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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, November 22, 2024

Pieter wrote: Our Weapon—A Powerful Gesture together with Prayer

 At times we find messages that really stand out! This I found on August 17...
In Dutch, Pieter wrote: Ons Wapen = Our Weapon
It was glued to a kind of diary that Pieter kept.
A cross with the four letter word: INRI = Latin for King of the Jews
Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum
Latin uses the I instead of the English J
It actually is a Cursillo Cross and on its back it reads: CHRIST IS COUNTING ON YOU
Also a Crucifix Rosary Ring from Italy hails from Pieter's Cursillo...
On Thursday, May 4 of 1995, my Pieter left by 2:00 PM for Savannah. His friend Hank Basedow let him know last minute that he was not going. Pieter had agreed to join because of him, for being one more time together with a special friend...
But he left now with Church friend Pat Roche.
Pieter came home from Savannah on Sunday, May 7 by 8:00 PM.
A nice letter from Walt Kessel, the organizer, who passed away on January 23, 2021
Hank passed away in February of 1997 and Pat on August 8, 2005.

Fond memories of brothers in Christ.

Our nation has very strongly used its weapon of the cross and prayer over the past months.
God has listened to His People and things seem to be changing!

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the USA


  1. Those are some wonderful memories and the Cross is beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    1. Dearest Terry,
      Meaningful memories and something to live by.

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Ellen,
      Thank you and it sure has a DEEP meaning.

  3. The Cross is beautiful, and that is a lovely thank you letter.

    1. Jearest Jackie,
      Thank you and it is not about that particular cross but its symbolic meaning.
      The thank you letter got done very well by a person that cared for others in many ways.

  4. Buen hallazgo, que te hace recordarlo.
    Que tengas un feliz domingo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Encontrar esto en el escritorio de Pieter fue especial y ambos nunca olvidaremos su verdadero significado!

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Memories of friends that are no longer with us...

  6. I love that you are surrounded by these beautiful memories and mementos. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, those underline our very strong bond and faith!

  7. Such a gorgeous cross and poignant memories, Mariette. Christ is counting on each one of us! Blessings!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you and yes Christ certainly is counting on us!

  8. How fitting for me to read this today, Sunday. We must pray for world relief of so much. I pray to God and Jesus knowing this is who will help us all. Thank you for sharing. And I hope Thanksgiving Day is pleasant for you. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Dearest Lynn and Precious,
      Yes, through Jesus, God will listen to all of our prayers! No matter how—things will get justified as no one escapes our Final Judge. Blasphemy will get punished...

  9. Those were wise words that Pieter wrote. I especially like the crucifix Rosary ring, as I say the Rosary often. It's a beautiful thing to do and brings us peace. It's so nice that you are finding all these special keepsakes of Pieter's. Happy Thanksgiving, dear Mariette. I'm thankful for your blog friendship. We go back many years. : )


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Thank you and yes, those are little treasures with fond memories.

  10. Mariette very beautiful memories of Brothers in Christ and the crosses are Rosary ring.
    I love the Dutch name you have for Carolina Wren
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Yes, they are special memories!
      Always I've called the Carolina Wren 'Schatje' in Dutch = Sweetie.

  11. Wow, what special memories. That cross and rosary rind are so beautiful, and the thank you letter was very moving. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your kitties, dear Mariette!

    1. Dearest Kevin,
      Thank you and it sure was special for finding this.

  12. Yes indeed, Christ and His care for His own is for sure our 'wapen'. We pray very often for revival in our land and that many others also would learn of their real neediness.
    Wonderful memories those things brought to you. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Dearest Ingrid,
      That is so true what you write about our real neediness! Too many will figure that out when it is too late...
      Memories is all what one day will be left for each one of us.

  13. What great memories, something you will always remember and cherish.

    1. Dearest Jim and Barb,
      Yes, those are things to cherish and to always remember.

  14. Gracias, Mariette, por compartir tan entrañables recuerdos de tu difunto esposo, que rezuman la Fe que procesaba a Dios, y que nunca se debe perder entre lo que seguimos aquí, ya que Él lo es todo.
    Te deseo un feliz día de Acción de Gracias.
    Un cordial saludo.

    1. Querido Manuel,
      Gracias por sus significativas palabras aquí y, de hecho, nuestra Fe es lo que nos mantiene en marcha. Pieter tenía una fe profunda y sus oraciones han sido respondidas en muchos años junto conmigo... ¡Eternamente agradecido!

  15. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes, it sure was and lots of special memories connected with it...

  16. Essas recordações são verdadeiras manifestações de fé.
    Continuação de boa semana.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Caro Juvenal,
      Sim, eles certamente são e, por essa razão, devem ser compartilhados. Significou muito para mim encontrar isso.

  17. I love this!!! So powerful! Thank you for your kind words over the past couple of years! You have been on my heart this week and I know it must be a difficult time for you as the holidays approach. Praying you may be surrounded by love and peace.

    1. Dearest Kelleyn,
      Thank you and I had to share this!
      Living a life in Faith and with Meaning makes all the difference.
      My heart is filled with grateful memories of a true love and our souls are still connected.

  18. Olá, amiga Mariette, deve ter sido uma bela surpresa para você, ter encontrado essas boas lembranças do Pieter.
    Felizmente, podemos contar com essas coisas para enriquecer nossos dias.
    Um bom final de semana, com muita paz.
    Abraços, amiga.

    1. Caro Pedro,
      De fato, encontrar tal prova de fé é um tesouro para a alma.

  19. Lovely post, I love the beautiful cross.

    1. Dearest Leslie,
      Thank you and the cross sure has a symbolic meaning!

  20. The cross and prayer really are powerful weapons, and it's amazing to see how they’ve helped guide Pieter through life. His memories with friends and the bond of faith are really touching. It’s a great reminder that we’re never alone in this journey.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Indeed, my Pieter also had a very strong faith and his many prayers for being allowed to stay a bit longer with me, have been granted.
      We are all together in our journey to eternal life and no one escapes.

  21. Que maravilha, Mariette, imagino a sua emoção!
    Ter fé é um privilégio, uma benção, as pessoas aceitam melhor as coisas
    não tão boas que a vida nos apresenta. Seu Pieter foi um homem muito feliz,
    por tudo que você postou dele, não há dúvidas.
    Um bom domingo, querida.

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Sim, Pieter era um homem feliz, contente e religioso.
      Isso me dá coragem e rezo para que eu possa ser tão forte quanto ele!

  22. Sorry that I am so late reading this beautiful post. Yes, things here seem to be changing for the better. I always trust in God/Jesus for everything. XO

    1. Dearest Ellen,
      Never late for reading any post!
      Thanks for your meaningful words and indeed the outlook is far better for once.
      Yes, our Faith is the most precious thing to hold onto.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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