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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

{Yes; I was at an Yves Saint Laurent Prêt-À-Porter Show in Jakarta!}

  • After I'd been for the first time to the USA with Pieter in 1983, we also went to Jakarta, Indonesia where we stayed at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel
  • We were making a choice as to where we wanted to work and live... Our boss in Jakarta did the utmost in making it a pleasant stay for us, even though we were flying and driving to other cities to view all the work areas. So here we are, back in the capital city of Jakarta at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel (see picture further down). When we checked in on this Thursday morning, also a group of catwalk models from Yves Saint Laurent arrived with us from the airport and checked in to their rooms. They came from Bangkok where they did a catwalk show... Now some rest for them, and again at 7:30 PM they would start a whirling Prêt-À-Porter catwalk show for Spring Summer 1983.

We went first to the Bogor botanical garden and came back to the hotel where we dressed for the evening. It was obvious, that our boss wanted to please me with this dinner and show, right up front near the catwalk! As I've studied fashion and design and obtained two diplomas for drawing and making dresses, costumes, jackets and coats, I certainly was more than thrilled to be seated right there.
  • The three years that I studied fashion, this catwalk life looked very glamorous to us students... like a dream. But nothing is farther from the truth; it is hard work and that night after night on such a tour through Asia or to any other continent. We could see underneath the curtain, and there the shoes got kicked off and skirts, pants or dresses fell to the floor as they hastily changed into the next garment. And that for hours... My goodness, I felt for those girls. Here we were, sitting in posh chairs, only observing. Meanwhile feasting on a yummy four-course dinner.

  • But it was one of those once-in-a-life-time events that will stay with me forever!
  • Many thanks to our generous boss for whom we did work years later...

  • All of you probably know Yves Saint Laurent's perfume and cosmetics line. Several items I do use from this designer as you can see below:

  • It is not easy to photograph such glistening gold items; but they sure look elegant!
  • Sadly Yves Saint Laurent died of brain cancer on June 1, 2008.
  • Did I ever own a garment from YSL? No... only a wool paisley scarf and a pair of silk, low-heeled pumps that you can see in the photos below.

  • Soft wool paisley pattern from YSL

  • I'm holding my belly for laughter as my husband Pieter prepared the camera on its tripod for shutter delay. As is evident, it went off before he could merge next to me... Hilarious!

  • So that's both of us now; it went perfectly well with the camera.
  • My YSL silk pumps and Pieter in his silk shirt; kind of partner-look.

  • And than there is coffee in the gazebo... Wearing my Pearls that got strung for me in Singapore.

'En dàn is er koffie!' or 'And then there is coffee!'
A well known Dutch slogan for their famous Douwe Egberts Coffee founded in 1753, which is now also available in the USA.


  1. You look so beautiful dear Mariette!

    Have a nice day,kisses:)

  2. 'Douwe Egberts koffie ... lekkere koffie' was ook zo'n slogan. Maar ik drink net zo lief koffie van de AH
    ;-) Mijn jongens zijn helemaal stapel van koffie van Starbucks ...

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    schön, dich hier zu erleben.
    Wir lieben uns und die gleichen Menschen, zum Beispiel Beate.

    Alles Liebe

  4. Ooooo je hebt me wel aan het lachen gemaakt hoor!!...wat een verhaal wat een foto's....geweldig....ik ga gauw wat doen nu...er staat een hele week lang een heimachine voor de deur hier...brrrrr....het gaat dwars door me heen....ben blij dat ik ga werken zo ...liefs van mij...fijne dag !!...xxx...

  5. Wauw,.. wat een leuke posty, Engels lezen gaat bij mij niet zo snel, maar ik heb me er doorheen gebeten, net als met je gordijntjes trouwens, ik wil dan geen woord missen.
    Wat leuk, en wat heb je trouwens een fijn en 'rijk' leven .
    De foto van jullie 2en, is leuk, Pieter in zijn bolletjes overhemd, jij in je bolletjes jurkje en schoentjes..heb je ze nog? Die zou ik dus nooit wegdoen.

    En ik zit nu lekker aan een bakkie, Douwe Egberts, andere wil ik niet :)

  6. Come sei solare Mariette e che belle esperienze hai fatto nella vita!.Sei bellissima con quel vestito e quelle deliziose scarpette,baci,Rosetta

  7. Lovely pictures! You look fabulous, with or without Yves!

  8. Een mooi verhaal Mariette!!!!
    En wat een enerverende leven was dat!!!!Ik vind je heel charmant samen met Pieter op de foto staan!!!En je prachtige polkajurk........Ik vind hem van een top designer!!!!!!
    Lieve groet van Elly.

  9. Oh, Gorgeous♬♬♬
    I never knew about the word "Catwalk". I wish I could see fashion-show at least once^^;) I love clothes and window-shopping them. You two look lovely with the partner-look.

    I'm tempted to buy something from YSL. Haha, don't have one!

    Love, xoxo Orchid.

  10. This was such a fun post Mariette! Your dress and shoes ~ so pretty!

    Wishing you a beautiful week sweet friend!
    xo Catherine

  11. How thrilling to see an Yves Saint Laurent show! And in Jakarta! Wow. By coincidence, I was just thinking about YSL this past weekend because my mother just got in a few pieces of vintage 1980's YSL jewelry at her antiques shop. While the jewelry isn't antique, of course, it is absolutely stunning! I envy the woman who buys it, as it is out of my price range! :D

    What lovely photos of you, Mariette. It's always a joy to visit you here. xoxo Gigi

  12. Hi Mariette,

    Just beautiful. Both of you.... Well, hubby is very handsome. I have always been a huge fan of YSL. I was fortunate back in the day, to pick up a few things that are now vintage.
    Wasn't thinking about that then.

    You know, Jeff speaks Indonesian. That was the language assigned to him at The Defense Language Institute. That you so much for leaving such a lovely comment- it made me a little weepy (in a good way),

    Big hugs,

  13. Hi Mariette, You look beautiful! I love the perfect combination of the suit with the shoes and the hair acsesorie, I must mention to you that the perfect union of pearls, is between white and black! Greetings, Rose Marie

  14. Dear Mariette,

    You look lovely on the photo's! Oh to have been at such an event. Such an experience!

    YSL is my favourite brand too. I especially like their lipsticks.

    Have a lovely day!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  15. Dank je wel voor het laten weten van Google vertaling, maar dat gebruik ik expres niet bij Engelstalige blogs, ik MOET van mezelf sneller/beter Engels leren lezen, want heel veel beshrijvingen van (naai) patronen en planten enz. zijn tegenwoordig ook Engels.
    Ik kan het wel, maar niet zo snel,is een goede oefeniong voor mij, en als ik veel tijd heb is dat niet erg, maar soms heb ik niet zoveel tijd, en dan sla ik hele stukken over, ach doet iedereen wel eens denk ik.

    Ik vind je jurk zo mooi,elegant en chique... en wat knap dat je dat je al vanaf dat je 15 was nog hetzelfde er uit ziet.
    Lichaam kan ik nog wel snappen, als je daar een beetje op let.. maar voeten!!!mijn voeten zijn vanaf dat ik 15 was toch wel 2 maten groter geworden :( maat 41/42 nu, erg is dat, kan nooit van die leuke schoentjes aan.

  16. Wow, that truly was once in a lifetime experience. Your shoes and dress are very beautiful. I have several polka dots garments as I love polka dots. And I like YSL too. My current perfume is Parisienne from YSL.

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    ich erfreue mich immer wieder an deinen ausgefallenen, wundrschönen Posts. Sie sagen so viel aus.
    Von Yves Saint Laurent habe ich eine wundervolle Tasche. Sie ist schon sehr alt - abe ich mag sie nicht entsorgen.
    Liebe Abendgrüße sendet

  18. Ihr seit ein schönes Pärchen .Wie Pünktchen und Anton .Das mit der Kamera kenne ich auch .wir müssen dann immer lachen weil alles so schnell gehen muss .Noch einen schönen Abend wünscht euch Ina

  19. Ihr seit ein schönes Pärchen .Wie Pünktchen und Anton .Das mit der Kamera kenne ich auch .wir müssen dann immer lachen weil alles so schnell gehen muss .Noch einen schönen Abend wünscht euch Ina

  20. Whow, Mariette, das sieht toll aus. Ich meine das gepunktete Kleid und die passenden YSL-Schuhe und Pieter in seinem Seidenhemd. Hoffentlich habt ihr das tolle Outfit auch irgendwo auf einen passenden Event ausgeführt. Da strahlen deine blauen Augen, aber wahrscheinlich strahlst du nur Pieter an!
    So eine Modenschau ist bestimmt ein tolles Erlebnis. Ich gucke mir das manchmal im Fernsehen an, live ist das sicher noch toller.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  21. Dear Mariette,

    Oh how wonderful to go to the Yves Saint Laurent show.
    You and your husband look fabulous in matching colour co-ordinated outfits.
    Such lovely photographs.
    Hope that you are having a great week


  22. Splendid photo of you and the Mr.

  23. Wow, dat jij bij de show van YSL was. Ik kan mij goed voorstellen dat je dat nooit zult vergeten.
    Jij hebt dus ook textiele werkvormen geleerd of te wel kleding maken.

    Groetjes Sandy

  24. Chic chic, ein hübsches Paar! Noch dazu im Partnerlook! :-)

  25. Liebe Mariette,
    auch der Paisley Schal ist ein tolles Stück von YSL. Die Firma ist nicht umsonst so bekannt geworden. Aber du bist auch ohne YSL schön! :-)

    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  26. en dan is er koffie..wat leuk om dat te lezen en wat moest ik glimlachen om die witte polkadots unisex kleding van jullie!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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