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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

My Pieter went to Heaven on April 30

This photo I selected for his obituary as it embodies him so perfectly!
A happy and humble man 

Pieter J.C. Vedder SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation and Education passed away on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at his home.

Pieter was born on april 29, 1929, in Duiven, the Netherlands during the Great Depression, the youngest son of three. He was baptized the same day in the Catholic St. Andreas Church of Groessen. There he was a member of the Church choir, from his youth on.

The war years left a deep impression on Pieter's entire life. Being evacuated and finding the house half bombed when they returned home, as well as the glass greenhouses in shards. Pieter's Dad grew peaches, plums, grapes, and tomatoes under glass.

Pieter played the accordion for the recording of a spoken letter to his two brothers who were deployed in Indonesia during the national revolution.

Training partially interrupted for his military service, from 4 October 1950 to 1 February 1952. Graduated in 1957 with university education in Wageningen, for horticulture and horticultural engineering, with excellent grades. Pieter also had a degree in teaching.

In 1957 he became assistant A of the Research Station for Mushroom Cultivation.

In 1961 he published his first publication Modern Mushroom Growing; 5 more editions followed.

In 1962 he became an instructor and head of the Education Department and was involved in the establishment of the Center for Mushroom Cultivation Education.

Pieter's Dad died on April 21, 1967, so he knew that his youngest became principal!

By 1978, his book had been translated into 5 languages and was called a unique achievement by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Directorate of Agricultural Education. Total of 9 languages now and has been called the MUSHROOM BIBLE.

Pieter was very active as a Committee Member for Youth Affairs, in the municipality of Horst.

Also, as Chairman of Youth and Nature

Member of the Board of Housing and Management, Venray–Horst region

Member of the Dean's Financial Committee of the Deanery of Horst

Member of the Diocesan Financial Commission Limburg

Pieter was a member of the Rotary Club Venray, since May 11 of 1976 and President Rotary Club Venray 1978/1979

Honorary President Rotary Club Royal Forest of Dean in U.K. 1978/1979

Rotary member Montebelluna, Italy

Rotary member Dublin, Georgia and Paul Harris Fellow 1996/1997 now Honorary member for several years.

In 1982, Pieter received the Sinden Award from the Mushroom Growers Association in the U.K.—the highest accolade in the Mushroom Industry.

Worked for Campbell Soup International as Vice President Training and Development from August 1983 to March 1989.

People to People Citizen Ambassador in March/April 1987. Pieter, being a world renown mushroom expert, got chosen for joining a group of 10, to visit Universities, lecturing and making field trips on behalf of the Mushroom Industry. His employer Campbell Soup did fully cover his expenses.

Head of the Technology Division at Fungi del Montello in Italy from 1 March 1989 to February 1990.

Dieng Djaya in Indonesia from 1 March 1990 to April 1992 and until 2001 as a consultant.

International Consultant with partner Mariette from 1992 to 2004 and only then time for our own house and garden. Pieter played the Es–trumpet and trombone while in the military. Pieter also played the organ for the Catholic Church, and he played the accordion. Music was one of his hobbies, as were photography and gardening. He also loved cycling and did so on his E–bike until April 7, 2024
In 2020, we together self–published our book 'modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting' for print on demand worldwide. In this way, Pieter's intellect has been preserved and thousands more can benefit from it. Quite proud that it is listed in the U.K. as a university textbook.

Thus ends an intensive but very humble life, focused on Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education and also a life of always being there for others and often pro bono. We both have always been very committed to lifting the stigma around leprosy, something Princess Diana did so intensely. A biblical disease of people who have no voice. We visited the same leprosy hospital near Jakarta, Indonesia that Princess Diana did visit and helped raise funds for those voiceless.

Pieter was a great supporter and board member of the local Heart of Georgia Community Concert Association and the Dublin Association of Fine Arts, Inc. Under his leadership and diplomacy, the two merged.

Pieter's Dad died in 1967 and his mother in 1989. Middle brother Toon in 2006 and eldest brother Thé in 2012. He has an adopted daughter Liz Vedder in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and foster daughter Anita Anggraeni in Semarang, Indonesia. His goddaughter and niece Myriam with daughters Sanne and partner with great–great niece Bobbie, Lotte and son Auke, and niece Judith (Hems) and great–niece Nienke.

His wife of over 40 years, Mariette VandenMunckhof–Vedder

A memorial service will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday May 10, 2024 at Dublin First Methodist Church.

Stanley Funeral Home and Crematory/Dublin Chapel has charge of the arrangements.

Related links:
Our Final Easter Together | wrote my final letter to Pieter...
Pieter's Music Booklet from WWII Era | how Pieter learned to play his first accordion

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Our Final Easter Together

 On March 31, I did sing in the Chancel Choir and we had a little Orchestra accompanying us.
So we had to practice all together at 10:00 AM and since we have only one car, Pieter came along.
After Mass, around 1:00 PM we took some pictures and as always the case—Pieter already had hung his Jacket and released himself of his tie...!
Pieter looks rather frail, his weight went down.
Pieter captured me next to our Easter bouquet from sweet friend
Feeling very happy!
Wearing my Escada leather skirt and shoes.
There are not many clothes I can wear, as at present I am only 96 pounds (43 kg) instead of my usual 116 (52 kg)...
Try to do my very best but it is not sticking!
During Mass at 11:30 AM I suddenly became very emotional and tears were welling up.
Did manage to not let them roll down my cheeks but twice I had to blow my nose...
Later I learned that exactly at that time my most favorite brother–in–law had passed away. He suffered from bone cancer.
My ESP was once again kicking in and I felt it.
On April 1, I wrote this letter to my Pieter...

Dublin, April 1, 2024

Dearest Pieter,

During Easter Mass, tears came to me when I saw you sitting there—how much longer? You get so out of breath from climbing stairs. It's frightening to think that you're slipping away like that. My Pieter, my rock and great help for the past year after accident.

Because of the enormous pain, I was certainly not the nicest conversation partner! My humor appeared to have dried up and the pain was unbearable. You felt powerless... But you kept me alive by feeding me what you prepared.

Suddenly the roles reversed! It hurts so much to see your elderly sweetheart struggling and I couldn't change it. Praying, a lot of praying, for strength and to be able to spend some more time together. Cycling together if I can still manage that... At least I want to take care of the laundry again. You're already doing too much outside! In bed you breathe very difficult—frightening.

Both of us are still too often exhausted. Reading makes me calmer, but the pressure of many things causes stress. Glad we have the trust almost complete! Before it is too late, I want to tell you that I still love you dearly and am proud of you. I have emphasized that pride often enough in my blog! A rare great love and it hurts to have ended up in the rag basket like that. Neither of us wanted this! Someday we will be together again without physical discomfort—our souls. It's going to be hard to ever having to live without you... 

I will fight for our cats, but I want to be with you again as soon as possible!

Your eternally loving L.L.

Pieter has read this letter several times and he said one thing to me in regard to this:

You have exceptionally keen senses. Nothing escapes you and in terms of hearing you never miss anything. 
You have a memory like an elephant and you are as sharp as a tack—mentally acute. 
In combination with your other characteristics, that is very special and that's why I loved you so dearly...

Indeed a Blissful Relationship!

Bring Flowers of the Fairest to Mary in the month of May | mention by Father Seán of Dublin, Ireland and Pieter worshipped Mary whole his life...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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