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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, December 30, 2013

{65 Year Old Pine Tree Cut Down}

On December 17, the weather was wind still and finally the people from Soles Tree Service, Inc could come and cut our HUGE 65 Year Old Pine Tree down.
We had to cut it for keeping the water away from our home...
You will find out below!
Here it was... Funny enough our cats think their Papi created a huge litter box for them!
Speckie girl is right behind me...
This tree was on the border line with our neighbors and it could become a hazard to either one of us.
But the main reason that we cut it, with permission of our neighbors, is to prevent the rain water running down from the higher areas towards our home.
There it is; tall like the oak tree next to it. Our home is out of perspective due to the distance...
Our Southern Magnolia to the left.
It really was a HUGE one...
Our Vintage Woodworks elements are showing very well here.
This photo I took from the neighbors garden and you can see the steep slope running down towards our home...
The total length of this tree measured about 27 meters or 88.5 feet.
The traffic was temporarily stopped as it fell on the road.
We already did have these white vinyl picket fences up there on the border.
BUT as a matter of fact husband Pieter had requested the builder to erect a retainer wall on the border when he was constructing the house. We were working and living in Indonesia at that time. He did NOT erect that retainer wall... 
We paid the price for it this year!
Right through this opening, to the right of the pine tree, was a track where the water would run down straight towards the bay window area...
Now you can see the plan. In the center where the vinyl picket fence has been plucked out, husband Pieter already started pouring concrete and putting concrete blocks on top. Thus creating a shallow retainer wall for keeping the rain water behind it and forcing it to run down hill, alongside the retainer wall towards the back. No more threspassing of rain water!
Yep, here I stand next to parts of the top...
You can see the first part of the picket fence about 4 meters off the road. 
This photo is from August 20, when the water did rise up against our front door steps.
That's the time we had problems with our basement and we want to avoid having to mop up water again for 4 days and nights non-stop!!!
For the time being; this mission is accomplished and in about ten years this huge pine tree could have caused problems as its core was hollow.
Will show you soon the finished project!
Have you had to do something on your property to keep rain water away from your home?

Related links:
Rainy July Day in Georgia II - iPhone upload  | shows you how it looks like with heavy rains...


  1. a hate to lose a big, beautiful tree, but as you said, it was causing problems you couldn't ignore and would eventually be unsafe, too.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yep, this had to be done... It feels like murder to us as well.

  2. Oh my stars Mariette! That was one big tree. It's too bad it was creating trouble for you. But too funny about kitty having a new big litter box! haha! Cats are so funny.
    Wishing you and your sweetie a most wonderful New Year!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      That was a humongous tree! So glad it got done and nobody hurt. Our cats really thought it was done for them. You should have seen all six of them marching over to that mulched up stump; right after breakfast. That was so hilarious! We laughed our heads off. Their paws even smelled like pine resin.
      Happy New Year to you both as well!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    It must have been heart breaking. We had to cut down our Willow as well because it's roots were getting into the drain that was next to our garage and eventually the roots ended up eroding the pipes and our garage got flooded several times. It was sad.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Oh, it is heart breaking but trees keep on growing and they too become sick and or weak. We have to protect our home and also the neighbors' home.
      Owning a home will always cause you to do some kind of big project; never ending...

  4. We have a back yard full of tall pines, healthy .. but every time we have wind gusts I get a bit nervous. Happy, happy New Year!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Oh, as long as those pines are healthy they are fine but knowing they have a very shallow root system we must think about safety first!
      Happy New Year to you as well; in good health.

  5. Happened to me, I had to cut it and made ​​use of the trunk. We must think of safety first and always!
    Big kiss and a happy new year my younger girlfriend net, a year full of blessings!

    1. Dearest Silvia,
      No we could not make use of the trunk, it had to be removed entirely as my husband needed to build the retainer wall right in that spot...
      Happy New Year to you as well and wishing you all the best!

  6. Dearest Mariette, That was a large pine. We had one taken out between us and the neighbor. Strictly due to the danger of it falling on our houses. Many years we jointly installed a French Drain between out houses and it carries excess water to the street. It has worked very well for 27 years.
    Hopefully this will fix the problem for you.

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      We all ought to look out for such danger when living with large trees.
      Glad you got the problem solved with the French Drain. The problem for us is that the water from the road runs down onto our lawn... we cannot carry it to the road. We never studied this before we immigrated from a country as flat as a pancake. But certainly that retainer wall what Pieter had ordered when the house got built would have helped us a lot. Finally after 23 years we got one; hard work to do it now, back breaking work and at that time they had all the machinery for doing it.
      We need as much maintenance free lifestyles as we can manage.

  7. Dear Mariette,wow!!What a big tree!!!!,if it was causing problems to you, this had to be done!!
    Wishing you and your family Happy New Year 2014!!!!Enjoy your holidays!!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Oh, this one had certainly to make way... we're glad we did it and keeping water from running to the house is more important!
      Enjoy your final Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for 2013... Happy and healthy 2014 to you and yours.

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    ich schließe mich den Kommentaren an.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, es gab auch keine andere Lösung... schade um den Baum aber so ist ein grosses Problem gelöst.
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. Dearest Mariette;
    What a HUGE pine tree, and I'm so happy that you are not in danger any more. To tell the truth, our two pine trees which used to be trimmed very neatly by the gardener died one by one... We should have known how to keep the bugs away. We have made a parking space out of it for the guests.
    I DO hope the retainer wall your wonderful husband working on goes smoothly and well! I DO admire his variety of talents or knowledge☆☆☆
    Wishing your Year 2014 will be the healthy and the peaceful one, my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      It is always a struggle for keeping tall trees healthy and bug free. There are so many infestations possible and as private persons we cannot always treat trees the way they needed to be treated. Sad for having lost your two pine trees but maybe this is a good solution for having parking space now.
      The retainer wall is completely finished as of yesterday; grass seeded newly on the bare spots and we got lots of rain during the evening and night so that was perfect timing. Mission accomplished; hard work and back breaking too.
      The same I wish for you both; healthy 2014 and no more sorrow of having ailing and sick people to care for.
      Hugs to you sweet friend!

  10. Ik denk dat het een wijs besluit is, ik heb gezien hier bij die storm van 28 oktober, hoe makkelijk ze om kunnen waaien. De gemeente dienst is hier zo van geschrokken dat ze nu een heleboel bomen in onze omgeving aan het omzagen zijn. Je hoort de hele kettingzagen, dit is wel weer een beetje overdreven denk ik, er moeten er wel een aantal overblijven. Maar het lijkt wel of ze niet te houden zijn.
    Ik hoop dat je geen overstromingen meer zult hebben want als ik naar de beelden van Engeland kijkt op tv dat is verschrikkelijk. Het halve land staat onder water.
    Een plezierig uiteinde en een goed 2014 gewenst.
    Goeten, Marianne

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, als je in een heuvelachtig gebied woont dan moet je gewoon àndere maatregelen nemen. Mogelijk komt zo'n zondvloed maar eens in de 20 jaar of zo voor maar we zijn er nu beter op voorbereid, dit is een solide water kering!
      Ja, mogelijk is het een zekere over reaktie bij jullie maar tòch... beter wat teveel dan té weinig met catastrofale gevolgen nadien. Dan moet je iedereen horen van 'hadden we toch...!'.
      Zo lang de mensheid bestaat is het vechten geblazen tegen de natuurlijke evenementen. Hetzij droogte, hetzij water overlast. Er is vaak niet veel tegen te doen en naarmate de bevolkingsdichtheid toeneemt is de impact ook groter.
      Jullie ook een prettige jaarwisseling en een heel goed en bovenal gezond 2014!

  11. OMG!!! dearest Mariette!! un pino enorme!!! yo tenía en casa una palmera centenaria,pero hubo en toda la zona de Barcelona una "plaga de orugas" que las fue matando a todas....y la mía se vio afectada...una pena porque era muy bonita.
    Besos y Feliz Año Nuevo
    Sin pereza

    1. Dearest Leticia,
      Oh, it does break your hart for loosing such an ancient palm tree due to a disease. Who knows ahead of time for avoiding their destruction?! That's life... one has to start all over and wait decades before the same beauty is back.
      Wishing you a very Happy New Year in good health!

  12. WOW!!! what a huge project you under took. Mr. G. has had to remove some huge trees throughout our property (especially close to the house) for safety concerns. It is a huge project. Can't wait to see the finished product... We just had a huge ice-storm that left many tree branches broken ... the clean up will be time consuming.... Wishing you a beautiful week-end..Hugs and Blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Such ice-storms can be devastating and believe it or not, one third of our life oak tree got ripped out because of it. We have had a few too and most trees cannot bear the weight and get heavily damaged. We recall our trip to Ottawa, Montréal and Québec City in 1998 when we saw along the Interstate so many damaged trees from the latest ice storm that winter. It breaks your heart and it is a lot of work.
      Enjoy your final weekend of the year and wishing you a very Happy New Year in great health for both of you + fur babies.

  13. Hej Mariette, jammer van de boom, maar soms kan het niet anders. Water in je huis is ook geen pretje. Zo'n kale plek zal even wennen zijn. Fijne zondag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, het lijkt nu al bijna of het nooit anders geweest is, gisteren is het gras weer ingezaaid nadat alles klaar was. Volgens mij zal de Japanse Magnolia er blij mee zijn, die krijgt nu van boven meer licht en ruimte en zal mogelijk mooier worden.
      Geniet ook van de laatste dagen van 2013 en een heel fijn en gezond 2014 wens ik jullie.

  14. Dat moet een flinke klus zijn geweest Mariette. Wel fijn dat jullie en de buren wanneer het stormt weer lekker kunnen slapen. Je moet er toch niet aan denken dat zo'n woudreus bovenop je huis valt!

    Ik wens jou en Pieter een mooi en gezond 2014 toe! Bedankt voor je blog vriendschap het afgelopen jaar.

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Ja, de buren hebben ook nog de slaapkamers aan die kant van het huis... Dit voelt zeker prettiger omdat dennebomen niet diep wortelen gaan ze vaak om tijdens zware stormen.
      Het was een genoegen om jou te volgen, ook door het diepste dal vanwege je zware verlies van je liefste. Zo heb je aan je virtuele vrienden toch nog steun en het gevoel om de moeilijke weg niet alleen te hoeven gaan. Veel warmte voor jullie tijdens de laatste dagen van dit emotionele jaar voor jullie.
      En alvast een heel fijn 2014 in goede gezondheid wensen wij beiden jullie toe!

  15. Hello dear Mariette
    OMG that's a huge tree! Now you and Pieter can relax and sleep easy without worrying if you get another storm.
    Much love

    1. Dearest Shane,
      The storm is one thing but more important is that the retainer wall keep the water away from the house.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    I feel sorry for that old and huge tree, but I understand fully well that since it was causing problems and would have become dangerous with time, there was no other solution.
    Thank you for your sweet comment about Zoe, she IS indeed loved... and I am too! :) And I definitely agree with you: pets who are loved have such a different look in their eyes compared to poor animals living in fear and distress.
    Hope you've had a lovely weekend and I'm wishing you a great new week!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      That was a necessary death sentence indeed!
      Oh, the difference between those (anything!) being loved is always visible from the eyes!
      Their is no better mirror of the soul.
      We enjoy our final days of 2013 by staying cozy inside and I'm about to finish up scanning old slides. Great feeling for accomplishing ALL of them in 2013!
      Enjoy your new week and wishing you a Happy New Year.

  17. Hello Dearest Mariette,
    That was a really big tree. It's a pity you had to cut it, but if it was causing problems of course it was necessary.
    Beautiful pictures.
    Hope you'll have the last days of 2013 in a lovely way!!

    1. Dearest Seeker,
      Yes, this was necessary!
      Oh, I am working so hard for finishing the scanning of our old slides; making them all digital and getting rid of lots of them. Creating closet space.
      Will have more time to visit blogs once this is finished.
      Hugs to you and enjoy a great ending of 2013 with a Happy New Year for 2014.

  18. Always sad to see a tree go.. but since it was causing problems, you probably didnt have a choice dear Mariette. Hope you are enjoying the end of the year. Wish you a happy new year 2014!

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Anything that tall and beautiful does leave its mark on us... Sad - yes.
      Wishing you a wonderful New Year's Eve and a very Happy New Year 2014!

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    I also do not like, when such old trees need to be cut down, but, if it keeps the water away from your house now, it was good.
    Happy new week and all the best for the New Year!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Such is life, we at times have to take decisions that we don't like but still must execute...
      Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  20. Mi dispiace per il tuo grande albero, ma se era necessario, va bene così!!! Ti auguro un anno pieno di amore, salute e serenità, un grande abbraccio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Hai ragione per il grand'albero... Anche voi tutti tanti auguri per un Buon Anno pieno di Salute, Serenità e AMORE!

  21. Hello Mariette, It is always a shame when a big tree has to come down. However, water control is one of those important reasons. If I had stayed in Ohio, I would have had to make several tough decisions, as there were very large trees completely shading the house and starting to cause dampness problems--at least a few needed to be removed to let in the sunshine.

    Speaking of sunshine, I hope that 2014 will be filled with sunshine for you, Pieter, and your family.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh sure, owning your own home is asking for constant decision making about water control and other health issues. Dampness is not a thing one is looking forward to either.
      But this got done and tonight I launch the post showing the finished retainer wall.
      Step by step we manage to fight back against our oh so strong Mother Nature with all her forces. If we can outsmart her, it works to our advantage and we can enjoy some peace while living in a certain spot.
      Thank you very much for your sunshine wishes. May you also be granted lots of literal and other sunshine in your life and that of your loved ones.

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    I understand fully well because of the oak tree sich ice-storms got ripped out of the water away from your home.
    Enjoy your finel day of the year and wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR in great health for both of you!
    Hugs and love always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for this year's loyal visits and comments. Coming from you they mean a lot and it is good that you are not traveling the road to full recovery alone!
      Wishing you also a very Happy and Healthy new year!

  23. It is terrible when we have to cut down such lovely old trees but sometime it has to happen

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      And this was one of those times; no question about it.
      Hugs to you,

  24. That is one huge tree! It's great that now you can control water so you won't have to deal with the flood. Luckily, I haven't have to deal with flood so far...hopefully will never!
    Your kitty is so cute checking out the hole :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      At least one less worry, the retainer wall is done and now the next thing is in front and on the bay window side of the house. After that we finally can RELAX! But this is still nothing compared with what so many people had to live through because of major flooding.
      Kitty curiosity makes one laugh every time. They check out any new thing you do to the home or garden and kind of help us.

  25. The tree was beautiful, but the security of your home is important. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Not only the security of our home but also for geting it out of the way where husband Pieter had to build that retainer wall to keep the rain water from the neighbors coming down towards our home... We love the white picket fence and this is all forgotten.

    2. Thank you for your concern and I cordially greet.:)))

  26. DearMariette!
    I'm so glad to see you looking happy, pretty and sort of having some fun, along with the kitties too.
    I remember many years ago we had to have cut a huge, gorgeous weeping willow tree, that was almost on top of the roof back in our home in the country and Alejandro and the girls had fun while I almost whipped!
    Stopping traffic too, I guess it was huge. Well, it was for the better hon... Thanks for sharing my friend, love this post.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Oh, both of us like to be outdoors so much and we now are looking forward to more time for relaxing, enjoying and even playing together instead of many big jobs that needed to get done first.
      Huge trees are fine on a big property when they can grow big and solitary. This one had to go.

  27. I congratulate you on your wonderful blog, because through the magnificent share teachings.

    Thank you very much and greetings from Gran Canaria - Canary Islands (Spain).

    1. Dearest Andrés,
      You're quite welcome and thank you for you kind comment. It is a pleasure to share.
      Greetings from Georgia/USA,

  28. Belo registo...Espectacular....

    1. Dearest Fernando,
      Thank you for your visit and comment. It was a real tall tree; quite a job.
      Kindest regards,

  29. thanks for your visit,now i follow you i hope you follow me back!!kiss

    1. Dearest Carolina,
      More than welcome, before I left you a comment I already followed you on your blog GFC and Google+

  30. Oh, jetzt bin ich wohl in einem alten Post gelandet. Es hat sicherlich mit dem Wurzeldruck zu tun? Ähnliches gab es im Waldgarten - Risse in den Wänden, verursacht u.a. durch Bäume ringsum.

    Liebe Grüße, ich schaue gleich nach aktuellen Posts von Dir.- nur dieser wurde im Google+ ganz oben angezeigt!

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Nein, diese Kiefer haben ganz oberflächige Wurzeln und er war nur im Wege da Pieter eine Fundierung graben musste für die Steinmauer, aus Betonblöcke um da oben drauf das weisse Vinyl Heck wieder auf zu stellen. Mit diese Mauer halten wir das Wasser was aus der Gegend von höhere Teilen runter strömte zu unser Haus entgegen. Es funktioniert perfekt, wir hatten es so auch bestellt beim bauen damals aber es wurde nicht ausgeführt da wir beide ja in Indonesien waren; zu weit weg. Schade, es hätte vom Anfang an gut sein können aber wir sind Wasser-frei ganz um unser Haus da wir es überall wegleiten vom Haus. Es rennt zur Back herunter über den Weg, und über unserem Rasen.
      Liebe Grüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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