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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

{Are you using the word Husband or Hubby?}

When I did study Oxford English, I never came across the word Hubby. But it is showing up more and more on Blogger. So I did investigate its search ranking on the Internet and the ratio versus Husband is quite surprising. Let us have a look at those facts: 
Hubby showed about 78,400,000 results...
 Husband showed about 794,000,000 results or in short over TEN TIMES AS MUCH!
The Oxford Dictionaries did not list 'hubby'... it refers to British & World English.

As for me personally, I will continue do refer to my Pieter as Husband. What is YOUR take on this? Are you adapting to Hubby or sticking with (your) Husband? If using Hubby; how long have you used that definition? LOVE to hear from you - worldwide.

Related links:
{English: A tricky language indeed...} blogpost by me
Why Poor Grammar and Spelling Are Bad for Your Blog in relation to one of my replies to comment on this post by: It's me.


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, Mariette! Thank you very much for this post. I have to go out for an errand. Just Quick "Thanks" to you again.
    Comment you again later in the evening. Form Japan (9:30 in the morning) Love and hugs, Miyako*

  2. i see so many folks in blogland use DH (for dear husband). mine is husband.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Thanks for mentioning that as I would be lost with such a DH abbreviation. It is an American habit for using way too many abbreviations and for those that are not native to the language (and I doubt others are!) we are literally lost. Whenever I do write I keep my 181 following countries in mind. Thanks for holding on to husband as well!
      Hugs to you,

  3. Dearest Mariette, I am the guilty one of calling my Husband, 'Hubby'. It is a quaint referral from the 1950's, I believe. I do not call him this in person or to others in conversation, only to refer to him on my blog! In life, I call him 'Honey' and he calls me 'Honey' but due to our age, it might sound a little too ridiculous to refer to him as 'Honey' on my blog, and I find myself reverting to using Hubby as a fond nickname. He doesn't mind and I find calling him 'My Husband' too formal for my tastes. But everyone has a different way of communicating and different reasons for names and such. Maybe I will find another name for him now. Sometimes I can think of lots of names to call him! ( A little joke) Hugs to you xx

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    normaly it is my husband ....but when I am chatting with a friend of mine, it is my hubby ( she used this word always, and I liked it ;O) ...)
    Have a lovely week,
    love and hugs,

  5. ha ha, wat een leuke vraag..ik gebruik husband als het in het Engels moet, geen hubby, want dan heb ik het gevoel dat ik : 'mannetje' zeg, een verklein woordje zeg maar, het klinkt zo...anders.
    En dank je wel voor de vertaling voor het afbreken van de schouw, ja, ik gebruik Google vertalen, en soms loop ik daar wel eens tegenaan, die werkwoorden, dan weet ik dat het niet klopt, maar ken dan zo snel niet het andere werkwoord, en dan zijn er lieve mensen zoals jij...die me het goede woord geven,
    Het zal zowiezo wel af en toe hilarisch overkomen, die Engelse tekstjes van mij, maar ach...dat snappen de Engelstalige dames toch wel?

    1. Beste Marian,
      Dat ben ik met je eens. Hubby zou zoiets als Mannie of Manlief betekenen en het klinkt nogal badinerend.

  6. Hemmes......en for the English people....Husbunny.......tja ik ben ikke....xxx..

    1. Beste Ria,

      Jij kunt dan wel Hemmes gebruiken maar als je het opzoekt komt het in geen enkele dictionaire voor. Dit is het antwoord: Hemmes staat helaas niet in onze database. Hetzelfde geldt voor Husbunny: No exact results found for Husbunny in the dictionaries.
      Certainly I cannot speak for you but to me correct language is important. Read here: http://www.momcomm.com/2012/05/grammar-spelling-blogging/
      This is a blogger with lots of daily readers: Visits per day: 23,536. So we can take her word!
      Have a nice day,

  7. cara Mariette anche con il traduttore non ho capito molto il post!comunque ti mando un saluto e un bacio e ti dico che sei una cara amica per tutte le blogger compresa me!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Si tratta di una formulazione per il marito. Alcuni blogger scrivere maritino (Hubby) invece di marito. Che è una sorta di parola informale e personalmente non mi piace molto. Tua figlia giornalista saprà certamente come utilizzare la corretta ortografia e simili. E se si su Google, mostra che è utilizzato solo per il 10% rispetto al marito. So che è abbastanza chiaro.

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    bei dir finde ich immer wieder Schönes.
    Dafür danke ich ausdrücklich.

    Alles Liebe

  9. Hej Mariette. Toen ik net blogde, wist ik niet wat DH betekende als dat vermeld stond in een bericht op een blog. Al snel had ik door dat er Dear Husband mee bedoeld werd, maar nu blijkt dus dat het ook Dear Hubby kan zijn ;) Leuk onderwerp.
    Lieve groet,

  10. Dearest Marriete
    I always use the word "husband" ... this word teach me the teachers !
    Have anice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      That's exactly my standpoint. We were taught correct Oxford English and I stick to that. As already used in Ria's reply there are others that emphasize on correct spelling and grammar.
      Likewise have a nice afternoon.

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    When I first started blogging, I was using husband. When I found someone using the word "hubby" in her blog, it sounded really cute. As you might have noticed by now, I kind of found of lovely way for everything(*^_^*) I thought I found something nice for using in the blog. Well, as I am not a native speaker of English and obviously not know how the word is used well.
    I think I will use husband from now on; although I'd love to shorten it to DH, it might not appropriate for me even (again as a Japanese). I DO appreciate these point out to the correct way, my friend(^_^)彡☆

    PS> whew, I'm SO busy that I don't have time to comment for my friends... Ineed to start from tomorrow(^^;) Got to cook dinner p;)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  12. I can't imagine using anything but husband. Hubby is just too cute in the worst sense of the word. I will also continue to refer to my mother and not my mom. Again part of the cutification of important people. Ummm.....better stop, or I'll be stuck on my hobby horse!

    Enjoy your day.........S

  13. Mariette,

    I use husband most of the time. I think hubby is just a way of being cute.

    1. Yes. Hubby is ugly way of trying to be cute. I found this word on Google Translator: babblement. Calling your husband hubby is babblement. It sounds grose to me. Stick to husband! :)

  14. My husband is just happy when I don't call him something worse than husand or hubby!!! HA!...just kidding..I call him husband.

    Interesting post.

    Have a ownderful week my friend!

  15. Hello, Mariette! Thanks for visiting my site. You have an interesting blog here.

    As for your question, I refer to Norm as "my husband." I just can't think of him as Hubby. :)

  16. Marietta
    se que también hablas español por eso te posteo y de ahora te sigo
    saludos de Chile

  17. Hello Mariette,

    Goed dat je dit ter sprake brengt.
    Voor mij persoonlijk, het woord "hubby" heb ik altijd al zo vreemd gevonden. Noem je vriend/echtgenoot bij naam, of wat je al zelf zegt, gewoon echtgenoot/vriend. Zelf kies ik er ook voor om; "mijn vriend" of Harrie te noemen in een post.
    Hoe is het verder met jullie in het verre Amerika ? ook zo aan het genieten van het nieuwe seizoen ?

    Lieve groeten,

  18. Carissima amica,mi qui si usa maritino come segno di affetto......!!
    O quando sei contenta se ha fatto qualcosa che ti ha reso felice!!;D
    Marito per sottolineare che sola non sei!!;)))))
    In poche parole qui,a parte gli scherzi,non c'è differenza!!
    Un bacio grande per una grande donna!!

  19. Dear Mariette,
    what a fun. I am using the word EX now. LOL
    But Hubby sounds to me more informal and sweet. Husband is the formal word for me.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  20. What an interesting topic! I've never used word Hubby. I usually use husband. Actually I didn't even know the word until I came to U.S. If I remember correctly, I heard the word for the first time when Katie Couric used it.

  21. Hi my dear friend Mariette,
    This is a very interesting post. I always use the word husband, as I am from Mexico and that is what I learned at my English class. The first time I learned this hubby word, was when I stared to read it in some of the blogs I follow.
    Have a wonderful day, my dear friend.
    Love to you,

  22. Dearest Mariette
    I had never heard of "Hubby" until I read it on Facebook. Maybe ok to write in such places but not replace the word altogether.
    Hugs to you

  23. I never used the word hubby either until I started blogging. I guess it's like a nickname or term of endearment, whereas husband sounds more formal. :)

  24. Dearest Mariette,

    great post! learn something new, sure for mine is husband and also for others. since i had received an sms a long time a go from my childhood best friend, she stays in California, she asked me about 'how's your hubby'?.. ... means my husband???? me too i saw and learn from blogger land. the same affirmation as Miyako's, as I am not english native thought was 'Hubby' is a cute formulation word for husband.
    anyway.... great to know this.

    have a good days Darl


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