact I'd saved the link for Royal Gorge Train on the Royal Gorge Route Railroad ←for enjoying the Vista Dome while having dinner on their 2 hour ride.
But now it did not quite fit into our schedule... as much as both of us love travel by rail!
BUT instead we did ride on the Royal Gorge Gondola ←click link
From the Gondola, looking down into the gorge with rail road along the Arkansas River
Start the 19 second video below by clicking in center:
This short 19 second video I've captured from our Gondola, looking down.
You actually can see that Royal Gorge Train pass below, along the Arkansas River!
We were 1,000 feet or 304.8 meter above the Arkansas River and sliding over a distance of 2,400 feet or 731.5 meter across.
Had ordered us the tickets on line ahead of time...
No senior discount, all in age 12 & up it was US $ 30.00 per person.
But with that, you had access to their theaters and everything.
Looking down from the Gondola upon the Arkansas River
At 10:35, I captured our gondola from outside as we'd disembarked onto the platform.
Around 10:40 walking down towards the bridge, I spotted this white Yurt, seen to the center/left in photo.
If you look up Royal Gorge Yurts, you will find many, as rafters love to camp right next to the Arkansas River.
Something that came from Mongolia... Never stayed in any of them; have you?
How lucky we were again; mostly sunny and 31°C or 87.8°F at 10:46
It would rain in Cañon City, Colorado in the afternoon.
Around 10:59 we'd walked down to a level where the Royal Gorge Bridge suddenly popped up.
We both took our time walking, at that altitude.
Frankly speaking, I've felt for the very first time some chest tightness.
My nephrologist asked me in June, if I had palpitations... Yes, when I climb or do strenuous things I do!
Knowing your limitations, is so important and of course, I did carry bottled water inside my leather back pack; for both of us and we did sit down on a bench along the road a few times.
Pieter can no longer walk fast since his heart attack and open–heart surgery on September 3, 2010, let alone doing so at such high altitude.
Pieter was in awe about those enormous steel cable–bundles.
It was kind of hard to aim with my iPhone over the bridge's edge, for capturing the Arkansas River.
Deep down you can see the Arkansas River and the railroad track to the right, running alongside.
Start the 23 second video below by clicking in center:
Around 11:10 Pieter is walking across this wooden plank bridge.
And yes, the bridge moves a bit from the wind and people walking across!
You can clearly hear the wind and also see that thick bundle of steel cables above Pieter's head...
Can't avoid that shadow of me but wanted to show the text that is burned into those planks:
Established in 1929
Clear detail: IN 1929
Just a few months before Pieter got born...
What a weather, such perfect light also.
Holding onto my cap with that strong wind!
That is visible from the Georgia flag where I'm posing...
Oh and we spotted several rafters down there on the Arkansas River!
We sat down on a bench and ate our bagel as a lunch snack...
Both of us still walked some 4 km or 2.5 mile.
That line to the right is from the Gondola ride!
So it actually is a bit less the distance walked.
But at such an altitude, with some climbing as well.
It was now time to get moving as I needed to drive back to the main road and into New Mexico, to the next special stop, something I'd looked forward to since May of 2017...
Lower right corner you can actually see the bridge and also the Gondola.
I had to drive the same Road 3A back onto US Highway 50 and continue along the Arkansas River.
Canon City Colorado – Rocky Mountains – Arkansas River ←click for video of our exact route on Highway 50, except he did bypass Royal Gorge Bridge.
Now we're driving another stunning scenic route along the Arkansas River towards Salida Colorado – Rocky Mountains – US Highway 50 ←click link for video of our exact route!
After passing through the town of Salida, Colorado we hit the highest elevation for the day at 2,745 m or 9,005 ft.
We continued south on US 285 towards Taos, New Mexico.
Here comes State Trooper Cary from Saguache County, Colorado.
He stopped me on CO 17 at mile point 92, and he gave me a ticket for US $ 174.50 for speeding 80 miles per hour where I was only allowed to go 65 miles per hour.
On this entire trip, I've had only ONCE an attack of back spasms.
Chronic Kidney Disease stage 4, diabetes type 2 and hypothyroidism is not a wonderful combination to live with but it also is the very reason I was driving there. 
NOW or NEVER as things only get worse...
Once those spasms happen, there is no way I can focus on the odometer...
Just holding the steering wheel and toughing out the severe pain.
Good thing is, they never last long!
Trooper Cary asked if I needed an ambulance.
He was too young for understanding that hell no, I would not want to abandon my 93+ husband with his heart conditions and no ability to drive!
Pieter is driving locally; low speed and on roads he knows very well.
So I swallowed and accepted this FIRST ever speeding ticket in almost half a century of driving.
Not applauding it, but as I often say: "IT IS WHAT IT IS"
Here you can see to the right off center where Saguache is. That's where I had the encounter with the Colorado State Trooper.
To the lower left you see Lake City, Colorado.
That's where blogger friend Janey from Thick and Thin (air) ←(click link) has been spending her summers with her husband for more then 20 years. 
Janey no doubt knows this region rather well!
At 15:15 we were here in La Madera, New Mexico
Clouds were building up for evening rain.
La Madera, New Mexico, same spot different direction.
By 16:02 I was on the The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge in Taos, New Mexico ←click link
Took this photo from the bridge, looking into the Rio Grande River below.
View of the entire bridge as seen from the Rest Area Road where I'd parked the car.
Walking up close to the road, Pieter did not join me, due to the rocks and very uneven terrain.
It is mind boggling such a DEPTH! 
Indeed a huge Gorge with the Rio Grande River somewhere deep below.
So rocky and the dramatic clouds with the mountains in the distance make it unreal looking.
Viewing the other way, with mountains again.
There was a small parking area where people that traveled from the opposite way, had parked for walking towards the bridge.
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge
Start the 29 second video below by clicking in center:
Just giving you an overview while being on the Gorge Bridge and doing so by standing in one of the balconies on each side of the bridge where you step kind of OVER the edge.
The Gorge Bridge trembles when a car comes driving across... that's what you hear me say in my dialect 😉
Presented by
Now stepping back over the guard rail, onto these stones that are held in place by a metal mesh.
Back in the Rest Area Road at 16:43 where Pieter captured me.
Now, on the road to our Hyatt Place in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
After first stopping at Speedway gas station in Santa Fe, here I am at 19:06 parked at Hyatt Place Santa Fe  ←(click it) on 4320 Cerrillos Road
By 22:51 we had a thunderstorm!
But that makes sleeping even BETTER...
Such a day needed an exit with loud thunder 😉

Stay tuned for more...

Enjoy this 2 minute Relive video of that days adventures:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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