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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, December 2, 2012

{Our Rose Suite Kitchenette}

Let's go back to Our Rose Suite and continue the tour... This time I would love to show you Our Rose Suite Kitchenette that is built into our Rose Suite Living Room. If you missed any of the previous posts, all links you find beneath this post.
Previous post was about Our Rose Suite Living Room. You are facing the door to the Rose Suite bedroom here.
Before turning to our Rose Suite Kitchenette I want to show you this remarkable wood carved wreath with roses from the artisans of Tyrol in northern Italy. Paired with some romantic wall hangings.
In order to show all the details I used the flash but that reflects in the lady's hair...
the little oval is under glass and it is mounted on velvet in an ornamental frame.
This came from a Dutch estate.
Back to my favorite wooden wreath with roses. Can you imagine that such a piece has been hand carved out of a single piece? Its bows are all gilded and that is about the only touch needed here.
Those long snowy winters in the mountains of Tyrol, northern Italy, do have their people produce quite some unique wood carvings. All done by hand!
Here you see the gilding on the bow...
Are those roses and leaves not perfectly done?
We always bought such a unique piece after doing consulting work in Germany. 
Near my home town in The Netherlands, there is a Pilgrimage place, Kevelaer ←click link) and they have loads of wood carvings from Tyrol. Right now it would be a treat to go and see all the wooden Christmas villages they have.
Our foster daughter Anita, from Indonesia, did go with us to Kevelaer, in November of 2008 and she snapped so many photos of the Christmas villages...
Now let's turn to the Kitchenette... Between two pillars we could just place our toilet and the kitchenette is partly on top of the big pillar. They tapered down towards the top but the problem was, they were not straight-walled. Our cabinetmaker did however manage to make a cabinet against the tapering wall. Guess in all, we pretty well managed to build in everything that is necessary for a little Suite where guests can live on their own with complete privacy and even manage to have breakfast and coffee or tea independently; if needed.
A large fridge with freezer part is around the corner in the pantry. There is an Atag stainless steel sink with Danish Damixa faucet with hot and cold water. A water cooker and also a single hot plate is available and small microwave.
Plates, cups & saucers and glasses are in the cupboards.
Here you see the door to the corridor...
Paper towel holder and underneath are a mixer, cutlery box and also dish rack.
Table for two is nearby and it has a drawer under neath.
Glass shelves we built into the corners, using Danish Damixa chrome holders.
Towel holder is also a chrome Danish Damixa.
Round stainless steel Atag sink and the counter is Corian.
Coffee made can also be carried on the tray to the little bistro table and chairs, on the patio at the entrance...
Sure, tins with roses for coffee and cookies. Those I found in Kevelaer, Germany one time and they came home with us on the plane.
Goose egg with rose, on a stand.
Nice Rose Silver Napkin holder...
Okay, let's have a coffee or a tea and relax together!
Did you like our Rose Suite so far?
Dear husband Pieter literally went the extra mile for creating all this.
We have slept here the last couple of weeks while our bathroom got remodeled upstairs.
So it is convenient not only for guests but at times even for ourselves.
Have a lovely weekend!


  1. the corner sink is neat. i love that wooden rose wreath!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      So you can understand how I fell in love with that wreath...! It had to come home with us. The round corner sink, believe it or not, also traveled home in our suitcase. There is one more in the laundry room.
      Hugs to you,

  2. Wow Mariette! What a gorgeous little space:) The wooden carved wreath is gorgeous, a piece to be treasured for sure...it has a good home with you!

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      You bet that we will always treasure that hand carved wooden rose wreath!
      Hugs to you,

  3. dearest Mariette,
    this kitchen corner is so clever made!
    Really a lovely suite!
    Have a wonderful 1.Advent-Weekend!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thanks for the compliment and it means more, coming from you. Knowing that you and your husband are also a hard working do-it-yourself-team!
      Likewise a very happy 1st Advent Weekend,

  4. This is a very pretty suite for your lucky guests! I love the carved wreath and artwork and all the special touches to make it home away from home. xx

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Certainly you and your husband know about building your own nest! We really tried hard for creating a home-away-from-home for others. Both of us know what that means with all our travels in the past.
      Hugs to you,

  5. Buenos días Mariette. Es todo precioso, un sitio encantador. ¡Que seáis felices!!!!!!!!!!!! Besos.

    1. Querida Enma,
      Gracias por decir es precioso. Espero que todo está bien con ustedes. Disfrutar de un hermoso fin de semana de Adviento y gracias por su visita y comentario.

  6. Wat een prachtig bewerkte houten krans Mariëtte.
    En dank je voor je lieve reactie.
    Ik hou ook meer van de Kerst dan van Sinterklaas, daar doen wij niets meer aan. Toen onze zoon groter was deden wij al snel pakjes onder de Kerstboom, die wel tot na de jaarwisseling blijft staan.
    Ik wens je een fijn weekend.
    Lieve groet, Mea

    1. Beste Mea,
      Ja, als je niet meer gelooft in Sinterklaas dan is het wel gebeurd. Toch vond ik de rijmpjes voor de volwassenen met pakjesavond erg gezellig! Geniet van dit eerste Advents weekend.

  7. Can I rent it for a week? Nice little place for a short break! ;-) Have a wonderful week Mariette. Mei

    1. Dearest Katy-Mei,
      You would be quite welcome! Hope your week is a good one and thanks for your visit.

  8. Dear Mariette,
    I love the way you have made everything fit so neatly into the space at hand. How convenient that you have a place on hand while your bathroom is remodeled.
    The wooden wreath is wonderful; it's hard to believe that is from one piece!
    Enjoy your week end.....*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Yes, that hand carved wooden wreath is a wondrous piece of artwork! The hands that made this, I only can admire them...
      Hugs to you,

  9. Love the roses corner <3

    1. Dearest Bela,
      Yes, we love that roses corner as well and it fits perfectly for our 'Rose Suite'.

  10. It is all cosy and confortable Mariette. Beautiful is the wooden wreath with roses, Marie-Antoinette should have like it all in our days like her boudoir.

    Have a nice weekend,


    1. Dearest Janny,
      It sure is cozy and comfy. Often we say that we would have loved to have that much comfort in our first home... Guess so Marie Antoinette would have loved to add such rose wreath to her boudoir.
      Enjoy your Advent weekend too.

  11. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    ein sehr hübsch gestalteter Raum! Besonders schön finde ich den geschnitzten Rosen-Kranz! Ich danke dir auch für deinen Kommentar zu meinem letzten Posting. Ich habe dir dazu auf meinem Blog eine Antwort geschrieben, denn ich denke, du hast meine Intention missverstanden. Ich kopiere sie dir hierher auch noch einmal und wünsche dir ebenfalls einen wunderbaren 1. Advent!
    Herzlichst Traude

    PS: Hier nun "mein Kommentar zu deinem Kommentar" :

    Lass dir (und mir) ZEIT, liebe Mariette ;o)
    Über meine Eindrücke der Reise wirst du in den Folgen meines Reiseberichtes bestimmt noch genug zu lesen bekommen.
    In diesem Posting hier habe ich nicht den Westen der USA beschrieben, sondern meine innere Einstellung, die Ruhe, zu der ich zu gelangen versuchte (und tatsächlich gelangte), WÄHREND ich reiste. Es war eine innere Reise, parallel zur äußeren. Diese Ruhe hat natürlich auch beeinflusst, wie ich die Reise empfunden habe. Mit Ruhe kann man durch JEDES Land reisen, ob nun durch Indien oder durch den Westen der USA oder durch Österreich.
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    1. Liebe Traude,
      Danke für deine Wörte. Ja, die Geschichte über die sieben Ängste aus dein Buch ist ziemlich lang zum lesen. Dazu hat nicht jeder Zeit oder Interesse. Bilder sprichen immer für sich und mit ein wenig Text macht es einen Post schnell lesbar.
      Lieber Gruss und schöner 1ster Advent!

  12. Dear Mariette, your guests are so fortunate to have you as a host, you tough of every single detail, beautifully done:)Have do you manage to keep everything so clean and in order?!
    Enjoy your Sunday... Hugs, Jagoda

    1. Dearest Jagoda,
      Thanks for your compliment. Keeping our home in order and clean is quite a task but so far we manage! Have a great Advent Sunday.

  13. Hallo Mariette,
    diese Suite ist wirklich mit Bedacht eingerichtet. Und man sieht, dass eine perfekte Hausfrau und ein talentierter Handwerker ein hervorragendes Resultat hervorgebracht haben. Da fehlt es an nichts und alles sieht elegant aus. Der geschnitzte Rosenkranz ist eine echte Kostbarkeit und wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Ja, es lohnt sich das Pieter studiert hat wie er Gebäude entwerft und auch Sanitär, Strom und Klimaanlage mit eigenen Händen schafft. Wir hatten reichlich Zeit um alles genau zu planen, um die fünf Säulen herum, die dort waren. Es hat geklappt und wir sind froh damit.
      Lieber Gruss,

  14. The wreath with roses looks incredible.
    And your suite is just perfect! If I stay someone's house as guest, I love to have my own kitchenette and make coffee anytime I want!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Haha, so this Rose Suite would be perfect for you to stay in. We too are happy if we find a hotel that provides that little luxury. It makes you feel home away from home.
      Enjoy your Sunday.

  15. Hi, Dearest Mariette♡♡♡
    So sorry for my belated comment for this gorgeous post. I had another trouble with PC.
    GORGEOUS "Rose Suite"☆☆☆ What a marvelous rose wreath and I LOVE your stainless corner sink and the rose tin cases♬♬♬ As I wrote you before, I always wonder who will have the honor as the first guest to the splendid room. (haha, I wish I could)
    So sorry I wish to write more, but I hae to cook dinner p;) Wishing to comment early, my friend.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako san,
      The first guests in our Rose Suite were Pieter's brother and his new love. He was a widower for about 5 years. Both of them are no longer with us but we sure have fond memories!
      Hugs to you,

  16. Liebe Mariette,

    den Kommentaren stimme ich zu.

    Herzliche Grüße


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Vielen Dank und herzliche Advent Grüsse,

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    ganz herzlichen Dank für deine lieben Wünsche -
    ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Adventabend -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    so schön hast du es - deine Küche gefällt mir sehr -
    ganz besonders schön ist der Kranz mit den Rosen -

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke und gleichfals auch für Dich einen schönen Adventabend.
      Lieber Gruss,

  18. Dear Mariette,

    What a very comfortable and cosy house you live in. I enjoyed catching a glimp of the Delft Blue canal houses. A friend of mine collects them too. A little Dutch touch in an American home :-)

    Have a lovely new week!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      This is only the Rose Suite for our guests... But comfortable it is upstairs and downstairs. We got all the Delft Blue houses from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in our veranda lined up on the little window ledge. Enjoy your Advent week,

  19. My dear sweet friend Mariette,
    I love love your Rose Suite, it's so neat and the rose wreath is so beautiful, thanks for sharing with us your beautiful place.
    Hugs to you with lots of love
    Laura :0)

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thanks for your comment with lovely compliments. Have a lovely Advent week with your family,

  20. Het is goed te zien met hoeveel liefde je dit hebt ingericht. Het is een fantastische plek voor jullie gasten. Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja hoor, we hebben er alles aan gedaan om het onze gasten naar de zin te maken! Liefs en een fijne eerste Advent week.

  21. Dearest Mariette,

    Very nice the rose kitchenette and living room

    wood carved wreath with roses such a meravigliosa!, i love wood carving
    so great job for you and your husband Pieter.
    I saw many roses everywhere..beautiful suite

    have a niceday
    love to you


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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