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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

{How is YOUR Blog's TRUE Presence on the WEB?}

  • As bloggers we love to get followers, comments and whatever social media connection we are participating in.
  • But HOW can we measure the OUTPUT?
  • Surely we CAN measure this and I will show you here with some examples at random, to also make clear that a high NUMBER of FOLLOWERS is often very deceiving! Bare with me till the very end; you will be in for quite a surprise!

  • Let's start with my own very humble number of 490 followers...


  • The world's number one site search is of course Google with 4,390,000,000 results...

  • This is my own humble site search result for those 490 followers of my blog in 189 countries.
  • Not bad; 1,840 results.

  • This is Nora from the emotion-centered Seelensachen blog in Austria, with a very high number of followers; 1,868.

Seelensachen.blogspot.com yields 1,080 results on site search (blog has been removed)

  • That is LESS than for my humble number of 490 followers.
  • Loyal readers cannot be lured in temporarily, by feeding them just emotion-centered content. 
  • The Experts call that style: The vampire blogger.
A dangerous way for being emotion centered and selfish. Love the last line by Clay Morgan in his: The Undead Guide to Killing your Blog: then your online career will be in its twilight faster than Dracula can flap his cape...

  • Some writers are just brilliant with their words and it comes across rather clear; don't you think?
  • Below is an excerpt from Clay Morgan's post:

  • Meet Anita Rivera from the Castles Crowns Cottages blog.

  • Doing the site search for Castles Crowns and Cottages yields 554 results.
  • Guess that Google too did spot this Copy & Paste Master with her very vague linking to the source; if at all.
  • Does that make you feel more at ease about not having that many followers? 

  • Meet Delores from Vignette Design with her 1707 members.

  • Doing the site search for Vignette Design yields 847 results.
  • She does have great and genuine content at times, all of her own but she too knows how to borrow content and ideas from big websites. 
  • Again; Google knows how to spot when anyone uses thin or scraped content. Another issue is that she seldom does comment on other bloggers posts anymore. 
  • I gave up on her because of that as it cannot be a one-way event. Sad fact as Delores did help me out in June of 2010, when I was as green as they come in blogging. She pointed me to a tutorial for creating the widget to have others take it with them, off your side bar. That was mighty sweet!
  • Don't you agree with me?

  • There is Katysue from Good Life of Design who obviously no longer uses her Google Friend Connect but she ranked very high with her Copy & Paste blogging style and very vague source linking (just mentioning it is from Pinterest and such). 
  • But Google KNOWS that certain people are plagiarizing and they make it show up in their site search as you see above; Katysue yields only 847.

  • Another blogger is Bella from Bellas Rose Cottage with quite a high number of followers; 1464 in total.
  • She long abandoned my blog and never ever did comment, contrary to the beginning.
  • Guess I no longer did qualify for belonging to her ranks.

  • Doing the site search for Bellas Rose Cottage did yield 557 results.
  • So, Google knows that she is not out and about as much as she ought to.

  • Tammy's sincere, down to earth, happy and genuine posts with only use of her own photos did yield 1,190 with site search!

  • Meet Elisabeth from Elisabeth Welt in Germany.
  • Sure, speaking seven languages does make my horizon a little bit bigger but most bloggers do have a Google translate button so you too can visit more 'out of the box' so to speak.

  • Dear Elisabeth from Elisabeth Welt does yield astonishingly high with the site search: A MEGA 7,810! 
  • So how come that Elisabeth's World (translated from German) scores THIS high?

One thing I know for sure; she is the MOST LOYAL COMMENTER in the blogger world and she posts very frequent, short posts, not those BORING long text stories that nobody has time to read.
We scan the Internet; we don't READ on the Internet.
Hah, lesson learned...?!
Elisabth also is following the COMMENT- DIALOGUE instead of the Monologue theory; she does REPLY to comments!

Another fabulous blog that I have had on my side bar for quite a while is: Fashion.
  • Sarah does have 1,249 followers.

  • Sarah also yields very high with her outstanding blog Fashion; 22,600!
  • You ought to check out those outstanding blogs and think twice about running like lemmings after something that IS NOT...
  • Okay, both my husband and I have done a lot of analyzing during our years as international mushroom consultants. I still like to do this. It teaches you how to read between the lines, how to detect genuine material from pretentious plagiarized material. 
  • Somebody else did the work by making excellent photos and big deal you write a blog post about it. 
  • Or those that use others' suffering as an emotion-centered bait for their blogs. 
  • I do not approve of that either.
  • We all ought to bring RESPECT back into our culture.
  • As for my MANTRA it is BACK TO BASICS.
  • Like former chief evangelist of Apple +Guy Kawasaki is saying so well:

We all ought to recognize and promote other bloggers as well. It is not only about us.
  • On my sidebar I have always put some fledgling bloggers, to help them being exposed to a larger audience.

Certainly I would have appreciated that myself in my beginning period.

  • Under my Blogger Tips, you still can find several tutorials with Blogger Tips. 
  • Use them as you please, that is my little contribution of Making Meaning. 
  • What is your opinion about this google site search result?
  • Were you surprised by the outcome?
  • Love to hear your thoughts!

PS for Ria from the blog It’s Me this photo of her site search which did yield 708 for her 1120 followers and not 6,070 as she mentioned in her comment below. Follow the Google Webmaster guidelines by logging in to google.com and then type: site:... fill in your blog name only, as shown in above examples, leaving the http:// off. We have to compare apples with apples!  


  1. Wow this is very interesting, Mariette! It's encouraging to have many followers but I like to have friends...I sometimes explorer new blogs but not very often because I know I cannot catch up with too many blogs. I keep it cozy :-) I always love your lovely, personal comments!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      The point actually is that many followers do not represent what it 'looks like'. Quality above quantity; as always in life! Comments can at times look almost mechanized; one-size-fits-all. Often my husband and I have laughed at certain comments because it became so obvious that they had not read the contents of my post.
      It is always great to be in touch with you; one day we should meet...
      Hugs to you,

    2. Thank you for your comment, Mariette! Quality above quantity - it does apply to everything in life :-)
      It's great to be in touch with you, too! We may have already come across somewhere as we both live in GA :-)

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    I don't know, what I should think about this. I don't have to have many followers, who do not leave any comments..... I think, to have less followers, and getting kind comments , to have kind contacts ot peolple all over the world, to get friends, we can share our hobbys and passions with, is more worth....
    Love and hugs to you, and thank you for all your kind and lovely comments all the time :O)
    Glad I found you in the WWW :O)

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      You are so right about that! It is not the quantity but the quality. Your sweet comments are also greatly appreciated! Friendship across the Atlantic Ocean and I must compliment you for your perfect English.
      Hugs to you,

    2. Thank you so much, deearest Mariette! It always is such a pleasure to visit you here :O)
      Oh, and my english is not perfect, but ok ;O)
      Love and hugs,

  3. P.S. Did I tell you,I love your new header?
    hugs to you

    1. Thanks Claudia! With sadness I look at it since this ONE nosegay of daffodils is all we got this spring. Usually we had hundreds of them, vase after vase and we could share them with friends. It is a highly fragrant variety. But due to the dry summers they did not bud out this year... Hope next year they will be back.

    2. I keep my fingers crossed, that your Daffodils will come out soon!
      I am watching the garden everyday for singns of springtime!
      Love and hugs,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich bin beeindruckt.
    Vielen Dank dafür.

    In Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ich bin immer sehr beeindruckt von Deine sehr ständige, intelligente und überdachte, kurze Beiträge die ständig einladen zum provozieren. Damit hast Du zumindest einen sehr hohen Rang auf diese Weise. Kompliment dafür!
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Thanks for explaining about the site search, I've never considered it before, but it's interesting to see. That was good advice from Guy Kawasaki.

    Mariette, I remember your comment about posting my finished crewel embrodiery piece. I've had eye issues for a while and surgery and hope to get back to the work soon. In the meantime, I broke 3 new needles on trying to bead that fabric! lol

    Could you please send some of your warm weather out and over to my neighborhood? We are fairly weary of the cold and want a little break.

    New End Studio

    1. Dearest Gloria,
      Thanks for your visit and comment. Hope your eyes will not give you problems anymore and there are worse things than breaking needles...! Sending you some warmer weather; not today because we expect frost for tonight again. Here in Georgia it goes up and down a lot. Confusing and hard to know what to wear. But in about a month we're getting to real spring weather and more stable.
      Hugs to you,

  6. Those superstar bloggers make me so angry! I mean, there are billions of bloggers, who do you think you are to make me FAN of yours, instead of FRIEND!
    Making friends is point of blogging, right? I do not offer any product to you, products are for web sites (place where you collect "fans").
    But it's funny how superstars embarrass themselves by commenting "great blog, wanna follow each other" when we already DO follow each other! Also, seeing later the same blogger in the same action but only on the other blogs makes me wonder DO THEY HIRE SOMEONE to leave comments for them??? Or do they just comment by copy/paste technique? :)
    It is hard to make meaning, but that must be our goal, definetly.
    I didn't know that thing about Google, it's impressing. :)

    1. Dearest Bela,
      Those offers for following them and they will follow you back I do ignore most of the time. It is not about scoring with empty hulls but for attracting readers because of your content. There are a lot of phony bloggers out there and they think they are above visiting others or commenting; just a ME-ME attitude. But let them be, Google did already take care of a big part of that. Also the so called blog hopping and link parties is wrong. That brings traffic to their blogs but tell me, WHO in the world will go over there to read HUNDREDS of posts? Google does punish this artificial linking. But they are so engaged with themselves that they did not even notice that google does punish such behavior; rankings have changed.
      Better stay true to yourself! My Canadian blogger friend Susan put it perfectly together in her post today: http://avagracescloset.blogspot.ca/2013/02/on-authenticity.html
      Hugs to you,

  7. Hi Mariette,
    I really enjoyed your post today...I am going to check my site search. I know of a few bloggers that never reply to comments too, so I do understand what you are saying. I have stopped reading a few blogs also because of this.

    I have a question, I follow many blogs, but only a few of them show up on my side bar. So I have to go to my reading list to see who has posted so I can read their post and comment. I use to rely on my side bar to see who posted but soon found out I was missing out on my favorite bloggers, so is there any way I can add more blogs to my side bar. I always thought they automaticley would show up on the side bar after I became a follower.
    I always love reading your comments you leave for me. I really enjoy your posts when you share your needlework and your beautiful home.
    You are so talented and I adore your needlework and sewing posts, they speak to my heart.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

    1. Dearest Elizabeth,
      Thanks for your comment and as for the sidebar use, why not place your favorite blogs there. There is no way you can visit them all! And why should you? If they leave you a comment, than you visit them back. That's what I do. Changing the sidebar from time to time also helps as interests change and some bloggers do drop out. You can manually add your most favorite ones to the side bar by pasting in the 'home' URL. They don't automatically end up there just by following other bloggers. That are two separate actions.
      Thanks for your compliments and I do admire both of you as well. Just down to earth, clever people that use their own hands and resources for creating a warm and true nest. Not some imitation from so-called interior design gurus. Have you noticed how many of those interior designers suddenly have sprung up? It is a new hype but people with common sense and enough character like you and Gary don't need to copy any of those...

  8. Liebe Marietta,
    Da hast du Dir wieder eine große, informative Arbeit auferlegt.
    Es ist inteessant zu lesen.
    Ich freue mich über jeden neuen Leser (es tut mir immer leid, wenn sich wieder einige verabschieden) und über jeden Kommentar.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke für dein Kommentar und es ist schön von vielen Lesern zu lesen.
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. Wow Mariette, je weet het goed te brengen, hahaha! Zit ik hier ver weg te glimlachen dat iemand dit eens schrijft, goedzo! Ik zal altijd aan je denken als ik naar mijn 5 widget links kijk, ipv de 3 die ik had, jouw grote tip aan mij. Ik ga toch eens kijken bij Ome Google wat er echt gebeurd, bedankt hiervoor en mooie header!
    Groetjes! Maureen

    1. Lieve Maureen,
      Ja, dat dacht ik ook, dit moet een keer gezegd worden! Ome Google straft al die copy & paste artiesten toch al wel. Ook de vaak copy & paste standaard comments die hélemaal geen betrekking op de blog post's inhoud hebben. Ik vind het bijzonder knap dat er telkens weer nieuwe manieren uitgevonden worden om dergelijk gedrag er uit te kunnen lichten en dan ook gepast af te straffen.
      Ben blij dat het werkte met je widgets en jou mooie blog is het ook dubbel en dwars waard. Je bent zo spontaan en schrijft van je hart. Puur Maureen en níks geleend. Er zullen er overigens niet veel zijn waar je zoiets zou kúnnen lenen... ha-ha.

  10. Intressant......maar mij maakt het niet zoveel uit eigenlijk.....cijfers....ik heb wel even gekeken met 1140 volgers.....kreeg ik dit te zien........Ongeveer 6.070 resultaten (0,34 seconden) ...weet niet hoe het zo hoog komt denk door de webwinkel of pinterest...die zullen wel meegeteld worden......maar het zijn maar cijfers toch ??...liefs van mij...xxx...

    1. Beste Ria,
      Je hebt mogelijk tóch iets fout gedaan want het komt niet hoger dan 708 resultaten i.p.v. jou vermeende 6,070. Jullie webwinkel is separaat, ook dat kun je mooi op google.com nagaan door site:... webwinkel naam in te voegen. Zie hierboven nog maar eens hóe je het precies moet doen.

    2. Snap dan niet goed wat je bedoeld..ik zie 6070 als ik bonnature blogspot doe...en als ik er com achter zet 5.310 resultaten (0,15 seconden) ...en nl dan is het ....5.910 resultaten (0,33 seconden) ...dus denk dat ik wat fout doe of zo.....maargoed maakt niet uit......liefs van mij...xxx..!!

    3. Oh ik zie het al je moet er site voor zetten...maar wat maakt het verschil dan ??? dat snap ik niet ????..maar wat maakt het uit ik heb zoveel bezoekers op mijn blog en ook al had ik er een per dag dan deed ik het daar voor...hahahaaha...dankjewel voor de uitleg,....groetjes Ria ..xxx

    4. Beste Ria,
      Fijn dat je er nu uit bent! Inderdaad plaats jij: site:bonnature.blogspot.com in de search op google.com en dan zie je hetzelfde resultaat.

  11. Hello Mariette, I find that statistics really can't define a blog. For one thing, there are so many blogging styles out there. I agree that simply looking for large stats is worthless, and attracts the wrong kind of visitors anyway.

    One danger of waiting for a comment to visit other blogs--that puts the onus on the "other person", and works against the writers of small blogs.

    In the end, while I can't ignore certain niceties, I like to write about things that interest me, and let the stats take care of themselves.
    --Road to Parnassus

    1. Dear Jim,
      This is not about defining a blog but to show that some bloggers that seem to be very popular, however short-lived that might be, are not being rated that way by Google's site measure. You are right that large stats will attract the wrong visitors but keep in mind that a lot of people will get impressed by it and DO follow because of it.
      As for the onus on the other person, I did make that comment to Bela in my reply. Out of a courtesy that is to some of the many bloggers that follow you and once in a blue moon leave you a comment. It is no obligation for having to visit, read and comment on all others blogs!
      Like you say, it's about things of interest and certain people that you like to go back and forth to for a visit and a friendly word. Call it virtual friendships.
      Your writing is always very poised and a pleasure to read; posts and comments!

  12. Thank You Mariette,
    For Adding My site link on your Post.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Dearest Amreen,
      You are quite welcome and you certainly deserved to be a little bit in the spot light. Your blog is excellent and I can see why you got 1,856,550 pageviews! More readers should stop by at your exotic Bahrain blogs!
      Hugs to you,

  13. Cara amica i tuoi post sono sempre interessanti!!
    Sei una donna da 1000 sorprese,ti occupi di tutto!!
    Sei grande!!
    Un bacio dall'Italia cara amica!!

    1. Carissima Sabry,
      Sì, sorprese mantengono la vita interessante. Non poteva astenersi da una piccola analisi. Una volta eralo il mio lavoro e non lo ottiene mai fuori dal mio sistema. E certe cose dovevano essere detto per una volta.
      Baci anche dai Stati Uniti, sei una cara!!

  14. Thank you so much Mariette for all your kindness, I will work on my sidebar. So sweet of you to help.
    Enjoy your day, Elizabeth

    1. You are quite welcome Elizabeth! Love to help you out, never a problem.
      Have a happy day as well.

  15. I found this very interesting and had to give it a try so did and my results were 21,900 in 0.32seconds...........wow..............that was cool..........

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yeah, cool indeed but you forgot to take the http:// off and replace it with site:
      Did try it for you and posted it on Google+ to let you see the reality of 828 instead. Sorry for blowing that bubble!

  16. Now this is just what I needed to read, Mariette....writing has been quite a daunting profession as late. Though I've never made much money from writing and have always had the goal of spreading Louisiana history with my stories, for the publishing world, it's all about sales. Thanks for reminding why I became a writer....and funny you should post this today, I was writing my next post on a purposeful and meaningful life when I took a break to read. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      My husband always joked about us writing the wrong books for making any money. But it is a passion too and it can hardly be stopped. It will make us a bit immortal... Funny indeed that you took a break from your writing to come here to read!
      Hugs to you,

  17. My Dearest Mariette,
    I had no idea you speak seven languages. Very impressive! I, myself, am only fluent in my native English tongue but am able to hold a brief, albeit grammatically illiterate, conversation in three other languages. I envy your lingual gift!

    Next month, I will have been blogging for 10 years. My current blog is my 7th; I sold two of the others at a very tidy profit and have let the other four languish. But, to be perfectly frank, I have never used Google Friend Connect on ANY of them.

    Perhaps it's because I'm already over-extended, what with Facebook and Twitter? Then, too, I've always been under the impression it's more of a personal (emotional?) blog-oriented thing.

    If, at some point, you have the time and inclination, I would truly appreciate an entry of yours telling me how to use it and what it provides beyond more clutter in the sidebar.

    Hugs to you, my friend!
    Katie B. of HousewifeHowTos.com

    1. Dearest Katie,
      Thanks for your compliment and guess it is good for keeping our mind sharp. I always had to speak the native tongue as in the mushroom harvesting department the education level was not such as that they spoke English. It is interesting as you really can emerge yourself into a culture.
      Okay, if I have the time I will come back at the subject for you!

  18. Cara Mariette, dai tuoi post si imparano mille cose, sono utili e arricchiscono le persone di nozioni a volte sconosciute...grazie di cuore!
    Ti mando un bacione dall'Italia

    1. Cara Anna,
      Grazie, noi siamo lì per aiutarci a vicenda. Ci possono essere mentori molto meglio di me, ma non è dato a tutti di esprimere questo in parole, comprensibile per gli altri...

  19. Dear Mariette,very interesting post , I learned a lot, I did not know, because I'm just a new blogger, only 8ʹ months,and i agree with you.I just look mine,the 1st is 36000(0,20 sec)and the 2nd,13600(0,21sec),in my sidebar i have all the blogs i read,and always looking for more to viscover.My english is'nt so good,but i love reading posts from other countries,as i like yours tooI'll be happy to be advised from you,on what to do for my blog to make it better!Thank you!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Like I wrote above to Anna, the purpose is to help each other and there sure are better mentors than I but they might not be able to put it in writing. Okay Dimi, you are fairly new and you might have overlooked the exact wording for putting into the google.com search box; without http://. You scored this high because you ONLY used the title of your blog; not with the blogspot.com added... The real score is 147 for your 369 followers. Advising you for making your blog better is not needed as you got it all in place and you use already your own genuine photos and text. Hugs to you and I will email this to you. At least you got the comment settings correct; showing your email address.

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    I always love reading your comment you leave for me always,I like to write about things that interest me,I feel so much to read and comment on all other bloggers, AS you know because of interest in certain of my wonderful happy your family!
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      The reason for blogging should be for having a mutual interest in certain things. We can learn from each other and enjoy reading each other like a magazine. The world has become small and really accessible.
      Hugs to you and all my love,

  21. Dear Mariette, interesting post, though I'm not quite sure I know exactly what it means. I'm glad to know that I had positive search results, though. :) I enjoy the friends I've made through blogging and don't really care to try and do anything to gain more followers. I'd much rather have a few faithful blog friends than a whole bunch of people who just scan and depart. It's the interaction and connections made that are the most rewarding. Wishing you a beautiful day. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thanks for your comment and I'm in full agreement with you. Better have great blog that appeals to fewer readers than spreading yourself a mile wide and an inch deep with hardly any interaction. I am not out there to be popular with the masses! Just practical and personal sharing of our own content; nothing borrowed.
      Hugs to you,

  22. Thanks for this interesting information.

    I did this for my site and was very pleased at the results! I am not looking to be popular or a presence on the web, just blogging about life.

    1. You are quite welcome! It is very important you enjoy what you are doing. Thanks for the visit and comment.

  23. Dear Mariette,

    Interesting information, as always you are informative and I always learn something from your beautiful blog! I will have to try the google search for my site, but right now I really should be cleaning my house! I will try later. I do not blog to capture many, just to share and connect. I have made many wonderful friends from blogging and that makes me so happy! Just to know anyone would be interested in my humble thoughts and life is amazing to me! I like to share and I have also learned so much from blogging. I love to see how other's live and decorate and see their beautiful thoughts and ideas. That to me is what blogging is all about! Sharing friendship and inspiration and joy! Hugs to you! xx

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thanks for your visit and comment. Indeed it is about connecting and sharing friendship. Meeting you via blogging has been a real joy. Thanks for being a friend from the North West connecting with the South East!
      Hugs to you,

  24. Dear Mariette,

    Always great to read what you have to say, thank you so much for sharing this information.
    I think that it is far nicer to have the kind comment from a friend than a huge list of followers. Along the way I have made some wonderful friends.

    Love your new header with the pretty daffodils and delicious chocolates.
    Hope you are having a lovely week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      You are so right on this! Always quality above quantity with everything in our lives. So glad I found you all the way in New Zealand.
      Wish I could reach you some chocolates to share, while having a nice chat.
      Hugs to you,

  25. Hi Mariette, you have really open the heaven's gates here, a storm of comments is raining down!! There are a few bloggesr I count as my frineds, asn I certainly count you as one of them.It's lovely to make friends that way and thank you fro all your support through my blogging years.I may blog less right now through cit=rcumstances as the situation aroun my mum, but it's lovely to keep in touch.Much love to you and Pieter! XX bea

    1. Dearest Bea,
      You are a very special and dear friend! Love your visits and comments and hope you can handle life's challenges around your Mum.
      Hugs to you and Simon,

  26. Dearest Mariette,

    What a brilliant analysis. love the way you analyst the blogs.
    I learn something new;)

    to have those followers? I think i need another thousand years;)LOL.no..my dearest Mariette, I am happy as I am now, slowly but sure. I am more happy to have small follower but there are exchange,sharing the passions,life etc. thought more worth isn't?
    The vampire blog..i found this phenomena truly sad,
    Thanks so much for being a great friendship.
    these last 4 weeks i need to laying on the bed frequently. I am not feeling good lately. I try to catch all friends as fast as possible, but physically unable. I think i need a rest another 2 months more until feel much better.
    comments??... I always put comment to my dear friend's blog on each their new posts.sometimes little bit late due to some reason ;). I prefer a reciprocal blogger.
    when i comments frequently on them, then they have already receive lots of comments,they even didn't give any feedback.
    just learned that the blogger world the same as the world in reality now.
    Thanks so much for sharing this analyst, just opened my eyes.
    wishing you a great week
    hugs to you

  27. Dearest Ayu,
    Yes, sadly the behavior of bloggers reflects real life behavior. Some never show any courtesy and it is best for leaving those behind as they don't deserve our precious time. Hope you are feeling better soon. Winter is kind of tough for getting through and especially someone who comes from exotic and tropical Bali, Indonesia!
    Hugs to you and thanks for your loyalty!

    1. Dearest Mariette,

      I love really do your analyst I couldn't stop reading it more than twice.
      I have controlled mine as you teach us above..not bad for me ;)for my little blog ;)
      That is true, ' Me -first' I face this phenomena at this moment. such a sad.anyway. The world had changed. People don't want to giving instead of receiving only.

      I am happy, I will give as long as I can do.
      hugs to you Mariette.
      have a great week

  28. Dearest Mariette,
    I have to thank you for this gorgeous post and for your great tip!!! Now I am so happy to see that my little blog, which I so dearly love and where I put so much of my love and energy, has a really good web presence if compared to my humble number of followers! Of course I checked some of the blogs with HUGE numbers of followers (you know, those blogs which fish for new followers by commenting once and then completely disappearing!)... and what turns out? Well, you already know... they have much lower web presence than my little blog! :) NOW I finally feel so much better about those HUGE follower numbers which always looked so astonishing to me! :D And what I'm really glad about is to see that genuine passion pays off, after all! YAY!!!


    1. Dearest Anna,
      Sorry for reacting quite late but I got way behind with things! Hope that after this month we will face a normal routine in our lives...
      You were so right about what you state here above! There are a lot of shallow bloggers that come across our road and at first glance they might look impressive but they're just empty hulls. They will vanish over time as they cannot constantly fake it to ALL of us... Good for you and keep your passion alive. It is exactly that; if you are passionate about what you do it will shine through in your writing and attract genuine attention.
      Hugs to you,

  29. Thanks Mariette! Thsi information really hepled me :) Now I can see the real number of search results of my blog... not so many, but something at least. So about URL/name chaneg - all this search results will be lost? I suppose so... Will think better now about any such changes.
    Take care!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Just found this message today.
      If you would change your URL, of course your search has to be with that new URL and in a way you would start all over again; from scatch.
      But you are not tied to any business, so feel free to change if you must.
      Mine is directly tied to my online business, the same name so that is a different story all together.
      Sending you hugs and enjoy your little son.

  30. Mariette, as usual, you have helped me with your blogging insights. I did the search and it almost exactly equalled my followers, a very modest number. As you probably noticed from my recent post, I am struggling to handle all the commenting. I think I am just trying to be too many people's friends. Not to boost any rankings, but just because I've met a lot of very nice people. I'm going to have to think of a way to scale back so I don't burn out. I want to do other things in my life besides blog, even though I do very much enjoy it.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Glad it did help you a little bit, for decluttering your brain about this often overwhelming blogging concept. Yours is not tied to any business, so you are a lot more free to do what you want. Still of course the results work the same way.
      Sure, I met a lot of friends this way as well and it is very much like former chief evangelist of Apple Guy Kawasaki said:
      Polorize people.
      He suggests being great for some people rather than trying to please everyone.
      Do not be afraid to make people react strongly for or against you. As my former business partner used to remind me, you're not doing something right unless you're pissing someone off. That doesn't mean be a jerk.
      That means just don't try to appeal to all people, or you'll end up a mile wide and an inch deep, mediocre to everyone.
      Especially his first and last sentence are my kind of mantra. Being great to some people!
      None of us have the luxury of time to please everyone so a lot of that mediocre, shallow chit-chat or non-genuine stuff that is out there floating on the Internet, we have to let go of. We need to keep our sanity!
      To me a good blog reads like a magazine, but like with any magazine we SELECT to take home with us for special interest, we must select what blogs deserve our precious time and interest!
      Glad you are one of my favorites, even though you still need to focus on the text part. When writing for a magazine you only get 'that many words' so both, my husband and I, are well trained in that. Give information but don't overdo. Like you yourself, also others love to read several blogs...
      Sending you hugs and wishing for a happy Sunday evening. We are still catching up after having returned home on Friday evening from a 7-day trip to Arizona. A lot of action, all outdoors with walks and hikes. My blogs got pre-scheduled as I keep in mind to never ever drawing attention to our home that will be vacant during our absence. It is astonishing however how many bloggers just do that! Like screaming: 'Come rob me!'...

    2. Mariette, you have given me a lot to think about, and I really appreciate your insight. I know these things, just got sidetracked I think. Thank you, this is going to help me a lot.

    3. and thank you for all this esp after just coming home from a vacation!

    4. Dearest Deborah,
      As I wrote already here above, you are one of my favorites and that's why I too go the extra mile... Glad it did help you!

  31. Hello Mariette,
    Wow, you really went into this subject quite deeply!
    I have to admit I don't care much about how many followers I get, I just don't have the time to keep an eye on that matter.
    All I care for is being "out there" taking fauna pictures and sharing them on my blog.
    My thrill comes from people really interested and how they perceive what they discover.
    Also, I like to make sincere contacts with those sharing the same interests and eventually meet up with them as it often happened in the last 3 years.
    Congratulations though for this insight that will most probably concern quite a few!
    Enjoy your sunday, hugs from France! :-)

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Well, having done a lot of analytics, once in a while I feel the urge to unearth some things and publish the naked truth. There are so many 'pin-heads' out there, self invented 'Style Gurus' etc. etc. that I had to prick that bubble and let it out.
      Most times I quickly can see through those people but some are so arrogant that they deserve being exposed like they REALLY ARE! Those are also the ones that never visit others, they feel like they're above anyone else and we ought to worship them.
      Forget it! Not on my watch.
      Your blog is of such excellence and with a TRUE WEB Presence of 11,400, at this moment, that you soar high above most others, like a Condor! Don't you ever worry about it.
      You write extremely knowledgeable and with great passion and your excellent photography will draw almost anyone to your blog. That is exactly what Google will reward and hence your very high Web Presence!
      Yes, it is great to meet with like minded bloggers and that is the goal of it.
      Only in my case, I also have tied my online business to the blog and for me it works great. Blogged about one item and within a day it got sold (as was the case with several items) and while we were at the Grand Canyon Village hiking and exploring I sold another item to an Australian customer. So Google is judging my authorship positively and it helps me.
      Happy Sunday evening to you, just talked to Mom & Dad at length about our adventures in Arizona and mostly about wild life... It is in our genes!

  32. Dear Mariette! This post that you shared to me is very very informative and helpful! I'm very thankful that you shared this to me and I have read from top to bottom and enjoyed even your great examples above. Thank you so much and I also love Tamago's comment on the first comment, she said that followers are nice but she wants friend. That is also my case and I very much agree with your response of quality over quantity. I am very happy sharing my own thoughts and photos but you are right, it feels so much better if you have friends who read and comment on your work :)

    Sending you hugs for the weekend dear Mariette! And I'm planning to add the sidebar back to my Stevenson Que Blog just as you advised :)

    1. Dear Stevenson,
      Glad it is helpful to you!
      Tamago is one of the most loyal and kind bloggers I've met, also met her and her husband in person.
      We all can learn from each other.
      Stay at it and continue with genuine posts coming from your heart and your personal experience and photos.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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