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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, March 14, 2015

{Our Japanese Magnolia against Vinyl Picket Fence}

Don't know about you but here in Central Georgia, the South-East of the USA, we had a very long winter - quite stubborn. So much about all those idiots that still scream 'Global Warming'...
Usually the Japanese Magnolia bloomed around Mom's Birthday, February 12, but it took till March 5 for 2015!
Gorgeous blossoms on this Magnolia x soulangeana! Photo is from March 8...
This and the next photos, except last 3, are taken on March 7.
We did have some frost at night and because we were afraid they would turn brown, the photos were taken...
The final 4 segments of Vinyl Picket Fence have been added. First time that the Japanese Magnolia is having a picket fence backdrop!
The huge pine tree is gone now for over a year and the oak tree to the left had its lower limbs trimmed up, so now the Japanese Magnolia can grow out with enough space and light!
From there, a nice view of our home...
Guess within a couple of years the Magnolia will show more blossoms, it needs time to catch up.
This is how the heat resistant Centipede grass looks like in winter; brown.
The green grass you see here is not Centipede but another variety just to fill in where we had some erosion from the water that came from the higher part of the street. Now it gets blocked by the wall underneath the Vinyl Picket Fence!
So lovely to have spring blossoms!
Blue sky and Magnolia blossoms... Finally some beauty after years of browning due to frost!
We both are very pleased with this beautiful white vinyl picket fence backdrop.
This photo and the next ones are from Sunday, March 8. Just opened up a little bit more.
Perfect light too!
Are these not gorgeous?!
Sunday afternoon we took a long walk in the sunshine, it was still 21°C (70°F) by 6:00 PM and we just did change to daylight savings time the previous night.
Compared with Horst in The Netherlands, where it was by midnight (local time) 8°C, after their first gorgeous sunny day.
Happy Spring to all of you in the northern hemisphere!


  1. your magnolia is beautiful and offsets that fence perfectly. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      So happy that this year we did not have the browning from frost!

  2. Beautiful!!! Absolutely beautiful!!! I'm enjoying watching Mother Nature come alive in your gardens. I'm hoping our Japanese Magnolia at the country house will offer up similar beauties this year; the past couple of seasons have not been bountiful and like yours the frost got the best of them. Hugs and Blessings xo Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Glad you enjoy it too! As for your Japanese Magnolia at the country home, I do keep my fingers crossed for it. We have missed ours for so many years in a row. This year I was very happy to see once again gorgeous blossoms.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    your Magnolia is wonderful! I love them really!
    You hav already hot weather, really , here we got sun during the day, but the nights we still have frost!
    Wishing you a happy and wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      They are very lovely when opened up; even though only for a week... But photos will last us a lot longer!
      Oh my, still frost at night, that is a lot colder than last year around this time when you were even ahead of us here in Georgia/USA.
      But be patient, spring will come. It is balmy warm here, not hot for this region as that will come in summer time when it gets to 40°C and even higher.
      Happy weekend and hugs,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und froh es mit dir teilen zu können!
      Liebe bewolkte Grüsse,

  5. Prachtig! en nu maar hopen dat de lente zo snel mogelijk zijn intrede doet. De laatste dagen in Nederland hebben we goed weer gehad. Ik kan niet wachten totdat de bloesems weer bloeien.
    Een fijn weekend,
    Groetjes, Audrey

    1. Beste Audrey,
      Ja hier heeft ie zijn intrede al wel gedaan en met een flinke verandering van winderig en koud naar warm; echt zwoel. Genoeg regen dus dan groeit alles als kool.
      Oh, dit is per definitie de móóiste tijd van het jaar; al bloeit alles maar erg kort, het geeft zoveel vreugde.
      Liefs en fijn weekend.

  6. Het huis ligt er zo idyllisch bij met die zon, het hek en de bloeiende bloemen. Prachtig plaatje en lekkere temperaturen zo te zien.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, zonnelicht laat alles er zó anders uit zien en dan met iets bloeiends erbij is het pefect! We hebben genoten van een erg mooie week en hier is het nu wel ècht lente omdat de temperatuur met een sprong omhoog ging.
      Geniet van het weekend en liefs,

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Zeker zijn ze prachtig de bloemen van de Magnolia boom en het steekt ook zo mooi af tegen het witte hek en blauwe lucht,echt voorjaar.
    Op meerdere blogs zie ik al jaren de Magnolia takken in vaas voorbij komen maar daarvan mogen de bloemen niet tot bloei komen en moeten de knoppen indrogen,zal wel aan mij liggen maar daar kan ik met mijn boerenverstand niet bij,niks mooier toch dan deze bloemen in hun volle glorie te bewonderen ook al is het maar voor enkele dagen.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, als je zúlke mooie bloemen niet geopend wilt zien dan is er toch wel iets mis met je... Er is inderdaad niets mooier dan het zien van de knoppen, geopende en zelfs afgevallen bloemblaadjes onder de boom. Dan geniet je ruim een week lang en dat is geweldig. Tenminste zo zien wij het, als plattelanders, en volgens mij is daar ook niks mis mee...
      Liefs en fijn weekend!

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    What lovely magnolias. How happy you must be to have blooms untinged by brown. Frost is such a chancy thing at this time of year.
    Hope you have a sunny weekend........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you and yes we both were over the moon for having this year perfect blossoms of our Japanese Magnolia without frost damage and browning! They bloom quite late this year and maybe that's why they got saved from earlier frost at night.
      We have a cloudy sky and might get some rain but still warm weather!
      Wishing you a mild weekend and sending you hugs.

  9. Hi Mariette, your Japanese magnolias are very pretty. It was about a month late, but glad they finally bloomed! How great they've got good space and light to grow. Love the color combination of the pink flowers and white fence. And I love the last close-up phot. Beautiful! Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, they were very late but what a showcase! By now they're all fallen off, big blossom petals on the ground but we enjoyed them for about 8 days and that was a blessing!
      That close-up photo got taken at the perfect time I guess, I loved it myself very much.
      Happy weekend to you both and the kids.

  10. Dear Mariette,

    Spring really has arrived in Georgia! I can't wait for the small Magnolia tree in my garden to look as pretty as yours. The colour is really beautiful! Wish we had temperatures like yours. Must feel like summer!

    Thank you for your always kind comments on my blog too! I appreciate them very much. Wishing you and Pieter a wonderful weekend.

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Yes, very abrupt our cold and stubborn winter was over with and the temperature made quite a jump towards summer-like digits! For sure your Japanese Magnolia will look even more stunning as they in general look a lot fuller in The Netherlands, due to the climate. Our two trees look so lanky as they were for so many years underneath some big trees. The big pine tree has been cut down and the two big oak trees near those two Magnolias have been trimmed up quite a bit. So light they do get now and probably also more food; however there is fierce competition for it.
      We both are very happy with this kind of weather change, easy to walk outside and explore the estate to see what all is growing or budding out. Nice for making long walks and soon we want to take up biking. Pieter is feeling fit enough for doing so since his heart cramps end of January. So glad he will not need surgery and we look forward to more leisure time together!
      Hugs and happy weekend with your two girls.

  11. lieve Mariette ,
    Wat een mooie Magnolia ,mooie bloemen ...
    wat is het weer al warm bij juliie ..lekker ..
    Nee hier is de lente nog niet begonnen het heeft zelfs nog
    op somige plaatsen gesneeuw ...
    een fijne weekend en geniet lekker van het weer ..
    veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, ineens komt alles zó in het zonnetje te staan; daar word je zelf ook heel vrolijk van. We genoten van onze mooie Magnolia bloemen, ze liggen er nu allemaal onder na een week van genot. De foto's hebben we er nog van en mooie herinneringen weer.
      Ja, hier in Texas hadden ze ook nog sneeuw maar wij hebben geluk gehad dat we er net langs vielen. Ook in Californië sneeuw op vreemde plaatsen waar het normaal níet sneeuwt.
      Ik wens jullie ook een heel fijn weekend en hopelijk wordt het snel zachter in jullie regio!

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Your winter time all those idiots The Japanese Magnolia aroind your Mom's Birthdays!
    Japanese Magonolia picket fence back drop because in winter brown.
    but in March just opened more perfect spring blossoms due to you both with beautiful viny picket fence too.
    Sending you hugs and Love both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes dear, so many idiots that scream 'Global Warming' but reality is so different! Hope that all those people suffering from unexpected snow will soon see sunny days.
      We have been so lucky with this perfect Japanese Magnolia for this year; late but beautiful!
      Now we can enjoy the beauty of our home and garden more since all the big jobs are done. Like the white picket fence, we enjoy its beauty now...
      Hugs and love for a happy weekend!

  13. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      We too are very pleased with its look!
      Happy weekend and hugs,

  14. Hello sweet Mariette
    Your beautiful new header - made in honour of Spring's arrival I'm sure!
    That is an exquisite pink magnolia and the photo of it with the sheet of blue sky in the background is wonderful. I took a similar shot last August just as one was coming into flower - I must include it in a post one day!
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Shane x

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Oh you bet; spring really has arrived here! Those Japanese Magnolias are such beauties and they beg us for being photographed. Would love to see yours one day...
      Wishing you a lovely weekend and dream about your French family.

  15. Your lovely Magnolia is heralding Spring. Enjoy her lovely flowers.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      We sure did enjoy them for a full week and spring has arrived for sure!
      Hugs and happy weekend.

  16. Beautiful! And the fence is very nice. I'm surprised it has still been that cold in Georgia. A friend used to live in the area and I never heard her complain about winter. Now she's in North Carolina and Pennsylvania and complains about snow quite often. :) Have a good day. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, we have had a long cold spell here in Central Georgia. As a matter of fact, the first day the Magnolia bloomed, we had 30°F in the early morning hours but no browning. For one week we have enjoyed them and now the wind and rain has knocked them all down, they're under the trees. Oh sure when it goes about snow, we very seldom get that here in Georgia, this winter no snow at all! When we lived in Pennsylvania it was quite different!
      Hugs to you,

  17. Oops! Forgot you are doing C. I still can't get used to that even though it's what is used here for temperature. 70 degrees F is perfect weather for a walk. Enjoy!

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Funny, the USA is legally Metric too but they use it only for the medical field. Yes, like you, even after 32 years I'm not used to the F system and in our home and cars we have the C-setting.
      70°F is perfect for walking indeed!

  18. Hello Mariette,
    It seems like ages since I last visited your lovely blog :)
    Your new banner is exquisite and like you I am a chocoholic!!
    Magnolias have started to bloom here too, spring seems early this year.
    In England I read they predicted temperatures as high as 26/28 °C in april....
    Not sure about the global warming, but it seems the climate is changing somewhat.
    Keep well, enjoy the coming day :)

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      No, it is just that time is passing us by in such a hurry! Do you also love the dark or pure chocolate?
      Our Magnolias bloomed unusual late this year and states like Texas and California had snow in places where they usually don't get it. Very cold in the more northern states.
      Thanks for taking the time to visit and enjoy whatever you are doing in nature.

  19. Dearest Mariette; Oh, I'm SO happy to see your Japanese Magnolias gorgeously blooming this year again♡♡♡ Beautiful pictures, my favorites are with blue sky and the next ones with white fence. Yes, I remember happened last year for the beauties. Have a Happy Weekend, my friend!

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      It has been many years since we could enjoy the Japanese Magnolia blossoms all week long! Thank you and we still can enjoy those pictures now their petals are under the trees from the wind. That absolute blue sky makes them look even more stunning indeed and also against the white fence they look so special. We're very pleased with all of it.
      Hugs and love across the oceans from Georgia,

  20. La tua casa è una sorpresa continua di fiori e colori, come questa magnolia giapponese, davvero bellissima. Ne abbiamo una anche nel nostro giardino condominiale ma ancora non è in fiore. Deve essere bellissimo, guardando fuori dalle tue finestre, poter ammirare la natura che si risveglia. Hai davvero un bellissimo giardino. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Facendo colazione nella nostra area vetrata con questa vista è una benedizione. Grazie per le tue parole gentili. Abbiamo godere e sento così benedetti. Credo che il vostro fiorirà in aprile.

  21. We call these tulip trees. They are in bloom here. I wish we had one in our yard. Yours is so pretty.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Thank you very much and yes, ours did its very best this year and we enjoyed it for a full week, now all its petals are on the ground from the wind...

  22. Dear Mariette,such wonderful pictures of the blooming Magnolia and the preety white fence!
    You have a nice property indeed!And you also are lucky with the weather!!
    Thank you for sharing!!Have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and this Japanese Magnolia made us quite happy for 2015!
      We are starting to begin enjoying our home and property after years of hard work on 'nest building!'
      Enjoy a lovely weekend as well and sending you hugs,

  23. Your house is so pretty! I adore the fence and those Magnolias. Just beautiful. x

    1. Dearest LeeAnn,
      Thank you so much and you bet we enjoyed our Magnolia blossoms this year; perfect stage against the white picket fence!

  24. Dear Mariette,
    your Magnolias are beautiful! And your house... amazing!

    1. Dearest Manuela,
      Thank you and we sure do love our place and are very happy living here!

  25. Ohh magnolias on the yard, isn't it just wonderful? They look stunning against blue sky and white fence.

    1. Dearest Mari,
      This year we really hit the jackpot for Magnolia season; it could not have been lovelier. Blue sky and warm sunny weather and the white picket fence as backdrop is perfect!
      Have a happy Sunday evening and new week ahead.

  26. 'Wundervoll, liebe Mariette. Ichhab' ja die gleiche. Bei Dir paßt sie besser. Ich hätte mir eine Weiße gewünscht. Aber inzwischen ist auch eine weiße Sternmagnolie in den Garten gezogen und wird wohl 2 Blüten bekommen.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Danke, unsere hat nun Blätter da es so rasch vorwärts geht mit dem Frühling hier! Immer noch gute, für eure Begriffe sogar sommerliche, Temperaturen und es macht wieder Freude um drausen sein zu können.
      Geniesst eure ersten weissen Blüten!
      Liebe Grüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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