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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, October 12, 2012

{Our Rose Suite Bedroom}

Finally you get to see one more room of Our Rose Suite: its-Bedroom! 
Before, I did show you the entrance, outside and inside. 
Links to those previous posts you find below. 
Now we open that door into the bedroom... Please, come on in!
That's our Rose Suite Bedroom!
Queen size bed that we bought in our next city, here in Georgia. 
The night stands in the USA are way too wide for fitting, so we bought them in The Netherlands and had these solid-oak night-stands 'cherry' stained, to match the oak veneer bed.
Same Spanish Volcano beige tile floor with pearl grout, as throughout the entire Rose Suite.
Pure cotton Vista rugs from Solutions, in natural.
Silver rose frame was a steal on eBay. It was lacquered YELLOW... Husband Pieter removed that layer and voilà a perfect silver frame. My precious worker bee of this very Rose Suite, deserves to be framed inside a silver frame! Angel watches over him with a rose-lamp. Limoges porcelain pin dish is from France.
Crocheted filet lace is done by me.
The builder of the Rose Suite is quite pleased with the fruits of his hard labor!
Can you imagine that this once was a mount of 60 metric tons of dirt?...
The pin dish matches the all cotton French Yves Delorme bed linens.
Another oak-night-stand just fits in there! (Darn those Text-Enhance words; I hyphenate words to avoid them... in case you wondered).
The entire Rose Suite is precision-work, using every square inch of space.
Those pulls  are from the ceiling fan... sorry for that!
Antique lamp with roses, of course! Found a new lampshade and finial for it and it was ready to go.
For the love of roses.
The green-duvet-cover reverses to white; with roses on both sides. We use a down duvet and four down-pillows.
The silver rosary, hanging over the white cross, is made of rose beads! Both come from the Pilgrimage place of Kevelaer (click link and select English), in Germany. That is near my birth place of Horst, The Netherlands.
Angels and Roses...
A treasure found at TJ Maxx
We almost have come full circle now. 
The quilt rack is made by my best friend's Dad. 
He has passed away but this is a very nice piece to remember him by.
Above the quilt rack you see the Praying Hands by Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528.
We especially love this piece of art from such a great Renaissance artist who created many lovely woodcuts and engravings. Read more about Albrecht Dürer's Bio at Artsy.net (click on pink hyperlink).
The vanity is from Spain, we got it at Home Expo in Atlanta, it was a showroom model.
It was exactly what we were looking for, with one hole for our Danish Damixa faucet!
Next to the door, beside the vanity, are nice shelves, built in above the pillar foot.
Remember those huge concrete masses that Pieter had to wack off?
This is how we utilized the space. Narrow pillar above gave room for shelving.
Porcelain light-switch-plates with roses!
We got them made for us. Don't know if this lady still makes them but I have her old email address, provided it still works after eight years...
Better view of the shelving next to the door and the vanity.
Small size for American standards but this Spanish vanity was perfect for our purpose!
Just between two pillar feet we could place the shower. 
You see the vent for the air-conditioning above the mirror? That's the cooling and heating. Pieter did build all the ducting in-between the ceiling and the floor of the upstairs home. Quite a job.
The Apollo, one handle faucet, the wall lights, soap holder, glass holder, towel rings, towel hooks, Aquaspray Plus handheld shower-set with one handle shower faucet, toilet-roll holder, small faucet for little sink in toilet. All that was brought back inside our suitcases on our trip to Mom & Dad's 55th Wedding Anniversary in The Netherlands. All our chrome pieces are from Damixa, Denmark. The entire house we got those Danish faucets etc. and we love them. 
Clever Pieter did make a pull  for the wall light, to use as a switch, which is built in behind the tiles.
He did so much thinking out for all the details; incredible job.
Yes, the vanity shelf is also Danish and it came home inside the suitcase with us!
The chrome holders for the mirror are Danish too but the beveled glass mirror we had custom made here in Dublin, Georgia.
Do you like it so  far?
Cute chrome hook for hand towels; also Danish.
All that Danish chrome came home inside the suitcases...!
When visiting my French-Canadian friend Hélène in Montréal, Canada I found these towels in the magazine: CHEZ SOI
CHEZ SOI est un magazine de décoration haut de gamme illustrant les plus belles résidences du Québec.
CHEZ SOI is a top of the range decoration magazine showing the most beautiful residences in Québec.
Of course, I had to have these towels; brodée de boutons de roses...
Got them at Décoration 25 and too bad they no longer had the face cloths. They were entirely with tiny rose buds embroidered. I was so in love with them!
Sissi - Rose Pink is the Yves Delorme bed set from the outlet.
Palais Royal changed into Yves Delorme.
But to us, Our Rose Suite is a Palais Royal and most guests are very happy here.
Pieter's brother Toon was our very first guest, with his Wilhelmien.
We finished it in a hurry, so we could accommodate them. 
So what do you think? 
You like this French/Danish/Spanish romantic Rose Suite look?
Eagerly I am awaiting your comments - thanks for taking your time!

Related links:
{Welcome to Our Rose Suite - Entrance} | previous post by me
{The Construction of Our Rose Suite - Part II} | previous post by me
{The Construction of Our Rose Suite - Part I} | previous post by me
{Our Rose Suite with Angels + a REQUEST} | previous post by me


  1. you did a wonderful job on this room. i like all the roses. the pin dish is my favorite - as well as the rose rosary being a very nice touch. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,

      THANKS, that means a lot!
      Hugs to you,

  2. (oh, and the gates i've been showing thus far have almost all been from my own county area. i have not traveled far to collect them. they are very prevalent here.)

  3. Oh my friend, I love everything about this room...the sweet and pretty Egyptian cotton comforter, the bed and night stand from your country. The lamp with cute flowers, the silver picture frame, all recuperated and although I must admit, I have never seen a bathroom right in the bedroom and I LOVE IT!! There's something cozy about it all, it reminds me of a little Inn we went to in Innsbruk, Switzerland, which had a bathroom right inside the bedroom, too!! I love the Rosary beads on the wall. Big hugs,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      We were faced with this dilemma, of having to add the shower to the bedroom. Remember, this entire Rose Suite space has been dug out by Pieter. Removing 60 tons of dirt and there were 5 huge pillars that we had to work AROUND. No choice. It took a lot of thinking for making all the rooms as we have now. Quite a puzzel for working with a given and limited space! A living room, with a toilet adjacent. We figured that if you would have guests, you cannot step out of the shower... So naturally for privacy we opted for the bedroom area. But it worked. Several hotels don't provide that much space I can tell you.
      Thanks for your comments and friendship. Even if we only have been at the airport of Guayaquil, I do feel connected and certainly with your life style!
      Hugs to you,

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, we finally can see how your "Rose Suite Bedroom" looks like♡♡♡ As I thought, I LOVED your coordination with roses and angels SO much! Oh, I'm really touched with the rose rosary as well. It must have been very hard job as well as the joy involved to sort these arrangement out, my talented friend. I smiled the way you said to your husband that your precious worker bee deserved to be framed inside a silver frame. Yes, your wonderful worker husband looks really GORGEOUS ♬♬♬ Big praise to both of your stunning job☆☆☆
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako san,
      Thank you so much! It means a lot to both of us, the way you respond. So this is exactly where you would sleep IF you want to come over to the USA and look for Soba noodles (so you can keep your dear husband happy too!).
      Hugs from across the ocean from your American friend,

  5. Dear Mariette, What a gorgeous rose suite you and your beloved created. Everything is so pretty and crisp. All the details around the room are so special.
    I love your comforter and the towels that coordinate so perfectly. It is wonderful you were able to bring back fixtures in your suitcase. And your darling sink is fabulous. I love it.

    You two worked so hard, and it shows what hard work and determination can do to make your dreams come true. It all came together beautifully and you should feel very proud of your accomplishment. I can so relate to this type of work as my hubby and I have done this in many a home. But when one sees your pics knowing the before with all the dirt to remove, it is truly amazing. This is really magazine worthy my friend.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind words for my blog anniversary. Your friendship has made it even more special and for that I am thankful.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

    1. Dearest Celestina Marie,
      Such a compliment coming from you has even more weight, since you and your husband have traveled that road of transforming a home into a warm nest. You certainly do have a warm and lovely place now and I did follow the hard work you put into it. Friendships like this that get nurtured over the years are meaningful and it encourages us when life is rough.
      Hugs to you,

  6. Dear Sweet Mariette, your rose suite is so lovely! Your guests are very lucky to have such gracious hosts who have taken every comfort into consideration. I do love all the roses and angels, especially the wonderful linens and plaques. Your Dear Peiter deservesto have his handsome self framed in silver for all of his well thought out hard work. Every detail is so lovely, including the chrome fixtures brought back in your cases! I do love your hand crocheted angels, too. The perfect touch. xx

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you for your sweet comment! You both do appreciate such thought out work as you build your home yourself.
      Hugs to you,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    your rose-suite-bedroom is wonderful, georgeous, great...what shall I say? I LOVE IT!
    It is a room where you want to stay and feel comfortable, full of memories , and your Guests can be lucky, to find such a warm and comfortable place in your home!
    have a wonderful weekend,
    love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,

      Thank you! Yes, our guests are always very appreciative for their comfort & privacy.
      Hugs to you,

  8. What a beautiful rose suite! You have done a great job and so worthwhile.
    Everything is nicely combined with the design of the rose! Should be
    very proud of this wonderful result and your guests very happy to stay there !

    1. Dearest Olympia,

      Sure, I am mighty proud of my husband Pieter for accomplishing all this. Guests just can move into their own home, away from home.
      Hugs to you,

  9. Also der Lichtschalter ist ja klasse, ob es soetwas auch in Deutschland gibt?!?
    Aber ansonsten kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass das Zimmer gemütlich ist... Ich finde zuviele Fliesen. ABer das Bett ist klasse;)

    LG Lea

    1. Liebe Lea,
      Ja, mit den Lichtschalter das ist eben ein Vorteil das hier in der USA die Angebote riesig sind und auch vorteilhaft. Mit den Fliesen sollst du in Acht nehmen das unser Klima hier ganz anders ist als Deutschland und wegen der Hygiene sind Fliesen viel sauberer als Bodenteppiche. Seid ich Asthma hatte haben wir nur noch Fliesen und massive Eichenholz Böden. Pflegt sich super und mann hat nicht mehr den Staub und Probleme wie Staub Milben. Wir haben auch wegen der Klima-Anlage einen guten Filter der die frische eingeseugte Luft ständig saubert. Wir erneuern den auch rechtzeitig. Die Klima-Anlage wechselt auch dauernd die Luftfeuchtigkeit damit es immer angenehm ist drinnen, besser für die Gesundheit auch.
      Ich hoffe diese Antwort erklärt etwas mehr.
      Lieber Gruss,

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    mir gefällt es sehr gut.
    Jetzt träume ich nachts schon vor dir.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja es wäre schön wenn du mal zur Besuch kommen könntest da würden wir bestimmt viel zu reden haben miteinander!
      Lieber Gruss,

  11. Ik kijk mijn ogen uit, zo'n prachtig gastenverblijf hebben jullie. Je hebt alles tot in de puntjes ingericht. Wat zullen de gasten zich welkom en thuis voelen.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, inderdaad hebben wij er àlles aan gedaan om het de gasten zo aangenaam mogelijk te maken.

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    der Erbauer dieser Prachtsuite ist zu Recht stolz darauf - und eingerichtet ist sie ebenfalls wunderbar; schönes Holz - und die Treue zum Rosenthema hast du perfekt gehalten :o))
    Feines Wochenende und liebe Rostrosengrüße, Traude

    (⁀‵⁀,) ✿

    1. Liebe Traude,
      Danke! Hierzu passt mit Recht dein Name 'Rostrose'.
      Lieber Gruss,

  13. Mariette che bel giretto ci hai fatto fare!Adoro quel tuo bagno in camera con i boccioli di rose,che richiamano la coperta,la lampada e il piattino!Meravigliosa!Baci e buona giornata!Rosetta

  14. Wat een mooie kamer zeg !! of eigenlijk is het een suite.....fijn weekend liefs van mij...xxx.

    1. Beste Ria,

      Ja, een complete suite is het. De rest laat ik ook nog zien...

  15. Dearest Mariette......What a charming suite you have transformed from a pile of dirt. You have given your guests privacy within the space of your home. The perfect hosts!
    I love the little angel and roses plaque from TJ's. It only goes to show that you can find treasures in the most unlikely places.
    Enjoy the weekend...........S

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thanks for your compliment! Indeed, if one keeps looking for it, treasures will be found about everywhere.
      Happy weekend to you too.

  16. Olá

    Que bonito quarto! Que bom gosto que você tem, maravilhoso.


    1. Mais querido Manuela,
      Obrigado por seu elogio sobre gosto bom. Nós estamos muito contentes com o resultado de fim! Feliz fim de semana e abraços,

  17. Good Morning dear Mariette,
    wow..full of roses and rose buds as well antique stuffs ... very ..very..amazing restoration job.
    compliment for you and your husband Pieter.
    Have a good week days Darl...
    love to u from Rome

  18. Dearest Ayu,

    Thanks for the compliment! Today is a big 10th anniversary in Bali for the bombings of 2002. Our Anita just informed me. Her sister Shinta is helping out with food for the many guests, she is a pharmacist in Denpasar, Bali.
    You see, I stay in touch with your beautiful island...
    Hugs to you,

    1. Apologize for being late to respond this message. I am doing harvest our olive trees for these weeks.I am so happy to hear that you still keep in touch with my homeland. you were right it was such a big trauma for this bom blast. while watching my television, they were bombing legian and Kuta. Sad to remember after those bom,victims and Tourism has been collapse down.

      anyway... have a good day
      lots of love

  19. Oh my, what a beautiful bedroom! There are roses everywhere...even on lamp and light switch plates. How amazing! And the silver frame looks beautiful. Your husband Pieter dose deserve to be framed :-)
    Thank you for sharing all these photos. I enjoyed the tour very much!!

    1. Dearest Tamago,

      Thank you! It was my pleasure to show my readers and loyal followers + commenting blog-friends.
      Happy weekend to you.

  20. Hi Mariette,
    Wow, your Rose Suite is lovely! Everything has been perfectly done and so well thought out. All the hard work has paid off. I bet you just smile everytime you walk into the room. I love all your touches of pink and white the rose beding fits with your "Rose Suite". Pieter has created a beautiful room with his own hands he must be so proud. You two make a great team!
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

    1. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,

      Thanks for the compliment;that means a lot coming from you. Talking about a great team, you both are the perfect example of one. Love the way you have the name of your husband tied to yours. Very warm and affectionate. That's they guy you share your HOME with. It is also our philosophy.
      Have a nice autumn and enjoy your lovely home day by day.

  21. Hi Mariette!
    I really like the idea of having a bathroom in the bedoom, thate is very unusual here in sweden.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hug Anna

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Yes, I know about the European settings. In The Netherlands it is also the same I guess. In Italy in our apartment we had two bathrooms but you had to get out in the hallway first. Very little privacy.
      Here in the USA mainly a bedroom has an adjacent bathroom and that creates absolute privacy. Our Rose Suite we had to design it this way because we were limited within the given walls with the five concrete pillars with a heavy foot towards the floor.
      Have a great weekend too with lots of hugs,

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ja ein Rosentraum geworden. Unglaublich, was ihr da geschaffen habt. All die süßen Details. Da muss man sich ja einfach wohlfühlen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,

      Ja und für dich als Silber+Rosen Liebhaberin wäre es schön dich dort mal zu empfangen...!
      Lieber Gruss,

  23. Dear Mariette, you and your husband did truly an amazing job! Your Rose Suite is beautiful, so romantic and sophisticated at the same time. You thought of every detail ans so cleverly used every space. I especially like the towels and light-switch-plate, so adorable! Great job! Hugs, jagoda

    1. Dearest Jagoda,

      Indeed, when we did start with this enormous, almost overwhelming project, we had no idea how it would work out. We both are pleased with the end result however. Thanks for your compliment, since you are such a talented lady, that means a lot.
      Hugs to you,

  24. Liebe Mariette ,das Zimmer im Rosentraum ist wunderschön .Ich könnte mich darin sofort wohlfühlen .Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende .Liebe Grüße von Ina

    1. Liebe Ina,

      Auch dir ein schönes Wochenende zugewünscht und vielen Dank!

  25. Dearest Mariette,
    I have so much thinking about your husband Pieter..
    Speciality your husband Pieter antipue stuffs frame so beautiful your guests very happy home. Your rose suite is lovely!
    Your bed rooms has a Beautiful has very little privacy.
    Hugs and love to you and Husband with happy time.

    1. Dearest Michiko san,

      Thanks for the compliment! With you I also think highly of Pieter.
      Wishing you a happy spring and steady recovery.
      Hugs, always from across the world.

  26. Simply breath taking. Every detail is stunning. I have never stayed in nor seen a room with so much beauty. I imagine it would be very expensive to stay in a room (anywhere in the world) like your gorgeous Rose Suite. Pieter is a special worker bee and you a beautiful queen bee. Sending love your way!

    1. Dearest Kerrie,

      Thanks for your comment and above all, for your sincere compliment!
      It would be nice for staying closer so a visit could be possible...
      Hugs to you all!

  27. It's a beautiful bedroom and what a nice bed set.


    1. Dearest Elna,

      Tank you for the compliment.
      Hugs to you and your fur babies as well.

  28. Pieter did a great job of fitting all the necessities into that space. Wonderful for guests. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Indeed he did a great job. Thanks for your comment!

  29. Really enjoyed reading your posts about your new guest suite. It has been a long process for you but the result is amazing. The videos were interesting to watch. I'm sure your guests will be very comfortable. Well done to both of you.

    1. Dearest Annette,
      Indeed, over one year of hard work and lots of sand and dust... Thanks for your compliment.

  30. Such a beautiful room - very 'welcoming' to be sure!
    Happy weekend Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,

      Even with a touch of Canada... the beautiful towels with rosebud embroidery came from there. Thanks for your compliment.

  31. Dearest Mariette, I'm once again catching up on my blog visits and reading .. this past week - the drastic change in weather has resulted in an awful case of allergies for me (doing much better now) and we were also off to spend time with my darling mother who turned 75 yesterday.

    Pieter and you have done an absolute amazing job on your Rose Suite!!! Each detail reflects the care and love with which you completed it. Your guests no doubt will feel most welcomed and comfortable. Yes! North American is all about big everything ... which we Europeans know, bigger does not mean quality. The touches of European flare brings so much warmth to the Rose Suite!!! Many blessings to you both .. hugs, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,

      Happy belated birthday to your Mother! Another mile stone birthday.
      Thanks for you comment and compliments. We're grateful for this addition.
      Hugs to the both of you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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