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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, October 6, 2013

{What Type of Feet do YOU have?}

Have you ever looked at the shape of your feet? 
There are different Foot Types and I found out that I have Egyptian Type Feet.
Voilà -- My Egyptian Type Feet!
Yep, that's ME: Egyptian Foot - The Egyptian Foot tends to be a narrow foot. It has a longer big toe and the rest of the toes taper down from longest to shortest. It is the most functional of all the foot structures.
However because of the long big toe, you must be careful in your choice of shoes.
Ha, being careful with choice of shoes?
Even more careful with choice of panty hose. 
That's one reason I wear Wolford hosiery as they last and last.
All other brands I can trash after doing some walking or God forbid; dancing... 
Which Foot Type Are You... Egyptian Roman Greek... 
Tell me in the comment what yours are... I am anxious to know your DNA.
Egyptian Type Feet with shoe size 8... Or European size 38. 
Guess if my big toe would not be that long I had a size 7 or 37.
This photo is taken at the Camino Real, hotel in México City. 
This is how consultants relax during the weekends. 
The above was my all time favorite bathing suit with wrapped skirt from La Perla, Italy.
I was so proud for finding it at the Aventura Mall, Aventura FL (near Miami).
Sadly it vanished from the Camino Real Mexico City hotel... 
The above picture is from the Dutch magazine Nouveau where I found it.
Looking down on my toes from my chaise at the Hyatt House Miami Airport while at the pool last month...
On our balcony...
No change; they definitely are Egyptian!
Elite Feet Tapered toes or Egyptian feet | link to Urban Dictionary
Female feet where the big toe is the longest toe. The most attractive type of feet. (Hello, how many pair of panty hose they pierced?!) They are fairly uncommon, but that's one of the reasons why they are so great. Also sometimes called tapered toes or Egyptian type feet.
Putting my best foot forward still does not change it...
Big toe is LONGER!
See my left foot below; it's very obvious.
Mummy's False Toes Helped Ancient People Walk Like an Egyptian (click link for reading full and very interesting story...)
I start feeling very ANCIENT myself...
Maybe, just maybe—this is why I LOVE these toe loop sandals?
What is your favorite sandal?
Before I start feeling like an endangered species, I want to compare my toes with others...
By the way, Perfect Ten Salon & Spa did a great job on the pedicure!
But are my toes also perfect ten?!
One of my favorite toe loop sandals from Indonesia... WISH I had bought several pairs of these!
Do you ever regret you didn't purchase more of something that proves very comfy?
Here we stand: My husband Pieter as a true Roman (?) and I as an Egyptian...
Pieter's right foot even looks like GREEK, with the 2nd toe longer than the big toe. Not so his left foot.
Long second toe
Indicates leadership qualities. Rulers from ancient Egyptian and Hawaiian royal dynasties all had long second toes. You need to be in charge.
That is TRUE for my Pieter!
For sure, husband Pieter has not a narrow foot...
He stands on this earth very firmly!
Had to add this as it already did confuse me with Irmi's small sized German feet in a size 4.5 but that is 37.5 European or a 7 in the US. Got confused once again with all these differences...
Guess this is an interesting subject with 28,061 views.

Related links:
What Do Your Feet Say About You? interesting info
Wolford atThe Colonnades Outlets
{My First Trip to the City of Romance | VENICE, ITALY} | previous post by me


  1. i have germanic, apparently. short, stout and almost straight on top.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    I have Celtic. And with my tiny wide feet, I always have trouble finding shoes(^^;) I wish I had regular size physique p;) Lots of Love and hugs, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Quite revealing is this and one wonders about our ancestors... Finding correct shoes is difficult, even with my Egyptian feet!

  3. Demzufolge sind meine griechisch, liebe Mariette


    Ich habe das irgendwo schon vor vielen Jahren einmal gehört und hatte damals auch eine Freundin mit Deinen Füßen. Ich habe sonst nie eine Frau gekannt, bei der die Großzehe so lang war. Das muß selten sein.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ich glaube auch das meine Ägyptische Füsse im algemeinen sehr selten sind...
      Lieber Gruss,

  4. Dearest Mariette what a brilliant post. I had not given much thought to my toes before ... This was most informative. I stand in good company with my Egyptian toes ... It will be interesting to look back and see how the citizens of Blogland rate in the toe category. Thank you for sharing this .
    You looked stunning in that swim suit.. And your toes look great with the pedi. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      This indeed is very interesting for finding out. Maybe it does tell something more about our roots...? Funny that we both have Egyptian toes!
      Thanks for the compliment and I still miss that greatest ever swimsuit... Too bad it got stolen.

  5. Oh wow, Mariette; I just checked mine and they're Egytian too and Alejandro's are Roman, lol! We have things in common, jejeje...the feet! Never thought of it, but I always liked my feet. Thank you sweet Darling for your generous comments on Victoria's second part of her FC. You know she loved the Bavarian tea cup and plate with the Dutrch inscription. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      This is truly interesting for finding out. Funny that you as a couple match both of us!
      I'd even forgotten by now about that Dutch tea cup and saucer with Dutch inscription as you did show us that a while ago. So glad she gets to treasure that and the memories of her special day will last a life time!
      Hugs and happy weekend; sending you some sunshine.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I don't work of high heel shose anymore after I had right foot injecton in my right foot was last 19-11-2012. with good exercise my feet happy plaing golf and communicationg with me.
    I has both my feet a Egyption shoped this has always been of interest to me naturally!
    Well but the weather isn't good I don't feel like going to walk but I watching golf and more sport from few other country with FOXTEL.
    I was very happy with few people has Egyption shoped and YOU has beautiful all clothes and hight-heeled shoes!
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Guess you went the very same way as Celia from High Heeled Life did after her tragic accident; no more high heels. At least I am glad you managed again to walk and play golf!
      Funny that you too have Egyptian feet; we have something in common.
      Indeed a few more people here do have Egyptian feet; makes us less alone. Thanks for your compliments and I hope I can send you some of our sunshine your way.

  7. Dear Mariette,

    I definitely have Egyptian feet, the big toe is sooo long and the feet very narrow, I have to wear size 8 shoes (depending on the make I can wear size 7). And since I am very tall I never wear high heels, I prefer to stay steady on the ground. Hope you'll have a relaxing weekend.


    1. Dearest Eva,
      This is interesting for you being Scandinavian build with Egyptian feet. I do have the same problem with shoe sizes; depending on the make. Oh this new hype of platform high heels has never been appealing to me; I'm with you there!
      Happy weekend to you and yes, I need a relaxing weekend myself.

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ja interessant - also ich hab dann wohl griechische Füße - bei der Schuhwahl bin ich immer sehr sorgfältig - hab leider versäumt, dies in jungen Jahren zu tun und nun einige Probleme - die Schuhe konnten früher nicht hoch genug sein....

    ich wünsche dir eine wundervolle herbstliche Zeit -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Interessant ist es schon! Nein ich war nie so eine Fan von ganz hohen Schuhen, obwohl mit einen Ägyptischen Fuss kann man die schon besser tragen.
      Bis heute habe ich noch nie Probleme mit den Füssen gehabt.
      Lieber Gruss und den Herbst fängt hier später an da es noch um die 30°C mit Sonne sind jeden Tag.

  9. Interesting post Mariette, I had never looked that way at my feet, I think I am a Greek or Roman, I am not sure...

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      It sure is very interesting for finding out. You might be more like Pieter who has one foot with a somewhat longer toe that looks a bit towards a Greek foot.
      Happy weekend to you and hugs,

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist lustig, was du da wieder ausgegraben hast.
    Ich scheine germanische Füße zu haben. Leben allerdings
    auf kleinem Fuß: Größe 4 1/2.
    Einen geruhsamen Samstag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Na ausgegraben habe ich es aber nicht... diesen ägyptischen Mummy war nicht meine Fund!
      Du hast mit deine germanische Füsse wirklich sehr kleine Füsse; fast japanisch oder so. Unsere Pflegetochter aus Indonesian hat da schon Grösse 6.
      Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende gewünscht und alles liebe,

    2. Liebe Irmi,
      Nochmals auf deine Grösse zurück kommen... Ich habe mich da geirrt. Du bist eine europäische Grösse 37.5 oder US Grösse 7. Da passe ich auch drin, hängt von den Schuh ab.
      Die Pflegetochter hat also eine US 6 oder europäische Grösse 36...
      Habe ein Bild zugefügt ganz unten im Blogposten wo man von der ganzen Welt vergleichen kann. Blöd dass so etwas noch nicht mal als internationale Grösse möglich ist.
      Lieber Gruss,

  11. Dear Mariette,
    wow!!What an interesting post!!!
    As i look me feet,i see that i have Egytian feet,and sure not Greek!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!!I really enjoyed it!!
    Have a lovely weekend!!!Hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      This is quite interesting indeed and for years I had been wondering about my own feet as most people around me do not have Egyptian feet! Great to find her among my blogger friends several more Egyptian feet.
      Lovely weekend to you as well!

  12. Dear Mariette, this post is truly interesting! I never thought there was a category for the shape of the feet...I learn it right now, reading from you...anyway I guess that my category is definitely the Roman one!
    Very funny :)
    Have a nice weekend!


    1. Dearest Annette,
      It is very itneresting indeed and surprising... Our foot prints are revealing quite a lot about us.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  13. Liebe Mariette,

    meine Füße haben Seltenheitswert. Sie lassen sich nicht einordnen. Ich habe sie von meinem
    Vater geerbt. Sie sind für ein Museum geeignet.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Doch sie werden eine von den meisten Typen gleich sein...
      Lieber Gruss,

  14. Wow what an interesting post! I think my feet are between Egyptian and Roman. I usually choose wide shoes. My feet are kind of wide, or maybe I just don't like tight fit in the shoes. You have such beautiful feet, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      This is very interesting. My Egyptian feet are rather narrow, especially the heel side. For that I always have to adjust the straps to the tightest position. Thanks for your compliment. So far I've never ever had foot problems and walking has always been pain free.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    this is very interesting indeed !!! I didn't even know there were different types of feet!!!
    Mine are definitely egyptian !!! Your bathing suit was just beautiful!! Pity you lost it!
    I wish you a lovely Sunday!!!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      More and more I'm surprised at how many Egyptian feet are among my Blogger friends!
      What is that telling us?
      It is getting even more interesting it looks like...
      Yeah, that bathing suit was the best fitting ever and such superior quality from La Perla. I was so proud for getting it in Florida on sale. Somebody else must have thought the very same for taking it from my belongings in the hotel... Such a shame.
      Enjoy your Sunday and I'm sending you sunshine and hugs. It is 15:00 o'clock and RealFeel is 34°C.

  16. How funny! I guess I have Egyptian feet, too, but because of my poor shoe choices over the course of my youth, I developed a neuroma and bunions. Three foot surgeries later, I have my "elite" feet back, but now I am definitely more selective in my footwear choices. (Unfortunately!) Your feet seem to have withstood fashionable shoes quite nicely. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      This is getting more and more interesting as so many blogger friends turn out to have Egyptian feet! So far I've been very lucky, guess because my feet are rather narrow and therefore seldom shoes got too tight. For work shoes I always had a painful tip of the big toe as my feet were not shaped for such 'Roman feet' shoes! Funny the word 'elite' feet... One thing is for sure that nobody will get me to ever wear those platform high heels. My pumps are all very moderate in heel height and that feels quite comfy.

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    was für ein lustiges & informatives Posting! Ich wusste bisher nicht, dass ich "griechische Füße" habe, aber jetzt weiß ich es :o))) Für deine lieben Worte im Zusammenhang mit meiner Mutter möchte ich dir ebenfalls noch ganz viel danken!!!
    Herzliche Rostrosengrüße und schönes Wochenende,

    (⁀‵⁀,) ✿

    1. Liebe Traude,
      Lustig ist es ja, es hat mich schon Jahrenlang gewundert und so bekommt man auf einmal soviel Info. Also du hast griechische Füsse; kann man jetzt öfters vergleichen und mal sehen welche deine Mutter und Tochter haben. Ja, nochmals das allerbeste in Beziehung zu deiner Mutter.
      Lieber Gruss und schöner Sonntag.

  18. Mariette,anch'io ho il piede egiziano!Bacioni e buona domenica!Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Divertente che ho così tanta amiche dal blogger con piedi egiziani! E tua figlia e madre? È molto interessante da scoprire...
      Belle domenica!

  19. Dearest Mariette, a very interesting post indeed !!! I am not very sure what kind of feet I have - probably
    Egyptian !!!
    Have a great weekend !!!
    Hugs, Niki

    1. Dearest Niki,
      IF your big toe is the longest than you sure belong to the Egyptian group!
      Happy Sunday to you as well.

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    I have Egyptian feet too!!!!! And of course, panty hoses are very quickly pierced, LOL! :D I love our kind of foot, I think it's definitely very elegant and "regal". I have a very long big toe and narrow feet, you may have seen them on one of my posts :) You have very beautiful feet, Mariette! And I love your toe ring and your anklet :) Glad to be in your same "elite club"! Thank you for such a great and interesting post!
    Lots of hugs!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      This is getting more and more interesting! How come so many of my blogger friends have the same, narrower Egyptian feet? Thank you very much for your kind words. Yes, I do remember seeing your feet in one of your posts and they made me smile as I had this posting in mind. Wonder why they labeled them 'elite'...
      Hugs to you and happy and sunny Sunday!

  21. Dearest Mariette, This is such a cute and fun post. I definitely have Greek feet. That long second toe is probably as aggravating as the long big toe. I am constantly stubbing that toe as I love to go barefoot around the house. That is the toe that I broke a couple of years ago.
    You always pique my curiosity. I did some internet surfing. According to a UNC medical education paper 69% of the population have Egyptian feet, 22% have Greek feet and 9% have the first and second toe even, which I think looked like the Roman feet.
    This paper did state that the Greek feet was prone to be unstable, which mine are. Another site stated that my foot type was prone to flat feet...yes, that was correct again.
    Thanks for the brain stimulation now, if I could get someone to give me a foot rub.
    Love to you and Pieter
    BTW, I think Pieter has is right foot in Athens and his left in Rome.

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      It is a fun post and I was so much surprised about the number of Egyptian among my blogger friends! You are siding with Pieter; partly... that's okay!
      It does look like the Egyptian type feet are the most common.
      Pieter for sure is half Greek and Roman!
      Hugs to you both,

  22. Such an interesting read dearest Mariette. Who would think our foot shape would give an indication to our ancestors . I'm a Greek :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Interesting for sure and who can tell of what kind of mixed blood we exist over thousands of years?!
      Hugs to you,

  23. What a fun and delightful post. Who knew there were so many different feet out there? I think my family must be sort of mongrel as we all have different toes.
    Mine must fall into some hybrid category as my middle two toes are longer than my big toe, but my middle toe is longest....sort of like my middle finger. Shoes can be difficult as fitters usually want to fit my toes which leads to a misplaced arch and instant back pain.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      This indeed is fun and quite interesting for figuring out.
      Sure, hybrid categories do exist, like my husband's two different feet. It can be challenging for finding comfy shoes in your case; though very important!
      Hugs to you,

  24. Hallo Mariette,
    was es alles gibt, da musste ich doch schmunzeln und meinen Socken ausziehen: eindeutig Egyptian
    Danke für diese tollen Infos - wieder was dazu gelernt ;-)))))

    liebe Grüße aus Ostfriesland
    Traudi aus dem Drosselgarten

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Socken tragen wir hier noch nicht aber es schon etwas wert um zu wissen woher unsere Füsse stammen. Also bist du auch eine arabische wie ich. Es geht so weit zurück in der Zeit aber interessant ist es und ich möchte so gerne mal 500 Jahre, 1,000 Jahre und mehr zurückschauen können auf unseren Voreltern wie die lebten!
      Ganz lieber Gruss und bleibe warm.

  25. Bardzo ciekawy post i miły. Moje stopy są greckie według tego co pokazujesz. Pozdrawiam.
    Very interesting post and nice. My feet are Greek according to what you show. Yours.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Glad you got to know what yours are too!
      Happy new week to you.

  26. Hello my dear friend Mariette,
    This is a very interesting post, I didn't have any idea that there is different kind of feet. So I guess you can say that "You Walk like an Egyptian"

    I'm Roman feet and I just love to wear flats since are very comfortable and I can run or jump with them.

    As always, I love to come here because I enjoy a lot your posts. always something new to learn here, thanks for sharing.

    Wish you a great week. Hugs with lots of love


    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thanks for your kind words and indeed there are different types of feet. At least it is revealing a little bit more about where we originated from through our many ancestors.
      Have a great new week yourself.
      Hugs and love to you dear friend.

  27. Feet are strange, aren't they? I love all the pretty sandals you have and you are very lovely in your pretty bathing suit. I am a Roman I think. Wonderful information. xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Guess that Egypt and the Roman Empire were closer together than the North West Coast versus the South East Coast... It would be quite intriguing IF we could actually step way back in time to discover more about all of our ancestors; what a thorough mix we would discover over thousands of years and many wars under different rulers...
      Have a great new week.

  28. I guess I have Roman size 7. In general, I don't like feet. They kind of creep me out. But I am glad I have them. :)
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      One does not have to like feet in order to make do with one pair of a one-of-a-kind. Glad you found your type and of course, minus that long big toe it does size you down!

  29. Ha ha...leuk, ik heb dus Griekse voeten...en dat in maat 42 :o

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, tuurlijk kan dat óók! Zolang de vorm klopt.

  30. Dear Mariette,

    Very interesting post and many thanks for sharing this.
    My feet are of the Greek type.
    Love your bathing suit and how very sad that it vanished in the hotel.


    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Indeed interesting to find this out!
      The bathing suit was indeed a very sad thing...!

  31. Good Morning Mariette, Well I never, I did not know that there were so many different types of feet and that they all had names.
    I have checked your chart and I am the same as you, I have Egyptian feet. All my toes taper, but they are not narrow, they are wide.
    I love the sandals which you shared with us and of course your prettily, painted toe nails are lovely.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Interesting post isn't it? I had no clue before either but it does give some insights into our ancestry.
      Thanks for your compliments too.
      Happy weekend to you,

  32. Mariette, of course I had to come right over after your comment on my blog. Actually, I think my feet are Greek, not Roman. It's a little hard to tell in the picture I took. Interesting; I had to look it up; it means I have leadership qualities, and possibly foot problems. Fortunately my feet have served me well with no problems, despite the fact that I like to wear heels (although these days only for a few hours at a time!).
    I enjoy reading all the interesting info you post; have a wonderful day. xo Deborah

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Thanks for your visit and it sure is interesting to find out about our feet.
      Sending you hugs,

  33. My feet are Egiptian,an I 'd like to thank for an interesting article,greetings from ann

    1. Dearest Ania,
      That is a surprise to hear from Egyptian feet that 'walked' all the way to Poland... Well, mine did walk to The Netherlands, that is both far away from Egypt!
      Sending you hugs,

  34. My feet are "arthritic." Haha! But really, it seems I am a cross between Roman and Greek... a size 8½ wide. I have never liked sandals. I wear a type of flip flop that is a cross between a sturdy croc and a flip flop... called Totes Sol Bounce (on the totes website). I can no longer walk barefoot on floors, grass, cement, anything due to the pain from the arthritis, but these Sol Bounce flip flop crocs are sooooo comfy and easy to walk in plus a firmer step than a thin flip flop. I bought a pair last summer (2020), and after a week of happy comfy feet, I went back and bought two more pair! And guess where I found them... at our local grocery store! I looooove them! Hugs and blessings to you, dear Mariette!

    1. Dearest Diana,
      So you have feet like Pieter has, one Greek and one Roman foot.
      Glad you found yourself some comfortable foot ware with your arthritic issues.
      Good foot ware is oh so important as it affects us more than anything else.

  35. Egyptian toes are most beautiful 😍

  36. That's interesting, Mariette. Thanks for letting me know about your post. I enjoyed reading it. I've always been fascinated with Rome, and it's the one place that I long to visit someday. There is so much history there. You look lovely in the bathing suit photos. And I like those strap sandals. They look a bit Grecian. ; ) I used to wear ankle bracelets like that in my younger days haha. What a fun post, Mariette.

    **I hope you are doing Ok with the passing of your dear Pieter. Thinking of you with hugs and love.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Yep, you like my Pieter (at least his one foot!) hail from the Romans. That bathing suit was my most favorite EVER and it had a matching skirt also. Got stolen from inside our room at the Camino Real hotel in Mexico City...
      My strap sandals were worn so much and I sure wish I'd bought more of them.
      Still have my 22 kt gold ankle bracelet but it is a bit wide right now with my 96 pounds instead of 116...
      Struggling to gain weight and also for getting enough rest.

  37. Very interesting post. I wish I had known of your blog years ago. XO

    1. Dearest Ellen,
      Thank you and we always can catch up with reading...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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