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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, December 10, 2011

{Our Daughter Liz}

Sorry for not having had time to visit other bloggers and for commenting this past week! But whenever a daughter comes for a visit, it is a special time and I just wanted to give you an update on our special girl. We had a lovely time together with perfect weather for the first three days, almost like summer. Some cooler weather for the final days but that makes probably for a smooth transition between Dublin, Georgia and Rotterdam, South Holland in The Netherlands. She will be back, as she more and more is falling in love with the US, as she fell also in love with Canada. Getting to know our country better each visit is rewarding for her and for both of us, as well as for our friends and extended family on this side of the Atlantic. Here she is, a photo from a couple of months ago. Below you can read an earlier post about her.
Republished below, from an earlier post of May 06, 2010.
With Mother's day coming up it is appropriate to tell a bit more about our family... Both of us, Pieter and I, have been married before. From his previous marriage Pieter had an adopted daughter, Lisa Maria Jeurissen, who came to live with him at the age of one-and-a-half. Her biological father was a first cousin of her adoptive mother, Thea. He'd immigrated at a young age from The Netherlands to Canada and married in British Columbia with, Thelma Clark, who was part Scottish and part first nation. Liz was the third child from that marriage, her eldest brother is, Lars Van; then comes, Tony Dale and she was the baby. Around Christmas when Lizzy was just about a year old, the marriage soured and they split up. Her dad had the idea to put them on a flight to The Netherlands so they would be taken care of by his parents or brothers/sister... None of them showed any interest in his problems, except his mother who took them home from the airport at least.
They had a problem; three little children ages one-and–a–half; two–and–a–half; and three–and–a-half and somebody had to be responsible.
So Pieter ended up adopting Lisa Maria right away, therefore even waiving any support from the government. He would have loved to take home all three of the children but his wife did not agree. It was Lizzy who clung around his neck and cried out: "Daddy, daddy!" Pieter melted then and there...
Several years later he tried once more to have the eldest boy, Lars Van, for some time into their home. Lizzy was six at that time and Lars around eight but again, his wife didn't want to proceed with an adoption so Lars Van went back to the orphanage and later he and his brother, Tony Dale, got to stay in foster homes, but certainly didn't have the kind of youth that their little sister Lizzy had. Let me show you a photo from Lizzy where she was around one-and-a-half.
Her exotic looks are already very obvious.
Lizzy is being baptized on her third birthday and her Godmother was her adoptive mother Thea's sister Edith, with Pieter's elder brother Toon as Godfather. 
Lizzy was wearing a rather expensive designer dress for that very special occasion.
Here Lizzy wears the very same designer dress for a visit to her biological grandmother. Pieter kept that a regular routine, so she would at least get to see her brothers, who would be visiting there as well. From the left is Tony Dale; Lars Van; Lizzy and Ria, their first cousin, daughter of one of their dad's brothers.
Brother Lars Van with his bow tie.
Lizzy wears a cute Scottish tartan plaid skirt that her Daddy brought her from the Scotch House in London, where he was on a mushroom related business trip.
Carnival 1970 with her brother Lars Van, who was then living with Lizzy. 
Happy times!

Meanwhile, Pieter had become a Rotarian, and through Rotary they tried to trace the biological mother of Liz but no luck.
Even they worked with the Red Cross but again, in vain... They tried to trace her by her maiden name; Thelma Clark...
This photo above, is taken in Austria, 1978.
Always when going on vacation Lizzy, was allowed to take a friend along. 
Pieter, tried as much as he could to let Lizzy experience the love and sharing of a family with more children. Here Nicole Verhaar, got to travel along.
One of her friends was my first cousin Bertie Van den Munckhof. Her dad, my uncle, was a former colleague (he was the administrator) and close friend of Pieter, from the photo–club, where they both were members of.
Also my paternal grandmother was a close friend of Pieter's Mom.
There were already many links between our families.
Personally I got to know Lizzy at the age of five, when I started working for the Practical Training College, called C.C.O., about Mushroom Growing. First and only one of its kind in the world and founded by Pieter. His book about Modern Mushroom Growing has been translated into eight official languages. He often got invited to be a speaker at International Mushroom Science Congresses (ISMS) and he always took his family along.
Above, Liz Vedder, is shown at the Botanical Gardens of Bogor, Indonesia.
She got to travel the world with her Dad!

Liz is holding kittens at my home in The Netherlands, August 1981. 
She always has been great with pets; that sure is a character plus!

This is in Pennsylvania, April 1982.
Liz always loved horses and she just walked up to them, everywhere she went.

Above Liz is on her skies, while on vacation in Germany with her parents.
The last one before they did break up. Pieter had waited until Liz was already at college and had moved out of the home. It was August 29 of 1983, when we both immigrated to the US.

Continuing to pay for Liz' formal education at the Royal Academy of Arts and Design in Den Bosch and of course supporting also her adoptive Mom.
We both worked hard, as there never has been a single penny tax deduction, because Liz did not study in the US, but abroad.
It sure was not easy, but we both felt proud for having given her the best education possible and as of today, we still support Thea. 

Therefore it meant a lot when Thea once called, to share her feelings about Liz when her would–be parents–in–law had complimented her on Liz' impeccable manners. She told Pieter: "I wish you would have been there, but at least I want you to know; since you too had a large share in accomplishing this".

(Meanwhile Liz is married with the son of Henk Bodt, former Executive Vice President of Philips and in 1992, when ASML was on the brink of bankruptcy he helped them out: Our Stories - Henk Bodt about the helping hand ←click for 1:56 min video)

Thea did mail us a special post card taken in Horst, The Netherlands, from an ages old chapel with some kind words that meant the world to us:
Thanks for all your good care.

That was after she'd called Pieter at 5:00 AM on September 6, 1994—complaining that she got harassing phone calls from the U.S. Embassy in The Netherlands—they asked her questions and also requested a copy of her passport.
Pieter replied to her, that she better cooperate—as this is in your own interest because I have requested that you also receive half of my U.S. Social Security payment as legally this is possible when having been married for 10+ years. This will start retroactive from April 1, 1994. 
From Baltimore, Maryland we'd previously received phone calls—verifying her name, phone number and address.
Hence we received the above card from September 14...

Meanwhile we went to Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada since Pieter would be the speaker at the North American Mushroom Conference.
After the events, I did look up my maiden name in the phone book. None to be found. There were lots of Vedders, as usual. All of a sudden I thought about Liz being born in British Columbia so I did look for Jeurissen and there we found the one Jeurissen in the book. Pieter called, and it was Thelma whom we thought would have died years ago, as nobody could ever find her. But in the US and in Canada a divorced woman can keep her husband's name... we would never have searched for her by her married name. But she did meet us, and since July of 1996 we've been very close to her and spent many hours on the phone with her during her decade long battle with all sorts of cancer. Also we exchanged quite a number of letters and cards which we've passed on to Liz. She was quite a lady and we both were thrilled when in 2001, Liz did visit her for the first time. That made her Mama Thelma so happy!

In Mama Thelma's own words written on the back of the following photos: The first day in Canada, James, Liz, Tracy (Mama Thelma's niece) and me.
This was taken in the small town of Meritt; Liz, her Mama Thelma and aunt Ginny.
Mama Thelma took this photo of Liz at Grouse Mountain.
 Liz on the way to visit auntie Dorothy at Nanaimo. It was so windy on the boat ferry.
Mother/daughter's last morning together before leaving for the airport... back to The Netherlands.

Mama Thelma, as we used to call her always, died in September 2006.
Liz has been there shortly before she died.

From heaven she will be watching us!

Related link:


  1. Mariette, je beschrijft hier zo'n liefde voor kinderen van Pieter en jou. Heel warm. Realiseer me ook dat we heel gelukkig mogen zijn om 3 kinderen te hebben. Mijn zusje en haar man hebben sinds 2 jaar pleegkinderen en verdriet/liefde/plezier/ellende het ligt allemaal zo dicht bij elkaar in zo'n situatie. Ik vond het interessant om jouw persoonlijk verhaal te lezen.
    ......ga weer verder met werken. Groetjes Ingrid
    June 18, 2010 11:09 AM

  2. Mariette,esta es una de las historias mas bonitas y humanas que he escuchado, tanto tu como tu esposo son personas con una calidad humana extraordinaria, Dios los bendiga!!!!! Rose Marie

    July 28, 2010 11:23 AM

  3. Very beautiful yuung women!

    Have a nice weekend:)

  4. It's a beautiful story of a person's live, Mariette.Mooie dochter hebben jullie, wens jullie nog veel geluk samen.

    Liefs Janny.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    ein Gedicht - unbeschreiblich schön.

    In Liebe


  6. Wat een prachtige post in plaatjes en woorden. Liz heeft prachtige benen! Dat valt mij in het bijzonder op.

    A most lovely time gearing up for Christmas, dear one xx

  7. Oh my goodness, dear Mariette, this is such a moving story. I loved reading it. It inspires me today... I have always had so much respect and admiration for you and Pieter, and learning this story makes me just love the two of you so dearly. You both are good souls, and I am so blessed from the moment I met you--on the blogging world.

    Liz is a beautiful woman, inside and out. Charming and smart.

    Thanks for this special post.

    (((( love to you and Pieter--and Liz )))


  8. Liebe Mariette,
    Familien sind sehr wichtig im Leben eines Menschen - Zusammenhalt und Liebe -
    danke, dass du uns hast teilhaben lassen an deiner Familiengeschichte - ihr seid so liebe Menschen - Liz ist eine sehr hübsche Frau -

    ich wünsche euch von Herzen Gottes Segen -


  9. Dearest Friend.. what a beautiful story! I love the unconditional love, admiration and support that is woven through the lives of all concerned. A true testament that a parent does not need to be blood related, and that true love for child, includes sharing them with all who have been part of her.

    Many continued blessings! Liz is truly a beauty and result of her wonderful environment growing up. many hugs to you and Pieter for the gift through your love the world has in Liz. XO HHL

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    Liz ist eine wunderschöne Frau.
    Danke, dass du uns diese Geschichte - ihre Lebensgeschichte bis heute - erzählt hast.
    Einen schönen 3. Advent wünscht Dir

  11. Dearest Mariette, What a beautiful story of love, compassion and perseverance. Not only did you and Peiter nurture a beautiful young girl into an accomplished woman, you reunited her with her birth mother. What selfless love. Thank you for sharing this touching story.
    This is the perfect time of year to share your story of love for this child. and from this child. Tis the time when we all need to accept the love of a child and respond in kind.
    Love to you,

  12. Owww Mariette......wat heerlijk dat ze er was.....en hopelijk komt ze gauw weer!!...wat een mooie post !!....liefs van mij...xxx...

  13. Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring journey with us, Mariette. It is beautiful to see how God weaves our lives.
    Liz is gorgeous, looks like a model, and it sounds like she's beautiful inside too.
    Love and many blessings to all of you this Advent and always.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    What a beautiful story of your daughter Liz. Raising children is always a challeng, but you and your hubby did am amazing job and it shows. Liz is a beautiful girl and I know you are very proud of her and her accomplishments.
    So glad you all had a great visit together at this season and I hope you are together again soon.

    Thank you for sharing this life journey.
    Love to you always my dear friend.
    Celestina Marie

  15. Dear Mariette,

    What a moving story of your beautiful daughter Liz and how wonderful that you have been able to spend some special time with her. Also that she was able to be reunited with her birth Mother.
    She is certainly a credit to both Pieter and you, with the charming, elegant Lady she now is.
    Thank you for sharing this touching post.


  16. Dear Mariette, beautiful story... makes me in tears... I think of my only daughter... but I dont see any hope between mum and daughter, dont know why we end up this way... I know many people had told me she will change... she is almost 19 but the hope for a mother and daughter's love is going deeper and deeper down the black hole. I cry every time I read and see other people story with their daughter. The thought of taking another child (fostering)is keep coming back in my head, but am I to old now and hubby is not with me most the time, will it be a good idea. It's a old idea long time ago... i always want another child for my daughter to had a sister or brother. But my 2rd baby die in the tummy when she/he is 7 weeks old. My daughter is really upset when she heard the news, she was 5 when it happen. Father in-law dont like fostering a child... I'm living under his roof, so... Well, I'm long-wind here, I should stop now. Love coming here to read your post, they are beautiful and interesting. Have a great week. Mei

  17. Hello my dear friend Mariette:
    What a lovely story, you and Pieter are wonderful human beings with such a great heart, your love is very unconditional because not only you and Pieter took care of her, but you reunited her with her biological mother, that is pure love and I really admire you and Piter much more.

    Liz is a beautiful woman and she is very lucky to have you both. And I'm very happy you spent lot of quality time with her. You and Pieter must be very proud of her.

    I'm still at my sister's place in Bonham, Tx, that is why I haven't been able to be on the internet lately.

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story full of love and inspiration.

    I sent you a big hug and I wish you all the best to you and Pieter.

    Lots of love,

    Laura =)

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    your daughter is a lovely young lady and you must be very proud of her!
    Lovely post :O)
    Have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    ich konnte zwar leider nicht alles verstehen, auch per Online-Übersetzer nicht. Vor allem die Verwicklungen, wer die eigentliche Mutter von Liz war und daß sie dann noch eine andere Adoptivmutter hatte, bevor sie zu Dir/Euch kam und wer das war. Aber es ist schön, daß Liz' biologische Mutter wiedergefunden wurde!
    Ein hübsches Mädchen und eine schöne junge Frau!
    Traurig immer, was so kleinen Kindern angetan wird, sie können am wenigsten dafür, wenn sie erst auf der Welt sind.

    Liebe Grüße nochmal

  20. Oh, Dearest Mariette.
    I must have missed reading this post!!!
    I shouldn't comment not reading much. It is a bit late here and bit tired now.
    So, I promise come back here again tomorrow, dear friend♡♡♡
    Night Night, Orchid*

  21. This is Orchid again, Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, I was SO MOVED and thank you very much for sharing about Liz with us.
    I think it is really God who sent her to you and proved what true unconditional love can do!!! Look at beautiful Liz and had grown wonderfully having marvelous job and certification.
    Oh, I knew about Anita. What a couple you two♡♡♡
    Happy for you to have had a reunion and hoping that her future will be the bright one as ever!!!
    Blessing to you, xoxo Orchid*

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    hier habe ich noch einmal geschaut - ich hatte die Töchter scheinbar verwechselt ... Liz und Foster Tochter, wie ich gelesen habe .... der Onlineübersetzer ist nicht immer so gut und mein Englisch - lange her ...

    Viele liebe Grüße


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