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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

{Spicy's Favorite Cow-Toy}

Felines LOVE to cuddle with toys. Our Spicy's Favorite Cow-Toy was her constant companion while being pregnant. It was so endearing to see her embrace her cow and sleep with it. Did she love it for its color? We don't know... Have a look yourself below.
We do miss our Spicy girl... She became a sweet and devoted 'Mamita' to 5 kittens. 
All 5 kittens still live with us but Spicy vanished on November 4, 2007...
These were the happy days in March, 2007.
Using a sleeping bag she would feel most comfortable, all stretched out under the coffee table in our living room.
Her Cow-Toy we had received during a dinner where S. Truett Cathy was the speaker.
That same evening we also purchased this autographed copy of S. Truett Cathy's book:
A true Father figure and he's about two months younger than my Dad.
S. Truett Cathy is a devoted family man, very much like my own Dad is...
Like on Sundays, out of Church when we make our phone call via Skype on the iPhone with Mom & Dad in The Netherlands, over a cup of coffee. A day to relax, a day to reflect on the week that just passed.
A day for a good and festive meal around the table with the family.
A day when my Mom usually did treat her family with some special baked dessert, celebrating being together, being grateful for life.
Around that table we shared so much love and stories that shaped us for the rest of our lives.
Still, Pieter and I can talk endless over breakfast or over a cup of coffee or tea.
Continuing that culture that was passed down for generations.
Long before social media became a means of 'communication'...
How many meals a day do you share together with your family?
Fast food never can replace that!
This is me in December of 2010 when I won the $ 100 jackpot from the Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce's Business & Breakfast Meeting.
The gentleman next to me, in the blue shirt, is Mr. David Roberts the manager of Chick-fil-A at Dublin. 
So there are many good connections!
By the way: DID YOU KNOW that Chick-fil-A does serve a healthy version of their Chicken Sandwich? 
Just request whole wheat and also ask for grilled, instead of fried.
Keeping up with your FLATTER TUMMY!
Spicy's Mascot; the Cow-Toy...
After a recent discussion with Mr. David Roberts about health conscious food trends, he gave us these coupons... So  we have to cash them in on a Grilled Wheat Chicken Sandwich.
Wishing S. Truett Cathy continued good health so that he can touch many more lives, such as providing long term care for nearly 200 foster children...

Related article:


  1. i like sweet little spicy and her cow toy. :) glad you still have her kittens.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, Look how lovely Spicy was!!! And also I love the cute cushion or box (?) you set for her♡♡♡ Yes, happy to know her kitchens are doing fine with you.

    Spicy's Mascot "the Cow-Toy" has such a stiry♬♬♬ I admire your care for the health and happy for the coupons. Look Yummy and Delicious☆☆☆

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    I am very happy watching Spicy san..
    app may sound bizarre Spicy!
    my friends has very populate with pets with her.
    Thinking about you!

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    bei dir findet man immer wieder
    neue Schönheiten.

    Alles Liebe

  5. Dearest Mariette
    How lovely to find your "welcome home" comment - I hoped some of my old friends would catch up with me again.
    I'm feeling better already knowing someone's thinking of me!
    Love the waist chain idea - I think I need one too, I've been enjoying too much comfort food since arriving home... and I was so good in France and lost 2 kilos!
    Thank you again dear friend
    love and hugs
    Shane xoxo

  6. So sorry to hear that Spicy disappeared. No chance of that happening with Jingles as she is very, very afraid of going outdoors -- only on the balconies where she knows she is safe. Mr. Cathy sounds like a kind, loving, compassionate man who has done much good. We have many, many, many fast food restaurants here, but not one Chick-fil-A. I would much prefer my kids eat there than KFC any day. Though I steer them away from much fast food. Have a great day. Tammy

  7. Nice post,so sorry you lost spicy.she looks so content too. Maybe she found a boyfriend and started a new family. x

  8. Wat een bijzondere knuffel had jullie Spicy.
    Fijn dat de mogelijkheid van skype bestaat en je zo toch elke zondagmorgen kunt bijkletsen met je moeder.
    We zitten hier zelden met de complete familie aan tafel. Die keren dat we wel samen zijn, zijn dan ook heel speciaal.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  9. Dearest Mariette
    What a wonderful little cat! How pretty she looks. Too bad she is not with you anymore.
    Nowadays, everything should go as fast as possible. People do not sit down even when they eat.
    You really have to get back to healthy food and not to stress all the time.

  10. Mi dispiace che Spicy non ci sia più, avrà lasciato un grande vuoto sicuramente!
    Per quanto riguarda i pranzi in famiglia, sono totalmente d'accordo con te...niente può sostituire la famiglia riunita a tavola in casa propria!
    Un abbraccio grande♥

  11. Carina la tua gatta!Peccato che non ci sia piu'!Avete i suoi gattini a ricordarla.Baci,Rosetta

  12. Such a sweet little kitty! How wonderful that her babies are still with you.

    Wishing you a beautiful week Mariette!

    xo Catherine

  13. These are wonderful photos of Spicy. I'm sorry she is no longer with you, but grateful that you have a part of her through her babies.

    Family time is most important - we try to eat at least one meal a day together - without any interruptions(phones, tv, or computer devices). Wishing you a fabulous day! xo C. (HHL)

  14. What a sweet cat with the cow toy. I'm glad to hear that you still have her kittens. About food I can just agree with you and I think it's important to sit down and have a good time when eating.


  15. Liebe Mariette,
    ist ja süß, dass Spicy ein Schlaf- und Kuscheltier hatte. Vielleicht hat sie es zum Üben benutzt, in Vorbereitung auf die Kätzchen. Da konnte sie schon mal kuscheln und putzen und es bewachen. Ist immer schlimm, wenn ein Liebling verschwindet, ohne dass man weiß, was daraus geworden ist.
    Eine interessante Geschichte mit den Chickenburgern!
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  16. liebe Mariette,
    auch ich finde es sehr traurig, dass ihr die süße Spicy nicht mehr habt - aber die niedlichen Jungen werden euch trösten - Spicy war ein sehr schönes Tier und ihre Stoffkuh ist wirklich ein außergewöhnliches Spielzeug - aber sie liebte es halt -

    ich wünsche dir eine schöne Zeit -

    lg. Ruth

  17. Hallo Mariette,

    ik kon de foto's niet zien helaas.Maar misschien was het toch een beetje moederinstinct van het moederpoesje een knuffeltje erbij.

    Groeten Janny.

  18. Such an adorable cat with white socks:-)) To bad that she is gone :-((

  19. Sweet little Spicy, sorry she is no longer with you. I do agree that family meal time is the best time for keeping close bonds. Mr. Cathy is a good man for giving back to his community and mentoring young people. We don't have any of his restaurants here, but it is good to know he has healthy alternatives. Congratulations on your award! xx

  20. Oh sweet lady, sorry he is not with yo anymore, I just hate that, as we lost our Pug Ben 2 years ago and I still miss him, he was so adorable and so funny too! Oh family always bond during meal times, we always do and love it!! I love the chicken breast kind too. Thanks for your lovely visit. Lots of hugs,

  21. Dear Mariette,

    What a very sweet cat, Spicy is and suppose it is comforting cuddling up to the toy. So sorry she is no longer with you.
    congratulations on winning the award.

    Hope you are enjoying the week

  22. We have the same cow toy at home! But your cow looks much bigger than ours...or are my kitties bigger than Spicy? She is such a cutie...I'm so sorry she has gone missing. Glad all her kittens are with you...they may miss her mama terribly but they have each other and great human family!
    I didn't know we could ask whole wheat sandwich. Thank you for the info. I should try that next time!

  23. Liebe Mariette ,das ist ja traurig ,das eure Katze nicht mehr heim kam .Ich habe auch immer Angst um unsere Wilma .Sie geht gerne außerhalb vom Garten spazieren .LG Ina

  24. Lovely photographs of Spicy and her favourite toy. It's so sad when pets disappear. Glad you still have her kittens to love and care for. Our pets bring us so much joy!

  25. I love a lot "EAT MOR CHIKIN" picture !
    Best regards from Paris,



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