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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query roses. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query roses. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

{LOOK who's in the French Style of May/June 2011}

For quite a while I've wanted to introduce you to the romantic blog Roses Pour Toujours from Janny van der Vliet about her fabulous, like real paper roses! She has been perfecting her art over the past ten years, by studying and observing the real roses, especially the old roses. English and French bourbon roses are her favorites.
Since 2005 she's living in the south of France and that's when she started her workshops. Still she is giving workshops in The Netherlands, her native country. She just got back from a workshop in the town where my husband Pieter is born; in Groessen. The world is small isn't it?! Let me show you some of her creations right here below. It is part of the May/June issue of Belle Inspiration - French Style - Celebrating La Joie de Vivre.
Janny's roses in the Days of the Roses held every May in Avignon, France.
Isn't her work incredible?! And so real looking... 
Belle Inspiration Magazine
May/June 2011 issue by Belle Inspiration, where Janny is featured.
Roses en Papier
The Art of Creating Paper Roses
Text & Photos by: Janny van der Vliet
Introduction by Janny van der Vliet in English
By the way, this magazine is available through Mimi Bleu, on her Bonjour Romance blog -check it out.
Janny's next workshop is in Paris and you can get information on her Roses Pour Toujours blog.
Also visit Janny's website Des Roses de Papier for more info in French and English.
I will leave you now with the video that is on YouTube about Janny's feature:

Wishing Janny lots of success with her fabulous Paper Roses!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

{Mistery Oma Rose Resolved!}

Remember my post from two days ago? Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'... My prized rose bushes that I have from my paternal grandmother. We never knew the name for this beautiful rose, but thanks to friend Bea from Modern Country Lady the mistery got resolved! Even though she was extremely busy all week with all the publicity she suddenly got, she did tip me. As a Pet Parent all of her fur babies have made it into the Country Living Readers' pets album! Her delicious jam recipes got published on The Instructables editor's pick. If you scroll down on her blog Modern Country Lady, you will get there. Clicking on the hyperlink of Modern Country Lady above, will get you to her feature in 'Homemade' a British Craft Magazine.
So what did Bea name this Oma Rose? Queen Elizabeth, a Floribunda rose that got introduced in 1954 by Lammerts, USA. In 1979 it became 'World's Favorite' Rose! When I looked it up in the many books about roses that I got, I found it right there of course. And it matches all criteria. I AM SO HAPPY!
A Pocket Guide to Roses is one of the books that features the Queen Elizabeth Floribunda rose. As well as All-America Roses.

A Pocket Guide to Roses shows The Queen Elizabeth Rose on Page 160.
All-America Roses shows The Queen Elizabeth rose on Page 69.
Our Queen Elizabeth Floribunda Rose...
Here are two lovely Dutch books about roses, that were mailed to me by my brother Harry and sister-in-law Elly in 2009.
I did grow up near Lottum where every 2 years there is a Rose Festival see De Rozenhof Lottum.
That said, you know a bit more about my love for roses...
The Rose Bible by Rayford Clayton Reddell that I have here is a hard cover and a beautiful book.
Photo quality on glossy paper is exceptional. There are several photos of the Queen Elizabeth rose inside.
Another prized book of course is Victoria At Home With Roses, as is my most favorite magazine Victoria.
On a rainy day such books are a super 'pick-me-up' with all their romantic ideas!
When the roses from the garden have wilted away; then the silver roses give you joy...
This excellent book Rosen-Bestecke by Johanna Gehrlein, with lots of high quality photos for identifying your romantic silver flatware is available as Rosen-Bestecke.
Now you know a lot more about me... but I think I inherited that love for roses!

Friday, April 19, 2013

{Our Yellow Midas Touch Roses & my Embroidered Yellow Roses}

Not only real yellow Midas Touch roses but also my yellow embroidered roses that I cross stitched on a rayon damask tablecloth.

  • That was part of my trousseau at the time I first got married. It is French 3 Suisses.

  • This is almost heaven; coffee with chocolate, silver roses, real roses and my hand embroidered cross stitched  roses...

  • Why not join me for a cup of coffee  & chocolate, over reading the mail...?

  • This silver teaspoon with rose is one of my favorites.

  • My Giovanni Raspini silver rose

  • Pure bliss with yellow roses in a bud vase with roses in silver!

  • We MISS our Midas Touch roses...

  • Are they not a dream?

  • Whomever created these silver roses on that bud vase I admire...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'...}

In a previous blog of Saturday, May 8, 2010: 3 Most Prized Roses; from my Paternal Grandmother I did introduce you to this very special rose. This year however, due to extreme heat and drought, we lost most of our fragrant roses. For the first time ever; no vases with flowers from the garden... Let's hope that next year will be better, even if we have to start all over with our roses. I've been looking already for a replacement of our roses: Jardins de Bagatelle but no luck. If anyone knows where they would be available in the USA or Canada, please let me know! So here are this year's early roses from my Paternal Grandmother or 'Oma Roses' as we call them. You can click on the above blog link to learn more. Those treasured roses are planted where I keep my ROSE STEPPING STONES as an honor.
Even though those perfect roses have been nibbled on by some insect it looks like...
Would anyone know the name of these 'old' roses? They are not fragrant but rather large blooming.
Guess it was not the Bee that made those holes...
Whatever; Bee Happy!

Friday, March 23, 2012

{Paper Roses from France + Great News}

Already for quite a while now I did have these three paper roses from Janny, from the blog: Vintage Paper Roses ←(click it). She did ship them from France, as a gift! There was a good reason for not posting this sooner... Janny did mention to me that she would be published in an American magazine soon. Well, to be patient always pays off. Now I not only can let you know that this Dutch lady, living and creating the prettiest paper roses in France, will be featured in the next issue of Rozen van Papier. You can see this announced here as: Vintage Charm... on Janny's Dutch blog about her Paper Roses. 
BUT, the biggest news is... that Janny has become a first-time Grandmère to her daughter's baby-girl Lyla Rose. You can see her Dutch post about her granddaughter Lyla Rose being born already: Mijn kleindochter LYLA ROSE is al geboren!. Once more Janny; Congratulations with your grand-daughter Lyla Rose!
Photos made outside on the little patio near our Rose Suite and the live oak tree is shedding its catkins...
Vase is: Sanssouci Rose-Ivory (Gold Trim) by Rosenthal and is available at Replacements Ltd. 
They look so real...
A nosegay of 3 paper roses...
White; pale pink and a darker pink...
Paired with some real creamy white Moondance AARS roses from our garden.
Moondance was a 2007 ARS ←(click it) All America Rose Selection winner.
Shown here in a French Baccarat crystal vase.
Quercus Virginiana catkins all over...
Both look lovely, the French Paper Roses and our new Moondance!

Related articles:
World's Prettiest Roses by Janny | previous post by me
{La Vie en Rose - MERCI Janny!} | previous post by me
{LOOK who's in the French Style of May/June 2011} | previous post by me

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

{New Rose Arbor on High Heels}

Sure, our entire property is on a slope so there hardly is an even spot. This resulted also in placing our New Rose Arbor on High Heels!
Eden Vienna 7.5-ft. Vinyl Arch Arbor
Quite expensive...
But we found ours for a lot less: Hayneedle Eden Vienna 7.5-ft. Vinyl Arch Arbor and even with free shipping.
Searching on line can often yield surprising bargains!
Our pond has an overflow into the creek and Pieter still had some of those 6" Pvc pipes so his idea was for filling them with concrete and letting the Rose Arbor's feet stand (with of course the vinly 2 x 4s inside the legs) partly in the concrete.
It was still during the very wet season. This was April 13, when I took these photos.
Bird & bat house visible to the left.
This little 4-wheel Utility Cart is handy for towing things around.
On May 19, our two new climbing roses got planted.
I'd seen on María Cecilia's blog post from Casa Dulce Hogar in Chile, her incredible pink Eden Rose: Pierre de Ronsard roses (and clouds) and wanted to know if there also was a white variety.
Yes, I did find them at Roses Unlimited in Laurens, South Carolina, where Pat Henry & Bill Patterson offer a very extensive collection of all sorts of roses.
We also bought other roses from them, Jardins de Bagatelle a very fragrant hybrid tea rose in a cream color.
Excellent plant material and perfectly boxed up with their pots secured in a genial way!
Very healthy roses! Far better than the usual bare root shipment.
Our happy Eden white or Pierre de Ronsard roses!
Now we just have to wait for the first roses to show up and grow along this beautiful Rose Arbor.
Here you also get to see a detail from the redone wood trail which got extended a little for this Arbor.
That's how it looks from the other side...
Again a bird house visible on that holly tree.
Speckie-girl is making sure that the new roses are protected!
Do you have a Rose Arbor?

Related link:
{Cashmere Words of Wisdom & Update} | previous post showing the wood trail being redone.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

{La Vie en Rose - MERCI Janny!}

Already on May 19, I did introduce you to this remarkable artist, as I posted this: LOOK who's in the French Style of May/June 2011. Janny van der Vliet is Dutch but she lives in France. I was so thrilled to find her in an early May, 2009 issue from the Dutch magazine Ariadne at Home. Pieter's niece and Goddaughter Myriam did bring the magazine when she came to the USA for his special birthday. Doing some searching I found Janny's French blog: Roses Pour Toujours and later the English version: Paper Roses Old Style.  Just click on all the hyperlinks to learn more about this incredible lady and her Paper Roses!
Well, she did mail me a white paper rose (my choice...) as a special gift and it arrived in The Netherlands at our dear friends' home early September. I must admit that she also is an experienced shipper, as the rose was in perfect shape; she knows how to prevent any shifting or crushing. So in case you too would love to purchase a rose or even several roses, just ask her and she will take care of it. Now let me take you to our balcony where the sun was out after several rainy days. Yesterday I was lucky to find perfect light for capturing this beautiful Paper Rose for you. Enjoy!
With Belle Inspiration, I do say Ooh-la-la when it comes to ROSES, PEARLS and more ROSES...
Some Gypsophylla or Baby's Breath in a French Gien Rose pitcher creates a lovely setting for this perfect paper rose from Janny!
On a tablecloth that I made out of a twin sheet from Le Jacquard Français bed linens with peach roses...
I will leave you now without any text... just enjoy this pretty rose.
She has a faint pink blush, from all her surroundings I guess, but it is a pure white one!
Besides, it is the FIRST Paper Rose from Janny that has made it into the New World; all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the USA!!!
Pour moi au moins est certaine ROSES POUR TOUJOURS... et MERCI Janny!

For me certainly ROSES FOREVER...

La Vie en Rose


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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