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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, August 29, 2022

Healthy 98% Lean Turkey Meatball Soup

 As stated before, for both of us, Pieter due to his heart condition and for me due to my Chronic Kidney Disease, preparing our own meals is important to avoid high sodium intake.
ALL prepared foods from the supermarket (for baking or finishing at home!) are loaded with high sodium.
Any processed food is also way too high in sodium.
Another issue is the high cholesterol and for me, avoiding to eat high–protein foods, like: red meat, dairy products and eggs makes it often challenging.
Healthy 98% Lean Turkey Meatball Soup for Supper...
Served in Pillivuyt plate and eaten with Bridal Rose (Sterling, 1903 ) by Alvin soup spoon.
At Whole Foods Market I got this 98% lean ground turkey breast—454 g or 1 pound
Adding one egg to the ground turkey breast meat, spices such as dried celery or no salt seasoning and then bread crumps or Panko. 
With your hands you kneed it through and you will notice when it becomes perfect, when it all is adhering well.
Next you roll balls and set aside.
The ONLY real low sodium (5%) soup we use is from Trader Joe's
For this soup, to serve 8 portions, I use two packs of 1 quart or almost 1 liter each.
Also love to grab Trader Joe's MIREPOIX chopped vegetable mix, a blend of carrots, onions & celery.
Also about 1 pound total and of course, you can make your own!
Then I add two hand–fulls of Italian Pearled Farro
Farro is a hearty whole wheat grain with a firm texture and delicious nutty flavor.
I've been using it for years now, instead of any pasta type things.
Make sure to stir the bottom of your soup pan as it LOVES to stick to the bottom...
When it boils, you add the meat balls and cook till they are done.
You have a quick and easy supper this way and it serves 8.
Did roll 23 balls out of my pound of ground turkey breast and this is my two–ball portion and Pieter gets his three–ball portion since he's not restricted in high–protein.
With ONLY one egg used for 23 balls, I'm not worried about my high–protein intake there.
We never can cut out something entirely from our diet.

Do you love to eat soup for supper?

Related link:


  1. Looks delicious! We love soups!

  2. A casa mia si mangia quasi senza sale.In autunno e inverno mangiamo la zuppa.Buon martedì.

    1. Cara Olga,
      È saggio mangiare quasi senza sale!
      Mangiamo sempre zuppa.

  3. This recipe has made me hungry. You should put a bowl on the side of your computer so we can all taste a bit when we visit your Blog.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Haha, you sure can make your own soup!
      And no bowl with soup next to my computer or MacBook or Pieter's iPadPro...!!!
      Imagination needs to step in.

  4. Ich esse ausgesprochen gern Suppe, selbstgemachte :-)) Ich habe das große Glück mein Fleisch, Eier... vom Bauern zu bekommen, natürlicherweise muß ich mich anpassen und warten bis geschlachtet wird, Fleisch von bester Qualität und das merkt man auf dem Teller.
    Deine Bällchen sehen wunderbar aus, nam nam... ich würde gern sofort vorbeikommen und mit essen...
    ich kann Apfelkuchen mitbringen und frisch gebackenes Sauerteigroggenvollkornbrot...
    liebe Grüsse... and hug.
    Ich wünsche euch eine frohe Woche.

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Ja, selbstgemachte Suppe ist immer gut!
      Ihr habt ja ein riesiges Vorteil um alles frisch vom Bauern zu bekommen.
      Mein Pieter freut sich schon auf deinen Apfelkuchen (ich darf kein Zucker...) und ich aufs frisch gebackene Sauerteigroggenvolkornbrot—wir teilen die Suppe gerne!!!
      Liebe Grüße,

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      It is a delicious and above all, healthy soup!

  6. También la comida que pongo en la mesa es casera y también sirvo las las albóndigas con salsa de tomate.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, el concepto de comidas caseras es siempre el más saludable.

  7. I have very low blood pressure - so low that sometimes the medical personnel get freaked out. It's my normal. However at times when I do get sick, it drops fast to a dangerously low level. My doctor tells me to use salt - not tons of it. He told me all I need is a can of Campbell's vegetable soup once a week. I've always been a savory person - lol

    I like Trader Joes, too - I didn't know they had them in GA.

    Is CKD something you acquired or does it run in families?

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Guess my diastolic blood pressure reading of 60 is also border line for not getting dizzy. Ideal is 120/80 mm or less but not too low as you also experience. We all do need 'some' salt! Usually in bread and such it is available.
      Oh, we all grew up being a savory person; especially for soups! But if your cardiologist and nephrologist warn you; you heed their advice!
      We have Trader Joe's in Georgia but only after two hours one–way driving for us; only in the bigger cities!
      As for the CKD it is both I guess, maybe some genetic tendency.
      Mom had to have dialysis for almost seven years and she got her problems due to not drinking enough in her active years, working hard in the greenhouses. Dad had his special bottle of Exota yellow sparkling lemonade for drinking from. Hidden in a deep cool spot near the water pump aside from the greenhouse. Mom only drank water once she went inside to start cooking around 11:00 AM. She very frequently developed headaches and consumed way too much pain killers for that. By drinking more, those headaches could have been avoided! Who knew?!
      As for me, I got on a certain hormone for regulating my way too short cycle of 17–21 days, at the age of 16. Guess that gynecologist did not realize what he started out by doing that for several years... That product got taken off the market later; for an obvious reason! He tried to control my hyper thyroid. Result is that it affected my fertility in a negative way. But here I am, still breathing!

  8. Replies
    1. Dearest Reader,
      Yes, they do look and also are delicious.

  9. Yumm! I'd love to try them, Mariette! 😋

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Guess you would like them and you can make it as spicy as you want.

  10. Hello, Marietter and Pieter!
    That soups looks delicious and I LOVE meatballs, so that's a plus!
    My mother used to make them with fricassé sauce and I would devour them. :)
    These days, I make them with fricassé sauce myself, but I always pay attention to the amount of salt and I try to use aromatics to reduce it.
    Oh, and I also buy may things from Trader Joe's here in Aldi, but I didn't know their vegetables mirepoix and low sodium soup.

    1. Dearest Paula,
      This soup is really good and you can make your own mirepoix if you cannot find it...
      Surprised that you find Trader Joe's things in Europe but I guess it is because it is a subsidiary of Aldi Nord (north) and a sibling of Aldi Süd (south).
      Fricassé sauce is of course delicious and so European.

  11. It looks great. I also diet because of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and yes, we both have to be very careful in our food selections.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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