Well, if your own Gladiolus Flowers don't perform; what do you do?
Getting a nice nosegay of beautiful Gladiolus flowers at Whole Foods Market...
Okay, that's been taken care of.
Polished Beach Pebbles from The Home Depot inside the Cylinder Vase from Walmart.
Trying to photograph them proved another problem because it was dark and rainy around August 22.
But I had to do it since the flowers already showed signs of wilting away...
When I had bought the cylinder vase I had in mind that our own Gladiolus, seen here, would perform the same way for 2014...
For some reason though, they seemed very stressed or depressed... Almost flat on the ground and none of them was budding!
When Dutch blogger friend Willy posted this: Gladiolenfestijn in laag Soeren, it made me homesick... Just click the link and see a sea of flowers!
In my Dutch Nouveau magazine of September 2003, I found this example of how they could be presented...
My Beach Pebbles were not as pretty and I never had that kind of perfect light to make such a photo inside.
So I took my Cylinder Vase with the beautiful Gladiolus out on the balcony into limited daylight due to rainy days...
How come I could not see through the water as clear as on the photo in the magazine?
More and more I do admire those stylists and professional photographers! Don't you?!
Maybe gray polished beach pebbles would have worked better...?
That glass cylinder vase is reflecting too...
Okay than, let's photograph them inside the vase, not through the glass...
My subject was so beautiful and I'm glad I captured them!
Do you love Gladiolus?