On September 15 by midnight was the end of my International Giveaway Christmas with Victoria 1997 Book. It took me a bit longer for working this out as we had just come home by 2:00 AM that very day.
Back from a 16-day trip to The Netherlands for a wedding and twice visiting Mom in the hospital for her dialysis.
Also a lovely trip to the Eifel in Germany where we went to the highest point, the Hohe Acht, which is a tertiary volcano. On top is a tower, built by Emperor William in 1908/1909 as a gift to his wife on their 25th wedding anniversary.
But now to the winner of this lovely book...
Using the True Random Number Generator...
Number 11 came out as the winner:
Ginger from the lovely Savannah Granny blog.
Make sure to pay her a visit as she has the cutest post about a baby porcupine.
Thanks to ALL who participated, as I would love to show my appreciation for following and reading my blog!