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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

{Our Felines - Sweet Barty...}

Okay, we want to introduce you to our Barty, a male feline who came to our household. After some sad stories; this is a happy one. Even Anita Anggraeni our foster daughter loved Barty to death...
So let's begin with Barty's arrival as a cute little kitten.
As a good Dutch custom, dating from the 17th century, we celebrated that with 'Beschuit met Muisjes' blue and white of course for a boy! Even though we didn't have any Dutch Rusk... so we made do with Wasa crispbread. Of course Barty did not eat this. He just was curious what it was. His fur was not in optimum condition when we first got him but soon it began to shine and he grew stronger.
Snuggling up to his big brother, his protector and mentor who loved him to pieces. One thing we learned from this; never one pet alone! Like humans, they are a lot happier and healthier when there is a playmate! It was endearing to see Spooky act almost like a surrogate mother...
Safe in Papi's strong arms; feeling very sheltered and well loved right from the beginning. Except for when they take me to the vet for shots and other nasty things... don't like that but they say it's good for me! All of us felines have been spayed or neutered and we see the vet regularly. That's the only time we get to travel by car you know.
Whenever they've been away, even for shopping... I put my cutest face on and cuddle with my Mami. You know what? She always gives me cat-treats... I just play the game!
When they say the word 'Snoepie' I really pay attention. Yeah, I'm born in Georgia but I understand Dutch too! Do you know what a Snoepie is? It is 'lekker'... yummy Whiskas Temptations Savory Salmon!
One day, when Spooky and I did go with Mami into the wood garden to collect violets for making candied violets, I ate some big tender grasses. That is so good, like salad for humans. BUT some old dry grass had pricked deep inside my nose and made me sneeze and sneeze... They took me to the vet and she thought I had an allergy and got some medication. But I kept on sneezing and blood came out of my nose. Papi got real upset and went with me back to the vet and I had surgery... Oh my, that was nasty! Look what they found in my nose; this straw-like piece that had been bothering me for weeks. But I never lost my good-natured mood, I always smile you know. Life is good to me and I am a happy cat; I got so lucky to get out of that little cage at the Humane Society. I never forget that and sometimes I do dream about those sad days when they picked my sister up first and than came Papi with Mami. I did nibble on her earlobe and her pinky and she liked that. The trick worked. But you know what, for that piece of straw I got tons of LOVE and WHISKAS...
Can you see the gazebo reflected in the glass? That's also a favorite place for me to be. Oh, I do have lots of favorite places. I love to walk alongside the creek in the back because all kind of critters live there. Sometimes I do bring Mami a gift, a frog or a mouse and I'm even a brave enough cat-man for killing a rat! Yeah really, and they reward me for doing so. But they don't like for me to look at birds, they do feed them too and I guess that means they must love them! Never did they feed the rats or the mice so I got the message. Oh, with that thick black fur-coat I LOVE to stay in the shade.
This is the garage, it is for the cars but tell you what: 'It is OUR bedroom too. Look at all the pet-beds to the left. Underneath are rugs with leopard prints on them. Mami bought them for us in Coral Gables, Florida, as a gift when they went there on vacation. We stay home and can get in and out through the cat door. Yeah, I used to go with Spooky to a Pet Lodge and we had to stay in a cage. Stupid person called it a Pent House! We could barely move in there and we were very sad and Papi and Mami even had to pay for that. No, I'm happy the way it is now. A close friend did convince them to get us a cat door. But at first they hesitated because one cat-girl got killed on the road. Me, I never go on the road... Mami told me not to and I listen! By the way, this photo was taken by Papi - two days before he had his open heart surgery... That scared all of us. And you know, I am now the Cat-Leader for the other kittens. You can read about the boys {You like to meet our 3 Feline Boys?} and the girls {Telling YOU the Tale of our 4 Feline Girls}.
Yeah, I am worried about my Papi and Mami because they are working so hard in this huge garden where we can roam freely. This is in the end of March but not long before those weeds start growing again... We all do help as much as we can, we're always looking what they are doing and join them.
Bye for now; thanks for visiting and listening to me!


  1. Hahaha!! Sweet ! Lovely to hear from Barty!

  2. LOVE!!!!! It's wonderful! I have 2 cats (blacks) and my little children (you can see the photo on my blog ..).
    I adore animals and cats in particular, I recognize in their nature ... ^ _ ^

    Congratulations, it's beautiful!


  3. That was a wonderful post Barty!!! Too cute! It doesn't look like a bad life at all:)

  4. So glad to read a happy ending Mariette!
    It must have been very sad to say farewell to them, they give so much joy and love!
    Have a lovely Tuesday!

  5. Barty , yo are very blessed to have a Mami and Papi and wonderful people and other furbabies around.. inturn they are blessed to have you!
    We have been on the fence about getting little Dolce a furbaby sister (though he has a big sister Stella (yellow lab) ... she likes to keep to herself and stay in her play own play area)yor mention about having a playmate is making us consider this more closely.. wishing you a wonderful week..xo HHL

  6. Such a sweet story! Oh my, that grass must have been so hurtful ~ poor kitty! But look at that wonderful yard kitties get to play in. Lots of love at this home I think!

    Wonderful Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  7. Dear Mariette,

    you will have much fun with your two cute kitties. Unfortunately I can´t have a cat (I love them so much) because my father-in-law, who lives in our house, ist allergic.
    So we have two Biewer terriers. At first we wanted only one dog. But then we saw how desperately he loves other dogs and two months later we bought his litterbrother. Both are very funny and have a head full of nonsense.
    We live at a highly frequented street and if I will have a cat in the future we wouldn´t allow her to go out.

    Some days before I found a young cat hidden by a car. I took her to my vet and she was operated at her little foot and her tongue. Now she is at home by her owners who are very happy to have her back.

    Have a nice evening,

  8. Hi Mariette,
    Oh no poor Barty having that yucky thing stuck in his little nose..thank goodness he feels better now.
    I think Barty is living like a fat cat with his papi and mami.
    Its a cats life. LOL
    Have a sweet day,Elizabeth

  9. Hi Mariette, very interesting history of Barty. The last photo shows beautiful and stunning! It is indeed very dear, so are pets, although I have never had kittens, I consider beautiful! Greetings, Rose Marie

  10. Thank you for the link Mariette, that's a gorgeous tablecloth and $1,800 is a big chunk of change! I bought mine off Etsy for $15.99 and $5 shipping, it's 64 inches round. The person I bought it from didn't mention where they got it, only that it was vintage. Maybe I will get a plastic cover for it!!! Thanks again:)

  11. Hi, Mariette

    Lovely and heartwarming!!!
    And I think your foster daughter Anita is very cute.

    Big Hugs, Orchid

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love your Barty. What a sweet cat.

  15. Lovely to hear the feelings of Barty, he is so happy now in home, finally!!!
    Let me tell you that you are a so pretty woman and gosh!! how do you do to have such great body!!!??

    sorry not to know what a foster daughter is, think she is living at your home for a time?? Nice girl!!!
    hugs dear Mariette

  16. Lieve Mariette,

    Ik een traantje weggepinkt bij de verhalen van Spooky 1&2. Het waren toch bijzonder mooie en lieve katten. Gelukkig heb je mooie herinneringen aan ze. En Barty is inderdaad sweet.

    Wij genieten nu ook van 2 katten Silver 2 jaar en Joep 1 jaar. Ik vind het heerlijk om naar ze te kijken.

    Ik wens je nog een fijne week,

  17. oh barty - the last picture is gorgeous!! :-D


  18. Dear Mariette,

    What a sweet story of dear Barty and such a darling cat.
    So glad the vet was able to find the nasty piece of grass up his nose.
    Your foster daughter Anita is lovely.
    I agree with you, one cat is not enough as they need a mate to keep them company.
    Hope that you are having a wonderful week


  19. Deine schönen Katzen habe ich vor kurzem schon gesehen. Im Augenblick kann ich nur nicht so lange am PC sitzen, wegen meiner Rücken(HWS-)Probleme ...
    Und Du siehst auch sehr chic aus! Und so beneidenswert superschlank wie ein Model!

    Ganz herzlich

  20. It is really nice to meet you, Barty:)

  21. Sweet boy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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