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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, August 5, 2012

{Cleaning Windows}

Sure, all of you have to complete chores like Cleaning Windows. At times, this is not easy... For instance in the brutal heat of a July 5 day, even so if done in the cooler hours of the evening. But it looks great; literally, as it gives a better 'outlook' into the garden! Do you have a two story home for taking care of windows? Can they be opened up from the inside to do this, or you have to handle it from the outside like I have to? Please read towards the very end, for some revealing tidbits about work around our home.
Starting off with the 'relatively' easy ones. I JUST can reach, by standing on my toes.
Please don't laugh at our planter boxes as their contents have DIED from the heat in July.
For some nice views with flowers in them, you can click on any of the three links below this post.
This is the bay window from our kitchen, you can still see our IKEA Nordmyra chairs through the window.
Now some more stretching needs to be done in the back of the house...
Climbing on our LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) tank.
Since our subdivision is just outside of the City limits, we have no natural gas for our artificial logs in the fireplace.
I did it... however my telescoping window cleaner had to be trashed.
We got a replacement already!
And as a bonus from working in the heat I got a bout of sciatica in my right thigh...
Still, it was worth it for having a clean 'Outlook' 
Are you balancing the act yourself or do you have somebody doing it for you?
Or do you have GNOMES that do the work?
We have some gnomes but they are LAZY as hell...!
More about them in next post.

Related links:
{Our new IKEA Nordmyra Chairs} | previous post by me
{OUR FIBERGLASS WINDOW BOXES} | previous post by me


  1. ha ha! my gnomes don't do squat around here, either. :) i clean the lower level windows sometimes - sliding glass doors, front windows and my office window. the others stay dirty. :)

  2. I sometimes wish I did have gnomes. Cleaning windows is hard yakka - all our windows have security screens on them, so that makes the job a little more difficult. Always satisfying though when the job is done.

    Hope you have a good weekend! Sending love and blessings your way.

  3. Well, what a brave woman you are, especially in the hot summer weather. I have a two-story house and have to get help to get my windows cleaned twice a year. I smiled when I saw your post: We have been cruising the Pacific Northwest on our sailboat, and I can't tell you how often I have seen women clean the boat windows... just like you did at home! :-) It seems a woman's chores are never over, even during their "vacation." :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. Hi Mariette,
    This is exactly how my hubby and I clean our windows, but the second floor has to be done with an extension ladder and is tricky.
    I love a clean clear outlook through the windows too. My mother taught me to use vinegar with water and the glass just sparkles.

    Yours look great and seem to sparkle right in the pics. Sorry to hear about your bout with the sciatica. Hope you feel better soon. Now you can rest and look out the clean windows.

    Have a great weekend and week ahead. I will be in Santa Fe for one week where it is a bit cooler then Texas. 107 today and no end in sight.

    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  5. Cleaning windows is hard work but it does give you a clear outlook! We do our own windows and I have to admit they are neglected right now. I do the lower and Hubby does the 2nd story, but not as often as my section! Your windows are very pretty all shined up. Sorry for your Sciatica, I hope you are resting with a nice glass of something cool as a reward for all of your work!

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist gekonnt.

    Sonnige Grüße


  7. Dearest Mariette,
    I never has you can do how much doing with do that much has your exactitude..
    Sorry about your bout with the sciatica.
    What was beautiful your own life.
    Please not too much Mariette san..
    Thinking about love you....

  8. We are on the second floor and have sliding windows that are a pain to clean. I didn't do it this year. In fact, with the house constantly settling, things begin to crack and buckle, so I'm not even sure if the windows will still open. Sure would be nice to have a clean, clear view, but just not so easy to get around here. Wishing you a great day. Tammy

  9. We both clean our windows when the urge takes us,which is not very often. At least we only have a single story and I can reach them on a ladder. I love it when they are clean. I only did it 2 weeks ago and they need doing again. Ongoing job I think. OOh sciatica is so painful,know that pain only too well. x

  10. My dear Mariette
    You have done hard work ! How many windows have in your home ? I suppose many and it took to you some hours...
    So ,now your windows are cleaning and you are satisfied ! Relax now !
    Have a nice Sunday

  11. awww you poor plants - yes it's so hard to keep them alive in the heat.
    very brave of you- but I wouls have waited till autumn, I'm not that good with working outside when it's very hot, it gives me really bad headaches.Hope your sciatica goes quickly. Lots of love.bea

  12. Our house is a bi-level so I have to have a telescopic window cleaner as well. I honestly only wash my outside windows about twice a year. Once before it gets too cold for the winter, and then once in about June. We have too much wind and dust. They stay clean for about 2 hours...if I'm lucky! Haha!

    Have a happy weekend Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  13. Hello Darl!

    ;) you looks so great! I love hardworker Lady!
    I can immagine that you need lot's of hours to clean them all. I love this kind of windows soooo cotagges.
    me too I have to clean our windows. Avoiding the heat of summer, I work late of noon.
    nice tuttorial for cleaning the window.
    Lots of love

  14. Hello Darl!

    ;) you looks so great! I love hardworker Lady!
    I can immagine that you need lot's of hours to clean them all. I love this kind of windows soooo cotagges.
    me too I have to clean our windows. Avoiding the heat of summer, I work late of noon.
    nice tuttorial for cleaning the window.
    Lots of love

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    ich warte immer noch auf die Heinzelmännchen. dass du bei der Hitze so fleissig sein kannst?
    lg Johanna

  16. Dat ene raampje boven die LPG tank, ja dat is moeilijk, maar kan je voor die andere geen trap gebruiken?
    Dan kom ik goed weg...de helft van ons huis zijn grote tuindeuren, en die kan ik open doen en dan gelijktijdig van binnen en buiten zemen.
    De andere zijn gewoon lage ramen, een klein trapje voldoet...

  17. Hoi lieve Mariette,

    Geloof het of niet.....maar ik zat afgelopen week weer eens door je leuke posten te lezen over jullie prachtige en grote huis,riep mijn Har er even bij en ik zei....nou,nou....die Mariette heeft heel wat raampjes te wassen, daar mag ze wel 'n dag voor uit trekken.
    En dan zie ik je hier bezig....meisje ik zou bijna medelijden met je krijgen en in gedachten maak ik ook 'n emmer met sopje en help jou ''even'' mee, maar dat schiet niet op natuurlijk....net zo min als de hulp van de kabouters;-)

    Als ik het raamwerk van jullie huis rondom in ons huis zou verdelen woonden wij in een glazen huis...
    Ben aan de ene kant blij als de zon schijnt...heb dan een goede smoes om geen ramen te doen want dan krijg je strepen...die smoes gaat ook op bij regenweer....doe ik morgen wel want met dit natte weer werk ik voor jan met de korte achternaam;-)

    En toch ben ik aan de andere kant nog zo'n ouderwetse Hollandse die haar ramen én stoepje graag schoon heeft,maar niet meer elke week hoor, net als jaren geleden.
    Ik zeg altijd; het ligt niet in mijn bed en ik word toch wel wat gemakkelijker de laatste jaren,zal de leeftijd zijn;-)

    Ook al heb jij voor de ramen een telescopische glazenwasser met lange steel....toch zie ik jou druk bezig met rek en strek bewegingen en aangespannen van beenspieren ....oeps....dan schiet het in rug en spieren...:-(
    Hoop voor jou dat de nare pijnlijke klachten snel tot het verleden behoren!!!

    Sterkte en van harte beterschap!!!

    Lieve groeten,

  18. Oh My dear friend, what a job you took on. We are fortunate that some of our windows are able to be cleaned from the safety and more comfortable from the inside. For the others Mr. G has a huge industrial ladder that he uses to get the job done.

    You have earned a nice relaxing day ...and despite the hot weather a warm bath to help with ease the sciatica ...followed by a gentle massage.

    I've been looking at adding Gnomes to our garden - I hope ours do work..lol... can't wait to read your story. xo C. (HHL)

  19. Dear Mariette,

    Your windows look so good and makes a huge difference when they are sparkly clean.
    We have a two storied home and on two sides of the house it is very difficult to clean them.
    Spiders have been a real pain here and they seem to make webs around the frames. Hope that the pain from the sciatica, has gone.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    This cleaning the window job can be considered "year end big cleaning" in Japan. And we sometimes can see husbands doing this work outside the houses in late December. And we do this around that season as well.
    Haha, I didn't understand what you mean by "gnomes". Oh I wish we had☆☆☆
    I hope your sciatica wasn't a serious one and perfectly ok now, my friend.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  21. It does not look easy out to clean the windows on your house. We have a bungalow and I have a good H that polish them.


  22. Lovely photos Mariette and your house and windows are gorgeous.

  23. Hej Mariëtte, zo te zien hoef jij niet aparte ochtendgymoefeningen te doen. Je blijft zo voldoende in beweging.
    Fijne dag, lieve greot

  24. Dearest Mariette, You are so funny. My gnomes are lazy as hell, too. All they do is lounge in the shade.
    I need to do what you are doing. Bob can't do it. His balance and neuropothy makes it so difficult to stand on uneven surfaces. We have hired it done in the past but I hate to pay someone to do a job half a**ed.
    I use the telescoping wands with brushes and squeegies. For the second story windows I use the windex product that attaches to the hose. It rinses clean and doesn't streak.
    Here's to sunny outlooks. However, we have finally been getting some rain. How about you. I know, the day after you finished the windows it rained!!
    Love to you, Ginger

  25. A new olympic sport ?
    Take care...
    Best regards from France,


  26. Liebste Mariette,
    das sieht bei Dir so graziös aus *lächel* ....kommst Du auch bei mir vorbei ? *lach*
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen Wochenstart!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  27. Great Mariette!! You are fantastic...
    Wonderful performance indeed!

  28. Das sieht ja regelrecht gefährlich aus, wie Du auf dem Tank stehst, liebe Mariette! Kann man die Fenster nicht von innen putzen? Bei uns ist das möglich, worüber ich sehr froh bin. Denn mit zunehmendem Alter, wenn die Wahrnehmung sich verändert und die Augen nicht besser werden, ist man doch leicht sturzgefährdet.
    Hier gibts aber auch Fensterputzer, die für wenig Geld ins Haus kommen, um schwer erreichbare Fenster zu reinigen.

    Ich find's immer schade, wenn man gerade geputzt hat, dann regnet es und schon sind die Fenster wieder schmutzig, mit Sand überzogen usw. ;-) Von daher putze ich sie vielleicht so 4 x im Jahr ;-)

    Liebe Grüße nochmals

    1. Liebe Sara,

      Nein gefährlich ist es überhaupt nicht, so hoch ist es eben nicht. Die Fenster kann man von innen putzen aber nicht öffnen. Wir haben ja überall Thermopane Fenster, da es hier im sommer bis 45°C werden kann öffnet man eben keine Fenster un Türe wenn die Air-Conditioning läuft. Es ist schon ein ganz anderes Konzept als bei euch.
      Also mach dich keine Sorgen.
      Lieber Gruss,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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