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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

{Our New Roses from Costco}

From Costco we got some great new rose bushes. Last year we lost most of ours, due to the extreme heat and drought. Let's hope this year we will have better luck! Let me show you our selection of great AARS roses, except one. Also one other rose we got from Home Depot.
Fragrant Cloud, a Hybrid Tea Rose 
Oregold, also a Hybrid Tea Rose and an AARS winner.
Queen Elizabeth a Grandiflora rose and also AARS winner.
Guess we now bought the very same rose that my Paternal Grandmother got for herself decades ago. 
We got some starters from hers! 
Miss All American Beauty also a Hybrid Tea Rose and an AARS winner.
The latter is from Home Depot but made the total of about 14 new roses complete.
Did you plant any rose bushes yet? 
What are your favorites?

Related posts:
{Mistery Oma Rose Resolved!} | previous post by me about my dear Grandma's roses{Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'...} | previous post by me about my dear Grandma's roses{3 Most Prized Roses; from my Paternal Grandmother} | previous post by me about my dear Grandma's roses

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

{Idea for Ribbon Roses in a Frame}

This would be a great idea for Dana from Lambs and Ivy Designs to try out... Ribbon Carnations or Roses in a Frame! Dana could do it, as she is such a talented lady... Have you visited her blog? Check it out at: Lambs and Ivy Designs and on Pinterest: Lambs and Ivy Designs Ribbonwork. I will be able to show you some work later as she's doing some violets (pansies) for me from silk ribbon that I had for years... but not the talent she's got. 
This is such a lovely setting!
I've scanned this page from one of the magazines that we did carry for Ria from It's me in The Netherlands, when we did visit her in August of last year...

Monday, February 27, 2012

{HOW to Prolong the Life of Your NEW Shoes?}

Want to Learn from Mariette? Well, under wardrobe care certainly belong our shoes. For decades we've always brought our new shoes right away to a professional shoe repair man. We are lucky, as for us there is such a great quality shoe repair here locally. 
This is not REPAIR work but HOW to Prolong the Life of Your NEW Shoes, like these...
Adding rubber soles. That protects the leather more from getting wet if rainy and you are a few mm elevated now from the 'wet' area. This prolongs also the life as rubber does not wear off as fast as the original leather soles. Besides, it is a great safety feature as you will not slip as easily.
Both, my husband Pieter and I, have been practicing this as said, for decades. It really pays off!
Yes, Good Year makes for a great rubber sole that is skid free and Prolongs the Life of your NEW Shoes. Preventive maintenance and safety is always important!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

{Guilloché Enamel Brooches, Thimble and Rose Box}

When our daughter Liz asked what I got for my birthday I told her that I'd gotten one more lovely Guilloché Enamel Brooche with ROSES. Of course! So here I'd like to show you my birthday gift and another enamel brooch that I had before. Also an enamel thimble and a guilloché ROSE box. One of my favorite pieces.
This is a lovely Norwegian Arne Nordlie 925 silver guilloché brooch with roses. 
I put it outside on the balcony in the sunshine, on top of my silk La Perla night gown...
Yes, I do have a blissful relationship in many ways with husband Pieter!
This is a previous birthday gift from Pieter. An enameled silver brooch with roses.
Taking such pictures makes one aware of some cleaning to be done. To the right is a spot where a  tooth brush would do wonders! The human eye does by far not capture this.
One of my favorite rose pieces. A guilloché silver pill box. 
What artistry!
Guilloché is on the rim of the lid and on the sides. Amazing work.
This is a silver enamel thimble with a rose...
The top is from glass.

Related links:
Christie's Silver and Guilloché Thimbles
Christie's Enameled Silver-Gilt Box with Guilloché
The sides with similar oyster white enamel on vertical guilloché zig-zag reeding, plain silver base with hallmarks.

Christie’s silver guilloché enamel clock sold for $ 31,315

Guilloché (Guilloche) is a decorative engraving technique in which a very precise intricate repetitive pattern or design is mechanically engraved into an underlying material with fine detail. Translucent enamel was applied over guilloché metal by Peter Carl Fabergé on the Faberge eggs and other pieces from the 1880s.
Enameling Guilloche – Beauty Invented By Faberge 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

{French Country Style Blue Angels & Rose Sachets}

For blue Toile de Jouy you have to love these French Country Style Blue Angels and Rose Sachets with lavender... They too are available at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics 
Don't you just LOVE them?
Sorry but all items have been sold...

Friday, February 24, 2012

{Our Dutch Table Clock}

In my previous posts (links you find below) I have shown our Living Room where this Dutch Table Clock resides on the mantle. It is made out of oak and shows a lot of intricate art work. Let's have a look at it up close... It also has a very nice chime!
Our clock sits on a piece of plexiglass as not to scratch the painted mantle shelf.
Admitting that it is very hard to make photos of this clock, as the glass glares and so does all the brass.
Look at all the intricate details on this clock!
The dial and even the stand of the moon is being shown...
You actually open up the glass door and with the key that is underneath the clock you have to rewind it. 
This is an 8-days movement.
What a fine craftmanship!
All the engraving...
Warmink is the brand name.
With the door open I could use the flash.
Below you see a table clock that is over 250 years older than ours. This one got auctioned off at Christie's for a nice sum of $ 32,807.00. Well, it is taller than ours too. But our heirs might get this in time...

Related links:

{Our Dutch Atlas Zaanse Wall Clock in Oak} | previous post by me

{Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS} | previous post by me

{Our Living Room} | previous post by me

Thursday, February 23, 2012

{Large Delft White Picture Frame Vase}

Okay, while we're at it, I want to show you also my large Delft white picture frame vase. Just a short post with photos as they speak for themselves. In my previous post you have seen the small, individual picture frame vases that I use to set the table. Even in yesterday's post you could see one used with the table setting. Enjoy!
Ranunculus - Persian buttercups from Trader Joe's in Atlanta and I did the photo shooting near our gazebo. This is on a plank near the gazebo where trailing pot plants reside. Inside the home it was too dark...
Here is the small individual picture frame vase together with the large one on a Rose Stepping Stone...
On the steps of the gazebo...
And once more on the Rose Stepping Stone.
Nice sunshine for January 25!

Related articles

{Delft White Picture Frame Vase} (mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com)

{Antique Christofle Napkin Ring and Timbale, Goblet in Box} (mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{6694 Filets & Rubans - 6 Antique French Christofle Louis XVI Knife Rests}

Here I once again can offer you some very rare, 2nd half of 19th century antique French Christofle knife rests. These are in the 6694 Filets & Ruban, Louis XVI pattern and look absolutely stunning. Shown here with my French Le Jacquard Français placemats and napkins. China is Seltmann Weiden in the Mirabell pattern from Germany. The flatware is Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet. Check my Zen Cart powered on line Boutique Mariette's Back to Basics
  • The individual place setting picture frame vase you can see in my post from 2 days ago.

  • Christofle still is selling knife rests as of today. Click Christofle and put knife rests in the search box. They are still very much en Vogue.

  • On January 24, I did set the table on our balcony in the sunshine...

  • Pictures speak for themselves...

Christofle mark from the 2nd half of the 19th century.

Detail from my 1862 Sugar Sifter Spoon with the very same hall mark but now more visible.

6694 Louis XVI Filets et rubans...

Highlighted is the Christofle 6694 to the left...

These are inside the 1883-1891 Christofle Catalogue

  • 24 pieces are sold here for US $ 800.00
Sorry Sold out...

Small Masterpiece - [We Set The Table] ←click it, is also showing Christofle knife rests. Just click on  the word Collection and scroll down for it.

Private Client (David Lauren and Lauren Bush) were even shown on their listing of Small Masterpiece clients.

Hope you enjoyed this journey back in time for style and elegance.
Those pieces do become heirlooms for many more decades as they are of superior quality.

Related articles:

{6 Antique Christofle Knife Rests Griffes Antiques - Antique Claws} | previous post by me
{11 French Antique 1863 Christofle 4 Boules Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{12 Vintage 1930s French Christofle Coquille Regence Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{2nd half of 19th Century Antique Christofle Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests} previous post by me
{Victoria Magazine: Knife Rests Old and New} | previous post by me
{6691 Filets - 10 Antique French Christofle Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{Set of 8 Antique Christofle Knife Rests with 4-Balls} | previous post by me
{Antique Christofle Knife Rests in Fleur de Lys} | previous post by me
{11 Vintage French Christofle Luc Lanel 'Ondulation' Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests in Box} | previous post by me
{6 Antique French Christofle Gallia Knife Rests -- in Art Deco} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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