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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, March 31, 2012

{Our Glendale 'Mother of Pearl' Azaleas near Gazebo}

We had our garden blooming almost ALL at once! On March 13, I made lots of photos... Also beginning with our beautiful Glendale Azaleas 'Mother of Pearl' near the gazebo. Their buds look like dark pink, almost reddish. Then they open up to different shades of pink, even lighter towards their maturity. Have a look...
Photo taken on March 13
This is also from March 13 and you can see the steps of our gazebo in the back.
To the right is a natural rock garden which we collected from our own property.
Now it is March 18 and we're facing towards the wooden walk way where our Garden Tour can be done... With tea/coffee in our gazebo. Offered to you Book an Event.
We never rake our fall leaves, they remain the natural blanket for our entire garden. A source of nutrients as they slowly will decompose. On the lawn my husband Pieter uses the John Deere mulcher so grass, including leaves, also get recycled for the lawn itself. Nothing goes to waste here. Keeping the planet GREEN by Going GREEN.
Not only a feast for the eye, but also for the bumblebees.
Those frilly petals resemble a ballerina's tutu.
This photo shows you all the different stages of the darker closed buds and the open flowers.
Too bad that this is only for the duration of a mere week...
We always have fond memories of Mom & Dad who visited us during spring, at peak season of the azaleas. We all went to the romantic city of Savannah where thousands of azaleas bloom in all their splendor at the many court yards and squares throughout the city.
Such a majestic flower...

Related links:

{Balta Rhododendron in Our Garden} | previous post by me

Friday, March 30, 2012

{ROZALEA® Gift keeps on Giving}

Last year from dear friends Maria Runggaldier, Lady Chef at Ristorante da Maria ← (click it)  and her husband Heinz, I received this beauty for my birthday. A ROZALEA® in coral pink. It actually did so well that it no longer fits in its original pot. See for yourself how it emerged from our greenhouse where it did reside during the winter. Photos are from March 13 when it was just put outside on the patio in front of our gazebo.
Darling ROZALEA®
Barty our cat (left) admires it too...

Related articles
{My ROZALEA® CORAL PINK birthday gift} | previous post by me

Thursday, March 29, 2012

{Happy Yellow in Our Garden}

  1. On March 13, I took some photos from happy yellow blossoms in our garden. 
  2. Our Carolina Jasmine and the Forsythias were at their best for this year's season. 
  3. Just love to share them with you. 
  4. Last year was probably a lot better but we have to enjoy what we got!
  • Adjacent to our gazebo, these yellow Carolina Jasmines are creeping up against a tree.

  • Busy with bees when standing there a minute...

  • Our Forsythias blooming at their best.

Related article:
{Yellow Blossoms from Our Garden want to be YOUR Sunshine Today!} | previous post by me

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

{11 Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co 925/000 silver Angels from Italy}

Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co, Italy
Today I want you to get to know the upscale jewelry from→ Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co. For me it is equal in quality to→ Tiffany & Co as you will soon learn after the first purchase. These very affordable High End items below are available for purchase at Spectrenoir on line.
But, let me show you first some info about their company nestled in Tuscany, Italy in the heart of Val di Chiana, between Arezzo and Siena. They manufacture silverware since 1972.
Above you also read about their markings. As of 132 AR:132 stands for their own unique marking for the silver and AR is for the Province of Arezzo and all the items I will introduce you to, do bear also the 925 marking.
Giovanni Raspini is about my age and one day I hope to meet him in person and tour his fascinating silver workshop. Italy does have a soft spot in my heart as we both worked and lived there in the Venice area... Well, it makes you at times a bit homesick for several reasons. But having access to these treasures does more than make up for that.
 Let's open the treasure trove...
Angels all around!
Artfully created from Italian Florentine Raphael Angel Wrapping Paper by Paul Van Witteveen from Gainesville, GA
Here they come...very upscale silver jewelry. These darling angels will make the perfect gift for a loved one; a symbolic Guardian Angel given to someone very special in our life...
Label with Angel - See on my boutique page: Mariette's Back to Basics ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
 Heart with two Angels - See more at Spectrenoir ←(click) for more info.
Heart with Angel - See at Spectrenoir ←(click) for more info.
Moon with Angel - See more at Spectrenoir where there is one on a black cord ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Angel - See at Spectrenoir ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Angel on Swing - See my boutique page: Mariette's Back to Basics ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Climbing Angel - See my boutique page: Mariette's Back to Basics ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Angel on Trapeze - See my boutique page: Mariette's Back to Basics ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Angel Upside Down - See my boutique page: Mariette's Back to Basics ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Acrobat Angels - See my boutique page: Mariette's Back to Basics ←(click) for more info.
Sorry Sold out...
Star with Angels - See at Spectrenoir ←(click) for more info.
These Alphabet and Number Angels are also available.
What I don't have in stock, anything you see from the website from Raspini, I can get for you.
Just ask... It is a pleasure for being able to deliver such high end beautiful jewelry!
LUXURY LIFE within reach...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

{Hyacinthoides Hispanica Excelsior – Spanish Blue Bell or Wood Hyacinth}

We are fortunate that our Hyacinthoides Hispanica Excelsior – Spanish Blue Bell or Wood Hyacinth, did come back again. By far not as many and not as beautiful as last year, but we saved them! Click below the photos on the link for last year's show. But let's hope the summer will be more moderate this year so next spring things will be back to full glory... Still lovely to have a tea or coffee in the gazebo after a garden tour with us. Daily there will be new shrubs and plants blooming. 

Related article:
Hyacinthoides Hispanica Excelsior – Spanish Blue Bell or Wood Hyacinth | previous post by me

Monday, March 26, 2012

{Giovanni Raspini 2012 - Fashion Campaign with Supermodel Viera Schottertova}

Giovanni Raspini 2012 - Fashion Campaign

The new 2012 Fashion Campaign of Giovanni Raspini with one of the most famous international top models of the haute couture: Viera Schottertova, model for Lancia, Barilla, Vogue, Armani, Chanel, Pantene, Rimmel Look, Victoria's Secret, Bolero and many others.
♥♥Giovanni Raspini silver from Tuscany, Italy is available at my Spectrenoir Boutique on line with free shipping!
Anything that is not listed at my boutique, I can get for you; just ASK. ♥♥

La nuova campagna Fashion 2012 di Giovanni Raspini con una delle top model internazionali più famose dell'haute couture: Viera Schottertova, già modella per Lancia, Barilla, Vogue, Armani, Chanel, Pantene, Rimmel Look, Victoria's Secret, Bolero e molti altri.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

{Our 2012 Scilla Campanulata}

After the rough summer of 2011 with extreme heat and drought, the garden is not looking its best this spring. But I would love to show you the masses of our Scilla campanulata, also called Spanish blue bells as they originate from Spain and Portugal. For better images, look at my post from last year, link is below this post. 
Nestled in a bed of fall leaves...
Close to our gazebo and walk way...
This photo is from Saturday, the dogwood blossoms start falling off and the pink dogwood is still holding on to its blossoms, see to the left in photo.
Nice to see new green though! This is the view from the breakfast area from the bay window...
Anyone interested in making our Garden Tour + Tea/Coffee in the gazebo: Book an Event.

Related link:
{Scilla campanulata - Spanish Blue-Bells in our Garden} | previous post by me

Saturday, March 24, 2012

{Our fragrant 1916 heirloom Thalia - latest of our Daffodils}

Spring has come with such a force, that we almost went straight into summer... The magnolias got browned by frost in early February but for the rest we've enjoyed lots of blooms. The latest performers of the Daffodil Season were our white Thalia Daffodils, like the 'wings of an angel' and also called the Orchid Narcissus. Certainly one of the loveliest of all daffodils. You can order them in the fall at McLure & Zimmerman ←click it. As an added bonus, they're also highly fragrant and they bloom with two or more flowers on each stem.
Do you favor white or yellow daffodils?
Too bad that in our area there will be none left for the Easter Season...

Related link:
{Heirloom 1916 Thalia Orchid Narcissus & Ipheion Star Flower in Our Garden} | previous post by me

Friday, March 23, 2012

{Paper Roses from France + Great News}

Already for quite a while now I did have these three paper roses from Janny, from the blog: Vintage Paper Roses ←(click it). She did ship them from France, as a gift! There was a good reason for not posting this sooner... Janny did mention to me that she would be published in an American magazine soon. Well, to be patient always pays off. Now I not only can let you know that this Dutch lady, living and creating the prettiest paper roses in France, will be featured in the next issue of Rozen van Papier. You can see this announced here as: Vintage Charm... on Janny's Dutch blog about her Paper Roses. 
BUT, the biggest news is... that Janny has become a first-time Grandmère to her daughter's baby-girl Lyla Rose. You can see her Dutch post about her granddaughter Lyla Rose being born already: Mijn kleindochter LYLA ROSE is al geboren!. Once more Janny; Congratulations with your grand-daughter Lyla Rose!
Photos made outside on the little patio near our Rose Suite and the live oak tree is shedding its catkins...
Vase is: Sanssouci Rose-Ivory (Gold Trim) by Rosenthal and is available at Replacements Ltd. 
They look so real...
A nosegay of 3 paper roses...
White; pale pink and a darker pink...
Paired with some real creamy white Moondance AARS roses from our garden.
Moondance was a 2007 ARS ←(click it) All America Rose Selection winner.
Shown here in a French Baccarat crystal vase.
Quercus Virginiana catkins all over...
Both look lovely, the French Paper Roses and our new Moondance!

Related articles:
World's Prettiest Roses by Janny | previous post by me
{La Vie en Rose - MERCI Janny!} | previous post by me
{LOOK who's in the French Style of May/June 2011} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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