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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, August 18, 2014

{Yogurt Secret for my Size and Weight}

 Just have to share with you this Yogurt Secret for my Size and Weight. Well, since 2007 when I got diagnosed as being Diabetes type 2, both of us have been reading labels religiously. That was quite an eye opener as it is SO MISLEADING at times. If one does not pay any attention or just believes that any fat-free yogurt is a good choice, sugars and calories can be stacking up on you!
This is our Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt of choice; from Trader Joe's.
We have to drive long distance in order to stock up on this one but it pays off.
We eat it with FRESH seasonal fruit, nothing else!
NOTE the Serving Size = 1 cup or 227g!
Total Fat 0%
Saturated Fat 0%
Cholesterol 0%
Sodium 3%
Potassium 8%
Total Cabohydrate 2%
Dietary Fiber 0%
Sugars 6g
Protein 44%
Publications that TRICK you! Cream of the crop
This comparison is using a Serving size of only 6 oz!
So let us convert that: 
Our Trader Joe's Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt is 32 oz or 908 g = 27.375 g per ounce! 
So a 6 oz serving size would yield 164.25g versus a serving size of 227g! 
Which is 38%  MORE; thus a lot higher sugar etc!
The sugar for e.g Fage is NOT 7g but 9.66g when adding those 38%!
It is even worse for the rest down the list... with the added 38%!
Stonyfield Farm Fat Free Chocolate Underground Yogurt adds up to a whopping 48.3g... which is EIGHT times that of our Trader Joe's Greek Yogurt Nonfat Plain.  
Fage does list those 9.66g as only 9g... Would love to have a loan from them if they do their calculation like that!
But as a consumer you have to really study the labels and compare the same serving sizes!
Watch out for publications and advertisements that only mention Fatsecret as they love to bypass the sugar issue...
6 Best Foods You're Not Eating
Another benefit of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt is the fact that the liquid whey has been strained out which makes it thicker and creamier.
A BIG bonus is that it contains TWICE THE PROTEIN of regular yogurts!

Related link:
{SUGAR is your #1 enemy!} | previous post by me


  1. Dear Mariette,

    So good that you can find a yoghurt that you like and is healthy.
    We have been more mindful of the sugar and salt content on the labels and check before we buy.
    It is staggering to think how much sugar goes into things like tomato sauce for example.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Oh it is only when your seriously start reading those label that you find out a lot of surprises! Either high sodium or high sugar...
      We had a lovely dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant tonight!
      Hugs and happy Sunday to you.

  2. Dear Mariette,the Greek yoghurt is sure more healthy,it has so low sugar!
    You can eat it with fruits,too!Many hugs from the Netherlands!!
    Its so magical here!Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      This particular Greek yoghurt that we buy has very low sugar and we always enjoy it with some fresh fruits that are in season; like mangoes what we ate this week.
      Enjoy Delft in The Netherlands. Proud that you are in my country of birth.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    so lebst du gesund.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja Joghurt ist sehr gesund besonders wenn man die Zuckerprozenten studiert!
      Liebe und auch sonnige Sonntagsgrüsse zurück!

  4. We love yoghurt and put some fruits on top for breakfast. Oh, having a sweet teeth I must be the one follow your example p;) Take Care of Yourselves and have a wonderful new week; Mariette;

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      We usually have yogurt after dinner as dessert. Having a sweet tooth is dangerous as one easily can consume way too much sugar and that can affect your health.
      Enjoy your new week as well and hope you feel well.
      Hugs from across the ocean to my Japanese friend!

  5. Dearest Mariette , it is very good that you care yourselves and you pay attention to those labels .
    Greek yogurt is a health food and here we eat much but the light . By this ,we make the "Greek tzatziki",may be you know this kind of salad .Have a lovely Sunday .

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      It sure is far better to eat healthy and not consume sugar when one is diabetes type 2. We love the consistency of Greek yogurt and yes we both LOVE the tzatziki which is readily available here in the USA.
      Happy Sunday evening to you.

  6. Hello dear Mariette
    Things have changed haven't they!
    Thankfully we are now all aware of what to look out for.
    Sugar and salt seem to be our worst enemies now.....
    Wishing you a happy week dear friend'

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Guess through the medical research nowadays we know a lot more about what causes certain health conditions. For anyone living with diabetes it is essential for checking the labels for its sugar content and compare between brands. The very same is true for sodium. It pays off for staying healthy and as a bonus you also stay in better shape.
      Happy week to you dear.

  7. I love Greek yoghurt, when in Greece I ate it every day and back in the Netherlands I bought it too. But now I eat the dutch yoghurt again, it is easier to buy and I am lazy....

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      This was not so much about loving Greek yoghurt but as we found out this is the BEST brand and type that is on the market with a low sugar content. Being diabetes type 2, I have to check for sugar of course. Dutch yoghurt might also be available with very low sugar content but the Dutch label their ingredients different from the way they do here in the USA. That makes it very easy to check in one glance. We love to add our own fresh fruit and that for sure will lower the sugar content!

  8. Thank you for the information. Those labels can be really tricky! I will check and compare the label next time I get my favorite yogurt.
    I tend to eat sweets too much. Need to start watching what I eat more carefully!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh I know, in the past I always could grab anything without even looking at the label as I've never been over weight naturally. But due to my diabetes type 2 that has changed and we both got very surprised and also about the fact that sugar comes in so many other, least expected foods! Bread is one of them and for that we only get our whole wheat bread at Costco as they show the healthiest label.
      Hugs and happy Sunday afternoon with the boys!

  9. I read labels all the time, the problem is we don't have your brand in Australia.
    I'm glad you find it helps you.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Reading labels will show us always the one with the least high sugar, sodium or cholesterol or whatever we are checking for. Each country differs but within the available products there always will be one 'best' for specific health needs. We were very pleased with this one and it helps both of our health needs.

  10. The sad thing is that food companies are putting sugar in everything so folks don't even know what real food is supposed to taste like anymore. I always read labels. If there's too many ingredients listed or additives that I can't pronounce, I don't buy it. :) Have a wonderful day. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      It sure is a very sad thing and the majority of people never bother to read any label. They are adding so many toxins to their body from all those additives which name puzzles us. Best is to prepare our own meals and for checking what ingredients we buy.
      Hugs and happy new week to you.

  11. Hoi lieve Mariette,

    Hier in de supermarkten staan zó véél zuivelproducten dat je soms door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet,wil ik al die aanwijzingen op de etiketten gaan lezen en vergelijken heb ik er een dagtaak aan;-)
    Lees liever 'n goed boek of ga de keuken in om een verse maaltijd te bereiden.
    Ook ga ik niet alles tegen elkaar afwegen of calorieën tellen, dat werkt gewoon niet. Die betuttelingen of tips op websites heb ik ook niet nodig;snap zelf wel dat een hele reep zwarte chocola of een volle fles rode wijn niet zo gezond is, om maar eens een voorbeeld te noemen,terwijl die producten wel gezond zijn met mate wel te verstaan.
    Maar ik laat me niet gek maken door slimme marketing kreten zoals,oerdieet, superfood,calorieën arm,light,suikervrij,%vet,mager,boerenland,puur en eerlijk etc.etc. op de verpakkingen en in reclame folders.
    Weet heel goed wat gezond en ongezond is,zolang gezond en gevarieerd eten maar de boventoon blijft voeren vind ik persoonlijk dat je van tijd tot tijd best eens mag zondigen.
    En het is met verpakte voedingsproducten al net zo als met veel anderen dingen 'wat te mooi is om waar te zijn, is zelden waar'

    Zo, nou ga ik eens even een bak rauwkost snijden en mijn kip wokken die poosje in pittige marinade gestaan heeft.

    Fijne zondag van wat er nog van over is en lieve groet!!

    1. Beste Ger,
      Ook hier heb je een enorme keuze aan zuivelprodukten. Maar je begint al met je nuchter verstand te gebruiken en al die met smaak- en kleurstoffen te vermijden. Dan selekteer je al een grote groep die afvalt. Wij beiden volgen ons dieet erg strikt omdat we als microbioloog wel weten dat het beter is om gezond te eten en bepaalde ingredienten te vermijden dan maar door te eten en je body met chemicaliën in balans probeert te houden. Oftewel het slikken van pillen... Pieter kreeg van zijn hartchirurg een compliment omdat hij deed wat hem werd geadviseerd. Ook zei diezefde hartchirurg dat slechts 2% van zijn patiënten dat in weze ook dóet... Triest eigenlijk voor hun omdat ze er alles aan doen qua medische ingreep en dan valt of breekt het weer vanwege de lifestyle.
      Ik begon deze post met het vermelden dat ik sinds 2007 diabetes type 2 ben en dát is ook de reden om het suikergehalte te vergelijken! Calorieën tellen heb ik nog nooit gedaan, daar gaat het hier ook niet om. Maar het bewijst wel dat als je al van nature gezond eet je ook in goede vorm blijft. Dáármee kun je anderen ook helpen. Inderdaad zijn al die kreten voor marketing ontzettend misleidend maar het blijkt toch te werken anders gaven ze niet zulke miljoenen uit aan adverteren!
      Superfoods zijn er wel, al duizenden jaren maar mensen moeten vaak weer gewoon terug naar de basis en weer net als hun voorouders gezond gaan eten. Jij en ik koken graag zelf en dan eet je al gezonder. Al diegenen die kant en klaar gerechten kopen die eten teveel aan natrium, cholesterol en ook suiker.
      Wij hebben nog een hele zondagmiddag en avond dus daar genieten we nog volop van!

  12. Hola amiga querida ! No conocía ese yogurth ,, que buen dato ,,Que tengas un feliz domingo

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Indeed, each country will have diffrent brands but the concept is still the same; check out the label and compare what works most healthy.
      Hugs and happy Sunday.

  13. That is so true dear Mariette! I have often been surprised when I read the label of something that is suppose to be "lowfat" or "light" or healthy ... and found out that it is really not.... I am a huge yogurt lover though - goes so well with so many other things - or just for breakfast with berries and nuts YUM. Big hugs dear

    1. Dearest Eli,
      As long as we have our brains we have to use them! Not relying on advertisement as that is often a covered lie... But you do live in the yogurt country, it is so healthy indeed and goes so well with even spicy dishes for taking out the burn. Another benefit of plaint yogurt is that it is very good for your skin. I've eaten yogurt for over 40 years now and I will continue to do so. With fresh raspberries is my favorite and also with blueberries, strawberries or mango...
      Lots of love and hugs back to you!

  14. My dear friend Mariette,
    I think diabetic diets have many health benefits even for non-diabetics. And this post is a very good advice on how to take care of our health, thank you for sharing with us. I send you a big hug, God bless you always

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Sure a diabetic diet does teach us a lot about a healthy diet and sugar is one thing that has become the #1 addiction of entire western nations. The consumption went way up, compared to previous generations.
      Blessings and love to you as well.

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    I admire what you do to stay in shape!
    But yogurt, um, it is not tasty, I think :)
    Maybe it goes fine with vegetarian food too ..

    1. Dearest Astrid,
      Well to be honest with you, I never had to do anything for staying in shape. Guess I just got good genes and it is only since 2007 when I got diagnosed with diabetes type 2 that I had to pay attention to a lot of things. Also my cholesterol went up and I had high blood pressure... So there you go; not being obese (never having been!) but still having to alter the diet. Skinny people too get heart attacks and strokes... Kind of scary but we better know what we are eating and what it does to our system!
      Plain yogurt with fresh berries, mangoes or whatever seasonal fruit is YUMMY! It also is very good for the skin. As for using it with vegetarian food, yes since nonfat Greek yogurt contains twice the protein of other yogurts it is a very healthy supplement for vegetarians.
      But remember to add fresh fruits, I too have to have something in it... Not very appealing on its own!

  16. Dear Mariette,
    You always remember my wedding anniversary, Thank you, Thank you. That means so much to me. I'm glad you found a yogurt that suits you. You know, I love Greek yogurt, maybe because I'm part Greek haha. There's not too much sugar in it, which is always a plus. It's so good to hear from you again, and I hope you enjoying these summer days.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      You are quite welcome and yes, this nonfat plain Greek yogurt does stand out and even has twice the protein.
      Well, it looks like we are bracing very hot summer days this week with temperatures over 100...

  17. Lieve Mariette ,,
    Er zijn veel produkten op de markt die misleidend zijn
    en suikervrij op staat maar eigenlijk niet is ...
    ik ben daar best wel mee bezig ..maar als je je er teveel mee bezig bent kan je straks niks meer eten.
    Want we weten ook weer niet waar de melk vandaan komt waar de yochurt mee gemaakt is ..gelukkig heb ik een groententuin en is mijn groenten iedergeval gezond ....(maar ik had ergens gelezen dat de alle griekse yochurt gezonder zijn omdat het meer eiwitten bevat en minder suiker in zit dan normaalen yochurt ) dus heb ik gelukkig dat ik in griekenland woon (hahaha) ..
    Een fijne week en heel veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Jazeker heb jij geluk dat je in Griekenland woont; het is een feit dat er dubbel zoveel protein (eiwitten) in zit dan in andere yoghurt en ook minder suiker.
      Als je diabetes type 2 bent is het tóch gezonder om de suiker uit je dieet te laten, zoveel mogelijk in plaats van het slikken van medicijnen. Dát zijn chemikaliën voor onze body en zijn zonder meer slechter omdat ze allemaal bijwerkingen hebben en een aanslag op onze nieren plegen. En al hoef je nóg niet voor je dieet suikervrij te leven, het is ook altijd goed om mínder suikers te consumeren. Vroeg of laat betaalt iedereen daar de prijs voor.
      Een fijne week en liefs,

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    I had Yoghurt suprised not same us yours,But I started has a long time ago Last expected foods I need to as good for healthist label with ( Light Greel Style Natural Yo-Gurt 50% Lass Fat ).
    Now I will looking more good things in now.
    Thank you very much with yours all good choice for us.
    Again we having a another raining days!
    Hugs and Love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      So sorry for your continuing rainy days...
      The nonfat plain Greek yogurt is the best choice and it is very healthy for our diet.
      Love to share what is good for me, it certainly will be good for others as well.
      Sending you hugs and love,

  19. Labels are indeed very misleading. Canada is getting ready to standardize labelling for manufactures that includes natural sugar and 'added' sugar. It is also standardizing serving sizes. I am looking forward to being able to read labels a little easier in the future. I am quite often standing in the isle of the grocery store reading labels. :)
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Hats off to Canada as that certainly is a major step into the right direction! It is misleading and especially the non-standardized serving sizes! But you and I persevere and use our brains where others might throw it to the wind.
      When we both started to change to a more healthy diet, especially after Pieter's open heart surgery, we both did read labels in the store. It took us a lot of time but once you know your selection, you just go by brand and know it's good. Both of us never ever have been obese but it is even more scary if you develop still health problems.
      Far better to cut it out of our diet and even healthy people can better step back from their sugar intake.

  20. A good yogurt can be a bit difficult to find at times

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Guess a nonfat plain Greek yogurt will not be that difficult to find but instead the fresh fruits to use it with... Seasonal fruits are easy!

  21. Hi Mariette,
    Very informative post... I am the one who loves the frozen soft serve yogurt. I read the diet information and I try to get the fat free one. I just cant help myself, the frozen yogurt is so yummy and is a good sub for real ice cream.
    I do read labels at the stores and always try to buy the better product.
    Have a sweet day and cheers to health, Elizabeth

    1. Dearest Elizabeth,
      As long as you are allowed to eat some sweets, you can indulge! I used to eat lots of vanilla icecream; LOVED it and went for half a pint and my favorite was with blackberries... But being diabetes type 2 I gave up on it. My ice ceam maker is not on heavy duty anymore. Want to try some alternatives by using low glycemic ingredients!
      Hugs to you and may all of us stay in good or reasonable health.

  22. Lieb Mariette,
    ich stelle meinen Joghurt seit vielen Jahren selbst her. Ich habe den Pilz und nehme immer 1,5% Milch.
    In diesem Joghurt sind keine anderen Zusätze.
    Einen guten Wochenstart wünscht

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja so ist man sicher dass keine andere Zusätze verwendet wurden wenn man seine eigene Lactobacillus bulgaricus und Streptococcus thermophilus Kulture mit Magermilch verwendet.
      Es ist gesund wenn man es pur essen kann, zusammen mit Obst.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse und eine gute Woche für dich.

  23. I was amazed years ago when I discovered how much sugar yogurt has. I eat plain Greek yogurt now and put fresh fruit and a few sliced almonds on top. (I used to put granola on top, but that too is full of sugar).

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Indeed, when one starts paying attention it is almost shocking how much sugar we consume on any given day! Granola indeed contains lots of sugar... We go for the fresh fruit with plain nonfat Greek yogurt and it is good.

  24. I agree with you. I only buy plain yogurt even for the children. We add fresh fruit as well.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Fresh fruit added to plain yogurt is the very best!

  25. For those who can eat yogurt, I think it is the best one can find!
    Enjoy it, dear Mariette!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      This is a yummy thick yogurt with only positive health benefits!
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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