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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Taking Mom & Dad to Bad Münstereifel in Germany

During my final period of July 1983, I helped out in the greenhouse picking gherkins and French beans. Pieter made breakfast every morning before going to work.
This was the period after we sold our home and our belongings were on the Ocean, on their way to Georgia/USA.
Early August, I took Mom & Dad on a day-trip, while Pieter was for two weeks at the site of the new Campbell mushroom plant in Dublin, Georgia.
We visited the medieval city of Bad Münsereifel, even an old Roman city!
Nestled in the Eifel Mountains in Germany, a beautiful area.
Münstereifel got started in the year 830!
Here you see my sweet Mauzie girl with Dad and Mom after we climbed to the top of the old medieval city walls. 
Overlooking the quaint little city, to the left of my Dad you see Stiftskirche Church of St. Chrysanthus and Daria from Bad Münstereifel. Also the remains of the old Castle are above Dad's head and more to the left.
Top right you see one of the 4 Towers that were build inside the city wall.
The former collegiate church of the Benedictine order, today the Catholic parish church, received the relics of Saint Chyrsanthus and Daria in 844. Building was begun in the mid-11th century and completed in the 12th century. It is a romanesque, three-nave buttressed basilica without a transept, with west work and long chancel, as well as an important crypt. Restoration work has been carried out from 1876 to 1893 and since 1957. The interior of the church is well worth seeing.
You can see more here on this short video: Stiftskirche | Bad Münstereifel | Rhein-Eiffel. TV
Mauzie sure enjoyed the walk, as long as she could be near me, she was happy!
Those medieval city walls have protected the city in earlier centuries and they still make for a very special attraction of the little city.
To view the old Burg Münstereifel | Stadtmauer | Rhein-Eifel. TV click on link to see the old Castle and City Wall from 1.6 km length with its 4 Towers, before the word Bad got added for their Kneipp Kurort function (Spa Resort)
Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), German priest and hydrotherapist who introduced hydrotherapy.
Mom with Mauzie and Dad taking a rest from climbing and walking those city walls.
Such a perfect day with most pleasant weather!
Here you see Dad with Mauzie and Mom from the other side of Bad Münstereifel.
In the back you can see the old city wall were we walked in the above photos!
Also the Stiftskirche, Church of Saint Chyrsanthus and Daria is visible again to the right of Mom, but from the other side now.
Dad being happy and relaxed for enjoying one day of vacation and being a tourist!
Here we are in the gardens of the Kurhaus with its fountains.
This Kurhaus or Spa Resort in English got started in 1926 and drew lots of tourists and visitors.
It is a famous Spa Resort for which the word Bad (Bath), got added in 1967.
Dad, with his huge garden at home where many couples had their bridal photos taken, always was interested in trees!
Remarkable how much he resembles here my youngest brother Jan...
Inside the city, Dad had to walk up close to inspect this huge tree...
Some very stylish homes to be admired!
Before driving the 1.5 hour back home, I took Mom & Dad to my favorite Hotel-Restaurant-Café "TANNENHOF' (Tanne means Fir in English and Hof is Garden...
Bad Münstereifel Hotel Restaurant Tannenhof (click on link) has changed over the years and this is the only thing I found on the Internet.
Happily back home in  their own garden with pond...
So glad I did take them on this day-trip and for being able now to look back at fond memories with some photos.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related links:
Day-Trip to Paris & Versailles with Mom & Dad | previous post by me
Mom & Dad Often Talked About Siegerland in Germany so we Went Back! | previous post by me
{Mom Did Wear Many Hats} | previous post by me


  1. Hello Mariette, How wonderful that Bad Munstereifel retains its old city walls. In another coincidence, there was just a blog from Hels at Art and Architecture Mainly, about Bruges, which has lost its old walls, and several comments (including mine) lamenting their loss.



    1. Dearest Jim,
      Did read your mentioned post and it is so sad that those old medieval city walls are forever lost indeed. All in the name of convenience and for 'speeding' up the traffic I bet.
      As a matter of fact, this city of Bad Münstereifel remains a Spa Resort area and also has been converted into an Outlet. One can argue with that but at least a lot of money got invested for maintaining the original buildings.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    this is such a lovely and precious Memory of your dear parents!
    Thank you for sharing with us!
    Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week,
    sending much Love and Hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Wonder if you did ever go to Bad Münstereifel as you are not that far away from it.
      To me those memories are indeed precious, especially of Mom who resides in heaven now.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    Bad Münstereifel ist eine schöne Stad.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja stimmt es ist eine wunderschöne und historisch reiche Stadt.
      Da komme ich auch schon ein halbes Jahrhundert.
      Liebe regnerische Grüße,

  4. Dear Mariette - it is lovely that you have these precious memories of taking your parents out for the day to such a special medieval city with lovely gardens in which to walk and enjoy.
    I think that you favour your father with your looks.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Thank you for your comment and as an outsider you often can pin-point resemblance better.
      Yes, precious memories of this historic little city. I have come their for half a century and one never tires of it.
      They have changed the old buildings now into an Outlet. At least lots of money is being invested into preserving it.

  5. Gostei de ver os pais com a sua companhia este belo cão.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Querido Francisco Manuel,
      Obrigado e para mim especialmente a memória de minha mãe que não está mais conosco é preciosa. Assim é a minha amada menina Mauzie, ela era um Dachshund muito bonito e a filha do campeão holandês de pedigree. Abraços,

  6. What a wonderful trip you took your parents on and such great memories for you now.
    Your parents had a beautiful garden too.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Oh the memories are precious and best is that this was only within 1.5 hours driving distance from where my Parents live. Yes, before it got all sold to develop a new hamlet of homes, they sure had a lovely garden and huge.

  7. Hi dear Mariette,
    they are very beautiful memories. Your parents and your little Mauzie :).
    You were helping during your holidays, that's great:))
    Today, young people are sleeping lol !!!

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      The memories are priceless and I'm very proud of them.
      Mauzie was a cute little girl, the daughter of the Dutch pedigree champion and oh so clever.
      Yes, I got raised the old fashioned way for working and helping out and that has served me my entire life.
      Young people today will once in their later life face rough times that they cannot handle!

  8. Viajar é maravilhoso, talvez, das melhores coisas que a vida pode nos proporcionar.
    Estar com os pais e poder ter a lembrança no nosso coração, também é igualmente incrível. Preciosas lembranças.
    Mariette, obrigado pelas palavras no meu blog, sobre o meu aniversário. Desejo a você e família, felicidades e saúde.
    Um beijo e abraços do Brasil.

    1. Querida Maria Glória,
      Obrigado por suas palavras amáveis e na verdade as memórias da família se tornam as mais preciosas para nossos corações. Levamo-los para a sepultura. Envio de abraços chuvosos de volta para você da Geórgia/e.u.a.,

  9. I was surprised to see many old buildings have been preserved well.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Guess this medieval city has been extremely well preserved and that's the main reason I've been going there for half a century. Because of its unique architecture and car-free center (!), parking is outside of the city walls. It is also small enough for being able to walk without difficulty. Now it has been converted into an Outlet, a lot of money got invested into it and it still draws a large crowd, also the Spa Resort.

  10. Hello. You have wonderful memories of the parents and immortalized in the pictures. * I am very happy that I reminded you of your country of birth. I've been to it more than once and I really like Holland. The car that you saw over the canal was pulled completely to the shore. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Isn't that the power of any photo for immortalizing persons and things we loved?!
      Good thing that the car got pulled back as it looked risky.
      Happy that you visited my country, even though I am from the deep south, the province of Limburg, adjacent to Germany and Belgium.

  11. Nice that you could get to such a lovely place on a day trip. Their own garden was quite beautiful.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, this was precious for stepping back in time within a 1.5 hour drive!
      Mom & Dad's garden was very beautiful and so many bridal photos got taken there.

  12. What a beautiful place with lush green and old buildings! I love the close-up photo of your dad with a big smile. Sure looks he was having lots of fun. And your mom is beautiful in her pink dress. Mauzie is so lucky to get to travel around together :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      This is in fact an entire medieval city, being preserved like it was and no traffic as parking is outside of the city walls. Now it is an Outlet so you can stroll around and buy. It is very special.
      The family of four enjoyed this trip and Mauzie was happy to be with me. She was super cute and very clever, the daughter of the pedigree champion in the Netherlands.

  13. Great memories pretty friend. I can see the happiness in the faces of your gorgeous parents. You have a resemblance to your handsome dad.
    They both look like they were in such happy times together and this type of memories looking at the images are forever embedded in our minds and hearts.
    This is a lovely place in Germany, wish I could go. Next time we go to Madrid we'll make plans to go somewhere else, like last April we went to Portugal.
    Big hugs,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you very much for your kind comment and again, as an outsider, non-family member you can judge better resemblance. My Parents both were very relaxed and happy for being away for the day in such a beautiful city. Dad always loved history and so do I and Mom loved nature above all.
      Such memories are indeed forever embedded into our minds and hearts. That is what life eventually will wind down to.
      Bad Münstereifel is so well preserved and definitely worth visiting!

  14. Que lindos. Que felicidade recordar bons momentos vividos.
    Bjos, feliz quinta-feira.

    1. Querida Anajá,
      Especialmente com a mãe estar no céu, essas memórias são preciosas e também por causa deste único na cidade medieval tato.

  15. Wat leuk.., deze plek lijkt me erg mooi...sla hem op want dit moet ik in gedachten houden om eens heen te gaan voor een weekendje, is voor ons ook niet zo heeel ver. Je ouders zullen best genoten hebben, een dagje niet aan het werk in de kas denken.... Dus jij bent ook een glastuinders dochter? Ik ook, alleen hadden mijn ouders aarbeien en als 2e teelt tomaten, en vanaf de eind 80-er jaren rode bessen en bramen... We hebben indd veel gemeen :)


    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, dit is via de autobaan best makkelijk te bereiken en niet al te ver. Een erg boeiende compleet oude stad en nu is het een Outlet dus met terrasjes en restaurantjes. Erg leuk. Ja, mijn ouders genoten hier van. Heb ze meerdere keren mee naar de Eifel genomen. Ook Pieter's oudste broer en vrouw met dochter namen we nog mee hier naar toe voordat we naar Amerika gingen. Pracht herinneringen.
      Ja, Pieter is een tuinders zoon, hun hadden kassen met druiven ook. Wij hadden kassen met slangkomkommer (mijn lievelingsteelt!), augurken, tomaten en kropsla in de vroege lente. Met Hilo's om het vorstvrij te houden gedurende de nachten. We zijn opgevoed met het schema om op 4:00u op te staan. Mogelijk voerde ik daarom als Plukleidster op het Centrum voor Champignonteelt ook ons 'Tropenschema' in voor de zomer. Om 6:00u beginnen en werken tot we klaar zijn. Meestal lukte dat dan rond middag. Iedereen happy, alles vers naar de veiling en níet in de koeling en zo werkte ik voor de overheid ook nog wat winterse overuren weg.
      In Indonesië leefden we ècht volgens tropenschema en elke morgen om 5:00u op en naar boven naar de kwekerijen, die lagen hoog in de koelte van de bergen. Wij woonden ook al op 1,400 m hoogte.
      De natuur was mateloos mooi in de vroege morgenuren en de meeste toeristen die pas om 11:00u met busjes naar boven kwamen ('s avonds laat aan de bar...) misten de schoonheid van de natuur èn het mateloos mooie uitzicht omdat de wolken al samentrokken en de mist en n.m. tropische buien.

  16. Oh ja... dat tropenschema ken ik ook. Als het weer net als nu was, Om 4 uur in de ochtend in de kas om aarbeien te plukken, tot de middag en dan weer om 7 uur 's avonds beginnen tot het donker is. TV kijken deed je dan niet veel. En 'normaal' was het om 6 uur 's ochtends beginnen.
    Nu we gestopt zij met het bedrijf, heeft een een aardbeienteler uit de buurt mijn man gevraagd om zijn plukkers aan te sturen, en de volle en lege bakken heen en weer te brengen. Ze beginnen ook om 6 uur, en we staan dus nu ook om 5 uur op :) en de ochtenden zijn dus inderdaad PRACHTIG, ook hier, laat staan in Azië.. Maar het breekt ons wel op hoor, die hitte en dat vroege opstaan..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, we hebben dit volgehouden tot Pieter 75 was en zijn toen gestopt met het werk waarbij we erg vroeg present moesten zijn. Als je nu af en toe zó vroeg op moet, dan breekt het je inderdaad wel op. Je overleeft het wel maar het is niet meer zo vanzelfsprekend en gemakkelijk als ooit!
      Als je een stel poezen hebt, dan heb je daarmee ook een biologische wekker, ze komen wel naar boven om ons te wekken zodat hun ontbijtje geserveerd gaat worden! Is ook wel goed zo, rustig en op tijd de dag beginnen en op tijd weer in bed ook.

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    hab ich Dir doch noch keinen Kommentar hier geschrieben, wie ich es vorgehabt hatte. Deine Seite war länger auf meinem PC geöffnet .... aber wie das so geht, bei dem schönen Wetter - bin ich doch dann selten oder immer nur mal kurz am Rechner.
    Schöne Erinnerungen ... aber es war bestimmt auch anstrengend für Deine Eltern, besonders für Deine Mum, während der Erntezeit, das ist alles sehr viel und schwere körperliche Arbeit.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, ich habe auch öfters das Vornehmen um einige Kommentare zu schreiben aber es gab soviel zu tun. Auch da wir gerne wieder Radfahren gehen im Morgen da es oft regnet am Mittag.
      Diese Erinnerungen sind sehr wertvoll und du hast ja Recht das es sehr anstrengend war für den Eltern. Meine Mutter besonders da sie in der Zeit viele Probleme hatte gesundheitlich und bevor man raus fand das eigentlich ihre Nieren nicht funktionierten wie sie sollten, war es zu spät. Trotzdem ist sie fast 91 geworden und mein Vater ist schon 97.5. Sehr hohes Alter und noch gut munter mit seine Herzprobleme die mit Medizin unter Kontrolle sind.
      Ganz liebe Grüße,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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