Guess most people DO love Poinsettias for the Advent and Christmas season.
But do you know its history?
Poinsettia Day ←click link
The date marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett, an American botanist, physician and Minister to Mexico who in 1828 sent cuttings of the plant he'd discovered in Southern Mexico to his home in Charlotte, South Carolina. Botanically, the plant is known as Euphorbia Pulcherrima.” (Submitted on March 11, 2010, by Brian Scott of Anderson, South Carolina.)
If you click on the above link: Poinsettia Day, you can read: In July of 2002, the House of Representatives created Poinsettia Day, passing a Resolution to honor Paul Ecke Jr. who is considered the father of the poinsettia industry.
These Poinsettias are photographed on the day I became an American Citizen.
On December 3, I forgot to celebrate my 30th birthday...
Joel Roberts Poinsett visited Guanajuato, México in 1822 and both of us were there in the end of March, 1999: Historic Town of Guanajuato, Mexico and Adjacent Mines ←click link
Cathedral Mexico City Zocala poinsettias ←click link for images to enjoy the RED SEA of POINSETTIAS during CHRISTMAS time. We both have visited that Cathedral and it is sad that it is sinking...
We even do have a Poinsettia tree in our garden; see previous blogpost about it below.
Photo from our Poinsettia with leather deer from India.
You can read that previous post below: History of the Poinsettia.
Did you know these facts about the Poinsettia?
Which is your favorite color?
Related links:
{Today I turned 17!} previous post by me — Yep on December 3 I did turn 30!
{Our Pinckneya Pubens - Poinsettia Tree} previous post by me about our Poinsettia Tree in our garden.
{History of the Poinsettia} previous post by me
{Poinsettia as Tree in Indonesia} | previous post by me
Are poinsettias poisonous to cats and dogs? | poinsettias are one of the best pet–friendly houseplants
Hi Mariette! My mom always had them. Usually red flowers.
Dearest Anne,
DeleteThey are such lovely plants to brighten our days in winter!
Fond memories for you...
I love the pink poinsettias best but usually end up with the red as there are always more of them available. Love the photo of you after attaining American citizenship!! Your tree is gorgeous, another benefit of living in the Southeastern part of the US. I had a gardenia bush in the Orlando area before moving out to Oregon.
ReplyDeleteDearest Helen,
DeleteHad almost forgotten about the pink variety and indeed, you don't see them as frequently.
Thank you for the compliment on my American Citizenship photo—30 years ago!
The tree is a very lanky one and only shows flowers at the tips but it is a special one.
Gardenia bushes we still have and enjoy so much!
I didn't know any of the history of poinsettias. I can't recall if I ever have had any, certainly not while I had cats, as the plants are toxic to them and none of them could have been trusted not to nibble!
ReplyDeleteDearest Kim,
DeleteYes, a very rich history and it is a plant loved by everyone.
No, poinsettias are not poisonous to cats, dogs or humans—read more here:
They are one of the best pet–friendly houseplants...
Dear Mariette, I once had a green thumb, and kept a poinsettia for 3 years and was able to get it to have red bracts again. Since then, not so much. I now just enjoy seeing pictures of them or going into the garden centers of the hardware store here, and seeing live ones. Same goes with not buying anymore autumn mums. Up here they do not transplant and survive the winters that late in the season. I appreciate your article and hope you have a sunny day.
ReplyDeleteWe have sun today and 26 this morn. First sun in 4 days. I can't wait for an afternoon walk in it.
Dearest Lynn,
DeleteWell, it is not only a green thumb but having luck for getting a strong plant! We too have kept one over for several years, inside our greenhouse during winter.
As I write this it is sunny and 39°F but after noon it will not be sunny and maximum 57°F.
Poinsetta Day is my kinda Day Mariette. I am a told nut case over any and all things RED.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Hugs Cecilia
Dearest Cecilia,
DeleteIt is however POINSETTIA Day and not Poinsetta.
Red seems to be the most attractive to people!
I wasn’t aware of the history of the Poinsettia plant. Interesting . Thanks for enlightening me.
ReplyDeleteDearest Debby,
DeleteIt is a relative young history since 2002.
Hello Marietta, Back in my office days everyone received a Poinsettia plant one year. Most people's died within a month or so, but somehow mine flourished for years, even though I do not have a green thumb. I don't recall what eventually became of that plant.
Dearest Jim,
DeleteWe managed to keep one for several years but they finally do become rather 'lanky' looking so you discard them...
I've always loved the red ones, Mariette, and I enjoyed reading about their origin. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without them!
Dearest Martha Jane,
DeleteGuess most people go for the red and that is also what they use in México for the majority. Those images near the Cathedral look stunning.
I didn't realize they had a Poinsettia Day. That's wonderful that you have a Poinsettia tree in your garden. Your little deer from India is very nice, a treasure for sure. My favorite Poinsettia color is RED. It just reminds me of Christmastime. I've been wanting to get one at the store, maybe soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a merry Christmas week, Mariette.
Dearest Sheri,
DeleteOur Poinsettia tree is barely visible amongst the huge neighbors surrounding it. But we did enjoy its blooms when we could still see them.
The leather deer is a handmade treasure and a nice gift from our final job in India. Fond memories.
No doubt you would go for the red!
Wishing you a meaningful 2nd Advent Week.
Never knew anything about them except that my Nan loved them and liked having them around the house during the Christmas season., I do think they are pretty
ReplyDeleteDearest Jo-Anne,
DeleteWell, we encountered them in Indonesia as tall but lanky trees.
Most people do love the small potted ones!
No conocía la historia, pero su presencia en los días de navidad, se ha extendido por el mundo entero.
ReplyDeleteYo tengo 4 plantas puestas en mi terraza y son de color rojo.
Un abrazo.
Querida Antónia,
DeleteEs un Día Nacional de la Flor de Pascua aquí en los EE. UU. desde 2002, pero de hecho, todo el mundo los ama.
Poinsettias are pretty, but they don't like our home, as soon as they get here, they begin to wilt...I think its too warm and dry in here.
ReplyDeleteIn our church congregation there are several greenhouse owners, and so there are always lots of Poinsettias in the, pink and white. Gorgeous!
Dearest Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs,
DeleteThey sure are pretty but they also love light and humidity.
Our homes in winter time are not ideal for that...
Oh, you are blessed with several greenhouse owners providing lots of Poinsettias for the sanctuary.
The United States is blessed to have such a kind soul as citizen. ~hugs~ As for the flower, classic red is my favorite. :) And somehow, my brother and sister-in-law managed to keep one thriving for years.
ReplyDeleteDearest Darla,
DeleteThank you for your kind words here!
Yes, it is possible for keeping those Poinsettia's alive and thriving.
Hello! Thank you for this information! I love a Poinsettia at Christmas. Red is my favorite, but white is pretty too. Have a lovely evening, my friend.
ReplyDeleteDearest Billie Jo,
DeleteThank you and indeed are the white Poinsettias lovely!
Great post on the Poinsettia Day and its rich history! I'm glad you've mentioned in a reply that it is a friendly plant to both humans and critters.
ReplyDeleteDearest Duta,
DeleteThank you and yes, Poinsettias are one of the best pet friendly plants.
I love poinsettias—they are so quintessentially Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading about its history, Mariette.
Hugs and blessings
Dearest Veronica,
DeleteYes, they sure ARE!
Thanks for the info. We never have these lovely plants at home as we have been told they are poisonous to cats.
The Chans
Dearest Chans,
DeleteThey are indeed lovely plants and contrary as what you've been told—one of the best pet–friendly houseplants. See my bottom link with full info 🐱
TBT: Marks Mews: I love Poinsettias. Red & Green and Winter is special. I do keep them out of the reach of The Mews though.
ReplyDeleteDearest Mark,
DeleteYes, they are fabulous for this season.
You need not worry about your Mews—Poinsettias are one of the best pet–friendly houseplants.
Danke für den schönen Beitrag Mariette... Was für eine wunderschöne Kathedrale in Mexiko Stadt mit dem Farbenrausch der Weihnachtssterne... danke, es ist wunderbar anzuschauen.
ReplyDeleteFrüher habe ich immer den Weihnachtsstern im Advent gekauft, es wurde jedoch jetzt von der Amaryllisblüte abgelöst und es muß für meine Begriffe das Rot sein.
Ich habe auch immer rote Kerzen in meinem Adventskranz zu dem Grün der Tanne. Es gefällt mir und ich bin es gewohnt aus Kindertagen.
Die liturgischen Farben des Kirchenjahres... so ist violett die Farbe der Vorbereitung... sind für mich, als Kind des Ostens, glücklicherweise nicht bindend.
Obwohl ich jetzt zunehmend auch violett und pink mag. Ich hatte mir im Sommer sogar ein violettes Leinenkleid genäht :-)))
Liebe Grüsse zu Euch beiden. Frohe Advents- und Festtage.
Liebe Viola,
DeleteJa, die vielen Poinsettias auf dem Platz der Kathedrale in Mexiko Stadt ist einen waren Traum!
Deine rote Kerzen im Adventskranz sind ja eine super Wahl.
Violett mag ich jedoch sehr, habe welche Pullis und einen Rock und Jacke...
Liebe Grüße und einen bedeutungsvollen Advent,
To have flowers of Poinsettia inside the home, too is tradition, in my island Mallorca. It is very nice.
ReplyDeleteDearest. J.S. Vila,
DeletePoinsettias are the best for this season!
Enjoy yours.
Poinsettias have an interesting history. Wonerful post with lots of great links!
ReplyDeleteDearest Peter,
DeleteYes, it is a remarkable history!
Thank you and enjoy your Advent Season.
Poinsettias are indispensable to Christmas now. Their bright red gives us warmth and happiness in cold days. Thank you for the interesting information.
ReplyDeleteDearest RTC,
DeleteYes, they are and they surely do brighten up the cold and/or cold days.
Glad you enjoyed reading it.
Lieve mariette,
ReplyDeleteIk heb twee kerststerren in de keuken.
In de kamer een Helleborus Niger.
Wat ik ook leuk vind en vandaag gehaald heb, is een bos eucalyptus.
Ik wens jou alvast hele fijne kerstdagen toe.
Lieve groetjes,
Lieve Hilly,
DeleteJa, je hebt mooie dingen gekozen voor de sfeer en ook die bos—geurende eucalyptus.
Een stemmige Advent en heel fijne Kerstdagen!
We love these poinsettias, Mariette🌸Granny thought they were toxid for us kitties, but now we know they're not, Granny will buy one...or two soon😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞
ReplyDeleteDearest Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny,
DeleteGlad you will be getting one or twoo Poinsettias soon.
They are sure popular in our area too and are alway perfect for gift giving!
ReplyDeleteDearest Brian,
DeleteYes, for gift giving that is a great idea.
Poinsettias are beautiful - but their milky sap is toxic to kitties, so We don't have any in the house, because Shimshi eats anything he can get his teeth into.
ReplyDeleteDearest J–Cats,
DeleteYes, they are beautiful and also safe for Shimshi as they are one of the best pet–friendly houseplants.
You obviously skipped my final link (below post) with full expert info...
Neat facts about the poinsettia plants :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the information that they are safe for animals to be around :)
Purrs, Winnie
Dearest Winnie,
DeleteYes, Poinsettias are safe around pets!
Olá, querida Mariette, gostei de ler a história dessa planta, elas têm
ReplyDeletea característica aqui de decorarem as mesas natalinas, eu tenho,
decoro com elas, também. Ficam arranjos lindos, alegres.
Deixo meus votos de um Feliz Natal e um 2024 bem melhor, com mais
amor, solidariedade, saúde e paz! Será que peço demais para um mundo
que está muito violento?
Grande abraço para você e Pieter!
Prezada Taís,
DeleteBem, você não pede muito a este mundo, mas vamos todos ESPERAR que as coisas deem certo em paz!
Tivemos uma apresentação maravilhosa do Messias esta manhã com coral e orquestra.
Desejando a você e a Pedro um Advento significativo e muito amor,
They're beautiful plants. I love your deer too!
ReplyDeleteDearest Melissa and kitties,
DeleteThank you and yes, that handmade leather deer was a gift for our consulting work in India—we treasure that.
Mariette, thanks for stopping by. I've been drinking herbal and all natural teas without caffeine. Some of my favorites are chamomile and peppermint. I like green tea also, but most of the ones I find have caffeine, so I haven't bought it. I hope you are enjoying this Merry Christmas season.
Dearest Sheri,
DeleteWrapping your hands about a cup of hot tea is such a bliss during this time of the year.
You know what to drink!
Enjoy the remainder of Advent.
Earl Gray hot for me. By the way, that was interesting learning about Poinsettias. And is your birthday December 3rd, really. Happy belated birthday to you, XXOO
ReplyDeleteDearest Katie Isabella,
DeleteOh, wish to be able to share a cuppa WITH you!
Poinsettias do have a remarkable history and will forever remain a Christmas favorite.
Yes, December 3rd I proudly turned 30...
And that leather deer is a beautiful work that the artisan did. What a lovely gift and unusual.
ReplyDeleteDearest Katie Isabella,
DeleteIt certainly made an incredible and highly unusual gift!
Thanks for the history lesson. Suddenly, it makes poinsettias more relevant. Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteDearest Wendy,
DeleteYou are quite welcome and it looks like poinsettias belong with this season!
Wishing you, your loved ones and your Dani girl a Merry Christmas and stay cozy.
Liebe Mariette,
ReplyDeletedas ist eine spannende Geschichte vom Weihnachtsstern, danke fürs Schreiben darüber. Ich mag ihn am liebsten in ROT, so ein paar mehr beieinander machen noch mehr her.
Für Dich und Pieter frohe, besinnliche Weihnachten und startet ins neue Jahr gesund und munter.
Alles Liebe von Traudi.💗
Liebe Traudi,
DeleteJa die Weihnachtsstern is sehr geliebt überall und gehört dazu.
Auch für euch alle ein froher Weihnachten und alles gute zum 2024!
Liebe Grüße,
Poinsettia is a lovely flower and it was a interesting story! Wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS Mariette :)
ReplyDeleteWarm hug from Titti
Dearest Titti,
DeleteThank you and the very same to you and yours!
Mi è sempre piaciuta la pianta della stella di Natale.Molto bella la storia.Buon Natale.
ReplyDeleteCara Olga,
DeleteGrazie e anche a tutti voi Buon Natale!