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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

{Birthday Dinner at the BEST Restaurant for Healthy & Delicious Food}

Having both worked SO hard for weeks on end, this Dinner the day after husband Pieter's actual Birthday was just PERFECT! 
Me completing the 36 photo albums, before 1999, to make them all digital and Pieter doing garden chores and helping me out with domestic chores as well.
Mega Task done of archiving done!
My upper back was kind of nagging me but fortunately it did not graduate!
So here we are; looking a bit tired but being very happy for many reasons.
Just LOVE this suit, it is more than 35 years old but still perfect and since Pieter never ever gained weight - it FITS!
His Thai silk tie with clovers is just perfect with it.
Yes, aging we all turn gray and maybe bold, skin looks different but important is that our mind is still working and feeling young and positive.
Pieter does have problems with his right knee but the topical (expensive, out of pocket) ointment is soothing his pain. 
So here we are at Dublin Farm "Come Home To The Country" in Lady Chef Maria's Ristorante da Maria
Looking tired... but oh so happy with Mission Accomplished!
Wearing my Escada suit that I could not afford when we saw it at the boutique in Budapest, Hungary but I found it on eBay! 
Meanwhile I did catch up on my sleep and my blood pressure was looking just PERFECT.
First course of five... All made from scratch; using the best and the most healthy ingredients (not the cheapest either!) and therefore it is for our health conditions the BEST.
Oven baked Strudel with Spring vegetables and mozzarella, topped with Parmesan, fresh herbs and olive oil, served over a crème fraîche
Menu is in Italian and in English since Lady Chef Maria is Italian
Also Maître d Heinz speaks fluent Italian - they function as a great couple!
It is hard work together for running this special B & B with restaurant...
First dish:
Pasta 'Mini Penne' tossed with 'Mammarosa' sauce, a tomato based sauce with cream and fresh herbs topped w/basil pesto and Parmesan
Note: the reason that I label Ristorante da Maria BEST Restaurant for Healthy & Delicious Food is mainly because she knows how to season with special fresh herbs, instead of over-using the salt! 

YES, that IS an all American SIN...
If I would eat at restaurant chains frequently, my kidneys would go down very fast!
So I'm very, very careful with my sodium intake and never had any problems eating here.
Pan roasted Steelhead Trout Fillet, served with a lemon/Vermouth/cream sauce
Both, Pieter being a heart patient himself and me with my 48% functioning kidneys, we ALWAYS select fish!
Chef Maria does not drown her Entrées in a sauce but it is drizzled with it and that makes the taste so pleasant - never overpowering, nor taking away from this quality fish.
Always with vegetables too and I personally love that slice of lemon which is real easy to cut away from its peel and enjoy with the fish.
Lady Chef Maria makes incredible DELICIOUS Sorbets!
This is a Pineapple/Lemon Sorbet

Sorry for having scooped out some before remembering to take a picture...
TADA... Maître d 'Heinz' (seen in the back of the picture) did bring the Birthday guy his special Dessert with candle...
Out of courtesy I did never zoom into other diners' table, only the one table to the left and right of us. One family was arriving late; they could not find the place... 
Crema di merano
Meraner Cream with vanilla and mixed berries
Pieter also enjoyed his usual espresso with that, to round off yet another heavenly meal!
Yes, I too did splurge on this delicious dessert; I always eat Lady Chef Maria's desserts! And also I drink one glass of wine along with my meal.
That does not cause any problems with my blood sugar levels.
European desserts use FAR less sugar anyway, instead we often use Vanilla, the real thing; not artificial vanilla.

May there be many, many more Birthdays to come; God willing.
Pieter's left eye is also causing him problems as the eye surgeon at the time when he had his retina detached, first wanted to complete his Tuesday cycling... thus waiting too long before doing surgery on Pieter. 
Result was that it was not very well after surgery, mixed up sight with half being far- and the other half of that eye being near sighted.
Hence the enlarged eye due to a very thick lens on that side...
Tomorrow morning he has another eye doctor's appointment but there really isn't much that can be done...

Thanks for your loyal visits and wishing you all a happy week and enjoy each day and all the little things!


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this looks like a wonderful and delicious Birthday Dinner! HAppy belated birthday wishes to Pieter :O)
    Have a happy week,
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    Pieter wünsche ich alles Gute für sein neues Lebensjahr.

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    nachträglich deinem Pieter alles alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Ich wünsche ihm das Beste für die Gesundheit.
    Nach strenger getaner Arbeit habt ihr recht euch in einem Restaurantbesuch verwöhnen zu lassen. Sieht lecker aus was ihr euch gegönnt habt.
    Ihr seid ein ganz bezauberndes hübsches Paar.
    Alles Gute für euch Beide. ♥

    Liebe Grüessli

  4. Dear Mariette,

    Happy birthday to Pieter and looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebratory dinner.
    Here's to many, many more.
    Sending love and hugs

  5. Jullie zien er geweldig uit, mooie foto's en lekker eten.

  6. Os pratos além de saudáveis têm muito bom aspecto.
    Gostei de ver os meus amigos, parabéns.
    Um abraço e uma boa semana.

  7. Alsnog van harte gefeliciteerd met en voor Pieter van onze kant...zag afgelopen week wel op FB dat hij jarig was, maar kreeg toen volgens mij de felicitatie niet verstuurd. Hebben hier zo vaak problemen met internet, dat ik me deze week eens boos gemaakt heb en een andere internet/telefoon aanbieder gezocht heb...hopelijk is dat straks allemaal over.
    Jullie zien er beide echt fantastisch uit, jij inderdaad een beetje moe, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat je er niet goed uit ziet...wat een klus moet dat gewest zijn, al die foto's. Wel leuk dat je zo je leven weer eens aan je voorbij zit gaan. En inderdaad, zijn kostuum staat hem erg mooi, en wat knap, dat jullie beide zo goeds op gewicht weten te blijven.
    Ik wist trouwens niet dat er zoveel sodium in balsamico zat, zal me er ook eens in verdiepen, want dat kan ik ook niet gebruiken.
    Gezond eten is idd. erg belangrijk, doen we hier ook, al hebben wij ook ooit "pakjes en zakjes" en dus slecht gegeten, vaak vanwege te weinig tijd, maar dat doen we al jaren niet meer, en het bevalt me wel.
    Wat jammer van je nieren, hopelijk duurt het weer even eer je in de volgende fase komt, vreselijk dat je door een fout ( je hebt het toch gekregen door medicijnen?) van een ander dit er aan over houdt..Misschien hebben ze tegen de tijd dat je aan de dialyse moet wel een draagbare...maar het blijft behelpen en niet leuk natuurlijk...
    Ik ben erg blij met mijn tulpen ja, heb ze weer herontdekt..gelukkig tot nu toe geen woelmuizen, hopelijk komen ze ook niet...

  8. This is a fantastic dinner for two fantastics persons. Hope you have enjoy a lot.
    Have a nice week.

  9. Happy birthday to your husband Pieter! Good suit is always good no matter how old they are..and he can wear it as he keeps fit! You both look fantastic! The restaurant sounds really great with high quality, healthy food. Each dish looks beautiful. It's definitely better to season with herbs than using salt. I'm bad about it and tend to add too much salt - gotta watch my intake! That special birthday dessert looks very pretty. Glad you enjoyed a wonderful dinner!

  10. Hello. Mariette.
    Special day for you two.

  11. Hello Mariette,
    WOW, indeed it is a super dinner you got yourselves!
    And obviously well deserved!
    It looks very yummy too, what a nice evening to cheer you both :)
    Warm hugs from a "froggy" on the run daily!!!

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Deines Ehemannes Pieter. Mögen Gesundheit, Glück und Freunde immer da sein und Euch beide begleiten.

    herzlichst Traudi

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    es sieht nach einem harmonischen leckeren Geburtstagsessen aus.
    Er sieht so glücklich aus - er hat es genossen.
    Möge es euch vergönnt sein, dass ihr noch oft zusammen feiern
    Einen angenehmen Restabend wünscht dir

  14. Parabéns ao Peter, desejo muitas alegrias e muitas felicidades.
    Boa sorte na cirurgia, vai dar tudo certo. Em breve estarão comemorando o sucesso da cirurgia.
    Bjos tenha uma ótima semana.

  15. Happy, happy birthday to your dear husband! You both look wonderful. And good for you for getting so much work accomplished. This is a wonderful treat to have as a reward for all the hard work. The food looks so delicious, fresh and healthy. I am glad you had such a good time. Praying too for many more celebrations for the both of you. Love, Deborah
    ps I'm still using my phone case you sent me. It's perfect.

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    auch hier nochmal alles Liebe und Gute für Deinen Mann! Da hattet Ihr einen schönen Tag in dem Restaurant.
    Wow, 36 Fotoalben - ich glaube, ich schaffe meine nie im leben zu digitalisieren. Aber wir haben da auch nichts so Weltbewegendes drin. Hin und wieder versuche ich mal das eine oder andere Foto zu scannen. Man hat für seine Verhältnisse auch damals schon viel fotografiert. Diese vielen Alben würde man nie mehr schaffen anzuschauen. Das kann ich sehr gut verstehen, wenn Dein Rücken da streikt. ;-)

    Klasse, wenn Deinem Pieter der Anzug noch immer passt! Da hat er sich gut gehalten! Und ist wohl der gleiche Jahrgang wie meine Mutti mit 87! Die hat auch im Mai Geburtstag, am gleichen Tag wie unsere verstorbene Inge/Heidegeist.

    Das Restaurant hört sich gut an. Viele "würzen" auch hier hauptsächlich mit Salz - ein Nierengift, wie Du ja weißt, wenn man zu viel davon verwendet. Wir salzen auch extrem sparsam. Aber das ist das Problem beim Essengehen mit dem Salz auch hier! Und auch die Soßen, oft viel zu reichhaltig und fett noch dazu. Solche Restaurants muß man wirklich suchen wie die Stecknadel im Heuhaufen!

    Mit der Augenklinik darf man nicht lange warten, das weiß ich auch von meine Mutter.

    Auch ich wünsche Deinem Pieter und Dir noch viele schöne gemeinsame Geburtstage und gesundheitlich nur das Beste.
    Von Herzen

  17. Happy Birthday with Pieter's and both of young and positive he had enjoyed with dinner as your both health with wonderful time.
    Happy great healthy day!

  18. Mi fai venire l'acqualina in bocca! I almost never go out to eat here in the States, for the very reasons you wrote. Buon Appetito!

  19. Dearest Mariette; Oh, Happy birthday to your Dear, husband Pieter. He looks so gorgeous in his suits and happy for you that he is really helpful husband; hope you will be able to have or having a bit relaxing weekend, Dear friend. Happy for you ' wonderful healthy Dinner', 'Mission Accomplished',and health condition☆☆☆ Yes, let me say 'happy many more years for you two' here again.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  20. Lieve Mariette,

    Een late reactie, maar zeker niet minder welgemeend. Van Harte Gefeliciteerd met de verjaardag van Pieter. Zo te zien hebben jullie een fijne dag gehad. Wat een heerlijk menu en wat zien jullie er prachtig uit!

    Madelief x


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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