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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, April 30, 2021

Maribaya Hot Springs and Waterfall near Bandung West Java, Indonesia


Maribaya Waterfall...
Coming from the Tankuban Perahu Crater we went to Maribaya Hot Springs and Waterfall.
The sulfur-laden water of Maribaya's Hot Springs are well known and have not become a favorite Resort area!
We went there on May 11, 1983...
You can see the steam coming from the hot springs!
There was a Giant Frog carving...
The frog did not turn around, when I teased it with my jacket!
 I'd climbed over to this hungry frog...
That giant frog did not bite me but I'd put back on my jacket as it was rather cool in the mountains!
Indonesia is a tropical land yes, but the higher you go, the cooler it gets!
A stop on our way back to Bandung (about 30 km) to see the hot sulfur water here in Parongpong.
It is a beautiful 30 minute trip back to the city of Bandung where we were staying at a guest house.
Next day we went back to Jakarta on an early flight from 6:30 AM.
Our 'boy' woke us up and very modestly, he handed us the dry-ironed (!) underwear laundry! His wife had stayed up for doing that, because of the tropical rain it was not otherwise possible to get it dry... This cannot be reimbursed even with a tip! It made me almost cry, touching the still warm cottons.
Read more about Maribaya at Indonesia tourism
Song by the then Dutch band The Cats - Maribaja who performed in Indonesia

Previous post:

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Mount Tankuban Perahu Crater in West Java, Indonesia

Short video from our flight over Mount Tankuban Perahu Crater to Bandung...
When viewed on YouTube you can read info in English below video.
A clear view of the Crater at Mount Tankuban Perahu in the Bandung, West Java/Indonesia area.
This is a 2,076 m high volcano or 6,811 feet.
Tankuban Perahu, which is Sundanese and means Upturned-Boat.
One of Indonesia's 76 active volcanoes out of a total of 147!
From the city of Bandung in West Java/Indonesia, we started on May 11, 1983 with a visit to the mushroom project in Parongpong, near Lembang.
From there, we went up to Mount Tankuban Perahu and Crater
This was after lunch and clouds already are pulling in...
This is better, showing the 1830 m or 6003.9 ft
Now, let's climb up to the crater...
Quite a sight!
Always bubbling and steaming such a volcano...
Ugly hot soup!
In the above photos where we posed for the 1830 m sign, Pieter is already clutching his 'gift', which I purchased at this souvenir shop...
A hairy monkey, carved from a young coconut!
Cleverly the 'hair' being left on the coconut!
You probably know brushes made from coconut or mats.
When we left, it had started raining and luckily our guides/hosts had umbrellas on hand.
No, Pieter is NOT holding that bucket, it is just standing there...

One minute video from above: Gunung Tangkuban Perahu di lihat dari atas

Previous post:
Sikidang Crater Dieng Plateau Indonesia | from where we worked 6 days a week...

Monday, April 26, 2021

Geothermal Activity at Dieng, Indonesia

Husband Pieter captured me standing near the Geothermal Activity at Dieng, Indonesia
They inject water under high pressure into the volcano and catch the steam for powering the turbines.
In a previous post I've mentioned the morning that we could not get passed a hooked off defect trailer from one of the Pertamina trucks. They had to transport the long pipes up the narrow mountain road, including hair pin bends. So this is WHY... see previous post below this one.
Said pipes for Pertamina were used for drilling wells...
The above info is from: Brief History of Dieng Geothermal Field just click link.
To me this photo was quite striking, showing a Javanese farmer carrying a heavy load on his yoke and then the geothermal activity in the back...

An informative video Visit Geothermal Dieng shows nicely from above how things look. Video goes on with a walk by the students, from Indonesian university Gadjah Mada and Dutch Technical University of Twente, walking to the Dieng Plateau where still ancient Hindu Temples are.
Hope this will help in understanding what this is about.

Previous posts:
HIGH in Mountains Hole in Road and Driving over Planks in Indonesia | post about Pertamina's defect trailer that needed to be hooked off from truck...
{Dieng Plateau Indonesia - Where We Worked} | post from 2012 about the Dieng Mountains

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sikidang Crater Dieng Plateau Indonesia


Husband Pieter at the active Sikidang Crater on May 9, 1983, with our guide, the Dutchman who'd lived for years in Indonesia.
YES it was completely OPEN at that time... safety issues were not heard of over there!
Now they have fenced it in somewhat.
Me with the camera capturing some special heat resistant shrubs!
Seeds seem to be able to survive a volcanic eruption and germinate afterwards...
Amazing that there still is any vegetation!
Short video from that 1st trip (for me) with info in English and Dutch with clickable points. 
Enjoy — best watched on YouTube for full information!
Each morning when driving up to the Dieng Plateau for work, as we saw the smoke come up, I said: 'That is the Devil's Kitchen...'
Lots of active craters and a bubbling lava pit...
There have been many eruptions and at the end of the 18th century, an entire village of 450 people got wiped out by such a lava slide; all but one died!
The sulphur smell varies on certain days but most of the time, it is not harmful.
Imagine falling down into the hot bubbling lava pit!
One would easily dissolve in that 'Devil's Soup'!
Hot and bubbly...
Very thick too, the Devil is not concerned about over-cooking his lava soup...
After almost seven years, I'm back in March 1990, at the Devil's cooking pot... Pieter too, he was behind the camera.
On November 19, 1996 we were there together with a mushroom friend from Australia who was visiting for business, he took a photo from both of us.
Nature is full of mysterious riddles...
Once more both of us visited there with our best friends from Dublin Georgia, who tagged along with us May 24 of 2001, and from Java they flew to Bali and back home while we worked and were home by June 17.
And so the devil cooks on...

A Lake in Dieng: Sikidang Crater Gives Different Beauty for The Plateau: Indonesia Tourism Video 1:20 min.

Previous post:

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Telaga Warna or Color Lake at Dieng in Indonesia

Telaga Warna or Color Lake at Dieng in Central Java, Indonesia
On May 9, 1983 we both were here and Pieter captured this photo with the two white swans 🦢🦢and a duck to the far right.
This is at a level of over 2,000 m! (6,662 ft)
It is actually a volcanic sulphur lake... 
Our guide was an older Dutchman who already lived for years in Indonesia.
Nowadays the lake is cleaned up and has walkways around and you can even climb to a certain height for overlooking the lake entirely.
Holding our video camera...
Back then Telaga Warna Lake looked rather overgrown...
Don't recall what the Dutchman was pointing at...
On November 19, 1996 we went back again with an Australian visitor...
Always a different view
The clouds are pulling in already and that happened most times around 11:00 AM so you had to really be an early bird.
When we drove up to work at 6:00 AM was the best time but most tourist buses came a lot later and thus far too late for the spectacular views.
Stay tuned for more from my very 1st trip to Indonesia...

Related link with short video: Telaga Warna (Sulphur lake), Dieng plateau

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Our Visit to Gibbs Gardens at Ball Ground, North Georgia

 Having seen lovely spring bulb photos on FB from a local friend, I started exploring this special Botanical Garden in North Georgia: Gibbs Gardens
Avoiding the Easter weekend due to the crowds on the road as well as here at the Gardens, we booked a ticket on line for April 8.
Very easy, having our Senior Admission on our iPhone... we were in!
At the welcome center we were greeted by the friendly resident kitty Spot and he was easy to cuddle with.
Fed and cared for by the workers and during winter when they close, he moves downstairs inside the welcome center and is being fed daily by workers that need to tend the 220 acres of garden...
We started out walking around. 
Lovely setting and plenty of Japanese maples to admire
However cloudy all day, we had NO rain!
18℃ or 64.4℉
There were PLENTY of benches for resting and taking in the beauty of the gardens!
Plenty of tulips were still blooming
In the Japanese Garden, don't know what the sign above reads...
Lovely Cherry Blossoms!
This cherry tree is budding out...
We just leisurely walked our 4.3 km or 2.67 mi
The elevation ranked from 400 m or 1,312 ft to 550 m or 1,804 ft
Rolling hills with views from different heights!
Last year they ranked 2nd amongst 'BEST AMERICAN BOTANICAL GARDENS'
This all began in 1980 as a private estate of 300 acres or 121.4 ha and after 30 years it became a world-class public garden!
Back to our Hyatt Regency Suites Atlanta Northwest... We enjoyed two free award nights; one of the perks when staying with one good line of hotels!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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