Alchemy of sun, grass and wind. Drying and bleaching laundry ̶ called "grassing" ̶ was long a speciality of the Dutch countryside. The grass had to be clean, and the laundry had to be regularly moistened so that the drying would last several days in order to produce a brilliant white.
This bleaching of white linens I do recall too well, from when I was a little girl. Mom would use her galvanized watering can and I would tag along. All of a sudden this very hot summer I got the idea to repeat what Mom did back then. We had enough clean grass and plenty of sun...
My first Eco Friendly project. The cotton mattress cover got out to get bleached by the sun...
Napkins joined also in the eco friendly bleaching.
In THE BOOK OF FINE LINEN by FRANÇOISE DE BONNEVILLE you find on page 47 this painting from Pieter Bruegel (ca 1520-1569) in a detail from Flemish Market and Washhouse (Prado, Madrid).
This is the book and I can highly recommend this. A beautiful hardcover with glossy paper and a wealth of information. The Book of Fine Linen ←click it.