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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

{LOOK: My Christofle Photo was published in The Herald-Dispatch}

For my Zen Cart on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics, where I did sell antique and vintage Christofle silver from France, among many unique items, I do often research on line, if the info is not in my Christie's or Sotheby's catalogs, or books I have. I was quite surprised the other day to run into my own photo on line, used (without my permission!) in an article by Jean McClelland who writes for The Herald-Dispatch in Huntington, West Virginia, about antiques. Her title: Knife rests created to protect table linens, now reflect fine living. It was published on April 3, 2011 and my original content: {6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests in Box} was from March 1, 2011.
A perfect example of Scraped Content...
Well, she even had the nerve to write underneath my photo (above part of my stolen under title, see below photo in this post): "Courtesy of Mariette's Back to Basics Boutique". Without providing the audience the information, necessary for finding the source (Mariette's Back to Basics).
This is Netiquette at its worst! From my information and foot-work; my photo and by NOT including a link back to my Zen Cart on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics, she's surely sealing her verdict as being 'guilty' of plagiarism! IF, just in case it would be true, I had granted her permission to use it, she would graciously have put my Boutique's website together with her the article.
First I thought I have to write her Editor and Publisher, Mr. Ed Dawson, but thinking about it, I decided to just put it here on my blog. Of course Pieter and I have had many instances where we came across our own photo material, used by someone worldwide. Plagiarism is nothing new, but nevertheless it is an act of fraud as it is stealing someone else's work and lying about it. Ms. McClelland tried to be cunning in tricking everybody about having asked permission to use this...
"Ms. McClelland: the article did surely reflect fine living but your behavior however does not reflect fine mannerism!"
Obviously, The Herald Dispatch has removed her article...
This rare set of 6 antique French Christofle knife rests in Coquille pattern, is perfect for saving your precious table linens from getting soiled.


  1. Hi, thanks for your lovely comment! I have been to TJ Maxx and Marshalls of course :-)...hughs Anja

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    ich kann deinen Ärger schon verstehen. Letztendlich ist es aber auch ein Kompliment für dein perfektes Foto! Und ich denke, die Interessenten werden dich über die Suchmaschine auch finden. Du könntest sie doch auch auffordern, deinen Link reinzusetzen! Wo hat sie das Foto überhaupt her? Hattest du es auf Flickr gespeichert?
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  3. mi dispiace molto ,mariette, per ciò che è successo...ma i tuoi oggetti sono veramente bellissimi, complimenti e un bacio lory

  4. Amazing that you even came across it in this huge www universe. I am sure it happens all the time. You are lucky she gave you any credit. Maybe she thought that was good enough. Who knows! My summer holiday has officially begun. Woohoo! Best wishes, Tammy

  5. Wow, I can only dream that someone someday will want to steal my photo's...haha! I've seen it happen online though and I don't think it's an issue that will get solved anytime soon because the web is such a huge place!

    Thank you for entering my giveaway Mariette and have a wonderful day!

  6. Querida Mariette:
    Siento mucho saber que Ms. McClelland robo tu foto y la publico sin tu permiso, ella debio haber pedido tu permiso antes de publicar "su" articulo. Cambiando un poco de tema, tu Español es magnifico, y hablar 7 idiomas debe ser todo un reto, te admiro por eso. Me da mucho gusto saber que viviste en Monterrey y conoces la cuidad, ahora tenemos algo en comun.
    Te mando un abrazo y espero que Ms. McClelland te ofrezca una disculpa.
    Que tengas un lindo dia.
    Laura = )

  7. la foto è davvero splendida, quel tocco di giallo, la rende così estiva. un bacio ady

  8. Ik kan me voorstellen hoe boos je was!Brutaal zijn sommigen mensen, dat is niet leuk.

    Fijne dag,


  9. Liebe Mariette,

    ich hoffe, dass sich dein
    berechtigter Ärger mit der Zeit

    Alles Liebe

  10. Purtroppo al mondo ci sono tante persone cattive e disoneste, che sfruttano il lavoro altrui rei i propri scopi!
    Prima o poi pagheranno questa disonestà...

    Un abbraccio sweetie

  11. Oh no, this lady does not have any sense of etiquette!!

  12. hi Mariette, just been catching up on your last posts a lovely mixture.
    arent these knife rests great !
    I have antique crystal ones from England for my antique Christofle knives which I found in paris
    I like the melange Enjoy your week the view from your home looks amazing

  13. Hi Mariette,
    I am sorry this happened to you involving your hard work. I have also seen my own paintings and designs in places on line and was amazed to stumble upon them. Purely rude. I hope they read your post. You said it all so perfectly.

    Thank you for coming to tea today my friend.
    Hope you have a nice evening.
    Love from Texas,
    Celestina Marie

  14. Oh, how can I say!!!
    Obviously, there must be pros and cons in this internet world. Oh, it is called "Plagiarism". Well, you sure said righteously in your post!!!
    Anyways, what a gorgeous setting and items♡♡♡ Just wonderful and I admire all the marvelous table settings I enjoy in this blog field. Feast for My Eyes♡♡♡

  15. Dear Mariette,

    The knife rests are wonderful.
    So sorry that you found that your photograph was stolen and you were not given the proper credit, with a link back with your address.
    Maybe she might get to read your post.

    Hope that you are having a lovely week

  16. Jeetje wat vervelend Mariette. Ik geloof dat ik de dame in kwestie er wel op zou aanspreken, ik zou echt zo boos zijn!

    Maarre, de foto is echt schitterend!!

    lieve groetjes

  17. It happens sadly all the time, Mariette, to you, to me, and to other bloggers.I have had it happen quite often,without being notified- I only noticed certain traffic coming from a specific site, and then notice, this has a picture or more from my blog.I wrote to a bigger blogger, Miss Mustardseed about it and it turns out, this happens to her as well, so it's a common thing.Just think " All publicity is good publicity ".Or you can do something more drastic and time-consuming-
    Design Sponge ( great Design Website ) ( link is : http://www.designsponge.com/?s=business+ladies ) have a regular post called Business Ladies, and in one of the older archived " Business Ladies " posts , and it addresses this and what you can do about this.It's a bit of work but basically it entails coding your blog somehow, - it's very well explained.You can then
    find where and when your pictures are used all over the world quite quickly.
    Good luck - just check out Design Sponge " Business Ladies".

  18. I think she should have giving you credit where credit was due. :-(


  19. Hi Mariette, here is the comment I just found from Miss Mustard Seed which illustrate what I meant in my previous comment :
    Miss Mustard Seed said...

    What a beautiful cake! Yes, I've had that happen before. I was featured on Apartment Therapy months ago and only found out recently through analytics.
    13 December 2010 14:33

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    diese Dreistigkeit ist kaum zu überbieten. Ich glaube, ich würde etwas unternehmen.
    Liebe Grüße

  21. Dear Mariette,

    So sad things like this happen. I think you did the right thing. Just right about it on your blog and that's it.

    Just read your comment about Delft. It is a beautiful city indeed. I always enjoy going there.

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  22. Dear Mariette
    I'm very sorry you've come across someone with such lack of manners but I do indeed hope that the business comes back to you. Those knife rests are truly neat.
    Love from Joan

  23. Dat je hier boos om wordt kan ik mij heel goed voorstellen Mariette,
    Kwam je hier per toeval achter of ben je getipt??
    Laatst las ik op een blog dat er van haar hele mooie foto's van haar blog kaartjes waren gedrukt en op Marktplaats werden aangeboden.
    Ja internet is een goede ontwikkeling ,maar heeft ook zijn keerzijde, ja toch?
    lieve groet Elly.

  24. Tsk tsk ~ clearly someone is not following good internet etiquette. I guess you can take it as a complement on how pretty your photo is though!

    Sending you hugs Mariette!
    xo Catherine


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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