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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Our Golden Mist Home and Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold

 It is the BEST time of the year for our Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold...
Saturday morning April 15 with full sunshine! 
Benjamin Moore Golden Mist paint for our home with the Interlock Metal Roofing in aged copper slate and Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold to the right of our home.
Yep, the golden oak had a lot to do with the paint color... 😉
Lots of pot plants on our patio.
Here you can see the entire Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold
Sure it will even be more golden in the next week or so, see links below for the 'perfect' view.
Yes, our Eastern Phoebe is residing once again on the very same nest (we left it there as I'd read they return to their previous nest!) and has babies.
Last year's nest and you can see their beaks up—ready for Mom or Dad to bring them food.
They love their romantic surroundings by Vintage Woodworks...
This morning I captured the babies and we are not quite sure if there are 3 or 4 in the nest...
Pieter did purchase this beauty for becoming a potplant for our patio.
White Dipladenia it is called.
Dipladenia is in the Mandevilla family but it is a bushier plant whose stems grow down and hang.
This photo I made this morning to give a view of the bay window area and even you see the gazebo on the left.
There are lots of leaves blown off the Southern Magnolia tree...
Yes, on Friday, around 1:00 PM we had torrential rain + wind!
With our Benjamin Moore Golden Mist paint color, we of course had to have yellow pansies...
The same planter on the left is filling in as those got planted somewhat later.
A detail with some rain drops from yesterday...

Related links:
Our Home Freshly Painted | previous post by me


  1. I am yearning for a visit to your part of our country!!

    1. Dearest reader,
      Well—just realize it and Georgia has lots to offer. The ocean and Savannah, the mountains in the north and even a Little Grand Canyon in the Southwest of Georgia.
      And in Dublin you find Come Home to the Country a unique B & B with an authentic Italian restaurant Ristorante da Maria by lady Chef Maria who hails from Bolzano, northern Italy.

  2. I think it's so cool that your house paint compliments your landscape plants, Mariette. How beautiful! We are just now realizing that having our new decks painted in a light color, while it looks attractive, is inviting all kinds of uninvited cleaning and scrubbing. Maybe, that will get better after the trees cease flowering.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      We indeed looked intensely at our surroundings and as Pieter is color blind—I had to make that tough decision. Don't regret it though!
      As for cleaning—haha we have all white tiles in our hallway, guest bathroom, veranda and kitchen and some people made the very same comment—you see everything on them.
      WHY do you clean? For hygiene or wait for a once–a–year chore? Color doesn't matter but the attitude does. It has to blend in with your surroundings as we opted for our gazebo.

  3. Bellissime piante,buona giornata!

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie cara e buona settimana con successo!

  4. I love yellow, and it must be a joy to live in a yellow house, with yellow trees and pansies. All so lovely in the Springtime. The baby birds are so cute, enjoying their safe little home in a very elegant position.

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Thank you and yes yellow is always a happy color!
      All our residents—kitties and birds and both of us LOVE it.

  5. You have such a beautiful home and property, Mariette. It shows all the love and care you and Pieter have bestowed on it over the years. Your Eastern Phoebe family obviously thinks so too! ♥

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Well, as I wrote to Patricia above—kitties, birds and both of us LOVE it here.

  6. Your home is charming, with all that paradise around.
    Have a good week

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and both of us still love this quiet place in nature!
      A special subdivision where our kitties love to live.

  7. Hallo Mariette, wat ziet het er prachtig uit. Het is alsof er een slinger van mooi gevulde bloempotten om jullie huis heen staat. En de boom ook zo mooi goudgeel. Zelfs al zal de zon niet schijnen dan moet het nog zonnig zijn bij jullie huis. Leuk zo'n nestje op de veranda. Dan zit je op de eerste rij om het te kunnen bekijken. Fijne week, lieve groet Willy

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, onze betegelde patios rondom was een heel goed idee en het is veel netter en we zijn zo langzaam overgegaan op vaste planten in potten.
      Dat nestje is zeker geweldig om te hebben — er staat een stoel voor het raam in de eetkamer om ze heel goed te kunnen bekijken. Schattig zo'n bewoners en erg goed gekozen door hun!

  8. I always love to see your charming home, Mariette. The Phoebe there nesting under the eaves is such a wonderful thing. I've always thought that when birds make their nests around our homes, they find it a safe haven for their wee ones. The yellow pansies are so pretty, and with a few raindrops, even prettier. I really like your bay window too. Your home looks very nice with the Spring sunlight shining on it.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Thank you and sure those Eastern Phoebe must feel secure and happy!
      Spring and its sunshine (alternated with showers) is the BEST season.

  9. Está todo precioso. Se nota que es primavera. Pueden estar orgulloso de su buen trabajo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y ciertamente nos sentimos orgullosos, ¡mirando hacia atrás! Que Dios nos conceda un poco más de tiempo juntos para disfrutar...

  10. What a beautiful home you have with such awesome photos that I do like

    1. Dearest Jo–Anne,
      Thank you! We love it here and hope to stay here till the end!

  11. Wow, your home is beautiful. Love love love it. and all the pretty plants and landscaping.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Thank you and we loved this spot with a creek running through our property and along the back. Also having the bay window in the east for a 'sunny' breakfast!
      We actually did drive around for finding such a lot... Afternoon sun in the south, which is the back part of our home.
      It took a LOT of blood–sweat–tears for creating this but we managed to do so since 1990.

  12. Dag Mariette,

    Wat een prachtig huis om in te wonen.
    Ik hoop dat jullie er nog lang mogen genieten.

    De gele bloemen vind ik ook prachtig!

    Liefs en een mooie dag,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je en ja wij hopen ook nog enkele jaren hier samen te kunnen vertoeven samen met onze poezen—en ook dat we hun overleven!
      Het hoort zo bij elkaar en het geeft ons elke dag voldoening.

  13. What a lovely place you have. I really love those flowers. You two are such experts.

    God bless you always my friends.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Found this in my spam...
      Thank you and we feel quite happy here!

  14. What a beautiful yellow home. So bright and full of sunshine. I love it.

    1. Dearest Pam,
      Thank you and all of us—critters included—love it too!

  15. I love the state of Georgia ... also how beautifully care for your home and landscape! PS, I do love a good scruff on a handsome man's face. LOL

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and probably my Dad's scratchy scruff and him kissing me on my Birthday (more like scratching my cheeks!) made me dislike any scruff. To me a clean shaven man always wins from a bearded one 😉

    2. All so bright and beautiful, your home and garden are stunning Mariette and I know where you're coming from regarding the blood, sweat and tears involved over the years, especially keeping up the outdoors! We struggle somewhat these days, but then there is one like yesterday when the weather was perfect, Bob mowed, I pruned and planted seeds etc., and this morning I'm looking out the window and loving what we have created. We plan to stay here forever - which hopefully will be a while yet, haha!!!!
      Enjoyed the birds' nest - we have a wren who often spends the night in a corner of the front porch.
      Hope you re doing better.
      Hugs - Mary (and Bob)

    3. Dearest Mary,
      Yes, you and Bob sure understand what I wrote—except that our garden is HUGE. But Pieter managed on his own till he was 91... Quite a milestone and now we have a crew of Mexicans come in. Of course Pieter still does the potting and like yesterday reconnecting the pipe from the electric pump, that is sucking up water from our pond. It was quite a struggle of muscle power. Always something to do! We both also hope to be able to remain here forever.
      Yes, I'm doing better and yesterday afternoon I had my OT + TP (2 hours) while Nasha cleaned the house and Pieter took his nap in the Rose Suite after he'd tackled his chore before noon. One more session on Thursday afternoon and I'm 'free'.
      My weight is still 108 lbs and I felt so disappointed for not having gained any ounce over the previous week... Well, too busy with other things like two funerals.
      Pieter & Mariette

  16. You have such a beautiful home, Mariette.
    The yellow pansies are so pretty!

    Hugs and blessings, my dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and yes, we're quite happy with our 'nest' in the south east. Winters are relatively short and mild and nature is interesting.

  17. I just love your garden and your house, dearest Mariette! I wish I could pay you a visit some time!!!!
    Your trees and flowers are gorgeous!! Take care and enjoy them in this lovely spring time of the year!
    Many hugs!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie–Anne,
      Thank you and know that you're always welcome to use our Rose Suite where your heart hangs on a door knob.
      We do enjoy the spring and hope to be out in nature soon together.

  18. Good morning Mariette, I just finished enjoying looking and looking again at your lovely home. The color is stunning. You know what color is popping up here on new homes and redos? It is charcoal grey and black. These homes are so depressing to see. Of course, once the homeowner goes inside they do not see this mountainous black blob, but I do when I look out my house window or car. You live a very happy upbeat life and the color shows. Lynn and Precious

    1. Dearest Lynn,
      Thank you and yes, we both love happy colors around.
      Keep in mind that we lived and worked in Italy and also traveled for our work so we got a different view on things. This color I fell in love with on the Dutch Island of Curaçao in the Caribbean and I thought why not give it a try. Can't believe we had the house so dull and bleak before for many years.
      But what you describe is depressing—sounds like the huge dark living blocks we saw in Eastern Europe under Communism. So depressing!
      Light is what picks us all up and certain colors are happy colors.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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