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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, January 26, 2017

{After 40 years Something's Gotta GIVE...}

Well, life happens and not everything we love will last forever...
It was August 10 of 2016, that I had cleaned our veranda windows and also laundered my hand crocheted curtains.
Next day I would have a group of girls for Etiquette Class so everything would be perfect...

NOT perfect...
All torn up but I hung them up anyway!
There are certain days that we too feel like these curtains look and life goes on! 
But our Delftware houses still stand neatly lined up...
Well, that's how they look after hanging up for 40 years!
I made them for our home in Panningen, The Netherlands, and adjusted them for Horst, The Netherlands and then they went to Dublin, Georgia where they hung and in Cornuda, TV in Italy and back again here in our new home in Dublin, Georgia.
They always did fit; a miracle in itself.
They have endured many hours of sunshine.

It was High Quality Cotton a 6-Cord Mercerized Cordonnet that I purchased from 3Suisses.
One thing I learned to never ever make again those tassels. 
What a job to untangle them after each laundry...

This is taken on August 17, 2016 and showing the short wall, where there are NO holes yet... Only one tassel (not shown here) had come off.
But I got the message.
The search for new high quality Cotton 6-Cord Cordonnet in a similar Mercerized type.
Well, we went to Europe in September so I tried my luck.
NOPE! Nothing...

But I was determined for using a pattern with Fleur de Lys from this very Anna Burda that I'd taken over from my Mom.
Dating from September 1995 and Mom had handwritten 'mooie kantjes' - beautiful laces...
So glad that I bought this over from her!

Mom loved this Fleur de Lys pattern and I was determined to work it into a curtain with some tweaking.
In our veranda there is a theme of Fleur de Lys, see the links below this post.

So I did search on line and found a Handy Hands Lizbeth 6-Cord Cordonnet Cotton Crochet Thread size 3.
I've never worked with a size 3... so I ordered just one 50g ball to work with it for assessing its gauze.

This came in a Scottish Thistle color, a purplish green...
Yep, all what I wanted!
High quality 6-Cord Cordonnet
Mercerized Gas-Singed
Outstanding body that holds its shape
Size 3 thread
100% Egyptian Cotton 
Made in China!

50g = 120 yds
With my 2mm steel crochet hook I managed to work this (black & white photo) only to assess the total weight I would need.
Loved the high quality as it glides on my crochet hook very easily.
So I found one lady in Colorado Springs, CO at DS9Designs Tatting and Beads who just had 3 one kg cones left in white!
As I have assessed by this piece, I would need 2.3 kg total so I needed to order 3.
Today, on my Angel Sister's 67th Birthday in Heaven, it arrived and I'm delighted that it is not a pure white! I'd love an ecru but planned to tea-dye it myself. No need now.

So here it is!
Ready for me to start my Mega Task...

These were the last 3 1 kg cones left!
Will let you know and meanwhile you know what I'm at for the time being!

Thanks for your visits and kind comments.

Related links:
{Our Veranda} | previous post by me
{Fleur de Lys in our Veranda} | previous post by me



  1. Are you going to crochet and replace the whole curtain??!!!!!
    (guessing from the weight of cordonnet you have purchased)
    I just admire you for your patience and your skill of course, dear Mariette!!!
    Many hugs !!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Yes, I will replace the two entire curtains! I've already started them up; both. Since the begin is the hardest part to do with all the counting. But that's done. Now I 'only' need to crochet 12 Fleur de Lys for the longest curtain and 6 Fleur de Lys for the short one...

  2. Prosit Neujahr!, liebe Mariette,
    alles Gute für 2017! Im Neuen Jahr war ich noch gar nicht hier und so sehe ich mit Entsetzen das Loch in der wunderschönen Häkelgardine. Es sind Kostbarkeiten und ich finde es toll, dass Du Dir die Arbeit machst und die Gardinen neu häkelst. Was für eine Arbeit steckt darin und ich kann es nachvollziehen und Dich für Deine Geduld bewundern.

    Alles Liebe von Traudi

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, danke, und Geduld muß man schon haben! Heute habe ich grad 3 Fleur de Lys fertig und es sollen 12 werden und nochmals eine von 6...
      Lieber Gruß,

  3. I so admire this exquisite work! I admire your talent and abilities so much. I wish I could find more expressive way to say it as my admiration goes beyond what I have said here. I love having things like this and I have some from my Grandmother and one of my Aunts before she passed sent me bedspread and a tablecloth. They are prized possessions. I have never learned to crochet and I have not learned to knit. I seem to not have the talent. Or the person to whom I applied for instruction was not patient enough to teach a totally unknowledgeable person. But I can thoroughly enjoy your work.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Thank you so much for your kind words.
      It is quite a mega task and all I do is crochet... Guiding husband Pieter how to cook dinner and that's it.
      But after Church today I again accomplished my goal of one more Fleur de Lys!

  4. Your crocheted curtains are so beautiful. Very elegant and also have warm feeling! It's sad things we love don't last forever but you do have the skill to fix that! It sounds like really a mega task but I know you'll make the curtains perfect again! Looking forward to seeing them when you complete the task :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Well, looking forward to that moment myself for having them hanging and sitting back to relax and enjoy them!
      Got 4 Fleur de Lys done, try to manage one every day and if I make NO error, it takes me 6.5 hours at a fast 'robotic' speed. That never happens of course as you cannot concentrate all day at perfection level. Today I had to undo about 2 of the total 38 rows... Arg!
      Sending you hugs,

  5. Ma chère Mariette,

    I am always in awe of you talent, your graciousness, your generosity and your energy. This is such a wonderful task to set for yourself, and I have no doubt you will absolutely accomplish beautifully, as you do everything you take on.

    Can't wait to see everything finished. Hope your bronchitis has improved.

    Gros bisous,

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Thank you for your kind words and yes, I am feeling as good as new again! Glad my bronchitis is gone.
      It is just a matter of finding top quality thread and than perseverance and I will manage.

  6. Sadly nothing last forever, but I'm sure you will be able to crochet some beautiful new crochet curtains.
    I learned how to knit and crochet, but I haven't crocheted for many years, although I still knit once in a while. One day when I retire I might have more time for this type of thing.
    Enjoy your new task.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Well, for me it had also been years since I did crochet. Glad that with my left hand's problems I'm still able to do so! It is a LOT of stitches but I will get it done.

  7. Dearest Mariette.
    Your always fit a miracle endured of Sunshine high quality High cotton high liven new shoes high Quality concentrate every day I can understand of perfect your improved Dear Mariette San!
    We having a very hot weather most of day.

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      Yes, the cotton will eventually disintegrate from lots of sunshine... But within a couple of weeks a new curtain will take its place. Enjoy the summer weather and we have a mild week but with clouds. Love the light now for crocheting easy...

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    mit Geduld schaffst du es.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, mit viel Disziplin und mit hoher Geschwindigkeit...
      Lieber Gruß,

  9. Dear Mariette - I am very impressed with both your talent and fortitude to even consider replacing the pretty curtain yourself but I am sure that yours will be even more beautiful than the original, and you will achieve so much satisfaction from it. I shall look forward to seeing it when you have finished.
    You are right this post is not appearing for some strange reason in the reading list.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Thank you and even with a lot of years in-between crocheting these length, I will manage to have it done.
      With Blogger one wonders what can go wrong and I'm hoping it will sort itself out.

  10. Nothing is eternal. A curtain was exposed to the sun and had already some years. Well, you bought the appropriate thread and making new and applauded for it. * Actually I do not have your blog on your bar at home. This may itself fix soon. Regards .

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Yes, that's a fact: 'Nothing is eternal". But this can be replaced, even though it is a mega task.
      Let's hope that Blogger will fix it.

  11. You have so many talents my dear. It is always a treat to come over and see what you are up to. I wish you great success on your project. Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and the only problem is the time we have on hand... But with a strong will and lots of perseverance it will get done!

  12. Olá querida Marriette,
    que pecado que aconteceu com a cortina. Estou vendo que virá outra ainda mais bonita. Amei o modelo da cortina nova. Estou na espera de ver esse belo trabalho que vais fazer para adornar a janela. Eu amo crochê. Faço crochê todas as noites. Em nossa casa também, todas as cortinas são de crochê.
    Bjos tenha uma ótima semana.

    1. Dearest Anajá,
      Thank you and just like you, crocheting has been always a favorite but for years I had not done anything.
      All our home has either hand crocheted or needle filet lace curtains done by me. In my lifetime I've crocheted many large curtains, also for others, when I was still young.

  13. Oh jee... wat jammer van je mooie gehaakte gordijnen... de mijne van 35 jaar geleden liggen hier ook nog, maar die liggen veilig in de kast. Het is natuurlijk veel beter dat ze nog mooi hangen net bij jou. Maar,inderdaad wat een mega klus heb je je op je 'nek' genomen... haaknaald 2..is niet de grootste, maar dat gaat mooi worden, weet ik zeker.. en hier kwam afgelopen week op net nieuws dat meer mensen zouden moeten haken en/pf breien...is zeer ontspannend, dus goed voor de mens...

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, heb net 5 Fleur de Lys afgekregen... Morgen # 6 en dan ben ik halverwege en weet ik ook of ik met die 3kg garen toekom. De Chinezen smokkelen, dat heb ik al geleerd want de dikke, zware karton die erin zit die is meegewogen! Dus ik ben bang dat ik daarom tekort kom. Niet op voorraad, dus het is nog best stressig omdat ik het wel wil afmaken en ophangen! Niet lang wachten op een nalevering... Maar de korte is wel nog heel, dus dat is dan niet zo erg in geval dat.
      Zeer ontspannend zal best maar dit is echt tellen en opletten; zal goed voor je brein zijn! Je bent het wel zat als je zo'n kleine 7 uur op een Fleur de Lys hebt gewerkt (38 toeren en de kortste is 157 stokjes...

  14. Oh how beautiful Mariette! Sad that the sunshine does that over time, but how wonderful that you have the patience and the skill to make replacements! They will be beautiful. I am quite impressed with your skill and perseverance. Regarding your comment on my post about flour and sugar, I will email you with a couple questions. Sorry I haven't visited for a while. I have been very busy of late! xo Deborah

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      It is just a question of perseverance I must say as I want to get this done and once it's hanging I can relax. It was already quite a task to find this high quality Egyptian thread in six cord cordonnet. Now the race for finding out tomorrow if those Chinese cones deliver what I worked out they 'should'... They say 1 kg but they included the heavy and hard inside on which the thread is wound around.
      It is a great brain exercise for staying concentrated and today I had a minimum of little errors, so not much lost time for having to redo.
      Looking forward to your email and sending you hugs.

  15. Wow, my dear friend Mariette. You always impress me with your talents and your joy for the small and humble parts of life - that in the end - is life itself. Love the pattern and all of it y sweet friend. Sending lots of love. XXX

    1. Dearest Eli,
      Thank you so much and today, before I had choir practice, the longest of the two curtains got done HALF! Wow, a total of 1/3 from both curtains and I'm so happy. Enough thread too. Soon the largest one will be hanging...

  16. Dearest Mariette; Wow, GORGEOUS crocheted curtains you've made♡♡♡ Even though I have no talent for handcraft, I can guess how you must have felt for its condition now. It seems the repairing job is going ok♩ Yes, I'm also looking forward to seeing them hung again♫♫♫

    Dear friend, So sorry for my absence, I'll be more faithful this year.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Well, as I reply here now, so far I've completed 7.5 Fleur de Lys... Will do the happy dance once it's all done!
      Sending you hugs,

  17. Droga Mariette.Piękny wzór starej firanki.Nowa też będzie cudowna .Mnie się marzy zrobić taką firanke, kiedyś może sobie zrobię.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Dearest Malgorzata,
      Thank you and I too am dreaming about these new curtains being completed and hanging. Today I managed to finish 9 Fleur de Lys = half of the total project!

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    I had another thing was Your Rose suit work shop & you be back to shopping center and you show final room of your rose suite husband. Your dad together with Piter did lay these tiles that was in octiber of 2005 that was last time.I has so much things Dear Meriette San.
    Love Hugs.so much rains.

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Our Rose Suite's Work Shop is busy lately for all the packing of parcels I ship off from my e-commerce.
      BUT I also did manage to crochet now 10.5 Fleur de Lys, even while watching and listening to the Inauguration of our new President.

  19. Oh my! Well, those lovely curtains did hold up for a very long time. Quite the task of making new ones, but it sounds like you are close to finishing and they will be so beautiful. I look forward to the final reveal.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, since Sunday morning the large, 12 Fleur de Lys curtain is hanging proudly. Now my thumb and index finger on my left hand need to recover... Later I will start the shorter one with the 6 Fleur de Lys...

  20. Hello Mariette, It is a miracle that you can take thread and end up with those intricate, lacy patterns. If my life depended on it, I could not even make a doily, let alone such acreage of curtains!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you for your kind words and it is just a matter of concentration (for avoiding any mistakes... and it is nearly impossible!) and perseverance for going on.
      The 3 cones of thread are quite some length indeed as they are 2700 yards each!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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