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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, May 27, 2011


After having been away for one night to Atlanta, I discovered several problems with Blogger today. My followers have disappeared from the side-bar and as I learned; I'm NOT the only one. Also my Recent Comments don't show on the side-bar.
My Dashboard does list the amount of Followers but none show up when I click it. Neither on the side-bar.

If you go to that link, you might be able to add your issue to the long list, you might have to click the last page for being able to post there. 
Also I learned that some bloggers couldn't get into their own blog and others lost it ALL. See below how to EXPORT your blog to save it! To the end I will  also show the New Blogger Interface.

Another problem is that in several blogs I cannot get into for leaving a comment. It lets you log in over and over again and your comment is being headed as anonymous... Strange things.

For one thing I worried most; loosing all the posts with valuable information. I had read advice as how to EXPORT your blog in order to save it onto your hard drive or external hard drive in the form of an XTML file.
Here are some screenshots of the process and I advice you to do the same as I did before posting this tonight. Hope Blogger will soon act on the other issues as well. 

The first screenshot with plain text is taken from Debbiedoos Blogging and Blabbing.

As promised, here below I will show you the steps of How To on the New Blogger Interface:
Go to Settings and at the very bottom click on Other
Import blog - Export blog - Delete blog
Click on Export blog, than on Download Blog
Now click on the drop down window, next to save
Select Save as
This is how it will look like after being saved.


  1. I do this every 2 days! Thanks for the tip. Kori xoxo

  2. Ja ik doe dat ook regelmatig. Ben "blij"haha om te lezen dat jouw volgers ook niet te zien zijn ppfff. Dacht al dat het aan mn nieuwe achtergrondje lag. Maar tis dus weer eens Blogger die bezig is...wanneer houd het eens op. Met achterlaten van comments heb IK geen problemen gehad...knock on wood lol.

    Met mn "beet-knie" gaat het best goed hoor, nu bont en blauw maar de pijn is weg. Dus hoop dat volgende week alles weg is :)

    Bedankt voor al je comments op mn bloggie, leuk altijd om te lezen. Nog een weekje en het is zover :D.

    Liefs van Marian

  3. Oh, yes.
    My followers also disappeared from the side bar and I had trouble commenting (exactly the way you said)for my follower's blog....
    Maybe I'm afraid I won't take use of your precious tip, too amateur for PC.
    Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed not the worst happen (*_*)

  4. Bedankt voor de tip die je me(ons bloggers) gegeven hebt.Ik heb gelijk actie ondernomen en zal dat zeker in de toekomst blijven doen.Niets is erger dan alles kwijt te raken!!
    Groetjes, Evelyne

  5. Olá, amiga!

    Estou tendo problemas para postar comentários em vários blogs de amigos.

    Bom fim de semana!

    °º✿ Brasil
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  6. I might give this a try later. I am hoping that whatever changes they are making over at blogger that they will get it all sorted out. Have a fabulous Friday. Tammy

  7. My followers are missing again too. So many issues with blogger lately.

    Thanks for the tips on how to save our blogs Mariette!

    Happy Weekend to you!
    xo Catherine

  8. thank you, thank you, thank you - for this terribly important tip. My list of followers have still not re-appeared, so in that respect I am still in the power of Blogger. cheers, catmint

  9. Lieve Mariette,

    Bedankt voor de tip! Ik heb met je andere opmerking nog niets gedaan, omdat de tijd mij ontbreekt, maar ga nu toch maar je advies opvolgen.

    Een heel fijn weekend & lieve groet,

    Madelief x

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    um die "Verfolger" würde ich mir keine großen Gedanken machen. Denn die, die Deinen Blog lesen, tun das sowieso und die anderen sind bestenfalls ein Fall für die Statistik. Haben sich einmal eingetragen und auf Nimmerwiedersehen ;-) Von denen hat man auch nichts ...
    Blogger wird mal wieder an seinen Verschlimmbesserungen arbeiten, daher der Ausfall. Das kommt wieder!

    Mit Google Chrome geht das Kommentieren auch einwandfrei!

    Meine xml-Datei sichere ich immer von Zeit zu Zeit. Für die, die sich nicht auskennen, eine gute Anleitung.

    Liebe Grüße

  11. Hi Mariette, very useful your suggestions! I had problems with blogging in different areas. The last, I lost all the files in one blog! is frustrating! and sometimes not allow me to make entries or see what I publish myself or other people who follow. Anyway will study your suggestion. Greetings, Rose Marie

  12. Bedankt voor deze tip Mariette!!
    Ik had dezelfde problemen met het achterlaten van berichtjes. Beetje irritant dit allemaal, maar goed, we gaan er maar vanuit dat het weer goed komt, en anders moeten we massaal naar typepad ;-)

    Fijn weekend,


  13. Hoi Mariette,
    Bedankt voor jouw goede tip. Lijkt mij verschrikkelijk om alles kwijt te raken. Hiervan ga ik zeker gebruik maken.
    Commentaren achterlaten lukt mij weer. Ik laat bij het aanmelden bij Blogger het vinkje bij äangemeld blijven" nu weg en dan lukt het wel.
    En...mijn volgers.., verschijnen nog steeds niet op mijn sidebar.
    Hopenlijk trekt blogger lering uit de fouten van de afgelopen tijd, want ik vind wel dat het de laatste tijd vaak mis is.
    Ik wens jou in ieder geval een fijn weekend met lieve groetjes van Elly

  14. Hi Mariette,
    Thank you for the tip and the how to! My blog is now saved-just have to remember to save it every week or two.
    Have a great weekend,

  15. Hi Mariette, I see you have your followers back ! Just a tip I found out- next to the followers " box" is an "edit" tool.If you click this, a screen will pop up with " followers" and also an option " save".I clicked " save " and my followers appeared on my side bar as per magic...

    Have a great weekend

  16. Thank you so much! Never realized that you could do this so it is now done!

  17. I backed up my blog Mariette!! Thanks for the tip!

    Now if only my followers button and comments link would show back up! :(

    xo Catherine

  18. Thanks for the info - I never thought about saving it but it's saved now.

  19. Hallo Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank für diesen Tip. Es ging ganz einfach und wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass der Blog irgendwie verschwinden würde! Es wäre wirklich schlimm.Um die Follower mache ich mir eigentlich keine Sorgen. Ich denke, die werden wieder erscheinen, wenn Blogger sein Problem gelöst hat. Hoffe ich zumindest.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  20. Many thanks for your help, but thankfully I have been spared - so far - from any blogger misbehaving ;-)

    I wish you a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

  21. Thank you Mariette for this advice. I had never backed up my blog but will do so now. I see your followers are back agan, hopefully Blogger is sorting this out

  22. Hi Mariette, I only just stumbled across your blog. This is quite timely as I too worry about losing my blog especially after recent blogger issues where I did permanently lose my last post. I took your advice and will share it too. One question, how do you use that saved file if you do need to? Is that when you "import" blog?

  23. Dankjewel voor de tip! Vandaag heb ik 'de stap' aangedurfd en 'het' gedaan. En: 't ging goed ;-) Vanaf nu iedere zondag. Groetjes, Inge

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    What a valuable information!! I have experienced problems with the followers too, and I was afraid that something was going on with Blogger. I will do this today.

    And thanks for stopping by, my dear friend. Your comments are always insightful and encouraging.

    Your are a blessing to all of us--your followers.


  25. Thanks doing it now. Love your blog.

  26. Hello! I discovered quite by accident that I could see my followers when I use Google Chrome ... but not when I use Internet Explorer. It makes no sense! I also subscribe to MozyHome .. a back up service I pay for ~ my entire computer content is backed up once a week for $5.99 .. well worth it!! Enjoy the holiday weekend.

  27. I think this is great info but saving it every few day is alot of work, I'll just purchase an external hard drive, will that work? I think it might be the easiest way! Thanks Marilou


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MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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