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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, December 12, 2014

{Fall Colors & Clearing the Underbrush}

A pity that the spectacular golden color of our Sugar Maple tree Acer saccharum never lasted that long... This year the leaves went all down in one week time!
This is on November 12, and only one third of its golden leaves are on the tree, the rest is on the lawn...
Husband Pieter, the gardener, is seen on the other side of the creek, to the left...
This is a photo from November 5, and the color starts to become golden and the Red Maple Tree, or Acer rubrum is not quite red...
Back to November 12...
This photo is from November 5, after husband Pieter did clear the underbrush on this side.
You can see the clippings piled up alongside the creek.
First time in four years, since his quadruple bypass in September of 2010.
A chain saw of 16" (it got replaced recently as this one died...); hand saw with an extendable lopper for cutting thick and high branches.
The wood garden's floor in this section, is full of long pine needles...
The final wild corner to be tackled!
Hard work and a lot of muscle power is needed for doing so.
Pieter is blessed with a strong and 'again' healthy body.
Pieter holding the loppers, they were a steal of a deal at Tuesday Morning 
Those heaps of cut off branches make for safe hiding places where chipmunks and other critters can hide.
Soon it will decompose and be added to the soil as humus.
The creek is always changing its shape.
Lovely when it is calm, but it can become a roaring river.
We both are pleased with the open view of our wood garden.
Lots of shrubs have been removed, for easier maintenance in the coming years.


  1. you have wonderful plantings on your property and have put a lot of care into it.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yes, we put a lot of hard work in it as we have reclaimed it as the very FIRST to ever live here!

  2. Bei Deinem Post muß ich gerade an unseren Waldgarten denken, da war es ähnlich. Alles so schön!

    Du kannst glücklich sein, daß Dein Mann so kräftig und agil ist und die Freude an all den Arbeiten hat. Leider ist nicht jeder damit ausgestattet, manche fühlen sich nur als geistige Wesen ;-) Aber jedem seine Begabung.

    Alles Liebe auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, euer Waldgarten muss ja sehr schön gewesen sein! Hier können wir nun mal wieder die schönen Buchen sehen, die halten ihr Blatt den ganzen Winter fest und dass sieht so schön aus! Wir haben sehr schöne Buchen schon und auch ganz gross gewachsen. Aber resolut haben wir die meisten Sträucher weggemacht, es geht einfach nicht alles... Dann noch mit trochene Jahre wo alles halb Tod ist... So ist es schön und wir sind froh damit. Können wir mit Freude die Runde wieder spazieren gehen, von allen Katzen gefolgt, die benehmen sich wie Hündchen!
      Pieter ist ein Tausendfüssler; sehr intelligent und kann mit den Händen eigentlich alles!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

    2. Buchen hatten wir dort auch, liebe Mariette. Es wuchs dort aber auch viel Unterholz, das man hätte auslichten müssen, sonst wirkt es leicht verkrautet. Da hast Du recht, alles auf einmal sieht dann nicht mehr so gut aus.
      Und die neuen Besitzer haben da auch schon einiges ausgelichtet. Bei uns gabs auch viele Frostschäden. Abgestorbenes ist wahrhaftig kein schöner Anblick. In einem Garten ist eben alles in stetigem Wandel.
      Ist ja süß, das mit Euren Katzen! :-) Da kannst Du mächtig stolz sein auf Deinen Pieter!

      Alles Liebe

    3. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, die Buchen sind edel und schön aber Unterholz ist nicht so gewünscht! Abgestorbenes wirkt nur wie einem Dorn ins Auge... kann besser ganz weg sein.
      Die Katzen kommen auch immer mit 'helfen' sie spielen dann in der Gegend.
      Ja, ich bin auch mächtig stolz, viele die jünger sind schaffen soviel noch nicht.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  3. Hello Mariette, I wonder if after doing all that work on your yard it is easy to just relax and enjoy it, or if the landscaping and gardening itself takes over as the enjoyable activity, and after a minute of sitting outdoors, you see something that needs to be done and start doing it.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You hit the nail on the head as we often sat in the gazebo over a cup of coffee or tea and that's where and when new ideas are born and put to work. But as long as we enjoy it, we will continue doing so.
      Best wishes,

  4. Dearest Mariette; Oh your garden in early November looks spectacular♡♡♡ So beautiful with fall color♪ Great that your husband is such a talented gardener and sure the tools will be the must for him. Reading last paragraph was impressive; Nature does wonder for us, doesn't it☆☆☆
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      The garden started to look really spectacular early November till that frost of -8°C came and loosened most of the golden leaves. One week later, they were all on the ground... Nature has its own course and if you see beautiful golden colors, you better enjoy them wherever you are. It might be completely different in the subsequent year(s).
      Nature is untamable; that's for sure.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    your garden really is wonderful, but it is so much work too always. You can be happy, that Pieter still is such a good worker and he loves gardenwork.
    I guess, you always have hours to do this clearing....
    Have a wonderful rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings ,
    Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and it sure is a load of work and ongoing! After the flooding of the creek, bridges need to be repaired etc. Bird houses need to be hung, replaced etc. Now Pieter also did repair work to the 3rd bridge and lengthened it also. The wooden walkway got extended and repaired, it needs to be treated for preserving the wood. Always something to do!
      It is healthy thought for being outdoors and it keeps Pieter in tiptop shape.
      Hugs and blessings,

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm very sorry about Pilter had chipping first time in Four years. You both hope everyday thing wil grow well and produce for again for beautiful tree's again.
    Have a nice time.
    Hugs and lots of Love both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      This was a positive thing after four years, he again was fit and strong enough to do so. After so much renovations inside the house and around for the patio, this was finally a good fall for tackling the wood garden!
      The trees now get more light and will look healthier and also prettier. We treasure them and enjoy also a Japanese live oak in the wood garden!
      Sending you hugs and love,

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, Wunderbar ist EIN Word, viele Stunden von harte Arbeit gegenüber...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  8. A garden is always evolving, and there is always work to do. Your trees are very pretty.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Indeed, anything growing is evolving and changing and lots of work needs to be done!
      We treasure our trees and they change over the seasons.

  9. Dat doet me aan onze achtertuin denken. Ik knipte en hakte me altijd een weg naar de achteruitgang. Gelukkig is dat nu niet meer nodig en hebben we weer vrij uitzicht, alleen wat minder vogels nu. Maar er zijn nog buurtuinen waar ze terecht kunnen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Oh, we hadden van die lelijke bullbrier, Smilax bona-nox L. met doornen, die tot hoog in de bomen groeiden. Lelijk spul en niet zónder handschoenen handelbaar!
      Een tuin of bos is móói maar het moet toonbaar blijven en ook handelbaar.
      Wij hebben ook aanzienlijk minder vogels maar rondom is nog genoeg wildgroei bij buren die langs de creek minder opschonen dan wij...

  10. The golden color of your sugar maple tree is really beautiful. It's too bad the leaves fell so quickly!
    Many trees around here had leaves fallen before I could enjoy fully changed colors. November was too cold this year...maybe next year, we get to enjoy fall colors longer.
    That is a lot of work your husband Pieter did! It is truly wonderful that he has strength to do that kind of things :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      In your area I bet there are a lot more of these gorgeous sugar maple trees but we sure missed its splendor for 2014... Let's hope for 2015 to see an extended fall foliage display!
      Yes, a lot of work and especially since it got neglected for four years. With the insulation of our attic and so many projects in the house and around the house. Without any help, we can only do one thing at a time.

  11. Dearest Mariette

    How much work!
    What beautiful tones has the field this time of year.
    I love the landscape, gives me an incredible peace.
    Keep up the good work.


    1. Dearest Manuela,
      Yes, it can be really beautiful in the fall and we enjoy that view. It is so peaceful and tranquil and we hope we will be able to stay here forever!

  12. Dear Mariette,such beautiful Autumn scenes!!!
    Gorgeous pictures!Pieter did a great job!
    So much to do!!Have a lovely evening!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Yes, however brief, by capturing it on camera we could extend the fall colors a bit!
      Pieter is making progress with the walking trail, adding some wooden parts and planting the edges. Will be nice in the spring when the first blossoms show. We walked it together this morning and it looks already quite different.

  13. Lieve Mariette,

    Met zo'n groot grondgebied rondom het huis is er altijd wel werk te doen in alle jaargetijden,maar met de juiste kennis,goed tuingereedschap en een sterke man die van alle markten thuis is houden jullie de tuin en de natuur wel onder controle.

    Lieve groet,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jazeker is er véél te doen in en om ons huis en met name de grote tuin. We hebben de laatste jaren véél klussen geklaard, dus bleef onze bostuin maar het stiefkind. Binnen de zolder geïsoleerd en met planken betimmerd, tegel plinten in de keuken, gang, trappenhal en waskamer, badkamer. Allemaal zélf gedaan door Pieter. Balkon betegeld en nieuwe ballustrade erop; ook zelf. De waterprojecten rondom ons huis eind verleden jaar en begin dit jaar. De garage helemaal betegeld en nú weer naar buiten... Het komt allemaal in de rij; zolang God ons nog maar verlenging wil geven!
      Maar de natuur onder contrôle houden lukt ons niet hoor... Dróógtes, waarbij er veel struiken kapot of half kapot gaan, overstromingen etc. daar hebben we géén grip op.

  14. Interessante e molto piacevole ritratto. Saluti.

    1. Cara Giga,
      Grazie, sì dopo tantissimo lavoro sta cominciando ad essere un piacevole ritratto.
      Primavera sarà bella.

  15. lieve Mariette ,
    Jammer dat u niet lang van goude kleur van die mooie esboom kon genieten...
    Wie zegt dat de herfst geen mooie kleuren heeft ,heeft het fout !!!
    Met zo tuin is er heel veel werk...
    een fijne dag en een vriendelijk groet

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, dat was met recht jámmer maar de foto houdt alles lekker lang vast en er is altijd weer en volgende herfst!
      Er is heel veel werk en na jaren geen tijd voor de tuin gehad te hebben komt het nu weer eindelijk goed in de rij.
      Liefs en een heel fijn weekend.

  16. Congratulations to Pieter for doing all this hard work on his own!!!!!!!!!! You have a very large property and it sure needs a lot of work to be kept tidy!!! But you can enjoy its beauty from your windows (and not only!). Lovely fall colours in all your photos!!!
    Many hugs to you, dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      One can sure congratulate him that accomplishment, especially considering his age!
      Proves again that it is all about attitude.
      From now on we plan to keep the entire outdoors tidy again, after all the projects and immediately around the house have been done.
      We have indeed a very pleasant outlook on our large garden and today we together walked the entire new trail. It will only get prettier in the spring!
      Thanks for your kind words and wishing you a happy weekend.

  17. complimenti per il meraviglioso giardino!!!! Pieter è un grande lavoratore!!!! un abbraccio grande e buon w.e. Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Hai ragione, Pieter è un lavoratore straordinario! Saremo in grado di godere la nostra casa e giardino più, nel prossimo periodo, ora tutti i progetti difficili sono fatto.
      Buon week end e tantissimi baci,

  18. Mariette, you have a beautiful property there! Just lovely. I'm sure your husband was glad to be back again in good health to do the necessary work.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Thank you and after one year of recovery, Pieter has been working full speed at various BIG projects in and around the house. The garden had become the step-child, because of it. But now it is looking more and more like we're up to date.

  19. Dear Mariette,

    The golden leaves are so very beautiful and your garden and creek is so lovely.
    Glad that Pieter's health is good again and he is able to do all the chores about the garden
    hope you are enjoying the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you so much for your comment and yes, so far we both feel blessed that Pieter did return to a good health. May God grant him many more years of keeping up. We've finally tackled all the BIG chores now and feel all caught up.
      Sending you hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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