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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

{Grandma Kurvers' Grass Linen Twin Sheets Repurposed}

Proud for having repurposed my Maternal Grandma's Twin Sheets!
Especially the top Grass Linen Sheet shows its beautiful linen effect.
It is actually NOT linen, but often called China grass ←(click it) also called grass cloth.
Also called Ramie or Nettle Cloth: Terminology: What is ramie or nettle cloth? ←click it.
Anna Maria Kurvers - Kamer (Room) 16...
All of her grass-linen twin sheets had to be labeled for the time she lived at the nursing home.
Here my Grandma, who also used to be my Godmother, is visiting me at my previous home in Panningen, The Netherlands.
She came walking to my home, from the nursing home... This is in January 1974.
This is on Tuesday, September 17, of 1974, where I visit her after work.
She turned 87 that day! 
My miniature Dachshund Mauzie, is on her bed; she loved her very much.
Happy moments and fond memories!
Mauzie with my 'Oma'... and those are the twin sheets that I got.
On our trip to Florida in June, we also found at a TJ Maxx a queen sheet set that I used for repurposing the twin sheets by adding some width and length.
Here I am on my knees, measuring and cutting the sheet...
From the strips I'd cut, I made each sheet wider, over the entire length.
The two pillow shams I took apart and cut in half. Those strips I used for adding length to the entire width of the original sheet (visible in right corner) to match the already longer cut strip.
Here still the stitching from those pillow shams is visible and the fold but after one laundering that was smooth.
With my Mom, on July 29, 1983, visiting 'Oma' at the assisted living.
Exactly one month before we immigrated.
'Oma' was born on the 100th anniversary of Constitution Day, on September 17, of 1887
She died on February 8, 1985 at the blessed age of 97.
On September 26, 1984 during one of my visits from the USA, I took Mom along for one last visit to my Godmother and 'Oma'... She died 4 months later.
Oma has been a great role model for many of us, living a simple life of hard work and few luxuries.
A very devout Christian, like my Grandpa 'Opa' also was.
Opa used to walk every morning with his children to Church, for Mass before school...!
Mom told me these things and they mean a lot to me.
Raising her 12 children during WWI, the Depression years and WWII was not easy.
She outlived her eldest son and one daughter and also was widowed for 14+ years...
Her Twin Sheets still are used for SWEET DREAMS; evoked by fond family memories of a strong Maternal Grandma and Godmother... My Pieter died on one of her sheets that I used on the hospital bed here at home.
She was a great ROLE MODEL!


  1. she'd be happy you were still using her sheets. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      She will be smiling down from heaven...

  2. Grandmothers are truly special aren't they? Mine just passed away this September. She was 3 weeks shy of her 100th birthday. She had alzheimer's but technically had not been sick a day in her life. Got sick one day and passed away the next. It probably doesn't get much better than that does it? Wonderful that you have good memories of her.
    xo Catherine
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Oh, Grandmothers are very special and they remain close with us even after they take up residence in heaven! Your Grandmother lived an exceptional life; almost 100. One can only wish for a life like that, never been sick; wow.
      Yes, I will forever keep my fond memories of my Grandparents and I'm glad I always went to visit them.
      Sending you hugs,

  3. Deaerst Mariette,
    wonderful pictures and lovely memoires! So good to have them and keep them in your heart!
    Have a wonderful new week,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and especially the memories are lovely! They guided us and taught us so much about the values of life and how to gracefully age.
      Enjoy your week too and hope it's a productive one for you.
      Hugs and sunshine,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    du zeigst ein kleines Wunder.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, ein kleines Wunder dass so eine tapfere Mutter und Grossmutter, sogar Übergrossmutter zur Zeit, so lange leben dürfte. Sie war ganz bescheiden und hat nie viel für sich verlangt. Auch eine glaubige Frau und ohne Zweifel ist sie glücklich im Himmel! Da kann ich nur stolz sein auf sie und ich schätze ihre Grass-leinen Bettücher so sehr.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  5. Deaerst Mariette,
    Twin Sheels lived at the nursing home. it was wonderful lovely memories! You had lovely pillow shama with for laindlring was beautifl smooth. Your still very younger time beautiful girls and your still many years!
    Hugs and Happy weekend!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, those twin sheets did live at the nursing home before they ended up with me in the USA. So happy that I could extend her sheets with the proper length and width; feel very proud of them.
      Ah, yes I was young in that picture, just before we came over to the USA... Time goes fast though!
      Hugs and happy new week to you.

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind wertvolle Erinnerungen.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, solche Erinnerungen sind sehr wertvoll und es ist die ware Reichtum die ein Mensch haben kann. Bis meinem Tod habe ich die Erinnerungen im Herzen, bis wir einander wiedersehen...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Twee wereldoorlogen meemaken, dat is niet niks. Je bent lekker bezig geweest met de lakens zie ik, een heel werk. Ik zie een bekende centimeter...:)

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja een zeer bewogen leven maar jou grootouders kunnen natuurlijk van hetzelfde spreken. Wij zijn zo 'blessed' zoals ze het hier zo mooi kunnen uitdrukken.
      Ja, ik had ineens dit idee toen we op vakantie waren in Juni en voilà het is ten uitvoer gebracht. Niet makkelijk maar mooi resultaat na al het gepruts. Ja, die centimeter is mijn vaste van de Modevakschool nog; al bijna een halve eeuw oud. Ben nog steeds metric en dat is iets wat ik niet kan en ook zeker niet wíl omschakelen. Metric is ook zó logisch en legaal is de USA metric... Crazy wereld, enkel in de medische wereld handhaven ze het.

  8. Your grandmother was a very special person. So nice to have all those memories and the pictures. And to be able to still use her sheets. I just bought some linen sheets this year, and think they will probably last a couple generations too.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      She sure was a very special person and I treasure those memories and pictures!
      Those grass-linen sheets are of such great quality that I could not let them just be. You are right, your linen sheets might last a couple of generations as well and it gets softer and softer with use.

  9. Hello Mariette!
    You really have a great way of bringing special memories to mind!
    It seems like ages since my grand mothers died...
    Unfortunately upstream, I have none left!
    A lovely post!
    Good luck with your sowing!!
    Keep well, hugs from France!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Thank you, such memories are so deeply embedded into my mind that it is easy for bringing them to mind! I'm proud of her and feel special for still having her grass linen sheets here with me. She will be smiling down from heaven.
      Well, your grandmothers too will be very near you, I often sense that they're still with us.
      Oh, that project is completed, the pictures are taken just before I put them on the bed and they have been laundered already. Feeling quite proud of this repurposing job.
      Hugs back to you from Georgia/USA,

  10. What a special and touching post. Your grandmother/godmother was such a wonderful lady and your role model. Love her beautiful photos very much. I'm sure she'd be so happy that you repurposed her twin sheets :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you so much, it is dear to my heart and my grandmother/godmother sure was a very special lady to me in many ways. Yes, she will be smiling down from heaven!
      Hugs to you,

  11. Dear Mariette, such wonderful pictures and lovely memoires of your Oma!
    It's so nice to be able and use her sheets!You are always creative my friend!
    Wish you a wonderful week!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and this way she is even more living with me still; not only in memory.
      Just loved the special fabric of these sheets and repurposing them was meant to be; extending the 'fabric of her life' so to speak. We only can dream that later someone will be thinking about us...
      Happy week to you as well!

  12. It's good that you are using her sheets for something

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      That's sure good and what would she have thought, knowing than that her Goddaughter would be using them as far away as Georgia/USA...

  13. Hi Mariette, Grand mothers do hold wonderful memories in our hearts. The linen would be good quality and last many years I'm sure. I have treasures in my linen cupboard as well. The pure Irish linen tea towel with the red stripe down the side. They dry so well.
    I'm sure you hold special memories for your Gran.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      You are so right about Grannies; I hold very special memories of both of mine.
      Glad that you too have such valuable treasures in your linen cupboard and pure linen only seems to get better and better with age.

  14. Dear Mariette,

    Lovely post and how very special the sheets are belonging to your dear Grandmother - lovely that you are able to continue using them. Neat to see your photos of Oma and you and your Mother and must bring back such happy memories. She lived to be such a wonderful age
    Mauzie is a sweet little dog

    hope you have a happy week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and yes, those are very special sheets!
      All those photos do bring back happy memories and it made my Mom also very happy to be taken to visit. Mom never had a driver's license... Oma lived a really blessed old age indeed.
      Mauzie was a doll, she lived for two more years, exactly to the day, here with us in the USA.
      She saw more states and countries, than a lot of people...
      Hugs and happy week to you!

  15. Such a tender and dear post, Mariette! Your sweet Oma certainly was a role model and a true testament to how a simple life of hard work can lead to longevity. My goodness, raising 12 children through the hardest times of the last century deserves a gold medal! Such lovely photos you have shared - even of your precious little dog. How nice that you have your Oma's sheets for sweet dreams.
    Hugs xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you very much for your meaningful comment. Yes, she is worthy of a posthumous gold medal! A simple life of hard work and little or no luxuries sure makes for a role model. We all have so much more! Oh, Mauzie and Oma were very fond of each other.
      Sweet dreams on Oma's sheets for many more years.

  16. Wat leuk Mariette,
    dat je nog zoveel fotos van je oma hebt!
    En wat leuk dat "re-cycling"!

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Ja echt waardevol is zoiets; ben er ook erg gelukkig mee!
      Geen recycling (dat is oud papier, glas en of oud ijzer) maar repurposing; dus een herbestemming geven!

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Oma, die von oben zusehen wird, freut sich über diesen schönen und liebevollen Post - esist so schön, Erinnerungen zu haben -
    Tiere, ganz besonders Hunde, sind so treue Kameraden -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja das glaube ich selber auch ganz fest! Ich kann ihr Lächeln schon vor Augen sehen...
      Sie hat auf mich auch sehr viel Eindrucken gemacht und ich bin froh das in den fünf Jahren wo ich ganz nah ihr Heim wohnte, oft bei ihr war und sie zu mir kam. Solche Erinnerungen kann man nicht kaufen, die pflegt man um für immer im Herzen behalten zu können.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  18. How touching to have kept and now use your dear Grandmother and Godmother's bed sheets, dear Mariette!!!!! So many fond memories!! She is certainly proud of you and sends her blessings from above!
    Many many hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you for your meaningful comment. Yes, she is always near me, in my heart and through such repurposed sheets even more. Very fond memories and I hope she will be proud of her Goddaughter.
      Lots of hugs to you,

  19. Dearest Mariette; How great you have talent for sewing and repurposed her twin sheets. Beautiful pictures with your dear Grandmother♡♡♡ It must be wonderful to have memories with grandparents; I've lost all of them when young. I'm sure your grandmother is proud of you and looking down on you♪

    ps. Thank you SO much for the links. I kept them in my pc's favorite. And made me remember that we talked about the relationship we had during the national isolation period, my friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you, don't know about 'talent' for sewing, just using common sense and I do have a good sense of imagination about 'how things will look'... Sure am proud with the results for having extended the life span of her beautiful sheets!
      Pieter lost his Grandparents also very young so my experience with both Grandmothers has been exceptional. They got to know that I was married to Pieter and immigrated and certainly they will watch over us from heaven. At times we can feel their present and we can still communicate with them.
      Glad you enjoyed the links, you always treasure the proud history of your beautiful country so I'm happy to share with you!
      Lots of love from your American friend across the ocean.

  20. Schöne Erinnerungen, liebe Mariette!
    Fast so wie meine Großmutter, die mit 84 starb. Für damals ein ganz "schönes" Alter schon ... nach dem Leben, das sie hatte!
    Ja, damals hat man noch nicht so viel fotografiert.
    Und was für eine Geschichte .... 12 Kinder! Wer hat heute schon noch so viele Kinder! Wahnsinn!

    Zu den Haaren habe ich bei mir noch geantwortet. Das ist schwierig über Internet nur durch Schreiben ohne Demonstration zu vermitteln.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja Gott sei Dank habe ich viele schöne Erinnerungen, auch an meiner Grossmutter die auch meine Patentante war. Sie war sehr gesund und auch im Kopf super scharf noch! Oft hat sie immer gewonnen mit Kartenspiel und so, es war lustig zum zuschauen.
      Meine Oma hatte auch langes Haar!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  21. Meine Großmutter trug ihr Haar auch ganz lang und steckte es entweder zusammen oder trug einen Zopf. Bei uns waren auch alle Alten selbst im hohen Alter geistig noch fit.
    Deine Großmutter schaut oben auf dem Bild von der Seite ähnlich wie meine Großmutter aus. Ja, das sind schöne Erinnerungen ...
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ich glaube es war auch das einfachste in der Zeit für den älteren Frauen, ohne viel Arbeit und sie brauchten nicht zum Friseur zu gehen.
      Wenn man geistig bleiben darf, das ist so ein grosser Segen!
      Komisch wenn ich nun antworte hier gibt es im Bild schon zwei Generationen von lieben Frauen die es nicht mehr gibt für mich... Meine Mutter ist vier Wochen und zwei Tage im Himmel... Bin aber so gut dran da ich keine Sorgen mehr um Ihr haben brauche das sie einsam auf der Dialyse liegt; ohne Besuch. Es war so höchst selten das jemand kam und mein Vater kam nur kurz jeden Mittwoch, nicht am Montag und auch nicht am Freitag... Und weswegen? Er meinte es sei zu teuer die 15 Minuten fahren. Wenn er 95 wird im nächsten Januar darf er ohnehin nicht mehr fahren weil sie keinem Führerschein mehr geben für dem Älter.
      Alles Liebe, ich behalte die vielen schönen Erinnerungen!

  22. Meine Großmutter wollte auch nie was anderes. Sie hatte mal kurzzeitig Dauerwelle, aber da war ihr Haar nicht mehr das, was es vorher war und dann gab sie das schnell wieder auf.

    Oh, ja da hätte ich vor Sorge kaum leben können, wenn meine Mutti weit entfernt im Krankenhaus liegt und niemand zu ihr käme aus der Familie, das würde ich wohl kaum ertragen. Aber 95 ist ja auch schon ein hohes Alter! Da kann mancher gar nicht mehr auf Besuch fahren. Hier fahren noch sehr alte Leute, ist das in den Niederlanden nicht mehr möglich?
    Wie geht es ihm jetzt nach dem Tod Deiner Mutter? Lebt er noch zuhause? Entschuldige bitte, sollte ich zu viel fragen, ich will Dir nicht zu nahe treten.
    Herzliche Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, leider hat sie in den fast 7 Jahre ganz wenig Besuch bekommen... Mein Vater ist aber noch keine 95, er darf nicht mehr fahren wenn er 95 ist weil sein Führerschein dann nicht mehr verlängert werden kann.
      Ja, mein Vater lebt noch zuhause und wo ich ihm das letzte mal angerufen habe sagte er es geht jeden Tag besser.
      Liebe Grüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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