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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Aluminum Roofing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aluminum Roofing. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Our Home Freshly Painted

 Our home once again needed a fresh paint...
We used the very same Benjamin Moore Golden Mist.
Last time done was in May of 2013...
A lot of intricate painting work needed to be done on all the Vintage Woodworks spindles, ginger bread and trimmings. Painters Stanley Jessup and Randy Slaughter did a great job.
So after having it pressure washed on November 16, the painters finally started on November 29...
Our Interlock Metal Roofing, Interlock® Aluminum Slate in Aged Copper looks very nice as it is protected for a lifetime by AlunarⓇ embedded with TEFLONⓇ surface protector for ultimate durability and protection. See links of previous post below.
Above photo is taken under our Magnolia Grandiflora, which is now trimmed up and allows for a much nicer view of the home.
Since we'd requested the painters already in April of 2021, Pieter started doing preparations prior to their job... The lowest step, coming down from the gazebo into the garden was broken.
To the right, it is still missing its fulcrum on the left (only a brick) and right. This was on May 16, 2021.
Notice to the top left how the underside of the gazebo used to be white...
And yes, we removed all the boxwoods as they'd become rather lanky after 30 years.
When Pieter took this photo on January 9, of course, Spooky boy wanted to go with him.
Here the left and right fulcrums are clearly visible and the underpart is in Benjamin Moore Golden Mist, just like our home.
To the left you also see a brick for support, just in case...
Pieter took this photo from the side and back of our freshly painted home.
Taken on January 9, as well.
You can see where the newly DOORBRIM added (next to the chimney is visible ←click on link).
This photo shows more of the area to the left, where the retainer wall curves alongside our driveway.
Pieter did paint the retainer wall himself, after we had the fiberglass window boxes removed and placed inside the garage, out of the way for ladders and such.
You also see the bare spot where the huge live oak tree once stood near the chimney.
We got that first done...
This photo got taken on January 17, from the neighbor's lot over our vinyl picket fence.
The Japanese magnolia is already opening its buds; two are fully open!
And that with frost coming our way this week...
Both of us are so happy to have this mega task once more DONE!
It took forever till January 6, as it was raining on and off.
Yesterday, January 19, EXCEED Wash Solutions LLC cleaned the tiled patio near the Rose Suite entrance as well as the Rose Arbor.
You also can see the newly added DOORBRIM above Rose Suite's entrance door, see previous post below.
The Rose Stepping Stones got repainted by Pieter and are ready to be laid, once we have grass growing where the huge live oak tree once was.
Also yesterday, EXCEED Wash Solutions LLC cleaned our driveway as there were marks from the heavy equipment, used by the crew from 🌳BUCKEYE PREFERRED SERVICES LLC when cutting down and trimming our trees.
The orange cord visible, is from two long extension cords connected for Pieter being able to work on the underbrush with his electric chain saw, alongside the creek in our wood garden.
Looking neat and clean, all the way to the road.
This is our majestic Magnolia Namnetensis Flore Pleno to the right.
EXCEED Wash Solutions LLC also took care of our garage tiles.
So all the signs from different mega tasks have been 'erased' and the Vedder Estate looks nice!
Pieter's electric chain saw is visible in his hand wagon.

Related link:
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post with details about AlunarⓇ embedded with TEFLONⓇ surface protector 
Big Trees Down and others Trimmed  | pevious post by me
DOORBRIM added | previous post by me

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

{Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? - LOT for Sale}

Yes, we both have made the decision that it is time to SELL our adjacent LOT.
So, the question arises as to Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? 
We have a LOT for Sale.
Our adjacent lot where we did cultivate several rare species of trees, shrubs and plants is getting too much to handle for husband Pieter, at his age...
So here it is: FOR SALE
It is to the right of our home.
Maybe somebody else wants to build such an Energy Efficient Green Roofing like we got? You can check out the details here: {Our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing}
This is how such Energy Star Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roof looks like.
We have definitely lowered our Carbon Footprint for the rest of our life.
YES, this roof is guaranteed for LIFE!
Back to the street, where our adjacent lot is waiting for its new owner...
It is approximately 1 acre. 
It is being sold through Century 21
Photos are from October
For all information you can call Century 21 at the number shown below
Or you can email them via contact us at c21dublin.com

Oh, and we promise to be very good neighbors!

Thanks for your visit and wishing you a happy weekend.

Friday, August 8, 2014

{Our Gazebo in Summer}

As a Mid-Week photo I love to show you our Gazebo in Summer...
The light is playing through our dogwood and also the Vintage Woodworks ginger bread looks like wooden lace...
Not very visible here but the Aged Copper Aluminum Slate Roof from Interlock Metal Roofing is something we still are very pleased with!
Together with our Balcony, it makes for a favorite spot to enjoy tea, lunch, supper or even breakfast!
The view of the pond and over the garden makes it just perfect.
Enjoy your day; wherever you are!

Related links:

Monday, September 9, 2013

{Our Gazebo with Chair Cushions}

On August 29, the day that it was exactly 30 years ago that we immigrated to the USA, from The Netherlands, we did have a mud-free gazebo with the washed concrete tile path and entrance being cleaned by husband Pieter. We felt confident that we will have no more tropical thunderstorms changing our outlook. So finally an entire lovely, sunny week with sunshine and lower humidity and also some wind. Perfect for drying out!
It was on July 8, that I wrote my post about {WHAT is THIS?} when I had rescued our gazebo's cushions.
Link you find below this post, for those that missed it...
Here they are! 
On July 12, they had their 15th birthday but we could not use them yet with all our flash flood warnings and reality.
We forgot to place the table back in the center of the gazebo... I saw this only after I uploaded my photos!
Guess we both were too excited of finally being able to use our gazebo!
Our gazebo got a new aluminum roof from Interlock Roofing as well.
We did place a new fan from Wayfair after the painters had finished their painting job here as well.
They did such a meticulous job with their two coatings of Benjamin Moore paint!
This Westinghouse Lighting 30" Wengue 3 Blade Ceiling Fan, has an incredible 18 degrees blade pitch!
It is in Chrome with Wengue Beech Blades.
Stepping back, towards the house...
The Vintage Woodworks ginger bread in the top part is adding such charm.
So does the Aluminum Slate roof in Aged Copper from Interlock Metal Roofing!
This is with the steps in the back, since we live on a slope. The house is now visible to the left.
There is a little patio at the landing of the steps...
Enjoying our tea together! 
With a rice cake and some unsalted mixed nuts... 
The container in the back is where we store those cushions and the top table cloth.
There is a round vinyl tablecloth with elastic underneath. Easy to wipe clean with moist wipes from Costco.
So finally you got to see the cushions in our gazebo!
Wearing my precious 925 silver rose ring (lost that in April of 2019...) and you see the vase with rain lilies with perfect rose bud in silver!

Related links:
{RAIN and MUD} | previous post by me
{New Power Wiring to Our Gazebo} | previous post by me where you also see the gazebo in wrong spot
{What is THIS?} | previous post by me where I did rescue our gazebo's chair cushions...
{AGRITURISMO & GERANIUMS - PELARGONIUM} | previous post by me, showing the geraniums in optima forma in their planter boxes in front of the gazebo
{French Floral Pillow Set and our Gazebo} | previous post by me showing the gazebo very well

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

{Our Home with Aluminum Interlock Roofing and Benjamin Moore Golden Mist Exterior}

Now, here comes the final REVEAL! Our completed home with the Aluminum Interlock Metal Roofing and the Benjamin Moore Golden Mist Exterior... We have waited long enough, for having better weather to take photos, but that never happened. Only now our balcony has been completed as well. As I write this, not yet painted by the very same professional painters that did our entire exterior of the home and the gazebo. When that is done, you will get more photos from the back of our home with the balcony as well.
Photo has been taken on June 24, you see how gray the sky looks; pregnant with rain...
LOTS of rain we have had.
We got so lucky for having the roof installed in 4 days with perfect weather and also for the painters we had 3 weeks of perfect weather.
Needless to say that our lawn is GREEN... but soggy!
The Benjamin Moore Golden Mist color works perfect with the Aluminum Slate Roofing in Aged Copper color. We did our very best to lower our Carbon Footprint and it pays off!
The shutters are in a Chrome Green and the windows and all the Vintage Woodworks gingerbread wood trim, balusters and posts are in white.
What do you say?
The indoor shutters are not fully open... 
The white hibiscus are blooming in front of our home.
Now let's walk around the corner towards the bay window area.
This photo I made on August 6, the same gray sky and very pregnant with rain.
Our Speckie girl followed me, as they all usually do – like a doggy.
This is back to June 24, with the white petunias just having been planted inside our Fiberglass Window Boxes.
There was so much to do after the painters did pressure wash the house.
Next they caulk it and painted it with two layers of Benjamin Moore paint in Golden Mist.
We had to take all the Window Boxes off the walls, as it had to be bare.
Than putting them back on, filling them with potting soil and finding plants in summer time...
A little bit closer for the picture.
Our prostrate gardenias are blooming too.
Now you can see the gazebo coming in view as well and that too has a new  aluminum 'aged copper' roof.
All our trees are so lush this summer with that much rain.
More view of he gazebo.
Below the large dogwood tree, no grass is growing in the shade...
Now it is pure mud!
One last view of the Benjamin Moore Golden Mist with Chrome Green for the shutters.
You can see here that the balusters are still not on the balcony. 
I will show that later with the complete back side and in another post also you get to see our gazebo.

All those planter boxes had to come off the walls, and back on...

Our youngest cat-man 'Smokey' walks here on the driveway.
I found him up in the magnolia tree next to the driveway to the left (not visible here).
Somebody must have put him out there. A poor kitten; literally skin over bone.
He was trying to steal some morsels from our cats but there was not much left...
Smokey is part Persian and we got him back to good health. He was so sick at first.
Cowards that put him out like that and they had even tried to kill him as he was so tender on his back and also his tail. He barely could 'talk' and his throat was very sensitive to touching.
God knows what this poor soul went through before I did hear him, thinking there was a hawk rustling those magnolia leaves...

That was so far the update on our home and on Smokey!

Related links:
{Our Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing Being Installed} | previous post by me
Never Re-Roof Again | link with full info, scroll down for reading more
Interlock Roofing | Manufacturer of Lifetime Roofing Systems. Never re-roof again
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post by me
{Our Home on March 24 of 2013} | previous post by me showing the BEFORE
{Fighting the Water + Scanning Slides} | previous post by me showing the result of gutters running over...
Flower Framers of Cincinnati | Source for Fiberglass Window Boxes

Sunday, August 11, 2013

{Our Wooden Balusters Repurposed}

When renovating the home there comes a point where you look at certain things that become trash and others that we still can REPURPOSE. Such was the case with our Vintage Woodworks Balusters. Several were rotting away, while others were still in perfect condition. 
Let's have a look...
Husband Pieter created this very romantic bridge across our creek, using what was left from the Vintage Woodworks Balusters on our Balcony.
This photo is from August 1, after he had painted the balusters and treated the bridge with a wood preservative.
This was on May 11, the Interlock Aluminum Roof by Interlock Metal Roofing had already been installed.
Next project was to strip the balcony before the painters would start pressure washing the entire house.
Off came the partly rotten balusters with their top and bottom rails attached.
From a different angle... Those rails with balusters measure 12 ft each!
Husband Pieter on the ladder, taking that corner post down...
Our gas tank will also be moved, in winter time, when it is no longer that hot for working outside.
A new concrete platform in front of the chimney, will hold it and there its color also blends in better.
Our Jasmine pots will go onto the old concrete platform. We learned a lot about mud splashing up on all our flower pots. Having concrete for placing them on, will avoid most of the soiling with mud.
One baluster with rails attached is down...
Taking it apart for REPURPOSING...
On the rain side, it is really rot...
How many times Pieter did repair it with epoxy over the years, but we had to give up.
New polyurethane balusters and rails with posts got ordered in Texas from Vintage Woodworks, so we never again will face any rotten wood.
Now, let me walk you across the lawn towards the creek, into our wood garden...
Look what Pieter built from the remaining good balusters and posts!
That looks quite romantic doesn't it?
Vintage Woodworks balusters and all three corner posts repurposed!
Our creek looks messy still from all the drift wood that came floating with the many floodings of last month.
For weeks, Pieter could not finish this bridge, as it was with the lower parts sitting IN the water...
Below post you find a short 1:29 minute video, taken with my iPhone on July 13.
These photos are from August 1.
Don't be fooled by its size; the center section measures 3.66 m or 12 ft + the two slanted sections...
It really looks beautiful to me.
What do you say?
Aha, we crossed the bridge and looking now towards our newly painted home. Your very first view of it on the driveway side. More to follow soon!
How many leaves got knocked down by all those thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rains...
We got very murky water, due to a damaged water pipe, two streets down.
On Saturday we were without water for quite some time!
Looking down from the bridge.
An entire beach from white sand has been build up from all the flooding.
Pieter had this fine sand for free for redoing our washed concrete path towards the gazebo.
Just hauling it on the wheel barrow.
In the back you see the huge pipe that goes underneath the road.
Since that pipe for drinking water got damaged and all the mud run into the creek, we have not had enough rain to wash it out again.
A beach with sand, still wet and muddy...
Lots of weeds growing but we cannot even mow the lawn near the creek as it is way too soggy!
Hope you enjoyed our bridge from our wooden balusters being REPURPOSED.
Next post you will get to see our finished home...

Related link:
Rainy July Day in Georgia II - iPhone upload | short Youtube video showing you the bridge in high water
{Our New 3rd Bridge} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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