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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, May 4, 2019

1959 ISMS Congress in Denmark with Conny Riber Rasmussen

The ISMS - International Society for Mushroom Science got founded by husband Pieter's boss, Pieter J. Bels.
It was only in 1949 that these CONGRESSES came to life.
More about that below this first photo from 1959.
This photo is from the South of Sweden.
Pieter went to mushroom farm Fanmarps near Halmstad in South Sweden.
From the ISMS Congress, an excursion to Sweden was made. 
Those are actually MUSHROOMS grown outdoors!
This is a photo from husband Pieter's 1964 Dutch book: 'Moderne Champignonteelt'
Such methods are no longer being done!
Pieter J. Bels wrote in his lecture given at the 30th anniversary:
Let us start in the year 1949. Before that year mushroom growers were, in general, very secretive. There was practically no national and international contact. There were just a handful of mushroom researchers.
But then traveling started. Dr. Ware went to France; Lambert and Sinden to England; Mrs. Hauser to the U.S.A. and England and the Bels' to Switzerland, Belgium, England and Scandinavia.
The time seemed ripe for more international contact...
This is another part of that lecture:
The Third Congress was organized for 1956 in PARIS, by Sarazin, Heim and Dekeirel. Here we had simultaneous translation for the first time.
In 1957 "Mushroom Science 3" came out.
In 1956 we received an invitation from Hugary for the Congress in 1959.
Before we could send an answer, Russian tanks were in Budapest, actually on November 4, 1956.
As a young girl, in Kindergarten, I recall that we were praying hard for the people in Hungary!!! There was FEAR
So Hungary was out of the question. Conny Riber Rasmussen from DENMARK came up and helped us out. The 1959 Congress, the Fourth, was held in COPENHAGEN. Practically alone, with his enormous energy, Conny Riber Rasmussen organized this 4th Congress.
Prof. Paludan, now 89 years old and Dr. Treschow were President and Vice-President.
Conny's Congress was a success. We made an excursion to Sweden...
As seen in the FIRST picture, the reason for that excursion were the mushrooms grown in the soil, outdoors!
The mushroom industry sure has come a long way since then!
Sadly though, Hungary never made it back into hosting such an ISMS Congress...
They regained their freedom from Communism only 30 years later.
That is when they finally got rid of Socialism...
Politics and wars always affect the little people in a big way!
Husband Pieter became good friends with Conny and he has stayed with him for a week at the University Institute in Copenhagen. It was such an energetic scientist!
Here, Pieter is on the ferry from Hamburg, on his way to Denmark again in October of 1964 with some of his students on excursion to Conny Riber Rasmussen.
This was together with his ex–wife.
Younger brother from A. Veeken to the left, one of Pieter's Dutch students and Pieter to the right...
Under the Danish Flag...
Once ashore, they continued to travel in their cars and then a delicious Danish Smorgasbord awaited them!
Guest at Conny Riber Rasmussen's Research Station in Copenhagen, Denmark.
On the left is Conny Riber Rasmussen and Pieter is seated, 2nd from left and his ex is sitting next to him.
In 1964 they also visited the following mushroom farms:
 Chr. Tiedeman in Taatstrup.
Verner Rasmussen in Glostrup.
 J.F. Hansen in Herlev.
Erik Fladeland-Nielsen in Søborg.
E. Grevenkop-Carstenskiold in St. Frederikslund.
From Denmark they continued to F. Dohme in Hameln, Germany to visit his mushroom farm.
Also the Max Planck Instituut in Hamburg-Volksdorf where they met with Prof. Von Sengbusch.

Fond memories of Pieter's three trips to Denmark and his encounters during ISMS Congresses with Conny Riber Rasmussen.
He was quite famous at the time for reaching high yields in mushroom production by filling 2 trays with full grown compost and then layering the compost on top of each other.
At the time an average of 7 kg/m2 he managed to reach 10 kg/m2.

Fond Danish memories!

Related link:
Soviets Crush Hungarian Revolt (1956) | A Day That Shook the World 2 min. video showing the reason that the ISMS Congress had to be in Kopenhagen


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank für deinen beeindruckenden Post.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, diesmal war es über die Ferry die ab Hamburg nach Copenhagen geht...
      Etwas über deine Gegend.
      Liebe Grüße,

  2. Hello Mariette and Pieter, Of course, mushroom culture has gone on for millennia. but it is only in recent decades that the serious leaders in the field have come together and made a true science of it. How exciting that you, and especially Pieter, were at the forefront of mushroom science. These meetings that you are documenting show how the various experts came together and how the new field of exact mushroom science coalesced. The programs and photographs you are displaying to us, even the fun ones, genuinely show history in the making, and that is very exciting.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Pieter says: 'It has been my job and my passion and that way I've also made friends all over the globe.'
      It is indeed worthwhile for kind of documenting this pioneering work, before it would forever get lost in history.

  3. Hi Mariette! Really interesting memories. Have a nice weekend

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, those were husband Pieter's Scandinavian memories.
      That is one part where I've never been 'yet'...

  4. What amazing memories and so interesting

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, those early pioneers in mushroom growing deserve to never be forgotten!

  5. Such amazing history and photos of things most people never even think about. It's so easy to buy mushrooms but no one considers the science behind it and how the industry came about.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you for your meaningful words here and yes, there is a huge learning curve from the very beginning by the mushroom growers' early pioneers till now. From very simple beginnings, by studying nature we have made it into a high-tech art.

  6. Very interesting post. I had no idea this group even existed. We are starting to grow mushrooms as a hobby and just put plug spores in a log for hen of the woods mushrooms.
    I found your blog when I saw your comment on Katie Isabella's blog and saw you had cats too.

    1. Dearest Pilch92,
      Thanks for your visit and yes, we have also House Panthers + Tigers!
      Yes, the ISMS got founded by husband Pieter's boss in 1949.
      My husband founded the world's 1st and only practical training college as there was absolutely no information out there. Thus he wrote the book Modern Mushroom Growing that is translated into 8 official languages and is called the mushroom bible.
      You are lucky for being able to grow your own Maitake, Grifola frondosa!
      When husband Pieter went to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan as part of the People to People Citizen Ambassador Program, lecturing at different universities, he of course saw more about Maitake.
      You can search below my blog for labels and China, Hong Kong and also P.J.C. Vedder's Publications will yield you som more info.
      Both of us prefer the exotic mushrooms above the white button mushrooms, their taste is far better!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    what wonderful Momeories again! I always enjoy redaing, what you have ssen in your real interesting life!
    HAppy week to you,
    Lots of Love, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      This was not at all about me or what I have seen, as I have never been to any Scandinavian country myself, yet.

  8. It feels strange to see mushrooms grown outdoors on soil :-) Those are great photos of Pieter on the ferry and in the black and white photo!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It sure feels strange and that has long since been abandoned as it yielded only a limited crop.
      Especially fond memories of Pieter's science friend Conny with whom he spend quite some time together.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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