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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Brighten Dark Days with Antique Limoges Table Lamps

When it gets colder and darker, we all love to create a cozy ambiance inside our home!
Time for fireplace reading and for having a warm cup of coffee or tea with friends...
Adding some Old World Charm to that with the soft light of an Antique Limoges Table Lamp.
FREE SHIPPING within the US, just click here: Spectrenoir
Antique French Léonard Bernardaud (1856-1923) Limoges Table Lamp
Not even available at 1stdibs
1940s French Limoges Porcelain Rose Decor Table Lamp
French 1930s Theodore Haviland Porcelain Limoges Table Lamp
French Limoges Porcelain Table Lamp in Wild Rose Decor

Comments are off.

Thanks for your visit!


Monday, October 23, 2017

ONLY 3 French Antique Christofle Silver Pieces Left...

Guess that before it will be Christmas, there is none left of my almost sold out Antique French Christofle Silver Pieces.
6 Antique 1900 French Christofle Gallia Knife Rests Art Deco in Original Box: click Antique knife rests.
8 Antique Christofle Knife Rests with Fleur de Lys, just click the above mentioned link.
Vintage French Christofle Gallia Oval Napkin Ring (1935-c.1975): Sorry Sold Out...
Just in case anyone would love to add any of these to their collection of fine silver ware, for a festive table setting.

Wishing you a happy weekend!

Comments are off.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

My Sewing Creation — My Bridal Gown with Damsel Sleeves

Just like to show you my sewing creation, my own Bridal Gown with Damsel Sleeves...
No don't worry; it was a long one but I had to climb up here for the photo!
Wearing silver Gabor shoes with my gown.
Found this in the German Burda magazine in a size 34 (4).
Wenn Sie besonders zierlich sind und ein wenig Ausgefallenes lieben, raten wir Ihnen zu diesem traumhaft schönen Kleid aus Qiana-Shantung. Die Extra-Schleppe (mit Druckknöpfen befestigt und leicht abnehmbar), die Saumrüsche und die hübschen Ärmel sind mit zarter Valenciennespitze eingefaßt. Stoffverbrauch für Größe 34 auf der Beilage.

Translated from German into English:
If you are particularly dainty and love a little unusual, we recommend you to this gorgeous dress from Qiana-Shantung. The extra drag (fastened with snaps and easily removed), the hem ruffle and the pretty sleeves are framed with delicate Valenciennes lace. Fabric usage for size 34 (4) you find in the description.

I had put the name of my late 1st husband on the Burda magazine's page... as soon as I selected this!

When I was only 15, as a girls group from the MBL - Meisjes Beweging Limburg - Girls Movement from Limburg, my Province in The Netherlands, we got dropped off from the back of a truck with flash lights and a list of things to ask, gather and accomplish.
That was FUN! Together with my best friend Ellie, we of course met some interesting boys from a town, only some 20 km (13 miles) away.
One of them was Jan Van Maris...
Sadly however, he got run over by a postal truck and killed a year later.
Frans Van Maris was his one year younger brother, whom I married.
This photo shows best the added Train with the lace all around.
As well as a clear view of those Damsel Sleeves.
The Bridal Bouquet was done by Frans' colleague Had Philipsen from Helden, The Netherlands.
Still got a photo from Stan Philipsen, his baby-boy but we lost touch.
Me, seated on the Ford Capri of my best friend Ellie's Dad who did drive us to Church.
Had Philipsen did artfully work in those pink Orchids!
My youngest 1st cousin on the Van den Munckhof side was my flower girl and I did make her dress as well. 
Had Philipsen created for her also a matching bouquet.
Entering the Church...
My 1st cousin turning around to see if I follow...
In–between I did manage to visit my Maternal Grandmother who also was my Godmother in the nursing home.
She was not up to being present all day...
During reception time.
My Paternal Grandmother to my left and me with my very long hair and fresh flowers being worked into it.
Yes, that is Pieter, my present husband — then boss, congratulating all of us.
From this photo already 4 are residing in heaven; my late husband Frans, my Mom to his right and my Paternal Grandmother... And since June 30, 2019, also my Dad.

Photos are fond memories and keep such special moments alive forever.
By the way, this dress still fits perfectly...

Thanks for visiting!

Related post:
{Mom was only 50 days short of her 7th Dialysis Anniversary} | Here I had shown you some photos of Mom and me on my wedding day...

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Lovely White Stock & Baby's Breath from Trader Joe's

A week ago we went to a great event with other Dutch, or former Dutch people, in the Atlanta area. We enjoyed some yummy Indonesian food at the home of the Club's President and his gracious wife. That was 30 of us with perfect sunny weather for enjoying a chat on the deck.
Of course I did not drive the 3 hours back home all the way from Marietta!
So we stayed at Hyatt Place Atlanta Perimeter Center, behind the Costco store for making our rounds in the morning.
Great for living here in the USA as stores are open on Sundays as well!
So when we came to Trader Joe's I grabbed these lovely fresh Stock flowers and added also Baby's Breath as a filler. There were no two nosegays of the white stock...
Matthiola Incana or Stock flower. Violier in Dutch...
Oh, how I LOVE their fragrance and so does Pieter.
As a teen, he used to grow them in his Dad's greenhouse for use for the yearly Catholic Sacraments Procession in Groessen, The Netherlands.
They still keep that annual tradition alive, since the 16th Century!
Back then, all the little girls walking in the Blessed Sacrament Procession, outfitted in their white First Communion dresses, got each an armful of Stock flowers to take home after it was over.
Such a Procession was not for First Communion but it was custom then, for wearing the white dresses. I've done so too!
Thousands of Stock Flowers were brought into the Church.
Creating an almost overwhelming heavenly fragrance...
As much as both of us love this, to some people it was too much.
Potted red Geraniums were lined up alongside the entire Procession Route.
A kind of flag pole,  with white/yellow pennant and a small rack holding 3 pots with red geraniums...
Quite a sight! 
Wish there were still photos...
They stopped along the route through the fields.
There was a special made rest altar, full with flowers and there the Monstrance that got carried by the Priest under a Canopy, would be placed down for prayers.
During the Procession they also sang.
Fond memories about growing up in The Netherlands and both LOVING these White Stock flowers!
Here they reside in our veranda.

Do you also love those fragrant White (or other color) Stock?

Historical tradition from 1520 - 1600 - the above is translated by an app in a 'funny' English but you get the info. Pieter's home town belonged to Germany till 1816, just like my Province of Limburg...
Photo shows the white communion dresses I mentioned above... They were worn during this Blessed Sacrament Procession. 
A tradition, still being observed in Pieter's home town!

Thanks for your visit and comment.
Have a great weekend!

Related links:
Processie Groessen 2007 YouTube video from Pieter's birth place where the Blessed Sacrament Procession  still is being done annually!
Processie 1520 - 1600 Groessen en Loo Link to the above screen shot in English

Thursday, October 5, 2017

eBay's Excellent Global Shipping Program vs Postal Service

So glad for having migrated the remainder of my business items to eBay.
You can find me under Spectrenoir, just click this link.
eBay allows up to 12 photos per item and also their listings do rank a lot higher.
Many good reasons for having done so!
The above shown Global Shipping Program from eBay is one of the BEST reasons!
Click on the pink link to find out more...
In August I had a German customer that purchased off my website.
This 925/1000 Giovanni Raspini Silver Key Ring in its signature blue box.
The shipping via regular Postal Service was $ 40.95
SHOCKING for 1.60 oz...
Not in a parcel but in a Tyvek envelope.
Tracking was a horror...
From us it went to Orlando, then to Miami!
Back up to West Palm Beach, Florida
To Louisville, Kentucky
To Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AND BACK TO Louisville again!!!
And AGAIN to Philadelphia...
From there it crossed the Ocean, to Cologne, on to Frankfurt and finally to its destination!
This Antique German REPOUSSE Silver Angels Napkin or Card Holder did travel far better!
For only US $ 17.51 it went with FedEx to Japan!
Needless to say that the weight of this parcel was about 4 x that of the silver key ring!
Yet very economically!
Of course, it is because of the Global Power of eBay as they find the BEST option available.
Glad for having found this option and also excellent tracking, easy from your account with one click.

Wishing you a happy Autumn or Spring if you are at the Southern Hemisphere!

Thanks for your visit.


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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