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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas and My Previous High Tea

Merry Christmas to All of You Worldwide! 🌲💝
Sharing with you our High Tea from December 20, 1997 that we donated to our Rotary Club's auction.
Offering a High Tea for 12 and this was all done in the Christmas spirit...
We donated our time and love... Worked till 2:30 in the morning for baking and preparing it for the afternoon's presentation and use.
Everything done in Christmas style and using our Egyptian cotton damask Cottimaryanne Firenze tablecloth from Italy.
Our hand made silver coffee set that we bought while living in Indonesia, it took six men to hammer and decorate it in six weeks!
That's me checking the final details... Coffee Cups to the right.
Did use the Tea Glasses with silver plated holders instead of Tea Cups.
Also in the kitchen I'd placed edibles to savor with tea or coffee...
Table runner on red tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Our Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia USA sponsors always a foreign student for one full year of college education.
For 1997 it was Kaisa Jogi (probably Jögi) from Latvia, she did her presentation to the Rotary Club, 3 days after this High Tea.
Kaisa was in such good humor for tasting the European culture again at our Dutch home in the USA and for touring it. 
Just like to show you this very short video of our High Tea Table
The talking is in Dutch as we always did so for my Parents to let them share in our life here across the Ocean.

Thanks for your visit and comment

Related link:
{Have YOU Ever Seen the Making of Silver in Kotagede, Indonesia?} | previous post by me showing you the silver works


  1. Dear Mariette,

    Merry Christmas dear friend to you and Pieter.
    The spread for the high tea looks wonderful and such a lovely thing to do, giving your time and doing all the baking.
    Happy holidays

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      We both loved doing it and it was indeed giving our time and doing all the baking and setting it up.
      Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. I hope you enjoy this holiday season in good health. Health brings us many amazing things.

    1. Dearest RTC.,
      Thank you and indeed health is the most important of ALL!

  3. Hello Mariette, You sure know how to do things in grand style! You probably spent hours just polishing all that silver to a gleam! I can bet that your efforts were greatly appreciated. Also, what a great experience for the guest student.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Reaching such gleam is the result from perfect team-work! It was quite a task but you can sit and relax for the two of you after everyone left and it still gleams...
      Indeed, for the guest student it was quite a treat for being suddenly back in Europe.

  4. Dear Mariette,I wish both of you had a wonderful Christmas♪
    Your High Tea looks really Gorgeous and I can guess how hard you must have worked. Truly impressive to see the European style different from ours; Really feel appreciate to give me a chance to see☆☆☆ 
    Wishing both of you will have Bright and Happy Year 2020.
    Miyako* from Japan;

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Our Christmas was a good one!
      Glad you get to see this High Tea Table in our dining room and kitchen, for you unique of course.
      The very same wishes for good health and happiness in 2020!

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    in gewohnter Schönheit.
    Alles Liebe

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you, in spirit we still hold on to that 2nd Christmas Day!

  7. A gourmet and very elegant table !!! and a nice memory to share!!! Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année Mariette!

    1. Dearest Hélène,
      Merci beaucoup and the very same I wish for you and yours.

  8. Mariette, The High Tea looks spectacular! On my list to find a tea house that serves an authentic one. Merry 2nd day of Christmas!🎄

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      Thank you, the hard work paid off.
      Guess you can do it yourself at home and indulge with some friends.

  9. You prepared such a beautiful table for High Tea, Mariette! The red tablecloth is perfect for the Christmas season. You must have been so tired after baking and preparing until after midnight. But I bet everyone enjoyed a lovely time with delicious tea and food :-)

    Happy holidays xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Well, feeling tired never does outweigh the feeling of satisfaction if others enjoy it!
      That is what they call so aptly here in the South: Labor of Love.
      Enjoy the remaining days of 2019 and Happy New Year's Eve.

  10. Sicuramente è stato un bel Natale, tavoli fantastici, preparati con tanta cura.
    Una buona serata a te.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Hai ragione e era preparato con tantissima cura.
      Buona notte a te,

  11. Es un placer conocer vuestro blog, por la generosidad que tenéis en compartir vuestra elegante mesa llena de postres y detalles Navideños .Os deseo una Felices fiestas Navideñas desde España.
    Un fuerte abrazo

    1. Querida Alicia,
      Gracias por tus amables palabras y ambos siempre hemos amado hacer cosas por los demás o para donar nuestro tiempo, etc.
      Acaba mosto todos mis vídeos a digitales y esto quería compartirlo en mi blog.
      Deseándole a ti y a sus seres queridos una feliz temporada de Navidad y un feliz Año Nuevo. Y, Pieter y yo hemos estado en Valladolid en España...
      Grandes abrazos,

  12. Beautiful tea, Mariette! I know your guest felt welcomed and very special. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Thank you very much and coming from you that means a lot.
      Wishing you also a happy New Years Eve and a Happy New Year in good health for both of you!

  13. Olá, tudo bem?
    esse chá está divino. Amo doces. meu marido faz parte do Rotary. Aqui mulher não pode fazer parte do Rotary. Ajudo ele nos eventos.
    Quero agradecer o carinho e amizade e desejar um feliz Novo Ano. Que 2020 seja um ano de alegrias e felicidades.

    1. Querido Anajá,
      Sim, eu me lembro que seu marido é um rotariano ativo também. Aqui é misturado, também do sexo feminino são membros.
      Ao longo dos anos, nossa amizade e visitas significaram muito; obrigado também por sua lealdade.
      Abraços e final do feliz ano e um ano novo muito feliz para ambos!

  14. Well done my friend. When you are enjoying those goodies, think of me. I am sure everything is very tasty. Always makes my day when I see that you have dropped by blog. Thank you and wishing you and family the best New Year ever.

    1. Dearest LV.,
      Thank you for your nice words and back then I sure did enjoy eating them and now they're no longer allowed for me but still love to serve them.
      Wishing you also a good year's ending and a Happy New Year!

  15. Oh my that is a lot of work. Don’t know if you remember but I was one of the hostesses for the tea in Colorado for ten years. Your table was absolutely beautiful.
    I hope that you had a very Merry Christmas.....and have a happy and healthy new year....Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Sure you know how much work it is and yes, I recall your posts about your tea in Colorado over the years.
      We had a quiet Christmas and did rest from the trip to Chattanooga for the internment of our best friend at the National Military Cemetery.

  16. Replies
    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Grazie e anche a tutti voi per la ultima fine settimana 2019.
      Un abbraccio,

  17. Dear Mariette - what a great deal of hard work was required for you to produce a high tea for 12 people. It is amazing just what can be achieved if you set your mind to the task.
    I hope that you and Pieter enjoyed a lovely Christmas and wish you both a Happy New Year.
    I have a new Apple computer sitting ready in its box when my son can manage to set it up for me, but it looks far more complicated than my old one. No doubt in time I will get used to it - fingers crossed.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      You are so right in what amazing things can be done as long as we set our minds to the task!
      We had a very quiet Christmas together and at Church with a nice gathering afterwards at one member's home and plenty of food from everyone.
      Oh, Apple functions quite simple but you must un-learn all of your previous habits. Once I got past that initial tough time, I got hooked and I will never ever want anything but Apple!
      Good luck, you have your son to show you, I had nobody... you no doubt will manage.

  18. Dear Mariette,
    I hope you have recovered after driving so many hours back home and that you had a lovely Christmas with Pieter. What a nice memory you are sharing with us with the photos of that high tea you had offered back in '97! Everything looks excellent!
    I wish you a lovely New year's eve and a very happy 2020, with good health and happiness for you both.
    Many hugs, Marie-Anne

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Yes, it has been a rather quiet and blissful time around Christmas with only our Church group and that was very warm and fuzzy.
      Wishing you also a pleasant transition from 2019 into 2010!

  19. I can't believe you have video from then. I have tapes from our video camera that we've never even watched and have no idea now where the accessories are or where to even go to get them transferred to a different format. Your organization is amazing. Looks like it was a successful high tea.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, we kept them all those years and finally I managed to digitalize them ALL. Getting rid of a lot of bulk and looking back to an organized way of fond memories! This was one of them, a tremendous effort but it worked out well.

  20. Cara Mariette,che bei ricordi hai condiviso,grazie.
    Auguro a te e tuo marito un lieto fine anno e un 2020 sereno,ricco di cose belle e tanta salute.
    Un abbraccio

    1. Cara Letizia,
      Grazie per le tue parole qui e sì, ho dovuto solo condividere questo e rimane un ricordo perfetto per gli anni a venire.
      Augurando a te e al tuoi cari anche il meglio per il 2020 in buona salute!

  21. Wauw, ziet er prachtig en lekker uit. Je bent toch wel een keukenprinses hoor, ook allemaal erg goed gelukt. De bokkenpootjes ook zelf gemaakt?

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, toentertijd deed ik nog best véél in de keuken en met liefde.
      Mijn serviesgoed extra aangevuld over de jaren en dan hoor je in 2007 dat je diabetes type 2 bent... dus al die lekkere zoete dingen mogen niet meer! Dat was een hele dreun, niet dat ik zelf zo van zoet houd maar je kunt niet eens meer meedoen...
      De bokkenpootjes waren níet van mijn hand! Zou ook te gek zijn om dat ook nog te kunnen.

    2. Kan wel hoor, onze zoon had voor Kerst zelf bokkepootjes gemaakt, ...vandaar dat ik het vroeg, je weet nooit bij jou :) je bent ook zon alleskunner.
      Lijkt me niet leuk nee, om niet meer mee te kunnen doen. Ik ben ook niet zo'n zoetekauw, maar soms is het toch wel eens lekker, net je zegt, je kunt niet eens meer meedoen...

    3. Beste Marian,
      Ja, jij krijgt ook bijna alles klaar en knáp van je zoon om die zelf te maken! Mogelijk zijn de ingrediënten in Nederland wel beter voor handen dan hier. Nu moet ik steeds aan Pieter vragen, en hoe smaakt het...? Zelf neem ik af en toe een klein beetje maar het is negatief voor de nieren als je bloedsuiker gehalte stijgt.

    4. Pas nu realiseer ik me dat het geen bokkepootjes waren maar Enkhuizer Mergpijpjes...

  22. Hello Mariette
    Beautiful silver tea service and fine table cloth. Every thing looks so delicious. Home made baked goods, what a treat for everyone.
    Happy Christmas Holidays

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Our silver tea service got hand made for us by the famous silver workers in Kotagede, Indonesia at the time we lived and worked there. It took six men six weeks to hammer it. https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2013/04/have-you-ever-seen-making-of-silver-in.html
      Wishing you also Happy Christmas Season up till Epiphany.

  23. Replies
    1. Dearest R's Rue,
      Thank you and it is important for presenting it in such way that the eyes feast too!

  24. Da steckt viel Mühe drin, liebe Mariette! Das Video habe ich mir auch angesehen. Die Studentin war bestimmt sehr glücklich über das Sponsoring.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ach soviel Mühe lohnt sich aber jedes Mal wenn man vielen eine Freude bereiten kann.
      Die Kaisa war so froh mit etwas Europäisches, sie fühlte sich Heim.
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

    2. Das kann ich mir gut vorstellen. Hast Du noch Kontakt zu ihr?

      Liebe Grüße


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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