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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

{32 Years ago on November 10}

It all went so fast; too fast!
But I guess that's not ONLY my problem.
We flew back two days before, from Atlanta, Georgia USA to Amsterdam, The Netherlands and by train with our dachshund Mauzie, to Horst aan de Maas in the South.
Here we are in the City hall of Horst aan de Maas.
The Registrar to the left, Pieter, me, brother Piet who was witness, his fiancé Rianne, Mom & Dad
The Registrar performing the Civil Wedding Ceremony.
Pieter's Mom to the left and my youngest brother Jan to the right, next to Rianne.
Pieter's eldest brother Thé, to the left and my brother Piet to the right; our two witnesses.
Some close friends were there as well, including dear friend Ellie who made these pictures and picked up Pieter's Mom at he nursing home.
White roses from Pieter's Goddaughter Myriam...
Pieter signing...
Me signing the BEST contract ever!
Done deal; for LIFE!
My brother Piet underwrites our Civil Matrimony 
Jet-lag... arrived the day before on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines from Atlanta to Amsterdam, but feeling HAPPY!
Pieter's brother Thé signing our Civil Matrimony.
Sad that the 3 loved ones to the left in this photo, are no longer with us...
Pieter's Mom, Thé and my Mom are all in heaven.
And now Dad too has joined them.
We both lost a lot of our hair over those 32 years but everything is still sealed inside our hearts. 
Fond memories with true happiness forever.
The Registrar hands us the Marriage License.
Mom & Dad congratulating us...
Dad kissing his eldest (alive) daughter...
Brother Piet's then fiancé Rianne, now happily married with two grown up children.
Sweet Sister-In-Law Dora who did provide a festive evening for us at her home.
My youngest brother Jan, who together with my brother Piet sat at Mom's death bed...
He was the only one that took a day off from work to be present.
The others blamed us for not having mailed out wedding invitations so they could get a paid day off from work!
Due to Pieter's ex not wanting to sign the divorce papers for half a year, we had no choice but to arrange things via the phone from the USA and fly back to our birth country The Netherlands.
Thank you sweet Dora for all you did for us during your life!
We will meet again in heaven and so happy that we had a chance to pamper them when they came to visit us in 1992...

Related links:
{25-Year Anniversary of our Church Wedding in Chile quietly passed by} | previous post by me
{Miracle in Chile - the country where we both got married!} | previous post by me
{Angels engraved on lucky calendar coin of 1969} | previous post by me with our love story...


  1. Happy Anniversary! Yes, time slips away, but the love and dedication remain. Congratulations!

  2. Dea Mariette,

    Happy Anniversary dear friend to you both and lovely to see your wedding photos. You both look so very happy.
    Sending hugs and wishing you a happy week

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both, my dear Mariette! Lovely to have such special people to attend and share such a loving day. You are the sweetest little bride.....Have a wonderful anniversary celebrating a love that many do not find in life. Hugs to both of you. xo Karen

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and Husband Pieter, dearest Mariette!
    I love thoses words: signing the best contract ever ....:O)
    Have a wonderful week,
    sending Love, hugs and Blessings and wishing you many, many more happy and wonderful years together!
    Claudia xo

  5. Gefeliceerd met jullie trouwdag !

  6. Gefeliciteerd met je trouwdag....en hierbij kan ik je ' verslaan' ;) Oeps, wij al 35 jaar...wat lang allemaal, maar gelukkig dat we het mee mogen maken toch? Wel een leu k idee trouwens om er eens een postje aan te wagen, ik bekijk wel eens de foto's en dan zien we er zo jong en kinderlijk uit....waar is de tijd gebleven...
    Bedankt voor je reactie op mijn verslagje over de klwpoeratie, ik heb het echt niet geschreven om als een ' bikkel of sterk '. Over te komen , en al helemaal niet als een 'poets' , ik heb alleen heel eerlijk opgeschreven wat ik voelde en meemaakte, en hoe ik er over dacht....en ik haat het om dingen uit handen te geven, vind dan dat ik er anderen ' mee lastig val', ze hebben het allemaal al druk genoeg, dus doe het dan liever zelf, al moet ik over iets van 5 minuten een heel uur doen.....ik houd echt wel rekening mee wat ik wel en niet kan, ik voel mijn lichaam perfect aan, dat hoor ik heel vaak in mijn omgeving, dus dan zal het ook wel....dat is ook iets wat je kunt leren als je het wilt....
    en inderdaad, als je daar in zo'n ziekenhuis bed ligt, wil het niet zeggen dat er iets met je verstand mis is...oooh het was een vreselijke arts, echt een arrogante kakker van de oude stempel...heb zo ook ooit eens een neuroloog gehad, was blij dat mijn man er toen niet bij was, bij dat consult, anders was die boos geworden denk ik...
    Wat fijn dat je ' daar op 1 persoons kamers ligt, dan kun je wel beter slapen...dat was het ergste voor mij in dat Zh, niet de operatie, niet de pijn ofzo, maar die slapeloze nachten....
    Pieter is wel een beetje ouder dan ik denk ik, dus dan is voor hem de revalidatie wel goed geweesd, ik hoefde niet perse van de dokter, omdat ik al ' zo veel ' gedaan en gelopen had, ik ben dus niet bang dat er weer wat ' gebeurd met met hart' en ibij navraag bij de buurman, bleek dat hwt hiwr alleen maar wat gezamelijk valspel is en een rondje hrtlopen en vooral veel fietsen op een hometrainer, dat fietsen doe ik dan liever zelf op mijn eigen fiets maar de supermarkt ofzo....of blaadjes ruimen in de tuin, dat is ook een goede ' oefening' voor de conditie ;) maar ik kan me voorstellen, dat je erg onzeker wordt als je een hartaanval gehad hebt en dan kun je daar revalideren onder begeleiding....dus bij Pieter was ook zijn conditie helemaal 0.0 geworden? En zijn spieren ' verdwenen'. Dat vond ik wel heel raar, dat dit zo was op die paar dagen...

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich über deinen wunderschönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

  8. Nice to have a look back and to see how young we once were. Congrats with the anniversary and I hope you will have many more years.

  9. Dearest Mariette; Happy Happy Anniversary to you both♡♡♡ And SO glad to see your wonderful day with many loved ones♪ It was 38 years on 10/31 for us (thanks for your sweet comment for me) It sure making us sentimental to see loved one no longer with us. I hope you are or will have a wonderful celebration together, dear friend.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
    Have a

  10. Great've described your wedding celebration. I wish you many more years in the common happiness. :)))

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    How young we all were!
    Lovely photos of your wedding. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and Pieter.
    Have a lovely time.......*s*

  12. ¡What a lovely photos!. Congratulations for your anniversary. I wish you a lot of years more of love.

  13. Congratulations to you and Pieter on your wonderful wedding anniversary. I wish you many, many more year together.
    Our 35th anniversary will be on the 30th November.

  14. Happy Anniversary, Mariette and Pieter, and many more to come! Wonderful to see these great photos of the occasion. You two were almost twins with your outfits!

  15. Happy wedding anniversary to you, Mariette and Pieter! Great photos - it's so lovely to see your mom :-) I especially love the photo of you signing the best contract ever, with Pieter next to you with such gentle look on his face. Sorry you had jet lag, but I imagine even it is a good memory now :-) I wish you many, many more happy yeas together!!

  16. Congratulations, happy anniversary, I hope you have many more happy years ahead of you, I agree my marriage certificate was the best thing I ever signed

  17. Congratulations, my dear Mariette, on your 32nd wedding anniversary!!!!
    May you live in happiness together for many many years!!!!
    Hugs and kisses!!!

  18. Such a beautiful memory you've shared with us here. I'm sure it is bittersweet to look at the photos and see the people that you love who are now gone, esp. your dear mother. Happy anniversary to you both, and I do hope that you can spend many more together. xo Deborah

  19. Your very found memories the chusch wedding in chike for you that wedding day will forever remine a very fond memory too even if your husband is no longer with you, yes we too hope that god will grant as many more years together.
    The blessing of your wedding rings in the lettle church of the south of chile.
    Hugs and love both of you!

  20. Wishing both you and Piet a very Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary and many more to come!
    Wonderful memories in these photos - though it is sad looking back and seeing our loved ones who are now in Heaven.
    I feel honoured that you shared your special day with us too!
    Much love
    Shane x
    PS Thank you for your very kind comments on my post - I appreciate your friendship Mariette.x

  21. Mariette ,you shared those lovely moments from your life ! Wishing you happiness ,love and healthy for your life !

  22. Wie schön, liebe Mariette! Lang ist's her ... ähnlich wie bei uns. Aber warum ging alles zu schnell?
    Alles Liebe und Gute weiterhin viel Glück und noch viele schöne gemeinsame Jahre.
    Von Herzen

  23. Ma sai che ci siamo sposate nello stesso anno? Anche io ho festeggiato lo scorso 10 settembre 32 anni di matrimonio. Un traguardo importante, visto i tempi dove oramai si lasciano al primo accenno di difficoltà. Auguroni di cuore Mariette!!! Paola

  24. Oh, I was smiling all the way. Thanks for sharing your love story and the special moments. So happy to see:-) Happy anniversary to you dear Mariette:-) Here's to love life and friendship:-) Warm hugs and lots of love

  25. Happy anniversary!
    You have many wonderful and happy memories together, I Believe :)

    Hugs from

  26. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy anniversary to you both. Lovely photos and memories.

  27. I enjoyed this so much. Happy Anniversary....and may you have many more.

  28. Dear Mariette.
    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. How lovely to see your photos with happy memories!
    Happy days for you!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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